BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE —Friday, September 9, 1949 r*» / ■ "" TUALATIN VALLEY MARKET BASKET • W AN T ADS • • W AN T ADS • • W AN T ADS « BUSINESS SERVICES LANDSCAPING Rototilling. New lawns. Service. RICHARD ROVER Phone Beaverton 2924 Tree L. H. Cobb Co. CRUSHED ROCK 32tf FOR SAI*E Two de-odorized pet NEW HOUSE FOR SALE On Phone B eaverton 2881 GARBAGE SEKV1CE-Hv Monti LOST AM » FOUND W AN TE D Eighth between Franklin and skunks, Larry Groesbeck, Rte. 1, or Contract. Aloha Garbage Co Tucker. Modern, fireplace, hard­ Box 389, Aloha, Ore., Northeast LOST — Cross-cut saw on North RABBITS W AN TE D G. C. Miller, Owner wood floor. Automatic water Reedville school. 33 Wheeler Street. Notify Noah P.O. Bx 254, Aloha, Ore. KK\ A BAKI K« 34tl heater. Call Beaverton 4458. 33p » a d A d d ress— O N LY ic A W O R D Hill, Box 662, Aloha. Reward. 33p FEED A SUPPLIES OLD COW FERTILIZER for gar­ WOOD SAWING BY CORD or NO PH ON E O R D E R S TA K E N dens and flowers $7 for 2-yard MASONS IN TIGARD—L’sed oi. Call after 5 and all day Saturday hour. Ph. Tigard 2711. E. H circulators . . . sized from a cabin H41 Watson, Beaverton 2728 load delivered in Beaverton. Í 8 Mi n i m u m tSc M Issue Blocker, Box 4, Tigard, Ore. 27tf LANDSCAPING to a 6 room house . . some nearly j TAbor 6301. 21tf delivered West Slope. Phone W ( Puolinh T h e Scholls 8220. E. Montgomery Plowing — Grading — Driveway new . . others have that used S I T U A T I O N S W A V T F n ------- B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E TRACTOR WORK Plowing, disc­ T I G A R D S E N T IN E L look . . priced accordingly. Terms ____ Rte. 2, Box 50. Hillsboro, Ore. and Road Grading — Lawns Prc- ing and grain drilling Howard M C L T N O M A H PR ESS 33tf if you need ’em. 33 DAY W ORK wanted 75c hour. Hay for Suie in season. ADOHA NEW S Trout. Phone Aloha 634«. lltf { ared I L. H. Brawand * Sons. Phone Child care evenings my home or C om p lete E astern W a s n ln r to n FOR SALEL-Heavy duty table saw EORD TRACTOR reconditioned CHerry 2929. llt f ROOFING — M ILLW ORK C o u n ty and W estern M u ltn om a h yours 35c hour. Phone Beaver­ and guaranteed, TD -6 like new, with 220-3h.p. guaranteed motor C o u n ty C o y e r » « « 3 In I tali $5.89 a square ton 4520, ATwater 7731. 31tf Earthmaster tractor with hy­ and 12" joiner head. Price $100. ALTERATIONS 90 lb«, min. surface $2.6» aq. Write R. J. Cavens, 2008 E. 47th draulic controlled 14" plow and | CHILD CARE in my home, days 56 lb«, regular $ 1 .!»» square Suites and coats a specialty FOB SALE Vancouver, Wn. 33 p tandem disk, Oliver 60 row-crop Mrs. Dawes. 1207 Watson St.. \ 1 panel grade A door* $6.H7 A up Buttonholes, Hemstitching tractor, Fordson tractor, used, Beaverton. Phone 4756 32tf W Indows—Fnun«*— lumi»—Sash Buttons, Buckles, Belts covered FAIRBANKS-MORSE deep and FOR SALE—Large selection of plows, disks and harrows. Wal- -------------------------------------- --------------- Call U« for free ««tímate« FLORENCE'S SKWIN4. CENTER shallow well pumps. Complete good used furniture. Reasonably ker Tractor Co., Hillsboro. 