/lo o ts fl'CDLNAIG Saddle Club Plans AFTER 32 YEARS SERVICE TO DIST. o / C TNEN^ndAKHV Overnite Picnic HENRY JOHNSON RETIRING On The Tualatin Mr*. R. Osborn CUSTOMS ON VACATION Beaverton Saddle Club members T U A L A T IN V IE W The election Mr. and Mrs. B Mustoe visited are requested to have their sleep­ ing bags and blankets at the Cobb, of one board member to the Bar- Crater Lake on their vacation. Shop on Farmington and Tucker i nes-Tualatin View school board will be held at 8 p. m. on Thurs­ HACK TO SEA no later than noon Sat. Members will meet at the crush-! day. July 28 at the Barnes school. Mrs. L. Mason accompanied Mr er on Highland a v e , at 2 o'clock This is to fill the vacancy caused Mason to Seattle, Wn., where he Sat. afternoon wheie they will hy the retiring of Henry Johnson ships out to sea again. He has ride to the Lewis home on the who has served 32 years as a spent the last week home in the Tualatin for an overnight picnic hoard member. Mr. Johnson re­ West Haven district. The club will meet as usual tires on account of health. I ------- Thursday evening at the club HACK TO W ORK grounds. V IS IT G R A N D M O TH ! K Members reported oodles of fun A1 Potapenko has been home ill Mr .and Mrs. R. Osborn and but has recovered and is now last week and have been invited family over the weekend made a hack at work again. to take part in a horse show trip to Newport to visit ’ in- chil given in connection with a barbe­ dren's grandmother, Mis. Ethel cue at Banks Aug. 14th. Johnson, who was vacationing MOVED INTO NEW HOME F IR S T R IN G S BIN DIN G NUPTIAL VOWS, UNLIKE TODAYS GOLD OR DIAMOND WE PD/KG R/N G S, W ER E G R A SS BA U D S WHICH CAVE M EH T/ED ON FIN G ER S OF TH EIR B R ID E S lr \\m i i m 11 / VACATIO N T R IP Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gestring and son, Carlton, and Mrs. Francis, mother of Mrs. Gestring. have just returned from a vacation trip to Crater Lake, the Oregon Caves, and a trip through the Redwoods. ^ ANC/ENT EN G LISH BRID AL CUSTOM SHOWERED BRIDE WITH WHEAT AND PRESENTED H ER AND HER GROOM WITH A POT OF BUTTER DENOTING PLENTY 0 ABUNPANCE IN g i f t s f o r t h e N O M E, SU C H A S SILV ER . CHINA, CLOCKS, CRYSTAL ly- The Pringles are living in their | new home at 4235 S. W. Patton Road and have one other daugh­ ter Virginia. 'T r - r i**f h HOME E C CLUB The Beaverton Home EC Club met at the home of Vivian Law- rence on July 12 for a picnic lunch In the beautiful grounds. A business meeting followed. P R A C TIC A LLY G NEEDLE-SOCIAL CLUB MTN. VACATIO N The Beaverton Rebekah Needle Mr_ and M E . G. Perkins re- and Social club will meet Friday, turned Thursday of last week ; August 5. at the home of Mrs. from a delightful vacation in the I Ellen LaRue on Johnson Road in Reedville with Mrs. Pearl Brown- Rockies and Salt Lake City. j rigg assistant hostess. A pot luck | lunch will be served at noon. NO AUGUST M EETINGS j I t has been announced that L IT T L E MISS L IN D A Little Michael Medill has a baby \ there will be no regular meetings of the Beaverton American Legion sister, Linda Eleanor, weight 8 Auxiliary during the month of pounds six ounces who came to stay with her parents, Mr and August. Mrs. James H. Medill, early Satur­ day morning, July 23. Mother and baby are both doing fine at Wilcox Memorial hospital. I V E N NOW 4-88 100 SHORTY COATS Values to 24 95 . . . 100% Wool coverts, tweeds, plaids, solid colors. 30 LONG W H ITE COATS AW AY COATS 100% WOOL M AN Y COLORS M AN Y STYLES VALUES TO 19 95 EX TR A SPECIA L! LAKE VAt \riO N Mr. and Mrs.R. Davis md fam­ ily have returned home after a VACATION vacation at Crater Lake and the Mr and Mrs. R, Osborn and Redwoods. California. family spent a lovely vacation at home and at beach resorts. MOVING FRO M i V I M IIAVEN / 7/ pyttc¿<<£ NOW 7.88 Extra Special! 30 White Long 1 2 * * Coats; Flare Backs. Covert Cloth, Fleeces and other Materi- als. Values to 29.95 200 LONG COATS • 1007c wool i O 88 0 Values to 29.95 I E 0 Reds, Greens, Blacks. Pinks, Tweeds, and other colors. 