WEEK’S ACTIVITIES IN CEDAR MILL AREAI BE A V E R T O N « 1 2 r i M i m W PnW n W 'm I ■ I ■ A T h l E N T R A N C E ON B E R T H A -B E A V E R T O N r ' ‘I n L fl ~mm 11 BE A V E R T O N C IT T l im it s Box O ffice Open; 6;45 Show S t u t s 7; 15 p. m. week d a y i S u n d a y Box O ffice open 6;15. Show Starts 6;45 p. m. F rid a y a n d S a tu rd a y . O ctober 21 a n d 22 "GRAPES OF W R A TH " H enry Fonda, Jan e Darwell 'T O B A C C O ROAD" Dana Andrews, G ene Tierney N ew s and Carinoli S u n d a y a n d M onday, O ctober 23, 24 "H IS G IR L FR ID A Y" Cary Grant, Roualine R ussell "R E B EC C A OF SUN N Y BROOK FA RM " Shirley Tem ple N ew s a n d C a rto o n T u ea d ay , W ednesday, T h u rsd a y , O cto b e r 25, 26, 27 "C A N Y O N PASSAGE" Susan Hayw ard, Brian Donlevy " S LIG H T LY FREN CH " Don Am eche, D orothy Lamour C a rto o n F rid a y an d S a tu rd a y , O ctober 28, 2» "W H ISPERIN G SM ITH" (T echnicolor) A lan Ladd "N IG H T UNTO N IG H T" R onald R egan, V eicia Lindfors N ew s a n d C a rto o n B EAVER bt THEATRE Phone 4293 Beaverton Wednesday thru Saturday, October 19, 20, 21, 22 "CASABLANCA". Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman "G-MEN". James Cagney Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, October 23, 24, 25 YOU'RE MY EVERYTHING". Dan Dailey, Anne Baxter THE FAN", Jeanne Crain, Madeleine Carroll, George Sanders, Richard Greene Wednesday thru Saturday, October 26, 27, 28, 29 "HOUSE OF STRANGERS". Edw. G. Robinson, Susan Hayward "BRIMSTONE", Rod Cameron Walter Brennan PTÁ MEETING GUESTS SPEAKER DESCRIBES UNESCO PURPOSES By Gertrude Pennoni CEDAR M IL L --Scheduled for the P arent Teacher m eetin g T hursday Oct. 27 8 p. m. at the school house is a program on U NESCO with Dean Anderson, E xecu tive Secre- tary of the Oregon C om m ission foi UNESCO as gu est speaker. H is description o f talk w ill include the UNESCO program , it’s purpose and what it actu ally stan d s for. E veryone is extended a cordial Invitation to attend. At the conclusion of the PTA m em bership drive Friday, a total of 140 m em bers had been enrolled. The fifth and sixth grade room had the h ighest percen tage of m em bers to en title them to the prize of a painting for their room. A ttending the W ashington C oun ty council m eeting as represen ta tives from the Cedar Mill PTA Tuesday. Oct. 11 w as Mrs. Paul Friesen, Mrs. F W. M erew ether, Mrs. Claude Cover and Mrs. A rthur R. Pearson. Study club m eetin gs started Mon day night at the C. W. Cover hom e w ith a descussion on the E ducation Bill under discussion w hich recom m ends Federal aid to schools. In O ctober the second in the study club series will be held at the hom e of Mrs Arthur R. Pearson. ERIE.VI J T f N jW I evening i q , j M r an J | s tocklor PAULSON'S CAFE N. E. C A N Y O N RO A D C H IC K EN , STEAK DINNERS — SHORT ORDERS TR Y OUR DELICIOUS HOMEMADE PIE / This Week's Special PECAN N UT ICE CREAM By M rs. H elen H an so n BA C K T O N E IG H B O R H O O D BO NN Y S L O P E -T h e com m unity Mr. and Mrs. Jam es H insdale club house w ill be the scene of a are liv in g back in the com m unity "Hobo Party" on October 29th. again a fter being aw ay for quite sponsored by th e Bonny Slope som e tim e. C om m unity Club. T h ey are now living in the home T here w ill be free entertf in- that w as fo im erly occupied by Mr. m ent and a barn dance. and Mrs. N orm an Turner and fam N o “gal" over eight years old ily. will be adm itted unless she brings N E W GYM EXCAVATION an in exp en sive box lunch for two E xcavation for the new g y m n a wrapped in new spaper. sium at B onny Slope School was N o “fella", eig h t or over w ill be started th is past week. adm itted u ntil he pays the price It is to be constructed of pum ice for a box lunch at the door. blocks and it is hoped th a t the N o refresh m en ts will be for sale gym w ill be ready for use th e last that ev en in g to any one except to of the year. kiddies under eigh t years old. VFVV H A M D IN N E R T here w ill be three tables, one T he ham dinner