BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE— Friday, October 7, 1949 WEEK’S ACTIVITIES IN CEDAR MILL AREA B E A V E R T O N 4112 E N T R A N C E ON B E R T H A -B E A VER TO N H IG H W A Y , NEAR BEAVERTON CITY LIM IT S Box Office Open; 6 45 Show Start» 7;15 p. m week days; Sunday Box Office open 6; 15. Show Start» 6;45 p. m._________ Friday and Saturday, October 7 and 8 "STATION WEST" Dick Powell, Jane Green DOCTOR TAKES A W IFE " Ray NEW S Miiiand. Loretta Young CARTO O N Sunday, and Monday, October 9 and 10 "SHE WOULDN'T SAY YES" 'YOUNGER BROTHERS NEW«. KOMallnd Russell Lee Bowman color by Technicolor Wayne Morris, Janis Page CARTO O N Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, October 11, 12, 18 "SOUTH OF ST. LOUIS" "VALIA N T HOMBRE" Joel McCrea, Alexis Smith Leo Carrillo CARTO O N Friday and Saturday, October 14 and 15 "ANGEL'S WITH DIRTY FACES" "THEY DRIVE BY NIGHT' 5 aR"ey Alexis smith Humphrey Bogart Ann Sheridan B E A V E R THEATRE Beaverton Phone 4293 Wednesday thru Saturday, October 5, 6, 7, 8 “ THE GIRL rROM JONES BEACH ", Virginia Mayo, Ronald Reagan “ MICHAEL O'HALLORAN" Scotty Beckett, Aillen Roberts Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, October 9, 10, 11 “ THE BIG STEAL"' Robert Mitchum, Jane Greer, William Bendix “THE BIG CAT'" by Technicolor Lon McCallister, Peggy Ann Garner, Preston Foster Wednesday thru Saturday, October 12, 13, 14, 15 ‘THE W IN D O W " Barbara Hale, Bobby Driscoll ‘AN Y NUMBER CAN PLA Y ". Clark Gable, Alexis Smith COUNTRY FAIR PROVIDES DAY FOR FUN AND ENTERTAINMENT By Gertrude Pearson C E D A R M IL L —A gala affair i was the country fair held Saturday 1 afternoon and evening at Leedy | Grange Hall by the Cedar Mlli ¡Community club. Throngs of people j during the entire afternoon and evening found entertainment. Beginning at 1:30 p. m. children of all ages gathered with their | pets for a pet show under the direction of Dr. Woodmansee. Pets of all description including dogs, I cats, rabbits, chickens, frogs and grasshoppers were paraded before the judging committee to win rib bons and awards. Sweepstakes winner was Don Miner with his I performing dog. Following the pet show the fish- 1 pond and other booths attracted the younger set. Later in the day, a show was run for their enjoy ment. A variety of booths as well as contest and refreshments found favor with the entire crowd. Spe cial booths were operated by the grange and Garden club with a division of profits with the com- | munity club. Financially the treasury will be swelled by a good profit which as ! yet cannot be accurately announc- ! ed. Proceeds will be used in part to pay for grass seed recently planted on the school property and for future improvement of the area. E V E R Y O N E W E LC O M E The Hubbles ANNOUNCE ✓ SENSATIONAL SALE ST U D Y C L U B IN V IT E S CO R N E LL CLUB DATE Hostess for Cornell club on W ed nesday October 12, will be Mrs. H. A. Peterson. This will he the first meeting of the group follow ing a summertime vacation. Aloha, Oregon — Phane. Aloha 6401 Free Parking Lot for Our Patrons The next meeting of the Cedar By Elsa Shelley community club will be held October 12, at 8 p. m. at the school C E D A R M IL L P A R K — : A houB4f- Everyone welcome. guest from Billings, Montana, Mrs. K (’K <;K '4 {, R E C O V E R Y R. L. Maynard has been visiting Mrs. L. S. Uppinghouse is recov her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. ering satisfactorily following surg and Mrs. Max Jensen. Mrs. May | ery last Tuesday at Portland San nard has been woman golf cham