Business Guide m BEAVERTON AREA BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL LISTINGS A INSURANCE ADVERTISING F IR E The BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE - BONDS THOMAS S. DUTHIE —The Tualatin Valley Market Basket” D IS P LA Y — C LASSIFIE D B E A V E R TO N - AUTO - L IA B IL IT Y «80 S. E 13th St., Beaverton. Ore. Phone 4240 “ Insure and Be Sure” PH O N E 2321 LUMBER APPLIANCES KINGSLEY-BEAVERTON LUMBER CO. APPLIANCES DOUGHTY'S Dutch Boy Paint« "Largest Selectfon of Electrical Appliances In Beaverton" 1445 N. E. Canyon Road______ Beaverton 4175 Roofing — Insulations Beaverton Phone 3201 LUMBER a p p l ia n c e s GRAUER & ACKERMAN W. J. McCREADY LUMBER CO Hot Point - Maytag "E very Appliance for the Home” On Canyon Rd. Beaverton 4182 East of Beaverton or ATwater 4507 ROOFING - IN SU LA TIO N SASH and DOORS Beaverton Phone 3821 NURSERY ATTORNEY Camellias Rhododendrons Evergreen Specialist THURLOW WEED A T T O R N E Y - A T - LA W ) Rare-Dwarf Evergreens Beaverton 3651 DREW'S ILEX NURSERY 237 Farmington (next to Kiwanis Hall) B EA VER TO N ______________________ Phone 4448 Eighth mile west of Benverton on Canyon Rd. OPTOMETRIST- BEAUTY SALON CANYON BEAUTY STUDIO DR. FRANK McBRIDE Guaranteed Permanent Waving Manning Bldg., Beaverton 9101 S. W. Canyon Road Evenings by Appointment For Appointment Phone Beaverton 3571 A T 2893 PAINTING BUILDING MATERIAL MILTON R. DRAKE WEST SLOPE LUMBER YARD Painting - Papering Contract Work Free Estimates Work Guaranteed 260 S. W. 9th St., Beaverton Phone 4962 For Anything in Building Material—W e Have it—W ill Get it or It Isn’t Made 9049 S. W. Canyon Rd. BRoadway 6122 ^ PRINTING CARPENTER I C. MICKELSEN THE BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Building - Repairs Personal and Business Stationery Office Forms and Cards Beaverton 4194 Rt. 3, Box 249 --------------------------------- For Service Phone Beaverton 2321 P L U M B IN G ---------------------------------- CLEANERS- COOK'S CLEANERS & DYERS CLEARWATER PLUMBING "Home of Fine Cleaning” Electric and Gas Water Heaters Fairbanks-Morse Pumps and Service S and H Green Stamps Beaverton 3891 375 S. W. Canyon Rd. REacoo 6757 Beaverton Phone 4581 PLUMBING FEED AND SEED CARLSON PLUMBING CO. PROGRESS FEED CO. Farm Feeds • Seeds - Special Mixtures Dealers for Hodgen-Brewster Centennial Feeds H A R R Y PALO HOW ARD TY L E R Progress, Oregon Call Beaverton 4020 "20 Years Experience" Material and Workmanship Guaranteed Beaverton 4118 Charles Carlson Ted Sanborn RADIO FEED R A D IO SE RVIC E A T ITS F IN E S T Modern Equipment Technical Know-Hpw HOLLAND FEED STORE — Hay Grain — Seeds BEAVER RADIO Poultry Supplies Across from Telephone Office 109 S. W. Watson, Beaverton 4942 Phone 3811 Beaverten REAL ESTATE FEEDS Horticultural, Agricultural and Floriet E. L. WORD, Real Estate Supplies FINDLEY M ILLING CO. 16 S. E. Farmington Beaverton 3851 Farms - Suburbans - Residential 1210 N. E. Canyon Road Beaverton 4531 Portland Capital 2211 REFRIGERATION FILING U. S. GRINDING SHOP REDFIELD REFRIGERATION 315 Farmington Rd., Nert to Logan & Page Knives, Scissors, Lawn Mowers, Saws, Axes, Hand Sickles Service and Repair on All Makes R efriger­ ators. Washing Machines, Ranges and Motors FLORIST Phone Beav. 4985 1582 N. E. Center St. REPAIRS Guaranteed Repair Washing Machines Refrigerators, Ranges, Motors, Etc. BEAVERTON FLORIST FLO W ERS FOR A L L OCCASIONS Deliveries to Hillsboro and Portland 1650 S. E. Lombard St. BLANTON SERVICE Phone Beaverton 2525 Phone Be.averton 2384 LABBE FLOWERS WEDDINGS OUR SPECIALTY Near Sunset Highway 6802 S. W Canyon Rd. Bridge ATwater 10*9 For Weight Reducing and Chic Grooming CLARA M. ANDERSON, In s tru c t« 805 Johnson Road, The Douglas fir. transplanted from Oregon to The Netherlands to bring new lifeblood Into the partially denuded forest sections of the country, is doing so well in Dutch soil that It may well be­ come the principal factor, both in the Netherlands reforestation pro­ gram and in the critical lumber situation. Some of these trees were plant­ ed eighteen years ago in central Holland. In a section that for cen­ turies, much of it since the ninth century, seemed suitable exclu­ sively for such broad-leafed trees as the oak, the beech and the birch. Survivors of these ancient trees are still in existence, al­ though twisted and gnarled with