Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1949)
BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE -Friday, October 14, 1949 ed in history. According to Dean's Rexall Drugs I two-page retail-type ads will ap- I pear in October issues of five na- I tional magasines, actually listing sale products and their prices. This An estimated 400.000 inches of | phase of the campaign is consider- newspaper space has been reserved ed to be an Innovation in the field by Rexall Drugstores to advertise of advertising. The Rexall Drug Company's the Rexall Drug Company's Fall One-Cent Sale, it was learned to Sunday evening radio show, star- day from Dean’s. Rexall Drugs at | ring Phi! Harris and Alice Kaye, Beaverton. ten million circulars, special store Set for October 19, 20. 21 and 22. displays and stunts all will fea- the “ Two For The Price Of One, ture the four-day sale. Plus One Cent" sale is expected to ! ' The semi-annual sale dates back be one of the most highly advertis- ; 35 years to 1914,'' Mr Mourer said. 400,000 Inches Advertising Space To Learn Sale Priced so low it isn't worth all the trouble doing it at home $ 4 95 SALON "M a k e Beauty a H a b it" Aloha 6434 Huber FOR THE BEST INSU R A N C E and REAL _______________________________ —" ( COUNTY INMATES EAT PRE SEASON VENISON Inmates of the county home and the county jail were in line for a feed of pre-season venison, follow- ing an act of illegality. On September 26, three young men from Seaside drove up to the sheriff's office in a 1938 truck, bearing the still w arm remains of a doe which had been illegally shot and found alongside the road. One of the deputies dressed it out and sent it to the county home, preparatory to use in victualing inmates there and in the jail. There was no evidence as to who did the shooting. ESTATE FULL SAFE DEPOSIT BOX SERVICE CALL Complaint of Alton Kneeland, Route 2, Box 284, Tigard, tells of a young bully ahorse whose pen chant is to run over other young- stets who come within his range. The youngsters, aged 13 years, lives on Route 2, near the Green berg store and whenever Kneeland sends his son to the store, there is the threat of attack from on horseback. Several other people in the vicinity report similar experi ence with the accused. The juvenile officer has been alerted to the situation and is ex pected to take necessary steps. This is the third such report to the sheriff about the boy and It has also been once brought to the at tention of the state police. GRIFFITH & MEEKE offices ALOHA PHONE 6711 BIG FAT MAN MENACES YOUNG GIRL AT ALOHA Enjoy the w h isk ey that's / , (k* w d N c U'UL, Kentucky W hiskey - A Blend ,2 „, NATIONAL DISTILLERS PROD. CORP.. N. Y. • 86 PROOF 652 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS The sheriff is quizzing a desig nated suspect following report of a mother who lives at Route 1. Aloha, that a "big fat man wear ing glasses and driving a blue coupe" had menaced her daughter. It seems the young girl was rid ing her bicycle on Highland ave nue when a car, headed in the opposite detection, pulled up along side and told her to get in and he would take her home. The girl refused, at which the man said that maybe he could take • her home another time, and drove on. NEW» "SANFORLAN If SWEATERS W h at "S a n fo riz e d " is to cottons, "S a n fo rla n " is now to wool A w ay with tubbing woes Sanforlan wool is processed against shrinking, m atting and felting, washes |ust like daughter's cotton blouses and needs no blocking a f terwards S IZ E S 3 - 6 X and 7 - 14 Newest Fall Shades M OTHERS---- NOW SEE THIS! Virgin Wools That Wash Like Sanforized Cottons . . . STARKIE’S GREEN STAMPS 1100 S W FOR Canyon Road Beaverton CHILDREN 1 Block East H askell Center Phone 3542 S T A T E M E N T OF TH E OW NEK- SH IP, M AN AG EM ENT, AND CIR- t ULATI on RBQUIBSD B1 TOC Dist. Atty. Loses Prívate Arsenal In Robbery Job b* r’ 3 w**, ° ffiCial reP° rlS t0 • • • "TREASURE TONE PAINTS" FLOOR ond WALL COVERINGS EXPERT INSTALLATION Open Friday Evenings Until 8 ; 6 J P. M C A pitol 2860 8911 S .W . Canyon Rd. W est Slope the , Editor, Stanley W . Netherton 476 Judge Sentences Two In Circuit Court Sept. 29th COMPLAINT TELLS OF YOUNG BULLY AHORSE AMERICAN EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS N O TIC E ACT OF CONGRESS O F AUGUST 24, 1912, AS .A M E N D E» MV THE ¡A C T S OF MARCH 3. 