BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE— Friday, October 14, 1949 SSE T H tj COLEMAN FLOOR FURNACES FOR SALE Berkshire registered all sizes for sale. Beaverton sow 9 mos. old. 1 Berkshire hog, Hardware. Phone 3&21. llt f BUY . SELL 4 mo a. old. Phone Tigard 3824 38p LOWEST PRICES In town on 1 TRADE lumber needs. Buy direct from j FOR SALE 1 apt size A B elec the mllll in Beaverton and save ; trie range. Phone Tigard 2196 Key Lumber Co. Across track | Hornet L. J. Miller. Rt. 2. Box 447. Ti­ from end of 8. E. 7th St. j gard, Ore. 38p 1 1 Phone Beaverton 4)i76. 20tf Acreage i MASON'S IN TIGARD are closing ORDER OIL NOW! Immediate Suburban I i out some new and used farm service, for your protection our Properties equipment. Tell us what you trucks are equipped with printo need, we'll make you a price. 38 meters. Ken Robertson Oil Co. Tigard. Phone CHerry 2938. 39 FOR SALE Large Universal gaH range, white enamel, enclosed 1 ACRE MASONS IN H O A R D Used top, good condition $60 Garret washing machines from $25 to In Aloha, garage house wired for Conversion oil burner, fits any electric range, full price $1650. $49.50. Terms. furnace. Complete except oil tank $40. Lawn mower $5. Box FOR SALE—Large selection of 9/10 ACRE 241 Greenburg Rd., Tigard. Ph. good used furniture. Reasonably Beautiful corner lot, completely Tigard 2272. 38p priced. Terry’s Furniture. 2286 furnished 2 bedroom home, full N. E. Canyon Rd., Beaverton, price $5,800. Terms. FOR SALE Used walnut ext. din­ 4703. 29tf ing table, 2-leaf under top. Val- 10 ACRES Spar top; 4 chairs, excel, for HEATING OIL, order now before Halm mile to school and transport­ small dining room, $40; round ation, shack house and barn, rush starts. Ken Robertson Oil dining table, $6; walnut desk Co., Tigard, Ore. Phone CHerry full price $4,750. $500 down, $35 chair $4. Boy’s bicycle Haw­ 2938. 39 per month. thorne, reg. size $10; occasional Wm. A. "BIU” SNYDER chair $5, walnut. Phone Tigard GOOD BI^ACK Jersey cow family or dairy must go to right place. 3rd door West of P. O. In Aloha 2406. 38p No dealers. Out Jacktown school, Aloha 6772 Phones Beaverton 4094 38 turn right to brick house, Rt. 3, Box 768, Beaverton. 38 SAND AND GRAVEL CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ALL CLASSIFIED ADS C ou n t o o c b w o r d t n c lu d u u N am « a n d A ddraaa O N L Y 2< A W O B D NO PHON X ORDERS M in im a « IV TAKEN an In n I W e PubiU h T h e B E A V E R TO N E N T E R P R IS E T IG A R D S E N T IN E L M U LTN O M AH P R E M A LO H A NEWS Complete Bnetern '.VaaiUncton Count» and Weetern Multnomah Count» Coverate FOB HALF. couldn't go wrong In investigat­ ing the new COLEMAN BLEND- AIR furnace at MASON’S In Ti­ gard. Low In cost, reasonable to install, cheap to operate. It’s designed so that the buyer can do part of the installation work himself. Suitable for old or new houses, basement or utility in­ stallation. Terms. 38 FOR SALE Weaner pigs 10 wks. old. John O'Halloran, Rt. 2, Box 154, Tigard. 38 FILBERTS—U pick. 10c pound, bring container. V4 mile so. of Beuverton on Lombard St. W. E Oelinsky 38p KROEHLER davenport A match­ ing chair, good condition, new $200 Price $75. See Ivan Bern­ ard at Aloha Barber Shop, Aloha, Ou\ 38p FOR SALE -Green bird cage and stand $5. Mrs. Frank C. Garvin Rt. 3, Box 628, Beaverton, Ore Livermore Ave. 38p SAND - GRAVEL ROAD ROCK John D. Hogg Pt Tigard 2047 & 2446 Tigard Oregon H KI. P WANTED XMAS SHOPPING the easy way 2 acres—2 bedroom home. Large S. E. I.L'BBKS Subscriptions to any magazine. double garage, chicken house. Call Magazine Subscription Ser­ $5750. Term Phone ALOHA 6191 vice, Tigard 3788 and I will take care of it for you. Reduced Xmas 4 BEDROOMS FAIRBANKS-MORSE deep and rates on many magazines. 