age. The Douglas firs, tall and straight, tower like young giants over the old wbods. To save what Is left of the old Dutch forests and develop denud­ ed areas Into new forests, both for utilitarian and for recreational purposes. Is the aim of the forest­ ry service. It started rather late, after many private owners had sold their trees, for profit, in the latter part o f the nineteenth cen­ tury. Several laws were passed to prevent further denuding At pre­ sent only 7.8 per cent of Holland’s total surface is wooded. This makes her the forest-poorest coun­ try in Europe except England. The forestry service, now cele­ brating its fiftieth anniversary, controls some 160,000 acres, which it must protect against the grow­ ing encroachment of agriculture and of the constantly expanding urban communities. Besides, the Law for the Preservation of Nat­ ural Beauty, passed in 1928. gives the department control also of some 250,000 acres of private grounds, which the owners can no longer convert to other purposes without special permit. Many of the larger cities arc cooperating with the government to bring new woods into being. In Amsterdam, for example, a new wood has been created in which New York City’s Central Park would fill only a modest corner. When completed, this new wood may well become the largest arti­ ficial forest created anywhere In Europe. New Habits For Oregon Drivers Due Next Month School buses stopped along the roadway to load or unload passen­ gers must be regarded as though they were stop signs, reminds the secretary of state’s traffic safety division. This will call for the formation of a new driving habit on the part o f Oregon motor vehicle operators when schools re-open next month, safety officials point out. Under the terms of Oregon's new school bus stopping law adopted by the state legislature early last spring, all vehicles must come to a complete stop when meeting or overtaking a school bus on a two lane highway that has stopped to load or unload children. Vehicles may not pro­ ceed, the law declares, “ if and so long as any school children are leaving the school bus or crossing the highway." Before its passage, school buses could be passed by other vehicles without stopping provided speed was held to a maximum of 15 miles an hour. The new law exempts from stopping only those vehicles on the far side of a four-lane high­ way travelling in the opposite di­ rection. Similar laws are in effect in at least twenty other states in­ cluding Washington and Californ­ ia, the division reported. ; ^M M M M NW M M NNM M N* ! HUP A CWPPL1D CHILD TO WALK 2ND ANNUAL s u n n s ’ HOSPITAL ALL-STAR THE LUZ ON CLUB FLORIST Netherlands Use Ore. Douglas Fir To Build Forest Beaverton Phone 4857 - Football Game TERRY'S FURNITURE CO. “New and Duel" Household Furnishings, Quaker Oil Heaters Montag Electric Ranges, All Sixes 2286 N. E. Canyon Rd Beaverton 4703 WATKINS PRODUCTS For Write or See J. L. BENSON 213 S W Washington, Beaverton th * A u g u st sponsored *i I onil . t g jn ia n a a a i . n f motor ‘gi S ta te M o to i m u M ^ u iu U ? ^>re- u on * M a »«*.-. «*4 lax t>y tn« Oregot i aaooR'iaUoci a n d The > reg o n ia n BY HERM AN ED W AR DS S ta ff Writer The Oregonian Of all the people who havt come from other lands to m al« their home in Am erica none 1 « more interesting and more do ’. ightful to know than the Basques from Spam And of all the communities in the Far West where the Basques have settled probably none is a more delightful place in which to live, more typically Basque than Jordan valley and the little town of Jordan Valley, a mile and a half from the Idaho line in southern Malheur county The Basques o f antiquity were a people of mystery, the very origin of their race lost to the historians, probably in the dis­ memberment o f the Roman em pire The Basques, after they settled in Spain, and some in France, bred adventuresome seafaring men, and one of them, the Basque leRend relates, gave O re­ gon its name more than 400 years ago. This navigator. Juan Uncetta by name and probably in search of the mythical North west Passage, landed some of his crewmen near a “ broad river " with instructions to “ stay there" until he returned Translation of “ stay there” Into the ancient Basque lan- nage is "O re — e-gon Juan Tneetia's diary indicates the broad river probably was the Columbia