COMMUNITY CLUB STARTS ON FALL MEETINGS, INVITES ALL By Mrs. Helen Hannon BONNY SLO PE—The Bonny Slope Community club will resume its regular monthly meetings again on October 8, at 8:30 p. m. at the club house on Thompson road. This will be the first fall meet ing of the year after meetings being discontinued through the summer months. All residents o f the district whether members or not are in vited to atend. After the business meeting a short program will be given and refreshments will be served. SHOULDEB INJURY Henry Mitchell of Laidlaw road has been confined to his home for the past several days due to injur- I ies he received to his hark and shoulder when he was moving crated washing machines at Har per, McKee ware house on Sep- | tember 27. LEONAKO ( KALE. JR A baby boy Leonard Jr., was born on September 24 to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Crale of Portland Mr. Crale resided for several years on McDaniel road with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Crale. He was a student o f Bonny Slope school graduating with the 1942 class. CLIPS THUMB END Mrs. August Brutke cut the top of her thumb on her right hand taking the nail completely off. She was preparing vegetables for can ning when the accident happened. SURGICAL CASE Mrs. James Means of Portland, but a former resident of this com munity is a patient at Emanuel hospital where she underwent an operation on Friday. Sept. 30 CARD PARTY HONORS At the September card party CHINA LANTERN TH E Mary Ann Dohman G A L A GR A ND of the BEAUTIFUL NEW CHINA LANTERN LOUNGE CHINESE and AMERICAN FOOD Banquet Room — Large Parties WEEK DAYS SUNDAYS — sponsored by the Bonny Slope com,'iunity club the following were the prize winners: Pinochle: high and tow respect ively. Mrs. Chas. Brown, and Steve Fulton; cribbage, Adolph Batke. and Ed Bartelsky. The door prize was also won by Mrs. Chas. Brown. Refreshments of sandwiches shoestring potatoes and coffee were served by M:s. Harold Roll ings. the card party chairman. The October card party will be held October 22, at 8:30 p. ni. at the club house. F IR S T GRANDSON Mr. and Mrs. Jack Irwin are the patents of an eight pound ba by boy born Saturday. September 24. Mrs. Irwin is the former Pat Bennington. This is the second g:andchild born to Mr. and Mrs. Bennington of Hiller Lane in September and is their first grandson. HIGH SCHOOL SET Dorothy and Jim Hanson enter tained a group of their high school friends at their home on Satur day, Sept. 24. Guests present were Sally Stearns, Georgia Slocum. Gretta Robinson, Virginia Huddleston and Roy Graves, Gaty and Arnie Ef- finger. FRIENDS' W ED D IN G Mr. and Mrs. Don Steere motored to Chehalis, W n„ Saturday, Oct. 1. to attend the w'edding of friends Miss Gloria Yvonne Stout and El mer Tienhaara. — 4 P. M. to 4 A. M. 3 P.M. to 3 A M. Services for Mary Ann Dohman of 1359 S. W. Main St., Beaverton, will be held at Grand Forks. North Dakota on Friday or Saturday. Mrs. Dohman had lived in Beaver ton about two years. She was born on March 9. 1876 in Madison, Indiana. Her remains were in state at the Pegg Chapel, Beaverton on Tuesday. She passed away October 2nd. She is survived by her husband, William Dohman of Beaverton; five children: Harold Dohman of Beaverton, Walter of Grand Forks, N. D., Richard of Grand Forks. N. D., Mrs. Lloyd Ramherg of Mentor, Minn, and Mrs. Richard Toal of Seattle, Wash., 6 grand children and the following broth ers and 1 sister: Miss Cat t ie Loth- speich of Madison, Indiana. Leo Lothspeich of Madison, Indiana. George of Minneapolis, Minn., And rew and John of San Diego, Calif, and Albert of Langdon, N. D. BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE — Friday, October 7, 1949 T rade L anes bosses carrying on their work with Store at their new* location for one eat to the radio for the World | Octobtr 14th and 15th. We know Series the occasion will be a memorable Jack Weiby has announced the one in Beaverton. formal grand opening of Weibv's Kaye Potter, plans to open a new ladies apparel and men's clothing store at 1025 N. E. Can yon road, across from Haskell Shopping Center. It will go under the name of Porter’s Outlet Clo thing Center. She plans her opening next Thursday. October 13. Consistent with the established tradition of "Service to the Pub lic", Don Walker of W alker’s De partment Store announced last week the new policy of lenghtened store hours 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.— believing that this should enable everyone to visit the store at T H E IR convenience. In the announcement last week there was an opportunity for un- ceitainty. One of the lines in the ad sorta contradicted the other. 