EN X ER PR I Friday, August 26, 1949 Backed by an enthusiastic fan Old Time Dance Couple Reveals Village Baptist support on rtteir home stands, the • CUE BALL Portland ball club seems to be in Church Schedules IT A L L PO PS A T ONCE >dds and Ends of Jaycees Pitch In; Group To Cavort Nuptial Date at the doldrums and might run the During the month o f August, it present cellar dwellers a fast and In Chicken House Party of Friends Regular Services happens Council Meeting Paint House of that a significant effort j furious race for a stand at the I is being made to benefit the local bottom o f the league ladder. The Beaverton O ld-Tim e Dance H aving had the first services TX H C L B A N l'l’ W edding date o ' September 2. Ailing Member Shriner’s hospital, through an all- Each year, the Beavers seem to group w ill square up August 26, at the Bethel Congregational on August 21, the V illage Bap With a great deal o f attention ing given sewer construction thin the city proper, note was tde at the council meeting. Au- st 19. o f another matter clamor- t fo r consideration. Under the spokesmanghip o f A1 »ssi, the matter o f cleaning the taverton ditch was brought up. lis is in connection with the vival o f old and form ation o f w drainage districts. The inconvenient aspect to the uation, however, is that Rossi d the property owners he rep- tents want this ditch cleaned up m ediately if not sooner. Seem it the rainy season is expected begin within 2 or 3 weeks. Recognising th e 'm e r it o f clean the ditch. M ayor Jeffries ( Dphesized extrem e difficu lty in iding any funds for the purpose •uncilmen T a gg a rt and W elby ire appointed to investigate the .y’s financial ability to contri te to the job • * • % ^ C R E A T IO N D IS T R IC T Carlos Grandy, representing the ecrPHction committee, was not xactly welcomed with open arms n his proposal to circulate peti ions for the form ation o f a rec reation commission to encompass the boundaries o f joint union high school district 10. A fte r a number o f comments 'rom the audience and the council nembers, consent was given for he circulation, which will start on Aug’ ist 27, at the Recreation field lay, on the high school field. Members o f the Beaverton jun ior chamber o f comemrce, on Sun day. August 21. made a visit to the home o f W alt Larson. 1006 Junction road, and proceeded to paint the roof and the outside o f Larson's house. A t present Larson is convalescing from a severe physical set-back which has inca pacitated him fo r some time. Th e cleaners, painters and roof stainers included Don McDonnell, Chet Hunkapillar, Don Jenkins. R oy Olson. Bill Anderson. Howard Lakanan. Bill Smith, Russ P ey ton, Jim Duncan, Bill Nees. Garn Norris. L yle Rich. Jack Weiby, Ross Whisman, Gordon Hutchens and Laurel Dennis. Those who painted the roof with graphite and oil looked like end men o f a minstrel show, when they had finished their task. at 8 p. m. for this month's party in the ole chicken house at the home o f the Lloyd Woodells in Cedar Mill The ladies will bring light refreshm ents potluck style and coffee will be provided by the group. Music will be records and the evenings w ill be free to all. T o get to the W oodell chicken house go out Cedar street to Ce dar Mill. Turn right at the Cedar Mill intersection, * pass the Com munity church until you come to Grayson road, turn right, up a small hill and there you are. For further inform ation call Beaverton 4365. The W oodells request that when you drive into their yard please do not honk your horn or make loud noises as their turkeys are in outside pens and frighten easily. The dance group has slowed down somewhat for the summer months but with the advent o f fall and winter, plans are in the making to enlarge the square dance program, which saw such good success last year. A ll are invited. IN G R E S S A N D E G RE SS Residents on Menlo Drive, are up in arms over the matter of gettin g in and out of their homes A petition was received by the council asking the sewer lines to ] be laid along the side o f the road, R E