le job. 1 with elect- itatt's- r. But BEAVERTON AREA BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL LISTINGS HEATING a l t e r a t io n s GRAUER & ACKERMAN FLORENCE'S SEWING CENTER Buttons - Buckles - Belts Covered Dressmaking .. Button Holes .. Hemstitching 47 N. E. Broadway, Beaverton Phone 4463 ax) INSURANCE a p p l ia n c e s APPLIANCES DOUGHTYS "Largest Selection of Electrical Appliances In Beaverton” 1445 N. E. Canyon Road Beaverton 4175 >M KINGSLEY-BEAVERTON LUMBER CO. Hot Point - Maytag "Every Appliance for the Home” On Canyon Rd. Beaverton 4182 East of Beaverton or ATwater 4507 Dutch Boy Paints Roofing — Insulations 237 Farmington (rext to Kiw&nis Hall) BEAVERTON Phone 4449 CANYON BEAUTY STUDIO Guaranteed Permanent Waving AT 2893 I WEST SLOPE LUMBER YARD DR. FRANK McBRIDE For Anything in Building Material—We Have it—Will Get it or It Isn't Made Manning Bldg., Beaverton For Appointment Phone Beaverton 3571 PAINTING CARPENTER MILTON R. DRAKE C. MICKELSEN HI Home Builder ID I Rt. 3, Box 249 - Remodeling Beaverton 4194 Free Estimates ______ _ m ÜJ HI Painting - Papering Contract Work Free Estimates Work Guaranteed 260 S. W. 9th St., Beaverton Phone 4962 PLUMBING CLEANERS' CLEARWATER PLUMBING COOK'S CLEANERS & DYERS jjj I -< u “Home of Fine Cleaning" S and H Green Stamps Beaverton 3891 376 S. W. Canyon Rd. BEacon 6757 Hj = if Eighth mile west of Beaverton on Canyon Rd. 9049 S. W. Canyon Rd.______ BRoadway 6122 jjj ni Rare-Dwarf Evergreens Beaverton 3651 OPTOMETRIST- BUILDING MATERIAL IH m Camellias , V a \N Rhododendrons ( q g jjj l / Evergreen Specialist DREW'S ILEX NURSERY 9101 S. W. Canyon Road Evenings by Appointment i IH ROOFING - INSULATION SASH and DOORS Beaverton Phone 3821 NURSERY BEAUTY SALON ID Phone 3201 W . J. McCREADY LUMBER CO ATTORNEY - AT - LAW Ml m IH 3 Ü ili 1 Beaverton LUMBER THURLOW WEED mi THOMAS S. DUTHIE 680 S. E. 13th St., Beaverton, Ore. Phone 4240 "Insure and Be Sure” GRAUER & ACKERMAN ATTORNEY sins • FIRE - ALTO - LIABILITY • BONDS LUMBER APPLIANCES Hj Furnaces — Floor Furnaces Oil Burners - Circulators Controls - Repair Service Phones Beaverton 4182 or AT 4607 Electric and Gas Water Heaters Fairbanks-Morse Pumps and Service Beaverton Phone 4581 PLUMBING DRY CLEANING CARLSON PLUMBING CO. IDEAL CLEANERS "Quality Work at Economy Prices 621 Canyon Road at Cedar St., at West ”Y" Beaverton 4281 "20 Years Experience” Material and Workmanship Guaranteed Beaverton 4118 Charles Carlson Ted Sanborn Harrell Studio Wishes You PRINTING FEED AND SEED THE BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE PROGRESS FEED CO. Personal and Business Stationery Office Forms and Cards Farm Feeds - Seeds - Special Mixtures Dealers for Hodgen-Bi ewster Centennial Feeds HARRY PALO HOWARD TYLER Progress, Oregon Call Beaverton 4020 For Service Phone Beaverton 2321 RADIO FEED RADIO SERVICE AT ITS FINEST Modern Equipment Technical Know-How HOLLAND FEED STORE Hay — Grain — Poultry Supplies Beaverton BEAVER RADIO Seeds Phone 3811 Across from Telephone Office 109 S. W. Watson, Beaverton 4942 REAL ESTATE FEEDS Horticultural, Agricultural and Supplies Florist FINDLEY MILLING CO. 16 S. E. Farmington E. L. WORD, Real Estate Farms - Suburbans - Residential 1210 N. E. Canyon Road Beaverton 4531 Portland Capital 2211 Beaverton REFRIGERATION FILING U. S. GRINDING SHOP 315 Farmington Rd.. Next to Logan A Page Knives. Scissors. Lawn Mowers, Saws, Axes. Hand Sickles REDFIELD REFRIGERATION Service and Repair on All Makes Refriger­ ators, Washing Machines, Ranges and Motors Phone Beav. 4985 1582 N. E. Center St. SEWER HOOK UP FLORIST BEAVERTON FLORIST BEAVER PLUMBING FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Deliveries to Hillsboro and Portland 1650 S. E. Lombard