Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1949)
BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE— Fndoy, August 12, 1949 STOP ACCIDENTS BOY SCOUTS SPEND WEEK • END AT HIKING. SWIMMING. EATING TILLM AN RETURNS BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE— Fndoy, August 12, 1949 NOT A N Y f l s Back again to Beaverton, this i An accident is no fun for a »)- » By («lady* - — - - * * time in a new capacity, comes C. j IlfAterlp** More common courtesy would go P O R T L A N D RE U N IO N one. So never dash across the E. Tillman, owner of the Tip Top a long way toward stopping traf street from between parked cars hazeldale cooper Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Livermore Coffee Shop, according to IV. G. fic accidents. M O U NTAIN—Scout Troop 297 of attended a reunion in Portland, Sinclair or between Intersections. o f the Canyon Road Cooper Mt. had an outing last Wednesday Aug. 3. given by Mrs Drive-In Theater. week end at Spirit Lake. The Carlson, a grand niece of Mr. Tillman, well-known by Beaver- j Scouts were accompanied by their Livermore, in honor of Rev. A. B. ton residents, had often remarked Scout Master Ben Malxner, they Jackson of Jefferson City Mo. who of his theatrical activities prior to Phone 4293 went on a 14 mile hike to Bear has been a Presbyterian minister entering the restaurant field. He Pass. There they enjoyed swimm there for 25 years. has had lots o f experience in the Wednesday thru Saturday, August 10, 11, 12, 13 When a boy the Reverend lived show business. ing and their own cooking. in Roseburg. Ore. where he was a B I K T t ill A YS IN CHURUH Sinclair, personable co-owner I “ A LETTER TO THREE W IV E S". Jeanne Crain, Linda Attendance at the Hazeldale •newspaper carrier. and manager of the theater, tells| Darnell, Ann Sothern It has been over 19 years since plans o f a three months jaunt into j Bible Church Sunday Aug. 7 wa Mr. Livermore had seen his the Wallowa mountains. Fishing | "B A D MEN OF TOM BSTONE". Barry Sullivan, Marjorie 50 with an offering of $7.34 Janet Remington, Frank Benson. Sandra nephew. and outdoors living, it is under- j Reynolds Sunday, August 7 a family re- stood, will rate high on his list of ] Kurtz, observed their birthdays Audrey Golden, the assistent Supt. union was held in Roseburg where j activities, |------- Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, August 14, 15, 16 conducted Sunday school In the over 100 relatives gathered. absence of Mr. R. C. Doty, the "C A N A D IA N PACIFIC". Randolph Scott Supt. who is on vacation. FROM ROSEBURG "A PA R TM E N T FOB PEGGY", Jeanne Crain, Wm. Holden Mr. and Mrs. Willard of Rose- burg, spent Saturday and Sunday Wednesday thru Saturday, August 17, 18, 19, 20 with his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Livermore. "TH E BRIBE". Robert Taylor, Ava Gardner, Charles Music by According to 1949 hunting reg COM M UNITY PIC N IC Laughton ulations as released by the Oregon Johnnie Washburn's Cooper Mt. community picnic is state game commission, nimrods August 14 at Balm Grove. "K E EP 'EM TLYIN G ". Bud Abbott, Lou Costello Melody Aces in Washington county will not be Bring your picnic lunch and I required to wander far afield in come. Everyone Is welcome. search of pheasants. Open season BUZZES NEIGHBORS in the county has been set from Last Sat. eve. Willard Livermore Admission—74c; (Inc. Tax) ! noon, October 21, through October of Roseburg, flew his plane to I 26. Beaverton and spent the night Bag limits is 2 cock pheastnts with his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. and not more than 6 during the W. Livermore. He buzzed the house entire season, for ringnecks. Blue in the Hazeldale vicinity. Every and ruffled grouse, bag limit of 2, one wondering who it could be. will be in season from September Aloha, Oregon — Phone, Aloha MOI HAC K FROM OHIO 1 through 5 in all counties west of Free Parking Lot for Our Patrons Mrs. Loren Broad and baby the summit of the Cascades, came home last Thursday from There is no time limit on silver Wednesday through Saturday, August 10, 11, 12, 13 Dayton, Ohio, where she has been gray squirrels, in Washington while Loren was in school. Loren "F A M IL Y H ONEYM OON" county, with the bag restriction