34 RELIABLE, middle-aged woman j Have you ever wondered whe­ 309 SW Farmington Rd Beav. 4463 units for as low as $79.95. Cedar priced. Terry’s Furniture. 2286 ther the method of healing dis­ Days ATwater 3750 wants any kind of work. Essie Evenings WEbster 5731 ease. overcoming poverty, and N. E. Canyon Rd., Beaverton, FOR SALE One 6 month rabbit 31tf Mill Lumber and Hardware. Boles, 1123 S. E. Allen ave., Bea­ restoring harmony which Christ California buck $5. Beaverton 21 tf 4703. 29tf Beaverton 2191. 30tf verton. Experienced laundry Jesus employed can be success­ HEMSTITCHING For first class 2960 or 2102 S. E. Lombard. R worker. 33 p fully used now? For an ans­ Why not spend $1 to $1.50 per MASON’S IN TIGARD will pay MASON'S IN TIGARD . . if you're Ericksono. 33 p work bring your hemstitching to wer in simple, understandable hankering for some real good you a premium for your grain, HELP WANT» I* week this summer to have your Mrs. J. M. Hanson, 2824 S. W terms attend hay or straw when traded in on heat in your house give the HEATROLA oil circulating heat­ clothes Wet Washed at Miles, Multnomah. Ph. CH 4225 Experienced COLEMAN OIL floor furnace new or used farm equipment. er, good condition. Used bath SILK FINISHER. THE WASHKHKTTE 33p No other need apply. Aloha something more than a passing room fixtures. Also revolving Take a look at our EARTH- We use soft water and soap is A Fret' Lecture Cleaners. Phone 6145 25tf thought . . .we’ve installed maybe clothes reel. Phone Peaverton MASTER tractors, cover crop FREE. Save on water and elec­ GENERAL CONTRACTING, small 4 Ogc j ■ ■■ ■ ■ i i » — 500 of the darned things in the discs, field discs and spike and homes a specialty. Concrete tricity. Have more time to spend ____________________ ______ _ j STENOGRAPHER Insurance exp past 12 years. . . we'd say about spring tooth harrows. We'll tade entitlal work. John Mason, Rt. 2, Box outdoors. We’ll dry them for you ful1 or P®r* *1™«“ *328 SW Can- OS'/! of the buyers have come PORTABLE 6 tube Trouhador ra- 100G or part payment. You’re *20, Beaverton. Phone Aloha If you wish. dlo. Phone Tigard 3824 33p y °n Rd • West Slope BE 4255 back and said "You saved us the doctor. 33 64H. 30tf THE WASH K BETTE or CHerry 2555. 33 •‘CHRISTI\N SCIKV.K: fuel money and our house Is SPECIAL SALE on new chrome Opposite Haskell Center on Can­ FOR SALE- 80.00 G E. bottle warmer than ever,' Good terms. to ] chairs. Red and Ivory only 4.95 WANTED—Filbert pickers, yon Road Beaverton. Phone 4137. METAL W EATHERSTRIPPING IT S RKINSTATKMKNT cooler, wet or dry, suitable for 33 Rock wool Insulation blown In start on or about Sept. 19. Reg -1 ea. Also some good used ones 16tf milk cooling. Also M. W. early For free estimate wHte R. E. ister now. Rt. 1, Box 156. Tigard. 3.95 each. Terry’s Furniture, model washing machines, perfect PLUMBING SUPPLIES, Fixtures OF PRIMITIVE Ellson and Son. Rt. 2, Box 285, Call Tigard 2360. 