pion for the past 5 years in Bill itarium hospital. ings. While here she was invited G IR L SCOUT L E A D E R as a guest entry in the Consoli Miss Beth Skillman will be Girl dated Freight tournament and won Scout leader replacing Mrs. Jack top honors in the woman's division. Mutchler. Assisting her will be GAR D EN CLUB TEA Mrs. Bonnie Milan. Many women in the Cedar Mill Park area attended the Cedar T W O W E E K S ' VISIT Recent guests for two weeks of Mill Garden Club tea at the home the Lester Little's were Mrs. Little’s of Mrs . L. S. Uppinghouse on cousin Betty Jones and her sister- Cornell Road. Mrs. James R. Woodmansie, a in-law, Mrs. Wallace Shaw of Port resident of Cedar Mill Park and land Maine. a member of the club won first I honors in two different arrange- | ments and second place in a third arrangement. For If you enjoy discussion groups and a chance to become better ac quainted with other parents, you will want to attend the series of study club meetings sponsored this winter by the PTA. The first meeting is scheduled for Monday evening, October 10 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cover, 9117 N. W. Cornell Road. Timely topics which the group suggests will be discussed during the year and suggestions will be solicited at the meeting. Mrs. Cover will act in the capac ity of chairman for the first meet ing In the absence of Mrs. L. S. Uppinghouse, parent education chairman. ALOHA THEATRE Montanan Guest, Asked To Enter Wins Golf Play ONE WEEK ONLY Starting Monday, Oct. 10 Thru Saturday. Oct. 15 FRflRCISCflR (Dim e u etelT M a d* I s California pattern. Hand the glaze. painted under Wednesday thru Saturday. October 5, 6, 7, 8 “ THE STRATTON STORY" Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, October 9, 10, 11 Wednesday thru Saturday, October 12, 13, 14, 15 CTT1I P A M 7 C HD " Jeanette MacDonald J flL ¿ U N L U IB L J U r Uoyd N olan and Lassie T H E YOUNGER BROS. " C A LL A T FASHION HOUSE Any Thursday, Friday, Saturday Personalized and Friendly Service Make This Your Ready-To-Wear Shopping Center FASHION Blanding's Dream House Near Cedar Hills 575 Mayfield Rd IN THE VILLAGE SHOPS • BEAVERTON 4061 516 N W Canyon Road Beaverton THE HUBBLES In The VILLAGE 516 N TWO COMPLETE STORES IN 3NE CONVENIENT LOCATION SHOPS ^ I LE TTER OF THANKS A letter of thanks comes from Mrs. Viola Tschacher, who is em ployed at the Chuck Wagon, Cedar Mill Park and her two children to her many friends for their kind ness and gifts during her recent illness. She especially wishes to thank Mrs. Bernice Hansen and daugh ter, Pat, for their kindness to her two children, Shirley Kay and Ray Junior. Mr. Gottfried Hintz, father of Mrs. Tschacher and her sister, Margaret arrived during her ill ness, but have returned to their home with Mrs. Tschacher’s child ren where they will visit until Mrs. Tschacher recovers. ENJOY AN EVENING W Canyon Rt*n.i Phone 4061 Bester» on Oregon •Y ? f n 3 W McChesney Rd Portland 1 Oregon. This space paid for by a Seattle family. ^ r, yyy///»' A T TH ESE ^ * Ï 0F ^PLEASURE W ELL , br m ' n ' v ' C K N O W * 5 ^ SPO TS ^ WAH NOM (Formerly Jerry Reed's) NOW OPEN BRING THE ENTIRE FA M ILY; A tasty, different type of meal, prepared by superb Chinese cooks, in an atmosphere you will enjoy. Come in today. Tual'tin View Club Took New Name; Did Not Disband PAUL CApital 3118 N > ,V " — HOURS— 4,00 P. M. To 2,00 A. M. Saturdays 4,00 P M. To 3,00 A. M. Sundays 3,00 P. M. To Midnight WAH NOM j ' ROSE CHAN Manager j ' BEacon 5477 j | Tit 8645 S. W. Canyon Rd. West Slope PAULSON'S CAFE N. E. C A N Y O N R O AD j CHICKEN, STEAK DINNERS — SHORT ORDERS TR Y OUR DELICIOUS HOMEMADE PIE FOUNTAIN SERVICE FIT FOR A KING! This Week's Special in (j PECAN NUT ICE CREAM SANDWICHES BOB'S COFFEE ICE CREAM 59 Broadway, Beaverton Plot His Death fiPPLIfìnCES ypkK Jìtgidék .