19:«. AND I JU LY 2, 194« (Title 39. United States Code, Section 233) I O f The Beaverton Enterprise I ! published weekly at Beaverton, | OREGON for October 1, 1949. The private arsenal of Washing 1- The names and addresses of ton county’s district attorney, Rus- the publisher, editor, managing ed- sell Morgan, was lifted bodily from ltor, and bu, ines8 managers ar. are his home sometime the last of Sep- . Pubii8hert stanley W . Netherton tember or the first part of Octo-j 476 s E 7th Beaverton Oregon; ,* ° ^ ' ce' Missmg are: Remington 12 gauge double barrel shotgun; Remington 16 gauge double barrel shotgun with dent about halfway down on one barrel; Remington pump gun with two home-made rubber pads on butt plate; Winchester lever HOUSEBREAKER k i l l s action octagan barrel, 38-55 and an 8 MM Sim Automatic without clip. VALUED HUNTING DOG The crime was reported October For no apparent reason, a house-| 5 . The culprit(s) pried a lock from 1 breaker crawled through a window the upstairs window to make entry. at the residence o f R. B. Kennedy, Route 2 Tigard, south of Scholls SOLICITOR'S APPEAL Ferry road in Handy Acres Divi sion, and bludgeoned to death a ON OIL BACKFIRES young, purebied English Pointer Listed as a suspicious character dog, valued at $150, according to a is a man 30 or 32 years of age, September 28 report to the county black curly hair, grey coat, brown sheriff. Kennedy, who works swing shift trousers and two-tone brown shoes who, on foot, represents himself in Portland, relates that he pur as a solicitor for stove oil. chased the animal about 3 months Mr. Butterfield. Route 2, Box 262, ago and kept him tied up in an Beaverton, near the Beaver Lum unfinished room of his house, when ber company on Walker road, re he was away. He always was at ports the man contacted him Sep home each day, to feed and care tember 24 and wanted to fill his for the dog. oil drums. Mr. Butterfield replied The vandal crawled through an that he bought his oil from George open window of the unfinished Henderson, whereupon the man room and apparently beat the dog declared that he was representing to death with an unknown weapon. Henderson. Blood is all over the inside of the When the man left, Butterfield room where the dog was tied but figured the deal was over. But the its body has not been recovered so next day, he returned again and far. had to be shooed off. The sheriff, Neighbors testify that Kennedy meanwhile, is keeping an eye peel kept the dog tied up in his absence ed for further reports on the char and the animal did nothing to acter. disturb the neighbors. George Henderson, when asked I f any information whatever may whether or not he knew the man be obtained as to what occured in stated that he has no such solicit the murder of the dog and as to or-representative. who committed the deed, Kennedy expresses full willingness to sign necessary complaints to bring about full retribution of the culprit by law. PERMANENT WAVES YOU CAN AFFORD! HUBER BEAUTY A round T he court H ouse LE G A I. Judge R. Frank Peters, in cir cuit court, sentenced Christopher Sullen and Charles Lawrence to the penitentiary on a grand jury indictment of larceny in a dwelling in Cornelius on August 22. Sullens was sent away for a term not to exceed three years while Lawrence was sentenced to not to exceed 2 years, plus a sim ilar sentence on a second indict ment o f burglarly not in a dwel ling, the sentences to run concur rently. On the latter charge, Sul lens pleaded not guilty and was not tried. Peter Lee Long, of Aloha, enter ed a plea of not guilty to an in dictment charging him with re ceiving stolen property. His At torney. I^arry I^andgraver, moved for dismissal of the charge but this was denied. Trial date has not been set. PARKED CAR SUFFERS FROM HIT RUN DRIVER Even a paiked car will not es cape onslaughts by a hit-run driver. So might reason Frank Smith, 388 N. E. Canyon Road, Beaverton, who was awakened October 5 at 3 a. m. by a loud crash in front of his residence. He found, by the time he got outside, that some one had hit his late model, maroon- colored Plymouth sedan and had lost a hub cap and white rim at the scene of the accident before taking o ff for points unknown. The car Involved will have dam age to its right front fender. Smith is on the prowl for the hit-runner and has every intention of signing a complaint against him. should he he found Garages and other places of business likely to mend a bashed-in fender have also been alerted. TRACTOR THROWS LAD RECOVERY IN SIGHT Francis Pose, student at the Levi Andeison school for boys (St Mary's), is recovering in good shape after a bucking tractor, ap parently smelling the btisk autumn air. threw him on October 2. break- : ing the boy's leg. Pose and two other students were rounding up the cows, all riding the tractor. At the corner of Huber avenue and Merlo road, the machine failed to make the 1 tuin, tipped oxer and pinned Pose undet neath. Arning Vern ill and Arnold Lynn, his companions, managed to free him. Pose was removed to Jones hospital M \ !L BOV \ ANDAU4 On Lot 9 avenue. Reedville, resi dents have their eyes peeled for mall box vandals operating in the neighborhood Bill Warren reports that some one tore out one of his driveway