'Tis true though 9 to 9 prevails at Walker's. J. J. McMahon left Saturday for a trip east to purchase from the factory a new Pontiac *'8” . Joe flew back. He is expected to be gone three weeks. A telephone check of the Fro zen Food Lockers In and around Beaverton brings up a total of 86 buck deer turned In as of 2:30 p. m. Wednesday. This looks to us like the local hunters are all crack shots. We believe the record for dis tance traveled after a deer should go to Bill Pesenti of Ida and Bill’s Market. Bill traveled all the way to Lakeview for his buck, and brought back a nice deer. It was noticeable today that the baseball fans of Beaverton are not to be denied. We found sev eral clerks and even a few of the m By W m LEE SIEB ER T S f Look that living room over! Is there something missing, some thing you can't put your linger on? You have a beautiful couch, inviting easy chair, expensive rugs and low tables . . . so what can it be? The chances are ten to one It's the background. Just as "Stone wall do not a prison make”, plain unattractive walls do little to ward creating a truly beautiful room. Here’s a chance for you to use a lot of imagination and only a little money. That's all it took to c r e a t e the livable, attractive room illustrated above. Note how b e a u t i f u l l y the drapes blend with the design of Cooked 2 for WAFFLEMIX Sperry G iant size 25c 2 for 29c ★ BEAVERTO N M anager ★ CO mmerce 99 62 4526 2 V i-Lb Age 12 months 15 c 53 Shoulder Lb 1(1 to 9 Sunday» + (FOR CHILDREN 1 1100 Canyon Road Haskell Shopping Center 8 M IN U T E S FRO M P O R T LA N D I M IL E EA S T OF B E A V E R T O N FOOD / a / r * e 8 8 ÆTW Picnic style Rath's. L b 4 3 $ Squash 50-lb GRAPES 2 TOKAY 98 bag TABLE Cauliflower Fancy Per head 4 Lbs 29c 15 ★ Phone To Limit Quantities TERESI I N D E P E N D E N T A H O M E N D O W N E D ^ 21 * Hubbard Lb. Potatoes No * 655 ★ U. S \ Ham Price* Effective Thurs., Fri., Sat., Oct. 6, 7 ond 8 H;SO to 9 F. M STARKIE’S Tree Top, pure G a l..................... Veal Steak We Rexerve Right 2234 N. E CANYON ROAD H unt's, size 303 3 for Apple Cider 57 Arm our's L b ................. C F Pork & Beans & Bacon Week Day* CHINA LANTERN O ----------------------------- ! 39 Pkg PACIFIC’ NORTHWEST Everything far Children We Give 39 Bisquick BANANAS BILL WONG I Vi-Sixe Tin Pancake and p I V i I V r » F E s _________________ Dates PHO N E For the Modern House TUNA FISH 6 5 c NOTICE 5 Lb To All Members of Union School House Cemetery Association: You and each of you ia hereby notified that a Special Meeting of the Union School House Ceme tery Association has been called New crop C a lif Q A ( by the Board of Trustees of said association to be held 8:00 p. m. fc Lb pkg w V October 21. 1949 at Sunset Valley School for the purpose of voting upon and approving or disapprov ing proposed suppldmentary Artic les of Incorporation Including change of name from "Union School House Cemetery Associa tion” to " Union Cemetery Associ GOLDEN ation." Signed RIPE B. D. Graf Secretary. Union School House Ceme tery Ass'n. Pound Published October 7. 1949. ONE OF THE LARGEST ( IIIL D R E V S SHOPS IN THE BEAVERTON FURNITURE PR/C€$ / it a # £U/ % J ' f fy Spanish n i ^ P ^ Cooked IX lV rfC STARKIE’S T the wallpaper in the corner of the room and how the white wood paneling sets off the fire place on the whole side of the room. A few pictures effectively placed complete the picture. By doing a little thinking and careful planning, you’ll be able to come up with something new and attractive in backgrounds. Try to lie “different" . . . the re sult will please you. If you need any help, stop in a n d s e e us. Our experience might be of help to you. C o ral, Solid Pack Grade " A " Lb I TO TAKE OUT J SOMETHINC MISSING? BUTTER & s ntt ««y y ORDERS i AT TERESI'S Rebekah Meeting NOTICE TO « REDITORS In the County Court for Washington County, Oregon. * Estate of Elsie O'Jala, deceased. The undersigned has been ap pointed administrator of the Es tate of Elsie O’Jala, deceased, and has qualified. Al l persons having claims against the estate of said deceased may present such claims duly vetified to the undersigned. A. A. BOETTCHER, Administrator 9103 Bertha - Beaverton Highway, Beaverton, Ore. First publication October 7, 1949. L Last publication October 28, 1949. ' U £000 Beaverton Rebekah lodge held its regular meeting, at the IOOF hall Tuesday evening with a good attendance and visitors from Grand Island and Marietta lodges. It was "Brothers' Night” so af ter the meeting was opened it was turned over to the following bro thers: “ Bill” Bollinger. N.C.; Wm. Bloom, vice grand; Albert Erick son, warden: Harry Rothschild, conductor; Mr. Harris, inside guar dian; Raymond Heard, outside guardian; and altar bearers, Sam Taylor and Mr Shayner. It was J a very interesting and amusing meeting after which they adjourn ed to the dining room to enjoy homemade pumpkin pie with whipped cream and coffee. . Beaverton 4158 CENTER c fM re *