St. Phone Beaverton 2525 For Sewer Hookups We can save you money Beaverton 4346 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LABBE FLOWERS W E D D IN G S O U R S P E C IA L T Y Near Sunset Highway Bridge 6802 S. W Canyon Rd ATwater 1089 FURNITURE- TERRY'S FURNITURE CO. “ New and Used" Household Furnishings. Quaker Oil Heater» Montag Electric Ranges, All Sizes 2286 N. E. Canyon Rd Beaverton 4703 GARAGE KIRWAN'S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE Comple’ e Automotive Repairing HANCOCK SUPER SERVICE STATION Across from Safeway Store Phone Beaverton 2531 Peer hunteis' report raid re­ A cover crop including a cereal turns are lagging behind last year and a legume seeded together will provide more green material than it was announced today by the in the either seeded alone and will have Oregon s ‘ ate Game Commission Almost three thousand caids had added insurance against crop fail- . COMMI MTV CU CUCHES ure. states Arthur S King. OSC been ma‘W inl° ,he F*«^tl«r.tt of- fice of the commission first week soil conservation specialist, who adds that winter cover crops are a time, but more than three times necessary part of good soil manage­ that many had been returned af ter the first week of the 1948 sea­ ment CEDAR MILL COMMUNITY ALOHA ASSEMBLY OF GOD son. All hunters who purchase a The grain in the mixture pro­ CHURCH Rev. Rllla Mae Stephens, Paator deer tag are required to send in vides the most dependable cover. 12208 N. W. Cornell Road Sunday School 10 am. This Legumes are sometime* killed by the completed return card. at Church St. Wednesday 7:45 p.m. Prayer extreme weather, pests or disease, must be done whether a kill is Simon E. Foraberg, Minister meeting. made or not and whether the tag the specialist points out. 8318 S. W. Canyon Road To qualify as a "good” cover buyer hunts or not. Portland 1, Oregon BEicon M w PILGRIM LUTHERAN CHURCH Early returns always run high crop, however, the mixture must 9:45 a.m. Sunday Bible School Farmington at Menlo, Beaverton make an early fall growth to pro­ in kills as those hunters not hav­ 11:00 a.m. Morning Service. ing made a kill usually wait until Erwin A. Oerken, Pastor vide a cover during cold winter 7:00 p.m. Young People's Hour weather and produce a heavy ton­ the close of the season before re­ (Senior and Junior). Telephone Beaverton 3441 nage of green material to be plow­ porting. To date out of 2.965 re­ Sunday School 9:30 a.m. 7:45 p.m. Evening Gospel Hour turns 2.938 have been reports of ed under early In the spring. Divine Service 10:30 a.m. Thuraday 7:46 p.m Bible Stud) Clean-cultivated orchards, onm- kills. Lake. Deschutes, Klamath, Lutheran Hour, KALE 9:30 a.m. mercial vegetable land, hopyards, and Tillamook Counties lead the BETHEL CONGREGATIONAL | and berry plantings are all ex- list of kills at this time. CHURCH CHURCH OF CHRIST Mr. C. A laiokwood, Oregon 1 amples of land that will profit by 630 Watson Street Phone 458<' Second and Main Streets State Game Director, stated that I the protection afforded by a grow­ Albert F. King, Minister George W. Springer, Paator hunters ing cover crop during the late fall, he hoped the Oregon Church School: 9:45 a.m. Morning worship and preaching would continue the fine coopera­ winter and early spring months, Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m. service 9:45 a.m. j Cover crops are a source of or- tion in making these returns that Pilgrim Fellowship: 7:00 p.m. Evening worship 8 p.m. was evident last year. The returns 1 ganic matter and will prevent Bible School class session 11 I fertility losses through leaching in 1948 in Oregon were as high THK VALLEY COMMUNITY a.m. On soils with low fertility and as any **»te has ever had. Lock