that w as served for the grade school youngsters, by V F W Post 8247 and the ladies one for the high school group, and au xiliary on O ctober 14th w as a one for the old folks. Free co ffee big su ccess. T h ey report serving w ill be served to the adults and at least tw o hundred people and a cold drink for the young folks. clearing ap proxim ately ninety-five C ED A R MILL- P resid ing at the Come in your old clothes. E vety- dollars. com m unity club m eetin g W ed n es one is invited. Mrs. C a r r o l l Coppinger had day evening at the school house M usic for th e barn dance will be ch arge of the dinner and several w as L. S. U ppinghouse, vice pres by neighborhood talent. of the lad ies of the au xiliary did ident in the absence o f Mr. A1 N O N LY H U N T F O R D E E R th e servin g. French, president A party on N o Mr. and Mrs. J ess C hastain and INTO N E W HOM E vem ber 19 will be strictly for en ter d augh ter Sandra motored to Glen- Mr. and Mrs. C. I. F aris and tainm ent of club m em bers. wood. Oregon, October 8th to spend d augh ter T helm a m oved into their R eporting on receip ts from the the w eek-end w ith Mr. and Mrs. H. new hom e on Thom pson Road recent country fair given by the M. Sm ith, parents of Mrs. C hastain last w eek. club, Mr. George Burke, treasurer ! T h ey w ent deer hunting w hile T hey form erly resided on Lam announced a net profit of approx there, but report no luck. bert S treet in Portland. im ately $456 ON R E V IS IT A T IO N CLCB C A R D PA RTY A com m ittee com prised of Mrs. | M elvin H arrington, of Corvallis, The n ext card party of the Bonny W. A. Holley. Mr* B V U lV t and: visited friend s in Bonny Slope last Slope C om m unity Club w ill be held Mrs. A1 N. French w as named to w eek. on O ctober 22, at 8:30 p. m. at the contact available sou rces for shrub M elvin resided here for several club house. bery and trees for school ground years w ith h is parents, Mr. and i P in o ch le and cribbage w ill be I planting. Mrs. J a m es H arrington, who now th e g a m es of th e evening, and a N am ed on the n om in ating com reside in L exington, Mo. light lunch w ill be served. m ittee to select n om in ees for o f fices for next year and to report at the next m eetin g w ere Mr. N. T. Stevens, Mrs. E. V. Love, Mr. Jack Merrill, Mr. Phil T horne and Mrs. Jack M utchler. E n terta in m en t w as provided from colored film slides taken by j L. W. K in gsley w hich he projected on th e screen. Included were pic tu res taken at the sum m er club picnics, carnival and of the pio- LO V ELY TH IN GS gress o f the scout cabin which Is a club project. T he orchestra o f Leedy O range m em bers w ith Mr. Carl Breuohert LO V ELY LADIES d irectin g furnished m usical num bers. SUITS - COATS - M ILLIN ER Y Community Club Plans Shrubbery For School Yard SANDW ICH ES "THE BRIBE" Robert Taylor, Ava "THE KISSING BANDIT" Hu.fhrvn Gardner hrnvann S unday, M onday, T u esd ay , O cto b e r 23, 24, 25 " U / n n n e m n M IIC If<<^n Technicolor. Starring June Ally- wunua «HD muait, „on J,erry Como, Judy Garland. Lena Horne, G ene Kelly, M ickey Rooney, Ann Sothern W ednesday thru Saturday, October 26, 27, 28, 29 "ABBOTT and COSTELLO MEET THE KILLER. BORIS KARLOFF" JOHNNY STOOL PIGEON Howard Duff, Dan D uryea HAY - FEED - PO ULTRY SUPPLIES FISHER THORSEN PAINTS PLUM BING A N D ELEC T R IC A L SUPPLIES F U LL SAFE DEPOSIT BOX SERVICE A M ER ICA N EXPRESS M ONEY ORDERS CA LL GRIFFITH & MEEKE offices P IN K A N D B L U E SH O W ER G uest of honor W ednesday after- noon w as M rs. E lm er R eeves at a j pink and blue sh ow er at the hom e o f Mrs. H. A. P eterson who w as h ostess. A large crow d of relatives and friend s attend ed show ering her w ith lovely gifts. T he show er w as held In com hlna- i tion w ith the first fall m eeting of j the Cornell club. Mrs. W. J. P o le tte will entertain j at her hom e next on Tuesday, O c tober 25. FR O M V IC T O R IA , B. C. G uests for 10 d ays late In Sep- j tem ber were Mr. and Mrs Marshall j 8. Crozler of V ictoria, B. C. at the , home o f the N. T. Stevens. Mrs. | Crozler Is Mrs. S te v en s’ sister. On their return trip, Mrs. S teven s accom panied them as far as Seat- j tie w here she w as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Moller. LOS A N G E L E S V A CA TIO N Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Voss left Sunday for a vacation in Los A ngeles w here they are the g u ests j of their daughter, Mrs Thom as Smith. 