40 Full cement basement. Fireplace, shallow well pumps. Complete near schools and stores, $9000. units for as low as $79.95. Cedar FOR SALE CHEAP Good electric SOUTH OF BEAVERTON heater, long handled grass edge Mill Lumber and Hardware. On 1 acre, almost new and furn­ cutter. 315 Tualatin Hwy., Bea­ Beaverton 2191. 30tf ished, $6500. verton. 38p HEADQUARTERS for Spark oil NEW 3 BEDROOM heaters. New shipment now in. OLD COW FERTILIZER for gar­ In Beaverton. Very attractive. dens and flowers $7 for 2-yard Gales Furniture, Haskell Shop­ Terms. load delivered in Beaverton. $8 ping Center, Beaverton 4156. 20 ACRES delivered West Slope. 3 year old 31tf cow fertilizer ground through a On Hart road, all under cultiva­ MASON'S IN TIGARD If you tion. burr machine, $1 per 100 lb. sack want good heat In your home at delivered. Phone Scholls 8220, E. 2 BUSINESSES 2 APTS. an extremely low cost let us Montgomery, Rte. 2, Box 50, 108 feet of frontage on Broadway. show you the COLEMAN oil Hillsboro, Ore. 36tf Also railroad trackage. All for floor furnace. Low installation $24,000 or can be bought separ­ costs, low operating costs. Terms. WEANER PIGS $10. Bred gilts ate. $60. freshening milk goats $12.50. 38 Heifers ail sizes, boar and bull N. L. THOMAS, Realtor FOR SALE—Guitar $10. Gene service $2. We raise pigs the Helm. Box 330, Rt. 2, Tigard, 255 N. E. Canyon Road year around. Ootter at Scholls. Ore. Up Beaverton 4706 or 3101 38 41p THE COLD SEASON Is just around the corner. Order heat­ ing oil now. Immediate delivery. Call Ken Robertson OH Co., Ti­ gard, Ore. Phone CHerry 2938. 39 FOR SALE 1942 Buick Super FOR SALE. O'Keefe and Merritt New tires. R. A H. All extras. gas range, just like new. 639 S. FOR SALE Live fryers $1.00 rea­ Reasonable price. “The Spot” E. list, Beaverton. Phone 4940. dy now. Hart’s Hatchery. Phone Tavern, Tualatin. 38 38 Beaverton 4618. 38 N. H. CHICKS every Tuesday. 500 FOR SALE Oil heater with fan DRESSED RED FRYERS and started. Hatched Oct. 11. Miller's nnd threp oil drums. Very rea­ freah ranch eggB LYMAN ROSS Hatchery, Beaverton. Phone 4819. sonable. "The Spot” , Tavern, Tu­ HATCHERY Aloha. Phone 38tf alatin. 38 «441. 35tf FOR SALE Jersey cow and 21 DALE'S mos. old heifer to freshen in 3 JOHNSON'S months. Good stock. D. F Moo- tei Phone Tigard 2633 39 Accounting & Tax Service SAND - GRAVEL "I> ‘t l'» Worry Tax About Your CRUSHED ROCK MONARCH wood and coal range and Westinghouse automatic ov­ en with stand. $25 foi both or will sell separately. Phone Bea­ PLUMBING SUPPLIES, Fixtures verton 4259 38 and pipe, fittings of every des­ cription. Wiring supplies; wire, boxes, switches, and everything for the complete Job. CEDAR MILL LUMBER and Hardware, Phone Beaverton 3081. 2tf Ph. Beaverton 4896, Aloha 6101 r r o h le iU M ” Avoid looses by Periodic Fi­ nancial Statements. 0 Income Tax Returns Prepared. 