IrNITED PRESBYTERIAN Ghrlstian Endeavor 7 p.m. where legumes have been unsuc- wood also pointed out that the CHURCH Midweek Bible Study. Thursday cessful. King recommends use of law allows the Commission to re 7860 S. W. Brentwood Ave. 8 p.m. I Abruzzi rye as a cover crop. In fuse tags the following year to West Slope addition to a heavy seeding, he any hunter who fails to make a Rev. H. A.. Armltage, Paator RHEDVILLE COMMUNITY suggests use of fall and spring report. He also stated that ad- Morning worship: 11:00 a.m. applications of nitrogen fertilizer, ministiatlve machinery has now I'REM BYTE RIAN CHURCH Bible School: 8:45 a.m. Where possible it is also recom- l*en set up which will enable the Rev. Graham Gilmer, Pastor Youth and adult meetings: 6:30 mended that a drill he used to in- Commission to cross check these Sunday School 9:45 A. M p.m. sure a thick, even cover stand, returns. Mid-week meeting Wednesday. Worship Service 11 A. M. Added cover in orchards will be “I feel certain that the hunters 7:00 p.m. Young People’s C. E. 7 P. M. : provided if the tree rows are drill- >n Oregon want to cooperate in | ed both ways. The specialist also furnishing this needed informa- SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH OF THE NAZAItENK urges "across slope" drilling to tion, Lockwood said, "and I cer- CHURCH Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor prevent soil erosion. talnly hope that it will not he nee 5th & Angel Sts., Beaverton Phone Beaverton4346 Rough, cloddy soil surfaces will «'««ary to refuse future deer tags A. Ruining, Pastor Sunday School 9:46 a.m. aid water penetration and reduce hunters failing to report." Sabbath School (Saturday) 9:45 Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. erosion until the crop has a chance a.m. Hl-N-Y and N.Y.P.S. 6:30 p.m. The great and the little have to become establiehed. Soil that Preaching Service (Saturday) Evangelistic service 7:30 p.m. has been left rough in the fall will need one of another. Mid-week prayer meeting, Wed­ Thomas Fuller 11:00 a.m. be much easier to work next spring Prayer meeting, Wednesday 8:00 nesday, 7:45 p.m. as compared with soil that is LEGAL NOTICE p.m. j worked down to a packed, fine CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF I mulch. Estate: John Peterson HIGHWAY CHAPEL L A T T E » DAY SAINTS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Full Gospel Church ODD FELLOWS HALL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, I.EGAL NOTICE Canyon Highway A Mill Street 53 N. W. Broadway Beaverton That the undersigned, Cleon E. Orville J. Poulin, Minister C. H. Peterson, Branch Présidant Kehm, has been appointed ndmin- SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING Sunday School to A. M. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, '«trator of the estate of JOHN Morning Worship at 11 a.m. Sacrament Meeting 7 p.m. in compliance with Sec. 111-908. PETERSON, deceased, by the Evening Service 8 p. m. O. C. L. A., to the legal voters of County Court of Washington Coun Thursday Night Service 8 p. m. j CANYON ROAD BAPTIST School District No. 107, of Wash ^ Oregon. All persons having CHURCH ington County, State of Oregon claims against said estate are ST. CECILIA CHURCH N. E. Canyon Road at McClain hereby notified to present the that a SPECIAL SCHOOL MEET- Masses: 7 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 10 a.m Drive and Lake Road ! JNG of said District will be held same, duly verified as by law re­ Sunday school at 9;45 a. m. at Schoolhouse, on the 1st day of quired to the undersigned at the FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Worship service 11 a. m. and November, 1949, at 8 p.m., for the office of J. O. Johnson, Tigard, 9;45 a. m. Church School. 