59 Broadway, Beaverton BEAVER BROOK FOUNTAIN N ear B eaverton H igh School CO M E IN A N D PLA Y SHUFFLEBOARD Open 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. Closed Sundays FO U N TA IN S E R V IC E __________________S A N ENJOY A T A S T Y , D ELICIO U S M ERCH A N TS LU N C H Open from noon til 1 a. m. Closed Mondays & Tuesdays THE OLD HEIDELBERG A ddress your letter to Mslla. Moe, S. A frica nnd she w ill get It. All S. Africa k now s M slla Moe. In the first W orld War. Gen. Al- lenby had his troops salute as they m arched by. And w hen this fa m ous general had tak en Jerusalem , he h im self w rote Malta Moe and In longhand, to tell her how he did It. And w hy la this w om an now 86. ao honored* It Is that all these years she has gon e up and down 8 Africa opening their darkened m inds to the T rue Light. Jesus the L ight o f the W orld Even more W hen they saw her, they saw C hrist th e Lord w ho cam e to seek and to save that which Is lost T I KN T O T H E 1 JO H T And m ay you also turn to the L ight. T ak e your stand that Christ, the E ternal Son, died for all your alns At that, God the F ath er gives you new birth Into eternal life Then, dark days or sunny, look utterly to Christ to power you N ew d ays anil new w ays prove the new life .—I am com e that thev m ight h ave life J E S U S CHRIST. BIBLE. John 10 10 BILL'S RICHM AID W est “Y ” on Canyon ICE CREAM Road, Beaverton We have a variety of flavors to please all sorts Gallon, Half Gallon, Cones, Pints and Quarts WAH NOM (Formerly Jerry Reed's) NOW OPEN BRING TH E EN TIRE FA M ILY ; A tasty, different type of meol, prepared by superb Chinese cooks, in an atmosphere you will enjoy. Come in today. — HOURS— 4,00 P. M. To 2,00 A. M. Saturdays 4,00 P. M. To 3,00 A. M. Sundays 3,00 P. M. To Midnight WAH NOM Open every Thursday, Friday, Saturday ROSE CHAN Manager BEacon 5477 f PLA CE YOUR HALLOWEEN ORDERS NOW ^ ft ORANGE and BLACK FROSTINGS ft | DISCOUNT W ITH LARGE ORDERS W E DELIVER THE ALOHA DONUT SHOP Four Doors W est From Post O ffice ALOHA P H O N E 6125 • She knows HOW MUCH she paid and for W HAT • She knows W HOM she paid and W HEN • She knows W H ER E she stands finan cially today and every day. ORDERS TAKEN NOW ! FOR THAT HALLOWE'EN PARTY B E C A U S E she pays all her bills by CHECK Open a checking account in this bank NOW . . and know ALL the answers ALL the time! easy DONUTS OF A LL KINDS CH O CO LATE ar ORANGE — The Commercial Bank of Oregon M EM BER CANYON HOAD W EST SLO PE F E D E R A L D E P O SIT IN SU R A N CE CORPORATION G LA ZED ar FROSTED d is c o u n t o n f i v e d o z e n o r m o r e ORDER NOW n 8. W M rCheanev Rd.. Portland 1 Oregon. ThU apace paid for by a S eattle fam ily. Beaverton Phone 2471 HOUSE CApital 3118 CO FFI BOB'S ICE CREAM Blanding's Dream House W ednenday th r u S a tu rd a y , O cto b er 19, 20, 21, 22 FOUNTAIN SERVICE TIT FOR A KING! HOBO PARTY AND BARN DANCE FEATURES BOX LUNCH, COFFEE FASHION A loha, O regon — P hone, A loha 64 F re e P a rk in g l o t fo r O u r P atro l ^ jj Of ^ P lE A S U R E ^ ’ B eaverton G range w ill hold a bazaar and serve a ham dinner Saturday, Oct. 22, in their hall, F ront and A ngel streets. A prons, tea tow els, infants' clo th in g and candy w ill be sold, com m en cin g a t 3 p. m. D in ner w ill be served from 5:30 to 7.30 p. m. The public is invited. P la n s are under way for a series of card parties to com m ence in N ovem ber. yj rs J from a ! „ „ ln^ gQn jn g uest Beavert'n Grange Bazaar-Dinner BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE— Friday, October 21, 1949 CALL BEAVERTON 4575 THE DONUT KETTLE BEAVERTON Road P h o n e 1575 5