< A ../<. HOUSE at The general meeting of the WSCS of the First Methodist church will be held at the home of Mrs. Almn Thomas. 260 N. E. Broadway. Be"i- verton, Friday October 14 at 1:30 p. m. All members are urged to attend and bring a guest with you. as this is the first meeting under new ! leadership with our advance pro gram. e FOR Jani.s Page BEAVERTON AND W A Y POINTS IVSCS G E N E R A L M E E T PHONE BEAVERTON Wayne Morris, A T T E N T IO N BY C A R F R O M M ISSO UR I Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Andrews j have been guests of their son-in- | law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. | J. H. Dimler for the past two weeks. The Andrews made the trip by car from their home in St. Joseph, Missouri. The Higher Ups were plotting Christ's death when He Himself | came In among them to say You nre of your father, the Devil and he was a murderer from the begin ning See John 8 44, Bible. Be cause these Higher Ups hated Christ, they were plotting H if murder And Just so. If you hate your brother, Got! names you a murderer, fo r- Whoso hates his brother is a murderer— 1st John 3 15. C A L L IN G A L L M UKDF.KKRS God so yearned to have you for himself that he put all your hate and murder on Christ who died for you. Right now, right where you nre. take your stand before God that Christ died for all vour sins At that God gives you new birth Into eternal life And look utterly to Christ to power you in the new ! life and to he your Victory I can | do all things through Christ who strengthens me The A P O ST L E Howard D uff Yvonne DeCarlo K ALAM ITY JANE AND SAM BASS" ‘ ARCTIC M AN H U N T " Mikel Conrad STORK S H O W E R E V E N T A stork shower on the evening of Thursday, September 22 was given for Mrs. C. H. Hoffman by , co-hostesses Mrs. Harry Hagstrom Mrs. Arthur Riffenback and Mrs. Ronald Mundigel. Twenty-three guests were invited j and many new residents were in- 1 vited to the party as a get-acqu ainted party also. Refreshments were served with I the stork shower motif. The Tualatin View Mothers club which primarily functioned as a P T A sort of group prior to the annexation of the district with Barnes School, did not disband but merely reorganized with a new name and new aim. Now to be known as the Tuala- tin View Women's Club, the ladies^ will seek to promote the welfare of youth In their community. Any assistance or cooperation needed by the Barnes P T A will, of course, be gladly given It Is an nounced by the club president. Likewise, individual mothers of Tualatin View are Invited to a f filiate with the Barnes P T A as well as with the Women's Club. The new arrangement. It Is felt, will result in a stronger group, in asmuch as all women are invited to jotn, regardless of whether or not they are mothers. James Stewart, June Allyson BEAVER BROOK FOUNTAIN Near Beaverton High School COM E IN A N D P L A Y SHUFFLEB0ARD Open 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. Closed Sundays F O U N T A IN S E R V IC E - A - - N D W IC H E S ENJOY A TASTY, DELICIOUS MERCHANTS LUNCH Open from noon til 1 a. m. Closed Mondays & Tuesdays THE OLD HEIDELBERG Phone 2471 Beaverton BILL'S RICHMAID West " Y ” on Canyon ICE CREAM Road, Beaverton ALL OUR ICE CREAM IS MADE IN OUR STORE j ONCE YOU TASTE IT YO U 'LL COME BACK FOR MORE’