Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1949)
approaching marriage of Sybil Taylor, daughter of Ht and Mrs Lyle Taylor, former residents of Hazeldale, where Sybil attended grade school. She will be married Sept. 2. to Harvey Bernash. at the St. James Lutheran church In Portland. NEW PRAYER DATE There will be no prayer meeting this Thurs.. due to the Bible con ference, which is being held at the Hazeldale Bible Church, this week. \1SITS FROM ASHLAND Mrs. Alice Salee of Ashland. Ore. arrived here Sunday tor i visit. HOME ROBBERY JOLTS COUPLE RETURNING FROM BIG PICNIC By Mrn. K. tinhorn TUALATIN VIEW—After spend ing a pleasant Sunday at Viking Park at theEast Side Portland Commercial Club picnic Sunday August 14. Mr. and Mrs. Osborn returned home to find their home broken into and ransacked A diamond ring, ear rings and a lady's wrist watch was taken. The watch was a keep sake and was given by the Navy Dept, during the war for the dedication of one of the P. C. Boats No. 875. e a s t e r n VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. Burt Mustoe had visitors from Green Ray. Wiscon sin. Mr. and Mrs. Art Noack and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lousin. who is an aunt of Mrs. Mustoe. BABY SHOWER A surprise baby shower was given Wednesday afternoon for Mrs. F. Shaw, at the home of Mrs. B. Mustoe Hostesses were Mrs. B Mustoe and Mis. Leonard Lewis. Cake and coffee were served. SEASIDE VACATION Mrs. A. Swanson and family spent a week vacationing at Sea side, Ore. Mr Swanson made a trip east on business. HAVE DOUBLE DATE. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mayson. celebrated both birthdays and wedding anniversary on the same day. Aug. 19. V F W PICNIC EVENT Mr. and Mrs. R. Osborn and family spent Sunday, Aug. 21, at the V F W Post 1442 picnic held at Carver Mr. Osborn is a mem ber of Post 1442. PRESS BOOK TELLS OF OSC'S NfiW GRID LOOK versity of California, on October 1, at 2 p. m. The only other Port land game will be November 12, when Michigan State gathers its resources after meeting Notre Dame the previous Saturday and comes into the West with high hopes of repeating its last year victory. BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE— Friday, August 26, 1949 Cooperation also pays on the telephone party line Aiding Taylor in developing this season's pigskin tnter« will be Bump Elliot, backfield; Pete El liot. ends; I.en Younce. line and Hal Moe, freshmen The state Beavers lost 12 men by graduation and have 23 letter- men returning to pick up where they left off last year. Enough experienced gridders are expected to report for making up a skele ton lineup filling all positions with good reserve strength. In addition. 22 men will step up from last year's freshman squad and eight transfers and varsity reserves will also be on tap. The full story of Oregon State College's new grid look, oce isioned by the coming to the campus of a new coach, Kip Taylor, formerly of Michigan State College, is told with a flourish in the football press book just received. O S C opens Its 1949 grid war fare in a night tangle with UCLA, SWINE BRUCELLOSIS Brucellosis can cause sterility in at Los Angeles and will first ap pear in Portland against the Uni- swine as well as cattle. ARRANGEMENTS GO FORWARD ON SEPT. 14 FLOWER EXHIBIT celebrated their seventh wedding By Mrs. Gladys Hesterlee HAZELDALE-COOPER MOUN anniversary last Wed. eve. They had in for the evening Mr. J TAIN—Cooper-Dale Garden Club met Aug. 17 at 1:30 p. m. at the and Mrs. L. J. Puncochar Sr. and home of Willis Wright on Farm son Bob; Mr. and Mrs. Frank ington Road. Gladys Hesterlee Horlacher, and sons Joey. Gary and Elenore Wright were co-host- and Louis; and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Puncochar and sons Dan and esses with 14 members present. The club voted to hold a flower I Ralph. show on Wed. Sept 14 at the home [ Ice cream and cake was served. of Mrs. Hazel Miller with Mrs. DOTY RETURNS HOME Dawn Cowie as co-hostess. At Hazeldale Bible Church Sun Mrs. Broad, Mrs. Wright and day Aug. 21 Mrs. W. P. Brooks, Mrs. Pasilach were appointed on Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kincheloe ob the flower arrangements commit served their wedding anniversaries Don't lie A Guinea Pigl tee. Mrs. Babe Livermore and Mrs. while Barbra Hays observed her Margaret Weaver were appointed ■ You can depend on us for to select judges. Every one is in birthday. Mr. R. C. Doty the supt. return that "new look" paint job. vited to attend. ed home early Sunday morning , Several members of the club with Mrs. Doty and daughter attend the county fair. Marian after 2 weeks vacation in BEAVERTON BODY SHOP will Guests were sisters of Mrs. Wil the east. 259 N. W. Canyon Road lis Wright, Mrs W. H. Baker of | They reported a very enjoyable Martinez, Calif. Mrs. C. E. Whit trip and experienced all kinds of Phone Beaverton 4162 more of Modesto, California. weather. The hostess served refreshments. BEACH VACATION GO TO THE FAIR Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Garvin are Mr. and Mrs. Theadore Walker vacationing this week at the of Augusta, Wisconsin, visited last j beaches. 