of has been transfered to New Mex Fred MacMurray, Claudette Colbert 5 in possession during the entire ico. year. "IN D IA N A G E N T" Tim Holt ON 50TH W E D D IN G DAY Mink, muskrat and otter are in Mr. and Mrs. W illis W right of open season from November 15 PROM PT. EFFICIENT Sunday, Monday. Tuesday, August 14, 15, 16 Hazeldale held open house on Sat. through February 15, on racoon, Aug 6 from 4 to 9 p. m. In honor from Novemebr 15 through Octo CAR SERVICE "O UTPO ST IN MOROCCO" Starring George R aft of their 50th wedding anniversary. ber 15, 1950. Marten, fisher, Beaver About 75 guests were present. "RIVER L A D Y " Yvonne DeCarlo, Rod Cameron and ringtail cat season is closed FEATURING HANCOCK Mr. and Mrs. Wright were mar the entire year. ried in Arko Oregon in 1899. Some Wednesday thru Saturday, August 17, 18, 19, 20 In big game hunting, the general GASOLINE & PRODUCTS who attended the wedding in 1899. deer season will be from October were here to help them celebrate "C A N A D IA N PAC IFIC " Randolph Scott to October 20, Inclusive, in all their anniversary. counties except Sherman, for "T U C S O N " Jimmy Lydon, Paula Edwards Guests were here from Californ blacktail and mule deer having ia, Colorado, several places in Ore not less than forked antlers, and gon. The wedding was reenacted in Douglas county only for white- If you ore improving your home or business ask again and recordings were made. Garage & Service Station tail deer having not less than Rev. Joe Mitchell officiated. forked antlers. Bag limit is one (The Firestone Store) about our convenient monthly payment plan. PL E A S A N T SU R PR ISE deer. West End of “ Y ” in Beaverton Sunday July 31. Mr and Mrs ENJOY 4N General Elk season runs from Phone 3961 15 w . Livermore were pleasantly ^ A T TH ESf ^ October 25 to November 3, inclu | EVENING surprised when Dr. and Mrs. L. J- sive, bag limit of one bull elk W ELL C Ensign and son Jack arrived from having antlers with three points K N O W I * Ç Duluth Minn. or more, including the brow tine. The Dr. is a nephew of M Open area is that portion of Ore Livermore. On monday they spent Old Canyon Road Beaverton Phone 3821 gon west of highway 97. with the the day at the Beaches. exception of Washington and Till VACATIO N TW O W E EK S amook counties and that part of BILL'S RICHMAID ICE CREAM Mr and Mrs. R. C. Doty and Douglas county east of highway West " Y " on Canyon Road daughter Mariam left Sat.. Aug. « 99. for a 2 week vacation which will Bandtail pigeons may be hunted We Make Our Own Ice Cream and Sherbets take them to Nebraska. Colorado In Washington county from Sep Brownie's Ice Cream Sandwiches and return through Utah. tember 1 to 30, inclusive, with bag limit at 8 in any one day, 8 in H A P P Y HOUR M EETIN G possession at one time and not Hazeldale Happy Hour club more than 24 during the entire meets this Thurs. eve. with Mrs season, Sally Nlel at 8 p. m. A complete synopsis is being The club honored Mrs. P p,e N. E. C AN YO N ROAD prepared by the game commission Plluso with a shower of cards and and as soon as the printing is CHICKEN, STEAK DINNERS — SHORT ORDERS a plant on her birthday Aug. 2. accomplished should be ready for She Is still confined to her home T R Y OUR DELICIOUS HOMEMADE PIE distribution—probably about Sep with Illness tember 1. f r o m TE X A S Thomas Parker, son of Mr and Mrs Tom Parker of Cooper Mt., returned home Wednesday from TO MAKE ROOM FOR FA LL MERCHANDISE ARRIVING San Antonio. Texas, where he has been confined to the hoepltal. Open Sunday 1,00 P. M T ill 1;00 A. M Thomas had been in the R O T training camps. He flew home y Weekdays 5,00 P. M T ill 1,00 A M. "Miss Broodway'' 'Strutwear" United Air Lines, much improved but will need about 2 weeks of Washington County Sheriff’s $ 1.00 Closed Monday and Tuesday complete rest. Posse riders will be among the The Original He will go to St Louis. Mo. to expected 300 members of the Ore resume his training. gon association of Mounted Posses Th ree- Lipstick Pou ch Tailored in white or blush All gauges Service, ser to give their mounts a real work PROJECT GOES ON pink Sizes 32 to 40 vice sheer, or super sheer out this weekend as they partici j A L 4 R A Y ROSSI The Hazeldale Bible Church re Phone 2471 for