T U R N TO O R E G O N rather than the middle. They want Mr. and Mrs. A. W . Carlson o f road returned last relocation to the east side o f the Farm ington week from San Jose. Calif., where road. Th e council moved to refer the Mr. Carlson has been employed petition to the sanitary engineer and Mrs. Carlson attended the fo r his approval and relocation if summer session at San Jose State possible. ___________________________ i college. church. Beaverton, was revealed last week at a party o f friends by Miss Darlene DesJardines. daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Eduard Des Jardines, o f Felton. Minn . and Vance Boswell, son o f Mrs. Stella Bratney. 1102 Underwood drive. Nineteen attended the affrlr, which was held in the new Brat ney home in W est Hills. Dessert, favors and games were enjoyed. Mrs. Bratney, mother o f the in tended groom, resided on Watson street, in Beaverton, fo r the past 26 years, until her recent marriage last spring. TW O W E E K V A C A T IO N During their tw o week vacation in July Mr. and Mrs. R L. Fllley, o f 769 Junction road, travelled east by train to Cleveland and Chicago, where they visited rela tives, and then continued to New York and a th rilling encounter with skyscrapers and television Upon their return, they wel comed their daughter and her family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tat- lock, o f Richmond, Calif., who spent tw o weeks with them. Both Ruth and Chuck Tatlock went through Beaverton school; and noted many changes in the area. tist church, in Cedar M ill Park, | star football game o f high school • stars in Oregon. is nearing its full organization and This is the second such annual announces a complete schedule I a ffa ir and the young giid stars o f services. are eagerly practicing for the Reverend Albert C. Fuller, pas event which promises to aid others tor, reports there were twenty- to walk. two in attendance at Sunday But it happens that during the school and 32 for m orning w or week there have been scheduled, ship. last Sunday. Hereafter, the in Beaverton, other similar worthy follow ing meeting times will be events that somehow dull the pic observed: ture. Sunday school. 10 a. m.; morn W ednesday night, the Kiwanis ing worship, 11 a. m.; Young Peo staged their second annual bike ple’s group, 7 p. m. and evening derby, with a load o f prizes o ffer worship, 8 p. m. A midweek meet ed. Then on Saturday, ¡he same ing date w ill tie announced later. date as the all-star game, the Daily vacation Bible school class Beaverton area recreation commit es, which have been held all of tee is holding a field day. to ex this week, w ill conclude this F ri plain the summer recreation pro day with a demonstration pro gram with demonstrations by the gram slated fo r 8 p. m. youngsters participating. The Kiw anis event is to benefit The young people plan a social evening at the church on Septem its youth camp fund, which per ber 1, 7:30 o’clock. A ll high school mits youngsters of the area to students and others within the age enjoy a week or two in the sum limit are cordially invited to at-! mer camp, near Mt. Hood The Recreation field day, at first tend. The church will sponsor a public planned to build up funds for fu kindergarten during the school ■ ture operations and to k ick off a year, to be taught by Mrs. Lois i drive to form a recreation district, Hosier, an accredited teacher. I will feature P A L entertainment Classes will open on September 12 I o f tumbling and boxing, track and and w ill continue through the field events and a road race from school year, on the same schedule Aloha to Beaverton. Seems like it all pops at once. as schools in the area. A small tuition w ill be charged to help de T H E Y 'R E F A D IN G FA S T fray the cost of the program. The season isn't over, but the (?