34 DEAD AND WORTHLESS STOCK 2286 N. E. Canyon Rd., Beaver- condition 17.50. Call after 5;30 and pipe, fittings of every des­ Tigard. Oregon. Phone Tigard Picked up free of charge. Phone ton 4703. __________________ ^ NEED MONEY? Sell Christmas CHRISTIANITY AND ,p. m., Beaverton 2384. 33p cription. Wiring supplies; wire, 354«. tf collect Hillsboro 5525. The HILLS­ boxes, switches, and everything WHITE enamel table top wood cards- Profit to 100U on $1 "lea- BORO RENDERING CO. Bltf BABY CHIA EVEBY TUESDAY SIMMIVAI. HEALING" for the complete job. CEDAR range good condition $40. Phone | der” assortment, personal greet- GARDEN HOME SHOE REPAIR Hollywood Leghorn and New MILL LUMBER and Hardware, BULL SERVICE. Delivery. Phone Beaverton 2924 33 p ! ¡nK» 50 for $1 up. New plastics, SHOP. Try Us. Our repairing Hampshlres. Order early. Mill­ Phone Beaverton 3081. 2tf --------------------------------------- ------------ - Tigard 2187. E. Schreine-. 46tf many others. "Leader" on approv Is good. Laces, polish, etc., for by er's Hatchery, Beaverton, Ore MASONS IN TIGARD they a] Free imprinted samples. Styl- sale. Also Shoe shines. Cecil Phone Beaverton 4819 . 4tf OIL BURNING Conversion unit FOR TOW CAR call VERMILTE RENT . . concrete mixers . . \ art 1310 Santee, Dept. 49, Los 30tf tn good cast iron stove, $36.00. MOTOR CO. Tigard 3381. tf B. Blachly, Mgr. pumps for cleaning out wells . . j Angeles 55, Calif. 34p l{«il|»h (lasllc, C. S. DRESSED RED FRYERS and Phone Beaverton 2321. Bltf floor waxers . . house jacks . . | WE CURE AND SMOKE YOUR fresh ranch eggs LYMAN ROSS PAINTING A N D PA PER H A N G IN G lawn rollers. 33 (\VANTED— Exp. waitress. Part PORK CUTS Work Onarantc*d of San Francisco ( al. GRAVEL CRUSHED HATCHERY. Aloha. Phone SAND time. Good working conditions. work norm promptly 25 Years Experience rock. Phone Beaverton 4896. 6441. 35tf Apply Tigard Drive-In. Tigard FRUITS AND VEGETABLES CALL CHerry 2175 ALDER M ARKET 51 tf Member of the Board of l e c ­ aeu 33 LOWEST PRICES in town on tureship of The Mother Chureh, Lewis Brother« TOMATOES, U pick 50c bushel RABBITS WANTED. Pick up. Corner 1st and Washington Streets The First Church of Christ, lumber needs. Buy direct from COLEMAN FLOOR FURNACES FOB BENT Bring own box. R. Schuepbach, Dolheer. Phone Tigard 3148. Scientist, In Boston, Mass. all sizes for sale. Beaverton PORTLAND, OREGON tf the milll in Beaverton and save. Jr., Davis Road off Hyland. 1st 48tf Hardware. Phone 3921. lltf Key Lumber Co. Across track house on right after crossing SLEEPING Room for rent. First REFRIGERATORS from end of S. E. 7th St. bridge. Phone Beaverton 3105. 33 floor adjoining bath. Phone Bea- ; T I i i i i x I uy , Septem ber I ."» HIDES & WOOL. CASCARA—A RANGES - WASHERS DO NOT STORE your radio in Phone Beaverton 4576. 20tf specialty. LEE BROS., 25 SW verton 4366. 