posts. Also missing on the avenue are mail boxes and paper boxes from the Vlnell. and Holmes resi dence. Similar depredation* have occured at the Haugen and Davis residences on Drake road and the Barnes and Ball homes on Francis road I S. E. 7th Beaverton. Oregon; Man- I aging „ dltor SlanI<.y vv Netherton 476 S. E. 7th Beaverton, Oregon; Business manager, Stanley W. Netherton 476 S. E. 7th Beaverton. Oregon% 2. The owner is; ( I f owned by a corporation, its name and address must be stated and also immediate ly thereunder the names and ad dresses of stockholders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of stock. I f not owned by a corporation, the names and ad dresses of the individual owners must be given. I f owned by a part nership or other unincorporated firm, its name and address, as well as that of each individual member, must be given.) Stanley W. Netherton. dba. Pioneer Publishing Co. 307 N. W. Canyon Road, Beaverton, Oregon. 3 The known bondholders, mort gagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 percent or more o f the total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: (I f there »r e none, so state.) None 4. Paragraphs 2 and 3 include, in cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corpora tion for whom such t ’ ustee is act ing; also the statements in the two paragraphs show the affiant’s full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions un der which stockholders and secur ity holders who do not appear up on the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner. 5. The average number of copies of each issue of this publication sold or distributed, through the mails or otherwise, to paid sub scribers during the 12 months pre ceding the date shown above was 2037. Stanley W. Netherton Editor and Publisher. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3rd day of October, 1949. Ruth T. Netherton (M y commission expires October 24, 1950. LEGAL HAY - FEED - POULTRY SUPPLIES FISHER THORSEN PAINTS PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES J . ß 3J . * » & - S o n ó ' HARDWARE A LO H A * O K I. P H O N K 6311 What Price . . . PEACE OF M IN O ? For less than you pay for your daily newspaper, you can enjoy the complete sense of security that comes from knowing that your valuables are at all times SAFE from fire, theft, tampering and misplacement. N O T IC E N O TIC E TO C RE D ITO RS In the County Court for Washington County, Oregon. Estate of Elsie O'Jala, deceased. The undersigned has been ap pointed administrator of the Es tate of Elsie O’Jala, deceased, and has qualified All persons having claims against the estate of said deceased may present such claim s 1 duly verified to the undersigned. ; A. A. BOETTCHER, Administrator 9103 Bertha - Beaverton Highway’, Beaverton. Ore. First publication October 7, 1949. 1 Last publication October 28, 1949. ! L E G A L NOTICE Yes, it costs you only a few cents per day to rent a safe deposit box in this bank for your bonds and stocks — real estate deeds and abstracts of title—will —insurance policies —inventory of household goods—contracts and business papers—financial records—receipw—treasured jewelry, heirlooms and keepsakes. The value of this solid protection—in peace of mind alone—is worth many times its trif ling cost. Why not come in and see about it? The Commercial Bank of Oregon 8848 S. W. CAN YO N ROAD Estate: John Peterson NOTICE TO C R E D ITO R S N O TIC E IS H E R E R Y GIVEN, That the undersigned, Cleon E. Kehm. has t>een appointed admin- itoi of tile «S ta ll of JOHN PETERSON, deceased. by the County Court of Washington Coun ty. Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as by law re quired to the undersigned at the office of J. O. Johnson. Tigard. Oregon, within six months from the date thereof. Dated this 22nd day of Septem ber. 1949 CLEON E. KEHM , Administrator. J. O. JOHNSON, Attorney for Administrator; Johnson Building. Tigard Date of first publication. Sept 23, 1949 Date of last publication. Oct. 21 1949. W EST SLOPE M EM BER F E D E R A L D EPO SIT IN SU R AN C E C O R PO R A TIO N v m m p W tu M i wn CAR “ wf . \ FREE. . . ONE GALLON OF PERMA r -Jek / anti freeze NENT ANTI FREEZE .... WITH ‘Tflore /¡/e fo r /he (hiId OUR re ns shoes THE PURCHASE OF 30 MONTH GUARAN TEED BATTERY AT $1595 Assure Yourself of Dependable, Quick Starting In The The Kiddies wear out shoes quickly When the first <igns of breaks appear send the shoes tu us W e will repair them so that t^ey will last for many months P w rvb o J v Knows Cold Winter Months Ahead HANCOCK SUPER SERVICE STATION P REPAIRING BE \\ ERTÖN W Pat) KIRvv AN. Prop 177 E. BRO AD W AY Pickup and Delivery Serri?« OPEN 7 A. M. TO 12.00 A. M Beaverton I B I Across from New Safeway COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR AND Electrical Service