> Lucky Beavers are, just about ' come to life in midseason. But each year their effectiveness has the earmarks o f fading fast. • • • N O T E N T IR E L Y O U T T Y V teams m ay be regarding ! Heaverton as an easy mark, but the boys o f the Orange and Black are expected to be in there giving what they have. Night practice, starting Thurs day (ton igh t) w ill accustom the gridders to the bright lights and will also lessen the discom fort o f hot afternoons. B O W L R U M B L IN G S That noble sport and pastime, bowling, might be available to East Tualatin V alley fans if those who recognize the possibilities could only get together. So might be the conclusions from bowl rumblings current. Tw o possible locations have al ready been booted about. One is near the East " Y " between Broad w ay and Canyon road, across from the new Show Boat tavern. The other is in the proposed I O O F building, which m ight be built on Stott street at Farmington. Th ere’s a hurdle or two before either o f the two locations see the beginnings o f such an installation. But 'tis interesting to note that notice is served that at least two parties have their eye on the ten pins. W . K. IV you suffer from B-VITAMIN DEFICIENCY symptoms like STRINGS A T T A C H E D Yes, the city received a shiny ew check in the amount o f $3.- 67.02 from the state highway Omniission—. But it was money 'ith strings definitely attached. A refund from gas tax money olleeted, the sum may be used nly with the permission o f the ighw ay department. Th e council is expected, within year, to submit a plan for spend- ig the money. It can be used on 0 road with which the state has aything to do nor on any road inflecting with a state road or ghway. Th e m atter o f finding how to •end the money was referred to •ed Goyt, city superintendent. • • • CONSTIPATION ^ great new formula combining B-VITAMINS with IRON promises new he^n for you! B R A K Y NOTE A note was received by the city tbers from the library board, ir k in g them fo r acceptance of 19-50 budget figures for the li- ♦ try. Clarification o f the librar- fs salary was effected by put- g it up to $75 per month, where had beerv established by the dget figures. iistead o f $1500. as passed, the Ird only expects to draft some ©0 from the city coffers, inas- fch as estimated fines are ex ited to bring in $200 per year. * D E L IN K • Iron is important in helping the body build up RICH, RED BLOOD * D Y N A M IT E J u s t o n e B e x e l capsu le contains Jries o f “ D ictator” , directed to > mayor, featured the sideline •am ite exploded by an impa ct looker-on. at the meeting, k regular attendant for the last » e or fou r meetings. Mr. Paul- 1 declared he had been before i Portland city council, the state islature and the national Con- Iss in W ashington D. C. Never. declared, had he seen such go- £ on. Jt'hen he stormed out of the incil chamber he threatened. |losively, that he would never back. • * 5 TIMES th e m in im u m daily Lots o f people who are apparently in good health— who have no diseases, no infections in their body— still cannot seem to toe the mark, cannot pull themselves out o f a nerv ous, overfatigued “ out-on-your-fect” slump. Such a condition may be due to the simple fact that you do not get enough B-vitamins and Iron in your food. O f course, your condition may be due to some other cause, so it is w ise to consult your doctor. But if mild Vitamin B and Iron defi ciencies are the origin o f your miseries, then B e x e l S p e c i a l F o r m u l a may dp wonders for you! • I'T S I P U T S I!" L^hile issues were clashing and nding in the council chambers. an adjoining room the old ird o f the faithful in Beaver- i ’ s volunteer fire department re laboriously laying a cement ^ ar for the fire hall. <W 'he cement m ixer was “ puts! ;si” and the stalw art firehouse dies were manning wheelbar- vs, cem ent sacks, long-handled ivels and trowels. • • • IT E N D F R A N K L IN ST. •roperty owners request an ap- lisal and net costs required to lend Franklin street from S. E. h to S. E. 14th Place, to con it with K y le ’s addition, fred G oyt was directed to pre- fe the estimate. • • • W L IN G P E R M IT k>ing on record as having no ection to anyone putting in a vling alley, the city council de- red that a perm it fo r operation ■ild be issued