Reservation« plus tax pate in the 2nd annual state posse reived enough money last week to Regularly $2 95 All sizes and colors. encampment at Davis Lake, in the put on the roof, shlplap the out I Odell district of the Willamette side and put a cement floor in the National forest. basement Senator Wayne Morris and Gov Work is expected to start again Com/dete Fall I iputiek W ardrobe ernor Douglas McKay, both active soon. N IW IJ T IH A O M i in horsemen's organizations, have G ARD EN CLUB G IFTS been sent special invitations. Rep The Cooperdale Garden club POITIAIT PINk NOSECAY resentatives from Benton, Clack honored Mrs Pete Ptluso with UCHT RED SIREN amas, Douglas, Jackson, Josephine, plant and other gifts on her birth Etri atutain SOUTH AMERICAN Klamath, Lane, Linn, Tillamook, day Aug 2 Washington. Yamhill and Lake The garden club will meet Wed The little red pouch county Sheriff's posses, as well as Aug 17 at the home of Mr and doubles as a coin p u rse! the Oregon Mounted. Salem, and Mrs Willis Wright on Farmington the Clatskanie and P o r t l a n d road Mrs. Marvin Wright and Mounted police posses will be on Mrs. Gladys Hesterlee will be the DEAN'S DRUG STORE hostesses. hand. Everyone Is urged to be present Phone 3774 The arrangement committee, has j Beaverton, Ore. P R A Y E R T IM E been working with the Willamette district forest ranger to complete Prayer meeting will be held this plans for camping and daily horse I Thurs. eve at the Howey home on I Cooper Mt .. everyone Is welcome. back treks along forest trails. As These are better dresses, beau well as enjoying two days of 2280 Canyon Road tiful, cool and washable horseback recreation, these posse- men are checking the forest trails Smartest dresses of the year One Mile East of Beaverton Beaverton 4526 to make sure they are open and Plenty of large sizes Buy serviceable in case of fire. these at this price while they During their two days of camp ing out, the posse members will be last. served food from chuck wagons FOUNTAIN SERVICE FIT FOR A KING! ! W IT H th k n O H T H I) manned by Lane and Tillamook \ k m y in TO KYO IA M N posse members. Western music SODAS FU LL OF RICH DELICIOUS Recruit Russell L. Place, 20. son and dancing at an Improvised of Mr and Mrs. L. H. Place. Route pavillton will feature the evening NUTRITIOUS ICE CREAM! 3. Box 438. Beaverton, Oregon, has entertainment for the posse mem recently been promoted to the bers and their wives SANDWICHES — COFFEE rank of Private for his commend- able performance as a rifleman Sizes 12 to 20 | In hi» unit Company E. 8th Cav- | airy Reglmant. This promotion Don't He 4 (.uinea Pip' I was announced by the command W EST END ing officer of Company E. 59 uroaaway, Broadway, oeaverton Beaverton jT J 8 E L L W O O D B R ID G E You can depend on us for Private Place entered the U. 8 window glass, foe better | Army in January. 1949 and •• CREMATORIUM ed his basic training at Fort Ord visibility. MAUSOLEUM California Sailing for the Far I BEAVER BROOK FOUNTAIN East Command during April, 1949 CEMETERY BEAVERTON BODY SHOP Near Beaverton High School I I 8 S W Broadway, Beaverton \ he was assigned to the 8th Oval Com plete F u n e ra l S e rv ic e In N ew COMF. IN AND P L A Y 259 N W. Conyon Rood ! ry Regiment, now on occupation C ath ed ral r h » | 0 | at N o E x t r a fo o t SHUFFLEBOARD Phone Beaverton 4162 duty in the Tokyo and Yokohama •Overside is a cooperative aaaori- Open 10 A M to 9 P M. Including Sundays I area of Japan. xtlon with asset^ of over $ 800 . 0 hr FO U N TAIN SERVICE __________________________ SANDW ICHES B E A V E R THEATRE DANCE Kinton Grange Game Com. OK's Pheasant Hunts In Wash. County AUGUST 13 ALOHA THEATRE inn ANDERSON & CRAWFORD W. J. McCREADY LUMBER CO. I Dorothy G ray Ikm SUMMER DRESSES MUST GO! “w l PAULSONS CA FE Clearance SALE! CONTINUING THRU AUGUST Posses of State Plan Big Things For Encampment OLD HEIDELBERG PARK Satin Slips *199 Stockings , CHICKEN and STEAK DINNERS $ BEMBERG DRESSES Chinese values to $10.95 and SUNTOP & JACKETED DRESSES American Food 1 I of Superior Quality and Taste values to $8.95 CHINA MR. GUINEY PIGG LANTERN Recruit Upranks To Private By Skill With Gun Reg $4.95 Sun-Top Dresses $ 2 -9 ? Riverview Cemetery V k, MODE BOB'S ICE CREAM ■ -I