Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1949)
Drive-In Eatery On Canyon Road Has New Owner COMPLETE FLOOR and W ALL COVERINGS 8911 S W Canyon Road A t W est Slope Open U ntil 8 ,0 0 P M Friday Evening EXPERT IN S T A L L A T IO N C A p ital 2860 FORM ERLY RILSTAO LINOLEUM FRUIT SPECIALS Sunday (August 21) ' 1,000 Tree-Ripened Peaches ^ Every Box Will Be of Top Canning Quality AT Q U IM BY'S "From Field To You In Less T h an An H our" 4 M iles From Tig ard - W 2 M iles From Beaverton On Highway 217 TIM O TH Y’S FRUIT CA N Rd. •’W •%. T he new building going up on B roadw ay in Beaverton next to the liquor store is being built by “ M ac" Clement, ow n er of the C offee Cup, w ho as yet is not re vealing the occu pant. Mac's own place will be rem odeled in O cto ber. A nother new structure going up is Bob H olland's building which will house the H olland Feed and Seed. L ocation is back o f the Odd Fellows hall on Farm ington Carl Soderquist, m anager at Teresl F ood C enter will leave for a tw o week vacation this Monday. TOO I ,A T E TO C L A S S IF Y On his schedule is some heavy S W E E T C O R N —25c dozen. W A. Ashing to be done in Eastern Ore- R oot, 222 Johnson Ave. Tigard. *on. O ptim istic Carl has promised 3 0 fish to several friends including ______________________________________ his boss, Frank. He -better make P orter & D ishw asher wanted, good. C anyon R o a d D rive-In Restau- The new shoe repair shop in 30 Cedar Mill P ark is owned by W al rant., W est Slope. ly W allace, veteran shoe repair I W A N T E D W aitresses & car hops man w ho form erly managed the m ust be experienced. 4 to 12:30 shoe repair departm ent in the Big Shoe on Sandy Blvd W allv, a Saturday. C anyon R oa d Drive- navy vet o f three years, plans to In, W est Slope. 30 m ove out here from Portland in F O R SALE E asy S pindlier. Also the near future. H om e from the hospital is Jean apartm ent size washing machine. T able m odel radio, play pen. H oeft o f Aloha, w ho form erly T aylor-T ot, high chair, tricycle w orked at the T ip T op C offee diaper can. P hone B eaverton Shop in B eaverton. Jean is feeling m uch better a ccord in g to the lat 2931. 30 est word and is expected back at FOR R E N T —House. 2-bedroom, w ork in O ctober. . . V acationing refs, necessary, 370 L ang Ave., in C alifornia is C huck Im lay and Beaverton, Ore. 30p his w ife w ho are takin g a w eek's iaunt aw ay from Chuck's stand F O R S A L E —2 tan figured rugs, in the Im lay H ardw are and Feed approxim ately 9 x 1 2 and 12x15 Store. cleaned. P h : B eaverton 2236. 30p W e m ay think that appliances S T E N O G R A P H E R — Typist pay and furniture are high in this roll and general o ffic e work. cou n try but accord in g to Jack K now ledge o f b ook k eepin g de Terry, recen tly returned from a sirable. L oca ted on B arbur Blvd. trip to Canada, prices are almost Call T igard 2451 or C H erry 1131. double up there. Jack com pared an electric range selling in this Mr. Baker. 30 cou ntry fo r $285 to one selling in 5-Y E A R O L D Jersey co w and 2 Canada for $458, and found them m o. veal ca lf. M ilks 4 gals. day. to be alm ost iden tical In make Latest rum or around the shop 9333 SW O leson Rd., Portland, 19, (G arden H om e). P hon e CH. ping center In C edar Mill Park 2296. 3°P is that “W o o d y " w h o runs the clean in g and dye shop, is building a sw im m ing pool. T his calls for the rem ark that m aybe w e’re In the w ron g business. L loyd Selfridge, m anager o f the B eaverton F urn itu re has moved into the Sunset h om e he recently | purchased In C edar Hills. Almost the first visitor the Selfridges had IT S ALL OVER TOWN in their new hom e w as Alexander ABOUT THE NEW . . . A lcan tara, an ex-arm y buddy o f L loyd's. A lcan tara who was a tech-sergeant in the air force with L loyd, is with the w eather bureau in Alaska. Credit for the rem ark that Bill Sm oked in T ip T op's New P lantation B arbecue oven, T ry Snyder m ay not be the best real one T oday! estate man in A loha but he cer tainly is the biggest, belon gs to R o y B riggs, radio and television man who, we m ust admit, has an observan t eye. W ANT ADS • i week days: 4 to 2:30 Friday f nd On Sale from 8 A. M. - 8 P. M. 1115 S. E. C anyon ■ O pposite H askell Center P EA CH ES Newly enrolled In the ranks of neighborhood corespondent«, Mrs. Glenn Shelley of Cedar Mill Turk will he expected to make sweet music