100 G A B A R D IN E SUITS • 100'; wool 0 Values to 49.95 4 r\ 19 Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Murner who live on Lombard St. left on Wed. July 20th for a business trip for J several weeks to Aberdeen, South j Dakota. -------- - Mr. and Mrs. John W. Wheeler ! entertained for her daughter and j husband Mr. and Mrs. James Lewis Kincheloe on Sat. eve. Friends i of the family and neighbors, a | good many attended, delicious re- I freshments were served by the hostess. j HOME SOLD The Harry Therjelsen home on Huber Ave. was sold last week to I a family by the name of Ander- ! son. The Therjelsens have located in Forest Grove. hm Riverview Cemetery W EST END SE LL WOOD BRID G E SINGER 9RESS C O . 602 Royal Bldg, bet. Bdwy & Park. 716 SW Morrison over Knight's store ■Sgs CREMATORIUM MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY Service in New Cathedral Chapel at No Extra Cos« Riverside is a cooperative associ ation with assets of over *800,000 " —- I P u a o fu irtK , If your complexion is dull... rough, your skin leathery .. .scrub it eff. .. safely. . . in one short week’s time! Du Barry Special Cleansing Prepara­ tion...a miracle working meal-like cleanser.. .sloughs off parched and lifeless cuticle, gives you radiant new beauty. DuBarry S/ni tal Claiming Preparation by Ruhard UuJnut........ 1.00 plus ux R. W allace Boyd George O. Fairchild On Broadway Phone 2311 PRESCRIPTION STORE AN IMPORTANT Announcement ★ Sen ice to you our custom­ We ¿ire thoroughly com in- ers ¿imi to our conimiiiiitv c<*d that we will continue to is the solid foundation on prosper in direct proportion which this independent hank- to the manner in which we in«; business luis l>een huilt serve you in vour hanking over the past years. requirements. We are phased therefore, to he aide to announce another major step in our program of greater ser­ vice to you and the comm unity. Effective immediately, our doors will I m * open from C om plete Funeral 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. MONDAYS THROUGH SATURDAYS All D a y ........Every Day (Except Sunday) SPECIAL PRICES SATURDAY ONLY ORANGES Sunkist, 392 size Each Excellent for Juice 1 IC CANTALOUPES Extra Fancy 2 Lb! 35c Large extra fancy Hot House Each 35c Miller's now have the largest vegetable display in Beaverton — 30 feet of continu­ ous display with all fruits and vegetables easy to reach and prices ploinly marked We invite you to inspect this display— tops for freshness, quality and good values Miller's ★ CUCUMBERS The Dalles Jumbos 2 We extend to w you ¿1 cordial and friendly invitation lo use the mam services of this INDEPENDENT hank — al limes lhal are eonvenienl to YOU. BANANAS Quality Foods We Deliver First Security Bank Beaverton MEMBER Beaverton 3661 FEDERAL / <*, . | SHORTY • • • • CRATER We are glad to see that Mr and Mrs. M. Moore and family have moved into their new home on S. W. Brier avenue. tr* a~ ^ P L A Y M A T E FOR “ G INN V " Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Pringle Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coloson and A T SEASIDE are the proud parents of a new family are moving from the West Mr .and Mrs. J. Hutchi nson and daughter, Laureen Lynn, born Sat Haven district into their new home family are vacationing at Seaside, j i urday evtning in St. Vincents in Portland. Oregon. weighing 6 lbs. 14 ozs. Mother and daughter are reported doing nice­ TODAYS BR/DES RECEIVE TOKENS OF GOOD WILL G RAN G E PICNIC Members of the Beaverton Grange will hold a potluck picnic Sunday, July 31, in the Beaverton City Park starting at 1 p. m. Coffee and ice cream will be furnished. there. BEAVERTON E N T E R P R IS E -F n d a y , July 29, 1949 RESERVE RANK MKMBKH F K D E K U , DKI’O SIT INSURANCE. CO RPO RATIO N BR 7960 Deposit* Injured With Maximum Imuran«'»* «if $3,000 for Each Depositor