83 GUARANTEED REPAIR a repair shop. Most sets re­ GOLDEN canning corn, 5 doz. one 8 p. m. In the edifice of Clay, Portland. AT 5334. tf ItlekNTON'K SERVICE paired in 5 to 20 minutes and HEADQUARTERS for Spark oil dollar. Half mile north of Aloha FOR RENT—Floor sander and Phone Beaverton 2384 31tf cost from $1 to $5. Six Corners heaters. New shipment now in. on Vista Ave. 34p REFRIGERATOR A WASHING edger. BEAVERTON HARD­ Seeonil Cliureli of Radio Lab, Six Corners, Ore. Gales Furniture, Haskell Shop­ WARE, Phone Beaverton 3921. MACHINE SERVICE (Closed during July). l lt f TOMATOES FOR SALE—No. 1 Christ. Scientist ping Center, Beaverton 4156. Rod field '■ R efrigerator Service ltf 31tf canning tomatoes $1.25 bushel, Beaverton 4985 581 N E Holladay 12-TUBE Grunow teledial radio. your containers. Second house FOR RENT: Slaving machines Expert Journeyman 23 tf Dressed Chickens for lockers 36c Reaches foreign stations. Make toward Portland from Progress Florence's Sewing Center. 309 No job too difficult Portland. Oregon lb. order at Carl E. Larsen’s. offer. Rt. 2, Box 235-A, Tigard. on Scholls Ferry road. Wakefield C U STO M H OGS RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL S. W. Farmington, Beaverton. Phone Hillsboro l-R-32. Write Phone Tigard 2043. 33p Gardens. 34p Butchered on Thursday« RESTAURANT All Are Cordially Invited Phone 4463. 17tf Rt. 2, Box 553. Beaverton. Take — Beef any day PLACE your orders NOW for BEAVERTON 3071 Sunset highway to first road to USED CARS FOR SALE FOR RENT: Cement mixers, j KUMMER MEAT COMPANY home canning tuna and salmon. 691 SW Erickson 33tf right past Cornell junction, then wheel barrows and paint Phone Hillsboro 5621 Bltf .34c per lb. Mac's Grocery, Tu­ go hi mile. 33 '41 Buick super sedan ............. $845 spray equipment. Daily or | alatin. Ph. Tigard 3440. 33 '41 Hudson coupe ______ ___ $495 weekly rates. Phone Beaverton PIANO STUDY—With accredited '40 De Soto convertible coupe $645 4204. llt f! teacher. Beginners a specialty. MASON'S IN TIGARD . . with the '39 Buick sedan _____ __ ____ $645 kids back in school maybe you Mrs. Clarence Hoyt, 8118 S. W. P ia a o T uning. C leaning $445 ¡NICE room for r e n t -157 Second need a new washer . . . for school '38 Buick convertible sedan FOR SALE 35th Ave. CH. 3625, 36 $245 clothes there's nothing better '37 Chevrolet sedan ___ „ and Angel. Beaverton. 33 DIMOTMING • REPAIRING Phone $245 FOR SALE—19.50 gray and white than a dirt removing MAYTAG '36 Dodge sedan ...... — Rt. 1. A k in , Phone ALOHA 6*12 B covert on 4896 Trade in your old machinne and '35 Plymouth sedan ____ ..... $225 enamel closed top combination SAND _ - _ GRAVEL $195 take terms on the balance. 33 '35 Chevrolet sedan ........ gas range. Has had excellent ROAD ROCK '35 Pontiac sedan ---- .. . . $95 care Phone Tigard 3776. See at ____ $45 N. L. THOMAS, Realtor Rt. 2, Box 213, '-¿mile S off hwy SUPER BUILT, modernistic da- '35 Dodge sedan John D. Hogg veno, $50.00 Phone Aloha 6728. '34 Plymouth coach . . $40 99 on hwy 217. Sturgis. 34p Pt. Tigard 2047 & 2446 33 Your Terms CHerry 2059 Ph Beaverton 4706 - 3101 GREEN ENAMEL Lang wood Dickering Don S. W. 28th & Barbur Tigard Oregon range covered gas plate on back FOR SALE — Wedgowood white enamel range, combination gas A V -8 2 door, chopped-top, 16" I copper coil and stove pipe. $25. and garbage, excellent condition. wheels, seal beams $100. Bozich Bert Lygerson, Rt. 1. Bx. 327, N. Call Beaverton 2744. evenings 2975 S. W. Division. Beaverton Tobias Ave., Aloha, Ore. 33p 4933. 