Tw o Men Find V alley The story of how the Basques came to Jordan valley starts in 1889 when two restless immi grants. Jose N avarro and An tonio Azcuenaga. who had reached Nevada in 1886 essayed a trip over the desolate desert and mountains into Idaho. At McDermitt Nev.. on the Oregon line, they bought a horse, loaded him with their possessions, and started out afoot Eventually they reached the green valley where Jordan creek comes down out of Idaho’s Silver City mountains. They had had enough o f desert wan­ dering Jordan va lley was to their liking and there w ere jobs where Basques could follow their age-long occupation of s h ^ iv herding Navarro and Azcuenage pros­ pered. as did their relatives and others who follow ed them These early arrivals w ere not too cor­ dially received, at first, in a re­ gion predominantly devoted to cattle raising, but their friendly traits and gradual shifting of activities from sheep to cattle soon won them acceptance Great changes have come over this country in the period be­ tween that venture of Jose and Antonio and the day the white Motorlog Ford o f the Oregon State Motor association traveled the smooth U. S. highway No 95 up from McDemitt. past Battle mountain, and on into Jordan valley Half of the population of Jor­ dan Valley's some 350 are Basques and an estimated 800 to 1000 live in the surrounding area Best way to find a Basque is to inquire: "A r e you a Bal*x>?” Otherwise there is no sure way to distinguish a Basque from anyone else In the city they would be distinguished by their rugged frames and the High ston« wall oi jai alai court adjoins Jordan Valla y hotel Typical Basque«: Felix Pascual and Inaki Eiguren tanned, healthy look that comes from hard work and life in the open. But in this Jordan valley everybody has that look Basques, or their relatives b> marriage, own most of the busi nesses in Jordan Valley. Most o f their old country cus­ toms have long since disap­ peared No more do they dance the spirited fandango or play the strenuous jai alai The tow­ ering stone backwall of the court in which these games once were played adjoins Jordan Valley’s little Douglas hotel, and hardly a day passes but Proprietor V. C. Douglas has to explain to tourists what it is. Honesty Unquestioned Unchanged, as the generations of younger Basques pass, is their scrupulous regard for honesty. A check with a Basque signa ture on it is accepted unhest tatingly, it is said, wherever their reputation is known. High also is their regard for education and loyal their devo­ tion to the Catholic religion. Basque men long have been noted for their prodigious strength and for their gargan­ tuan appetites, a habit which is said to make old age not too common among them. Their women are famed as marvelous housewives and cooks and some of them, aa one Basque father related, “are hell for Kids.” A ll are hospitable and an in- Roads to Jordan Valloy vitation to stay for dinner is not to be denied without offering offense, and to accept is a pleas­ ant experience not soon to be forgotten. Want To... BUY - SELL t TRADE - SWAP V8. PORTLAND ALL-STARS MMNOMtff STAMUM Delivery on Your Favorite Products Th* following ta a cor den s a t ion of a motor- . lo g a p p e a rin g ORMON ALL-STARS **1040 C o lle «« riwwtmm- FURNITURE Motorlog to Remote Jordan Valley Leads to Peacelul Basque Camay ff) KTLAHD Ul AU6. 27-4 f. M. ★ tMCTACULAR HI-ftAM I AMO HALF-TIM I PAMANT ftoaorved S i t — S I GARAGE WEATHER STRIPPING K IR W A N ’S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE Complete Automotive Repairing HANCOCK SUPER SE RVIC E STATIO N Across from Safeway Store Phone Beaverton 2531 Interlocking Metal - Insulation - Venetian Blinds — Free Estimate« Multnomah M etal Weatherstrip Co. 3221 S W Spring Garden Rd., Portland 1, Ore. J W. (B ill) Bollinger Phone Beaverton 2918 WROUGHT IRON HEATING GRAUER & ACKERMAN Furnaces - Floor Furnace« Oil Burner* - Circulator* Control* - Repair Service Phone* Beaverton 4182 or AT 4507 Special Price on Weather Vanes DALTON * CO. “Anything In Wrought Iren” Grill«, Railing*. Gates. Fences, Guard« L a b tern« 388 Canyon Road. Beaverton Phone 4086 O m —rml Aémlttlm »— |2 HI S * k i l Stwémsti —$1 I Tool e s » r%£ USE OUR r r NET PROCEEDS TO P o rtla n d mm Shrincrs’ Hospital Far Crippled CMMren w eeeee*aae—» »»ee— * * » * » * » ' Classified Section