0 S y s t e m « « I n s t a l l e d To K i t Your Need» § Assistance on Withhold­ ing. Social Security and All Other Argravatlng Governmental Reports. Qualified Accountants Public Stenographer Johnson Bldg Tigard Phone 6117 Farms Homes Acreage N. L. THOMAS, Realtor Ph Beaverton 4706 - 3101 hand gravel cru sh ed *-2H rodk. Phone Beaverton 4896. - : 7 - .I 'm N EÑGÉR BROS GENERAL CONTRACTING PHONES; Beaverton 4149 - 2988 - 4421 620 S. Hall St. Don't Throw Away That DEER HI DE Have It TANNED At FOUNDATIONS PATIOS PHONE BEAVERTON 2861 FRONTIER m f l a tA c'L SHUW000. 04K0ON TWO BEDROOM home 3/4 acre. Good location. $7,350. Terms. THREE BEDROOM modern home. 1 acre. $5,950. THREE BEDROOM modern home lot 186 x 250, near school. $7250 Terms. , TWO ACRES—1H acres in straw­ berries. $2150. Good terms. GRIFFITH AND ME EKE 38 ALTERATIONS Suites and coats a specialty Buttonholes, Hemstitching Buttons, Buckles, Belts covered FLORENCE'S SEWING CENTER TRADE EAR CORN for weiner 309 SW Farmington Rd Beav. 4463 pig. For sale Bosh pears, $1.50 31tf box. Grapes U pick. Axel Nordin, 1595 Nielson Rd., Beaverton. 38p GENERAL CONTRACTING, small . homes a specialty. Concrete # ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS — work. John Mason, Rt. 2, B o A * Drinking problem? So have we. 820, Beaverton. Phone Aloha Meeting every Thursday night, 6411. 30tf chamber of commerce rooms, Hillsboro, Ore., 8:30 p. m. No pills, no dues, no fees. Confident­ ial information. Rt. 1, Box 69-A, Expert Journeyman Hillsboro, Ore. 38p No jeb too difficult RESIDENTIAL, INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS SERVICES RESTAU RANT THE DAY IS HERE — OCT. 14 Chicken dinner at McKay school Everyone come for fun and good eats. 38 SHEET METAL BRICK FRONT RAMBLER 2 bedroom home, all elec., GE oil- fired. radiant heat, oversized lot, near school, transp., shopping. 12 min. from Portland, Sunset LANDSCAPING hwy to Cedar Mill Park. 13510 Rototilling. New lawns. NW Milburn. Low down pay­ Service. ment. 38p RICHARD BOYER WANTED TO BUY — RENT Phone Beaverton 2924 BEAVERTON 3071 691 SW Erickson 33tf Tree FOR RENT Modern 1 bedroom TRACTOR WORK. Plowing, disc­ WE CURE AND SMOKE YOUR PORK OUTS ing and grain drilling. Howard home. Unfurnished, on bus line. 25 Y e a r. Experience Trout. Phone Aloha 6340. lltf Portland utilities. Available Oct. ALDER MARKET 25. 536 N. W. Greenburg Road. Lewis Brothers Tigard. Phone 2278. 38 DEAD AND WORTHLESS STOCK Picked up free of charge. Phone Comer 1st and Washington Streets FOR R E N T —3 room apartment collect Hillsboro 5525. The HILLS­ PORTLAND. OREGON tf 51 tf with bath. elec, range, automatic BORO RENDERING CO. REFRIGERATORS hot water, electric heat. Farley’s. RANGES - WASHERS Reedville, on highway. 39p GUARANTEED REPAIR FOR RENT One bedioom home, BLANTON'S SERVICE wired for electric range. Phone Phone Beaverton 2384 31tf P ig io Tuning, Cleaning 38 Beaverton 4492 DIMOTH ING • REPAIRING L H. BRAWAND CO. It. 1, Aloha, Phone ALOHA 6612 8800 S. W. Locust Dr. (Metzger) Portland 19 Ph. CH. 2929 BULL SERVICE. Delivery. Phone Builders ft Cabinet Makers Tigard 2187. E. Sohrelne- 46tf Store fronts and fixtures. Unit Cabinets made to order. Green ROOFING — MILLWORK Houses. Cold Frames. llt f 3 In 1 tab $5.89 a square STEPS FLOORS 90 lbs. min. surface $2.69 sq. DRIVEWAYS 55 lbs. regular $1.99 square VENETIAN BLINDS 1 panel grade A doors $6.87 ft up Window Shades—Drapery Boxen Windows—Frames—Jambs—Sash FREE ESTIMATES Call us for free estimate* •■Uc" VENETIAN BI.IND <<> Days ATwater 3750 1482 S W. ALLEN AVE. E. MALBY Evenings WEbster 5731 12TF Rt 1. Box 34. Aloha Phone 6329 21tf Geo. F. Gordon any Duncan Phyfe dining room s set, like new Phone Beaverton FUEL: Block and Slab In 3 cord WANTED loads Also clean sawdust. 