33 33p ! GENERAL MASON'S IN TIGARD . . . once You coll me and I call WEST END again that little gem of a tiller FOR THE latest afternoon and .35 CHEV. Master 4-dr. sedan. $150 | CONTRACTING^ or you evening news and 3 sections of PHONES; 8 ELLWOOD BRIDGE type tractor . . .a TILT ..EX . . . R & H. New tires Wallace Thom­ comics, read the Star edition of Beaverton sure it’s used, but Mason's have as, Rt. 1, Box 174, Aloha, CREMATORIUM SINCE 1924 the Oregonian now being deliv­ rebuilt it and we think it's plenty Ore. 2nd house east of Stacey 4149 - 2988 - 4421 620 S. Hall St. ered in the Beaverton-West Slope MAUSOLEUM good for $325. Terms too. 33 ave., on Johnson rd. Call before FRED O. HOWLAND area. Off the press around 3:00 2 p. m. 33p CEMETEBY p. m. and delivered to you by FOR THE latest afternoon and ev­ S $ $ $ $ $ $ $ * 9809 Beaverton Highway $ $ $ $ ening news and 3 sections of 5:30 p. m. Call now for the Star -42 SPECIAL BUICK 4 door sedan. Complete Funeral Service In New edition. ATwater 2121 or Beaver­ comics, read the star edition of good condition, $850. Phone Bea- Cathedral Chapel a* No Extra Coat 33p 1 Riverside Is a cooperative associ- , Beaverton, Ore Phone 2513 the Oregonian now being deliv­ ton 3701. 36 verton 4069. _______ ___ ______________________ation with assets of over $800,000 ered in the Beaverton-West Slope area Off the press around 3:00 KODAK 35. coupled range finder, FUEL rO R SALE VWa#Sa p. m. and delivered to you by rase, filters, etc. Also G. E. port- SAWDUST 5:30 p. m. Call now for the Star able A. C. D. C. radio Self edition. ATwater 2121 or Beaver- charging battery. Will sell or 12 and 16 inch Block A Slab PHONE BEAVERTON 4020 ton 3701. ** trade either one for a hunting Delivered ___ . rifle. W. Rohrback. Inquire at HAUGLAND FUEL CO. SCRAP M ETAL DEALER 9 INCH LOGAN No. 820 steel lathe thp White House at Tobias, on $ % % % $ % % % 561 S. E. Lombard St., Beaverton nearly new with accessory sac e any0n road hwy. Home evenings. PUBLIC TRUCK SCALES Phone Beaverton 4409 GA 9633 $350. Pand H 200 amp. elec, wet- 33p 17tf AUTO WRECKING der perfect condition $70. CH. ------- -------------------------------------- 4926. 34 p BENDIX automatic washer, dem­ FUEL: Block and Slab In 3 cord HIGHEST PRICES PAID onstrator. Regularly $219.95 cut load«. Also clean sawdust, MAPLE Dinette set, table and 4 to $179.50. Crosley electric range, straight and chip-mix. Wilson Phone; Beaverton 4381 chair 3 upholstered in imitation floor model, reg. $269.95. slashed A Fuel Yard. P. O. Box 398, Bea­ w Neof Union Oil Depot — Bertha Beoverton Htwoy red leather $25. Phone Tigard to $199 95. Crosley table model verton. Phone 2491 or BRoad- 2721. 3* radio phonograph combination, way 4967. 