in the dis- l>a|ches she submits for publi cation. Mrs. Shelley's husband Is wcll-knou n to western Oregon radio listeners because of the masterful m anner in which he plays the organ over radio sta tion KG W . And m i , readers may look with high anticipation to the newsnotes coming from Cedar Mill l*>*rk. And If residents In the area want to make sure that Mrs. Shelley has a chance to represent them, they are urged to civil Iter with all Items of newsworthiness. NOW mini ré Rent Clarke K l'G AN l> ( XKI'K I SHAM POO E Q U IPM EN T This w onderful new Clarke S ham poo Equipment, which you can rent from J. B. Im lay A Sons, banishes th j drudgery and high costs o f cleaning rugs, gives you professional results at h alf the cost. Births, visitors, (tarties, trips, meetings and In fact any ®nd all happening« of the commu nity arc Invited. Mrs. Shelley may Is- reached liy phoning Beaverton 2255. QUICK! Merchandise color and watch these traffic-worn spots perk up! Only takes a spare houc—but you need mighty good paint—extra-tough to take SAFE! STORE HOURS 11 A. M. TO 6 P. M. J /. (ß . Open Friday Evenings ^9m fa if on ó TILL 9 P. M. STARKIE'S Haskell Shopping Center ON TOP QUALITY FOODS THAT HELP STRETCH THE FAMILY BUDGET TERESI FOOD CENTER SALAD DRESSING PLANTATION BARBECUES Pain» on fresh EASY! As sim ple to use as a vacuum cleaner, the Clarke Rental System consists o f R ug Sham poo Machine . . "C ” E m ulsion Concentrate, and F oam -V ac Vacuum Pickup. The R ug Sham poo Machine th orou ghly sham poos the rug with a solution o f “ C " emulsion. The F oam -V ac whisks away the dirt-laden foam . Then your rugs are really clean, sanitary and sparkling with FOR RENT beauty; W ith Clarke Rental Equipm ent It's easy to keep them that w ay the whole year JU S T C A L L 'round! W A TC H FOR NEW FA LL ! STANb BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE— Fridoy, August 19, 1949 SHOULD MAKE MUSIC T rade L anes C anyon R oa d drive-in restaur ant, in W est Slope, was in full sw ing this week under new ow n ership and m anagem ent. Operat ing the establishm ent is the W histling Pig, Inc., o f Portland, w h o will give drive-in ca r service from 11 a m. to m idnight daily and to 2 a. m. on Friday and Sat urday. Som e new equipm ent has been installed in the restaurant, fo r m erly operated by Cundari's, and the kitchen has been rem odeled to perm it fa ster service. At present, W illiam S. B ruckner, who form er ly m anaged the Congress Hotel dining room and Lipinan W olfe's tea room is manager. • BOXES OF •NEW CORRESPONDENT 49c hard wear and weather without fading or checking. Fuller makes it—it lastsl MR,GUINEYJ>IG0 PORCH & DECK PAINT Across From First Security Bank Popular colors MORE COLORS-MORE DECORATING HELP preserved PfflNTS FRESH FRUIT* and BERRY FLAVORS/ CED A R MILL LUMBER & HARDW ARE • C* P* Jem i Jelly Beaverton 2191 Don't He A Guinea Rift1 - You can depend on us for that "new look" paint job. PECTIN For Results Try Our Classified Ads BEAVERTON BODY SHOP 259 N. W . Canyon Road Phone Beaverton 4162 DR. H. A. PUTNAM C h iro p ra ctic P hysicio n 30 year* practice m Portland I block So. of Canyon Rood on Howett Rood-West Slooe Portland phone BEacon 9637 Open eves bv appointment CO LO RED HENS CU T FLO W ERS Fresh Country Killed C hickens Excellent for or stewing Roasting 47 Lb. PRICES 75c doz. ASTERS 50c bch. Cut Fresh D aily EFFECTIVE Miller's GLADS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Quality Foods We Deliver Beaverton 3661 BR 7960 DO YOU SUFFER NEEDLESS PAIN FROM ARTHRITIS? If you do, It’e your fault. New formula bringe relief. There Is a scientific formula which has already brought prompt relief to many from the tortures due to rheu matism and arthritis This form ula la called DOLCIN It has been tested In clinics and hospital.. As a result of these tests, many doctors are now recommending DOLCIN to relieve pains of rheumatic and arthritic suf ferers. DOLCIN Is safe and easy to take. So there Is no reason for you to suffer pain that mav be completely needle s DOLCIN costs amazingly little. 100 precious tablets cost only $2 00 SOLD BY DEAN’S Phone 3774, DRUG Beaverton, Ore Prices Effective Thurs., Fri„ We Reserve Right M>e|t Days 8:30 to 9 P. M. 10 to 9 hundavs FOOD Sot., August 18, 19, 20 Phone To Limit Quantities TERESI I N D E P E N D E N T a ni H O M E //v' r u e , +/ASK6CC o - ■ O W N E O s h o p p // sec Beaverton 4158 CENTER c eh r e p