4061. straight and chip-mix. Wilson RABBITS WANTED FUEL r o H SALK PVel Yard. P. O Box 398. Bea- FRY ft RAKERS SAWDUST verton. Phone 2491 or BRoad- FEED ft SUPPLIES 12 and 16 Inch Block A Slab way 4967. 9tf Call after 5 and all day Saturday I Delivered 1741 Watson, Beaverton 2728 j HAUGLAND FUEL CO SLAB WOOD, green or dry. Allen TAbor 6301. 21tf 561 S. E. Lombard St.. Beaverton Fuel. P. O. Box 313. Bherwood. -------------------------------------------------— | Phon« Beaverton 44iV> . ; A MM Ore., or phone Mac’s Grocery. " UJ- PAY $500 cash for best 1940 17tf Tigard 3440. 38tf 1 8 passenger coupe. No Ford, no j s dealers. Phone Beaverton 2906. 38p I SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Hoots and grease cleaned from sewer and drain lines with elec­ tric sewer machine l*ate modern equipment No digging neces- »nry. 17 years experience. Free lnsp«'ott«>n. most reasonable prices No mileage charges. Guaranteed workmanship PH O N E 893. H ILLSBO RO O R. NICHOLSON & SON ■ m LANDSCAPING Plowing .— Grading — Driveway EXPERIENCED waitress for part and Road Grading — Lawns Pre­ time work. Must have tavern ex­ perience. CHerry 9097. 38p pared — Hay for Sale in season. L. H. Brawand A Sons. Phone CHerry 2929. lltf MISCELLANEOUS Harrison Concrete Service \ rERN MAI Deer Hunters ATTRACTIVE opening for woman between 30 and 45, experienced in meeting the public, for hostess work. Car and some typing nec­ essary. Permanent. WEbster 2806 38 THREE BEDROOM new modern home. Large lot. $10,500. Terms. ALOHA Phone 6711 Phone Beaverton 2881 INSURANCE ■t FOR SALE — Power drag saw, (Wade). $100. 514 N. W. Broad­ way, Portland, CApitol 3116. 38 MASON'S IN TIGARD more heat for your money right now a FOR SALE l cord maple fire­ number of good, tested used oil place logs, 2 foot length, dry $18. circulators. Price«! right. 38 1 cord light slab. 16 inch length, dry ........ k 4’ s , h rt n ostlj TWO LADIES SUITS, size 38. one 1 M No. 2 and better $55. Saw­ blue, one brown. Ooo«I as new. dust, 8 units U haul $2.50 per $5 each. Phone Beaverton 4247. unit. R. K. McMIchael, Rt. 1, 38 BoSi 489. Tigard. Ore., on Funner Rd. 38 FOR S AI E Tw II' I m - 9x12 blue excellent condition; full size dou- NEW HAMPSHIRE n>d pullets. » ble coll spring, 2 mattresses, var­ months old. N. H. Fryers, 3S to ious other Items. Beaverton 4305. 4 lbs. Phone Beaverton 4124 38p Across road ftom Hazeldale schl. 38p CRUSHED BOCK HIDES & WOOL, CASCARA—A specialty. LEE BROS., 25 SW Clay. Portland. AT 5334. tf 32tf REFRIGERATOR ft WASHING V ANTED House, two or three RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL MACHINE SERVICE PLANS. D. L. Harden, architect. bedroom, to rent. Man with fam­ Redfleld's Refrigerator Service Phone ATwater 6715. 3420 S. W. ily. Can give exc. ref. Would like Beaverton 4985 Cedarwood Lane, West Slope. 40p to have option to purchase if »tf possible. Tigard-Metzger-Pro- gress district.' 50 per month, top. GARBAGE SERVICE-By Month CUSTOM H 0 0 8 or Contract. Aloha Garbage Co Call Beaverton 2321. tf Butchered on Thursdays G. C. Miller, Owner Beef any day WANTED —House to rent unfur- PO Hx 254. Aloha. Ore. 34t< KUMMER MEAT COMPANY nished in the vicinity of Tigard. 