0 * t « 0 N S week with Mr. and Mrs. E. W IMPENDING MARRIAGE Livermore. They all attended the fair last | Word was received here of the Thursday at Tillamook. The visit ors left for their home this week. CONCLUDES VISIT Mrs. W. H. Baker of Martinez, Calif, and Mrs. C. E. Whitmore of Modesto, Calif, who have been visiting the past two weeks with their sister Mrs. Willis Wright and family, left for their homes Sat. HAPPY HOUR CLUB The Hazeldale Happy Hour Club I will meet Aug. 25 at the home of Mrs. Sylvia Salee. First announced as an afternoon meeting, it since has been changed to an evening meeting, about 8:30 p. m. Articles must be brought in for , the white elephant booth. MISSIONARY SOCIETY Women’s Missionary Society of the Hazeldale Bible Church will meet Fri. Aug. 26 at the home of Mrs. W. A. Hays. This will be an all day meeting, every one is wel come. WEDDED SEVEN YEARS Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Puncochar Jr. !L O 1 Telephone party line coopera tion has a wonderful way of spreading. If one neighbor uses the line sharingly, the others have a better chance to use it. If another neighbor always hangs up the receiver carefully after calling, it means the line won’t he needlessly "out-of- order” and others can make or receive calls. If calls are reason ably brief, everyone can make more calls. INSURANCE and REAL H m |Y FOR THE BEST * i ESTATE FULL SAFE DEPOSIT BOX SERVICE All of these little courtesies add up to better party line tele phone service for everyone.. Why not try them on your party line? You'll be delighted with the improvement it will make in your service. AMERICAN EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS CALL GRIFFITH & MEEKE offices ALOHA PHONE 6711 HILLSBORO PHONE 171 tileniii inumi C H EV R O LET *7%ants... on // a CAevro/et m W satisfy me..* X-Ray the Heart This new formula in chick sisc is tha perfect feed for faster jrowth. Small enough to be safe for small birds, coarse enough for easy pour ing. less feed waste, and better appe tites. Keep your broilers growing in high gear with balanced ration Krumbles. Sold locally by FINDLEY M ILLING CO. You would flare up in wrath if some mere man were to tell you. Then let God tell it. Says he— ‘‘The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked BIBLE. And from the heart flows sins aplenty, for from the lower nature comes Impurity, Indecency, Strife, Jealousy, Anger, Drunken ness, Murder and all the rest listed in Galatians 5:19-21 NEW BIRTH—No wonder Christ said—You must be born again. And when you trust your life over to Him as the Saviour who died for you, He gives you new birth into eternal life. Also He waits to bring you His harvest of love, joy, peace, fidelity, self-control and the rest listed in Gal. 5:22-23. H ARVEST-H ear the Tillamook County believer who surrendered life and talents and all. Years after came this—I surrendered all and the old ways began to fall off like dead leaves.” And as a saved soul, may you also have Christ for Victory. If you would newspaper the Gospel where you cannot go. write me— I know it gives more for my money You’re entitled to these EXTRA VALUES exclusive to Chevrolet in its field! I LO N G ES T , H EAVIEST CAR IN FISHER UNISTEEL C ER T I-SA FE CURVED W IN D S H IILD ITS FIELD w ith W IDEST TREAD B O D Y C O N STRU C TIO N H YD RA U LIC B R A K ES w ith P A N O R A M IC V IS IB IL IT Y EXTRA EC O N O M IC A L TO O W N — O P ER A TE— M A IN TA IN CEN TER-PO IN T STEERIN G W O R LD 'S C H A M PIO N V A L V E -IN -H E A D EN G IN E S -IN C H PLUS W ID E -B A S E W HEELS L O W -P R ES S U R E TIRES 7 „ - w McChesney Rd.. Portland 1. Oregon. This space paid for by a Seattle family. OLD Kentucky lUtiskey -A Blend *101 G IN IR A T I0 N 1 a M M KINTUCKY F A V O R IT I' 86 PROOF A Gentleman's Whiskey from Kentucky National Distiller* Produrti Corporation, N. Y. • Grain Neutral Spirits FISHER B O D Y STY LIN G AN D LU X U R Y • . . AND IT’S THE LOWEST PRICED LINE IN ITS FIELD! s H er m it a g e ^ I II CARR CHEVROLET CO. BEAVERTON, OREGON PHONE 3333