when and if an iy were to be put in. ’he decision was in response to request from Ed W . Kenney I the Beaverton IO O F in regard a proposed building at Farm- (ton and Stott. The IO O F want lease but needed the assurance the council that a bowling alley utd be permitted. • • • N A L S E W E R COSTS P ror the enhancement of those •o m ight wonder, the mayor .nes that the final cost of the ssent sewer installation will be -ween $800 thousand and $1 mil- n dollars, before th * end o f the years is reached. r e q u i r e m e n t o f IR O N Also 5 times the minimum doily require ment of Vitamin B, and times of B7 ASK YOUR OWN DOCTOR ABOUT THE VALUE OF THIS FORMULA! Each c a p s u l e c o n t a i n s : Thiamin« Hydrochlorid« (B1 j . . . 3 mgmt. Riboflavin (S2) ........................... 3 mgmt. Pyridoxin« Hydrochlorid« (Bg). 1.3 mgmt. N ia c in a m id «........................ 50 mgmt. Calcium Pantothenate.............. 10 mgmt. Cholin« Dihydrogen Citrat«, 30 475 mgmt. ( • qvivalpnl to 13.5 mgmt. Cholino) Ferrout Sulfat», d r ie d . . . . 194 4 mgmt. W hole Dri«d L iv er*.............. 300 mgmt. In o tit o l.................................... 5 mgmt. OLDER PEOPLE , often eat a diet which is deficient in B-vitamins and, Iron. T o them, B e x e l S p e c i a l F o r m u l a — just one capsule a day— may be a special blessing. Bexel is easy to take— and costs only six cents a day. Fun, Romance-Don’t Sacrifice Them You aie making a needless sacrifice if you've had lo give lip your friends, your favorite sports, if you limp along in your job, always feeling weak and lagged out .. . all due to the ituu/fi- rirn cy o f H vitamins and Iron in your diet. Start taking Hrxn. S pbcml F or mula . It may be exactly what you need to pep you up, make you bnght-eyed and cheerful again. I verybody knows the importance of ’l-vitamins, and everybody knows th« nporlance of Iron in your diet to help your body maintain * i c h , x i d hi ooo. Yes' Regardless of whether you’ve been taking other vitamin prep arations, B ixcl , a new scientific com bination of B-vitamins and Iron, may he the answer lo your problem. Try it —wilh a money-back guarantee. An Outstanding Scientific Achievement! Now the important B-vitamins have been com bined with IRON! LIVER!*' CHOLINE! INOSITOL! («1 better .- -» think your condi definitely impr°’ ■rfund yo u rjl question- Lout1 more K i r . . - * wrong? G e t them o i l . . . get their b e n e fltt. . . in the new BEXEL B -C 0 M P LEX Bexel Special Formulx helped me resume an ec- rise tocial life »gam I'm xoini xieadr »uh a woo- dertul nun how and life it beautiful " tvn to rtaron ÎH4 f>ean Street Brooklyn. N. Y. " I t '» a plcature tu have the enerer tu «0 ! -lin e » llh the fa n e again Oexe evening* . ihank» to U rte l Special Fu'malm. I t« In ila te d that my tak ng it nnce th e'« N t i Ice < •> lagged out lately wife au rt . " » » I r »TI a S 112 N u atraod t i e N. Y. C. C A PSU LES S P E C IA L FO RM U LA BEXEL SPECIAL FORMULA is not intended as a cure It is a dietary supplement to help guard against H-vilamin and Iron de ficiency in the diet. One capsule contains 5 limes the minimum daily requirement of Iron, 5 limes the minimum daily require ment of Vitamin H, and 2J^ times the minimum daily require ment of Vitamin B,. If you can’ t come in person us* this handy mail order coupon ^ Absolutely H arm less...N on Habi Forming. . . Guaranteed . . . Bexel sP cial Formula contains the important I vitamins and Iron. Also Liver \ Cholir and Inositol. A ll in one easy-to-taki safety-sealed capsule. This is the way man doctors prescribe vitamins because caf sides help guard against loss of potency c effectiveness, y o u j u s t t a k e o n e a d a y . , ANY TIM E OP T H E DA Y. •In supplemeniary quantifies. B E A V E R T O N P H A R M A C Y , Beaverton. Oregon Please send me % bottle* of Bexel Special For- Snuln. each containing 100 BEAVERTON PHARMACY Free Parking for Our Customers Beaverton 2311 c a p H U leg ( more than year's supply) at $5.95 per bottle. NAM E --- ----- --- ----- ------ A D D RESS • IT Y STATE 'a