9tf 1 FOUNDATIONS reg $89 95. slightly scratched STEPS FLOORS MASON'S IN TIGARD . . . with $49.95. Richey Hardware, Beaver­ PATIOS DRIVEWAYS a big warehouse are able to buy 33 up hay, straw, grain . .when trad ton 4284. You must act quickly to geft the heneftt of this Ntupefiriou« LAST FEW DAYS ed on new or used farm equip­ 'OR SALE Dbl. bed and springs. «ale— the opportunity will end soon. ment. Premium prices paid for FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES MAKE GENEROUS SETTLEMENT wood circulating heater. Small good stuff. See 'em. . might make THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF COATS AND SUITS That were very, cream separator. 2 lawn mow- PHONE BEAVERTON 2861 1482 S. W. A LLEN AVE. a few extra bucks. 33 very «lightly touch ed by smoke from the adjoining building GO ON SALE AT ers. Settee. Paul pump minus 12TF . THE MOST RIDICULOUSLY l>OW PRICES IN PORTLAND HISTORY ! moto,. E. C. Morford, N. Wash 33p and Alexander, Aloha. SEPTIC TANKS CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ALL CLASSIFIED ADS C ou n t w e b word. In clu d in g N am e Mow Does Christian Seienee Heal? , SHEET METAL s - Farms Homes Geo. F. Gordon FILL DIRT Acreage Riverview Cemetery INSURANCE ENGÉR BROS 5 5 5 LIME SPREADING O. R- NICHOLSON & SON PROGRESS FEED COMPANY 5 5 5$$$$ Harrison $ Concrete Service • NOW CESSPOOLS PUMPED Schulx Sanitary Service Portland Phone KEnwood 7586 SO-tf L H. BRAWAND CO. 8800 S W Locust Dr (Metzger) Portland 19 Ph CH. 2 9 » Builder* A Cabinet Makers Store fronts and fixtures Unit Cabinets made to order Green Houses. Cold Frames_______ lit Y)R PALE Bath tub with fit­ ting* $20; 5 pc. walnut bedroom set $75. Good rubber tire lawn mower $10. Barton washing ma­ chine like new $49 50. Philco ta­ ble radio, a good one. $10 Blue occ. chair, $5, Lamps, clothes dryer, card table, etc. Arthur G. Smith. Phone Tigard 6305 33p MASON S IN TIGARD . . a 2-bot­ tom 14" tractor plow . . looks like new . . .'is almost. Used price tho terms if you can't swing the cash 33 11 SAND AND GRAVEL WOODSAWING D R SALE Rospberry Frieze bed davenport practically new yith 2 pillows Phone CHerry 4032 33 S. E. LUBBER ACRIEICE genuine Hudson seal coat A-l condition. Site 38 Ph CHerry 4032 33 j Phone ALOHA 6191 400 LADIES' HATS SHORTY COATS «44 Now Now 3 9 Value« to 4.65 Straws A Felt« OPEN 100 SHORTY COATS VaJ«. w (I to / 24.95 100 Or WOOl . . coverts, tweeds p l a i d s , solid colors. • IMF* wool • Many styles, colors • Values to 19 95 ALL DAY All M m 100 TWEED COATS ÇH * Val« to 2195 1 0 0 'i Wool Mies 10 to 16 500 LONG COATS 200 LONG COATS s ..„ 1 8 " 1 1 “ • Sizes 10 to 44 • 100 G wool * Solid colors, • Vale, to 29 95 tweeds • Reds, greens, • 100 ** wool blacks, pinks • Values to tweed« and 49 95 other colors. CALL McCALL FOR Stove Oil Furnace Oil Oil Burners 1 A TU lD A Y P lia i SmaJl kare* we lemme tn boy a« marty gwrmevti» sa fM sa n i Singer Dress Co, 6 0 2 R o y e l B ld q bet B ro o d -o , 8 P o ri 7 1 6 5 W . M o rn to « (o ve r K n ig h t 't Sko e S to rsi • So « » / > • / / » . <ßr- GREEN STAMPS GIVEN ON CASH SALES McCALL OIL CO. Beaverton 2871 BRoadway 0092 j