Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1949)
TW O SUP ER VALUES Skirts 100% W o o l, F la n n e ls and in Jackets P la id s, Tw eeds, M ensw ear, Stripes and F la n n e ls — C overts — C orduro ys, W aterp ro o fs O ur E n tire Stock Goes a t th is price solid colors $8 -9 5 $ 5 .9 5 T h e y 're seasonal and well An outstanding S ize s 10 to va lu e — 18 tailored V a lu e s to $ 14 95 S izes 10 to 20 • " Y o u r Shop For W om en " in Beaverton THE MODE ^ Catholic Church Mission Ends on Sunday Evening long time. She brings consider able experience in drugs and cos metics. having woiked in those departments for about eight years in Portland and Hillsboro. The Venetian blinds in Timmerman's Canyon Road Apartments were made by Meryl Howell of Beaver ton who supplied all 13 apartments which, incidentally, are now all occupied. Harry Anderson who recently Sale of Florence's Beauty Shop purchased the shoe repair equip in Beaverton was announced this ment and business from Welby's week by Mrs. Louisa MeGeorge of and opeiates under the name of Reedville, the new owner. Mrs. Harry’s Shoe Repair, doesn’t be MeGeorge has been employed in lieve in changing his trade. We the shop for the past several are brought to this conclusion by months. She is a member of O.E. Harry telling us that he has been S. and has a daughter, Phyllis in repairing shoes for 48 years, hav Hillsboro High. Florence Miller, ing started as a boy in Sweden. former owner of the shop is leav Response to Webb Electric’s fish ing Beaverton Octohei 1 . to join quiz last week was exceptionally her husband in Colorado . . . . good with some confusion how Rumor has it (and it's strictly ever. due to the picture of a cat in the rumor stage) that Colum fish in the ad. Most of the res bia Food Stores will build on the pondents guessed “bullhead” or property adjoining the Thomas I "catfish" when correct answer Real Estate office on Canyon Rd. ) should have been “ brook trout’’. They already own the property (an Anyway it was taken in good hu Father Joseph P. Songuinetti informant) acre, according to our mrormant* . . . a a m a a . a mor hv Fred sports mana Mission services which began at and now that the land has been 1 St. Cecelia’s Catholic church. Bea filled in, building Is scheduled to verton. September 18. will conclude start in a year . . . S T A R K IE 'S M O V IN G with the evening devotions on Cora Wetherell of Walker’s Dept. September 25, at 8 p.m. Father Store reports that she has accu SOON • Joseph P. Sanguinetti, of the Do mulated a six-year collection of minican Fathers Holy Rosary Rec National Geographic magazines To Larger Quarters tory, of Portland, is officiating. that she will be glad to give to any Week-day masses are held at organization or individual desiring Two Doors East 6:15 a.m. and 8:30 a.m., with eve them. In addition, Cora says she ning devotions at 8 p.m. will be glad to pass on the new copies she receives as she reads T H U R S D A Y E V E N IN G them. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Rene Meltebeke of New sales clerk at Dean's Drug West Slope were Thursday even Store is Mrs. Ruth Harmon, blond ing visitors here. est looking girl we’ve seen in T rade L anes B E A V E R T O N ENTERPRI SE— F rid a y , Septem ber 23, 1949 ger. who paid off all comers, re dio in West Slope. Mary Ellen gardless. . . is well known for her beauty work The outside of the Beaverton Furniture is undergoing a paint job that will transform the con It ELF (U .KH KATIO> ventional exterior Into a four-color I Beaverton Odd Fellows and Re- scheme in the strictly modern bekah’s were well represented at mode. This is in keeping with the ! Hillsboro, Saturday night, to help new policy of the store which is the Hillsboro lodge celebrate their going all out for modern furni seventy-fifth anniversary. ture. . . . There was a short program. Vet Mary Ellen Kober of Beaver eran jewels were presented follow ton is now associated with Cora ed by dancing and refreshments Smith at the Canyon Beauty Stu-1 r, CHINA Vhe LANTERN’S I D ELICIO U S C O M B IN A T IO N P LA TES ’i ri EGG FOO Y U N G $1.15 EGG FOO Y U N G l*ork Cliuw Mein Fried Rtee Ji * H $1.25 Fork Chow Mein Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs ! Ï FR IED SHRIM P il $1.50 Sub Gum Chow Mein Fork Fried W ee A LM O N D C H IC K E N C H O W M EIN $1.75 ft I a i Fried Shrimp Sweet and Sour Spare ribn r r\ Under New Management CHINA ¿ T LANTERN SH R IM P R O LLS $1.85 Flneupple Spare Kile. Chieken Almond Chow Mein The Doorway To Better Buying Is Thru Your Classified Columns r BUY — TRADE SELL - SWAP Thru the Want Ads In Your A Paid Circulation Newspaper* Y o u get com plete T u a la tin V a lle y coverag e because your c la ssifie d ad ap p ears in NEW SPAPER'S. W EEKLY Margarine 25 A ll Sweet Lb Grade A A M edium ...... Dozen 23 H u n t's 46-oz. can Ä C F risk ie 's No. I can 3 can s for Tomato Soup ^ 32 S W IFT 'S BO N ELESS 69 LB. Ground Beef Round Steak Aged beef Lb 29 C am p b e ll's 3 can s for VEAL ROAST 29 39 I Salad Bowl Qt Dog Food Teresi G reen Bag C Fresh ground Lb^^" * * S w ift's cream y 12-oz ja r JP ^ _____ _____________________ A 2 Tomato Juice Salad Dressing ^ Peanut Butter Aloha New* Beaverton 39 N* A ll Popular Brand s C a r t o n ................. / EGGS Coffee Beaverton ENTERPRISE POUR CIGARETTES Fresh ground L b ....................... 39 Enterprise Tigard Sentinel Multnomah Press Long sta lk s B unch Classified ads cost only two cents a word — a minimum of 25c per ad. A $2 yearly subscription entitles you to three free cla .sifted ads Bulk Lard Celery 10 35 2 lbs Halibut Steak Fresh caau g ht Lb 48 ★ LA R G E H EA D S Cauliflower Snowy W h ite Fresh Corn Con them now Dozen ........... 29 U S No. 2 Potatoes 50 LB SA C K Peaches F a n cy , slicin g Larg e basket For Further Information Call Beaverton 2321 newsooDer m eans that readers th in k enouah We Reserve Right 8;30 to U I*. M. o f it to p av for reading it THE BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Beaverton, Ore. 98c Price» Effective Thur*., Fri., Sat., Scptembcr 22, 23, 24 Week Day» *A p aid c irc u la tio n 39 4 10 to !t Sunday» FOOD //V rue To Limit (juantities TERESI I N DEPENDENT A M O ME NI O O W N E D Phone Beaverton 4158 CENTER SHOpr>t#& ç s+ trë * i