51tf CHerry 3869. 38 DANGEROUS TREES removed, Phone Hillsboro 5521 topped, trimmed or cut back. FOR TOW CAR call VERMILYE FOR RENT—Floor Sander and Free estimates. Complete insur­ MOTOR CO. Tigard 3381. tf edger. BEAVERTON HARD- ance. Phone CHerry 4839. 39 _____________ WARE. Phone Beaverton 3921. ltf DO NOT STORE your radio ini PAIN7,NGWo* N q d£ £ £ ^ ,HANGING a repair shop. Most sets re- 1 w ork dons prom ptly APT. FOR RENT—New. large 1- paired in 5 to 20 minutes and CALL CHerry 2175 MM bedroom apartment. Elec, range cost from $1 to $5. Six Corners $2.009.04X1 TO LOAN and Refrigerator, dinnette. Sto­ Radio Lab, Six Corners, Ore. On Willamette Valley farms, low rage, heat and water furnished. lltf SEPTIC TANKS Will rent or lease. Beaver Plum­ Interest rates, long terms. Must bing Co., First & Main, Phone have 40A cultivation and ade­ CESSPOOLS pum ped Beaverton 4346. 34tf quate Improvements. Call or Schulx Sanitary Service write us. giving brief description, FOR RENT Business location, Portland Phone KEnwood 7586 Sec., Twp., and range. You call me and I call space approximately 25x30 feet. STATE FINANCE CO. ______________ 30-tf on you Inquire Beaverton Hardware, 153 S. High St. Beaverton. 37tf Salem, Oregon, Tel. 34121. METAL WEATHERSTRIPPING SINCE 1924 38 Rock wool insulation blown In. 2 HOUSES FOR RENT For free estimate write R. E. FRED 0. HOWLAND ¡ 1 - 2 bedroom mod. home $55 mo. BY OWNER Ellson and Son, Rt. 2, Box 285. 1 - 1 bedroom furn. $45 month $2850.00. 2 bedrooms, older house. Tigard, Oregon. Phone Tigard 9809 Beaverton Highway WORD REAL ESTATE Lot 75 x 225. Good road among 354«. tf 1210 N. E. aCnyon Road nice homes. Needs some moderniz­ Beaverton, Ore. Phone 2513 GARDEN HOME SHOE REPAIR Phone Beaverton 4531. 38 ing. Owner moving to new house Nov. 1. 8115 S. W. Whitford Rd. SHOP. Try Us. Our repairing near Garden Home Road. 38p FOR RENT 2 bedroom house un­ WOOD SAWING BY CORD or ts good. Laces, polish, etc., for furnished except for gas range sale. Also Shoe shines. Cecil hour. Ph. Tigard 2711. E. H. and refrigerator. $60 per month. 30tf Blocker, Box 4, Tigard, Ore. 27tf B. Blachly, Mgr. Beaverton 3271. 38p 51tf OIL BURNINO Conversion unit j In good cast iron stove, $35.00. Phone Beaverton 2321. 51tf L H. Cobb Co. WANTED BABY SITTING, 35c | per hour. Am 18, ref.; any night. | Call CH. 2454. Dorothy Bowers. 38p I REAL ESTATE LISTINGS NEAR SUNSET HIWAY WOODSAWING FILBERT pickers wanter, half i mile south of Beaverton on Lom­ bard St. W. E. Gelinsky. 38p SCRAP METAL DEALER PUBIJC TRUCK SCALES AUTO WRECKING m a i est r kites ru n Phone; Beaverton 4391 U«'Oo Oil Depot — Bertho Beaverton Hi wav WANT PASTURE and barn for gentle saddle horse for winter. Will furnish patt of feed. Bea­ verton 4248. 38p s s s s s s s S S S S S S S S LIME SPREADING PROGRESS FEED COMPANY PHONE BEAVERTON 4020 s s s s s s s S S S S S S S S CALL McCALL SITUATIONS WANTED CHILD CARE in my home by week 1-arge house and yard. Con stant supervision. CH. 3352. 3Xp HANDY MAN with own tools for j any work. Reasonable Phono Beaverton 2967 38-tf LOST AND FOUND IS SOME BOY Inking for white fox terrier, with brown face, two j small black spots on left hind quarters? Dog strayed to 330 S. W Douglas Cedar Hills 33p 1 WHO's PAPER are you reading FOR Stove Oil Furnace Oil Oil Burners GREEN STAMPS GIVEN ON CASH SALES McCALL OIL CO. Beaverton 287 BRoadway 0092