11 a. m. 7;45 p. m. Oregon, within six months from following objects: To vote on the Morning worship. 6:45 p. m. M.Y.F. Wednesday prayer meeting, 7;45 4th and Watson Streets acquisition of the following des­ the date thereof. p. m. Dated this 22nd day of Septem­ Rev. Mark B. Lloyd, Pastor cribed real property at a price Res. 5625 N. Kerby Ave., Portland. not to exceed the amount appiop- ber, 1949. ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN Telephone WEbster 8978. CLEON E. KEHM, riated for this purpose at the CHURCH Administrator. budget election of May 23, 1949. COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH J. O. JOHNSON. Canyon Road at Jobnaon All the following described Aloha, Oregon Attorney for Administrator Leonard Kutz, Pastor property situated in the County Erllng Monnea, Minister Johnson Building, Tigard Sunday School 9:45 a.m. of Washington and State of Ore­ Date of first publication, Sept. Sunday School at 9:48 am. Divine Service 11:00 a.m. gon: 23, 1949. Morning Worship at 11:00. Rev. Russell B. Thomas, Pastor PARCEL I: Date of last publication, Oct. 21, B. Y. F. and Juniors 8:30 p.m. 2618 N. E. 20th Ave. Portland The West 2 acres of Lot 303, 1949. Evening service at 7:M p.m. Phone WEbster 5528 Johnson Estate Addition to Beaverton-Reedville Acreage, and the South 0.67 acre of Lot 274. Johnson Estate Addition to Beaverton-Reedville Acre­ age, excepting therefrom for road purposes the following described tract: Beginning at the northeast cot net- of the above described land and run­ ning thence west on the north line thereof 12 feet; thence in a southeasterly direction to a point on the east line of said . I n Lot 274, which point is 12 feet south of the northeast cor­ ner of said 0.67 acre tract; Æ thence north to the place of beginning. PARCEL II: The East 8 acres of the John M. Olson tract in Section 18. Township 1 South Range 1 West of W.M., more particular­ ly described as follows:, Beginning at the Northwest corner of James H. Reed D. L. C. No. 40, Township 1 South Range 1 West of W M ; thence South O degrees 17' West 155.1 feet to the true place of beginning; thence South 1 degree 24' West 528.2 feet; thence South 89 degrees 28’ West 15 chains; thence North 1 degree 30' East 528.2 i feet to the South line of the Shaw tract as described in i Book 106 page 506, Deed Rec­ ords of Washington County, Oregon: thence East along thp South line of Shaw tract 15 chains to the place of begin­ ning. Dated this 11th day of October. 1949. ATTEST Katharine B. Plair District Clerk A B. Showalter Chairman Board of Directo s Publication dates October 14-21. 1949. CHAMBERLIN'S COMPLETE SHOE REPAIR SERVICE A MERRY CHRISTMAS ;sSP- In Walkers Dept. Store LEGAL WATKINS PRODUCTS For Delivery on Your Favorite Products Write or See J. L. BENSON 213 S W Washington, Beaverton WROUGHT IRON Special Price on Weather Vanes DALTON A CO. ■*Anything In Wrought Iron ’ Grills. Ratling«. Gates, Fences. Guards Lanterns 3*8 Canvon Road Beaverton Phone 4/)36 NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court for Washington County. Oregon. Estate of Elsie O'Jala, deceased The undersigned has been ap­ pointed administrator of the Es- tate of Elsie O’Jala, deceased, and has qualified All persons having claims against the estate of said deceased may present such claims duly verified to the undersigned A. A. BOETTCHER. Administrator 9103 Bertha - Beaverton Highway, Beaverton. Ore. First publication October 7, 1949 Last publication October 28. 1949 PLAN N O W . . . for the finest gift of all ! . . . Your Photograph by I j ' j HARRELL PHONE 4988 BEAVERTON STUDIO P O R IM IM thk m ost e tM O N A i Glfl for your appointment J