BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE— Friday, July 29, 1949 T,,E TUALATIN VALLEY MARKET BASKET WANT ADS WANT ADS CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ALL CLASSIFIED ADS Count *»c h word. Including Nam* and Addrraa OMLT Jc A WORD NO PHONB O R D IM TAKEN Minimum t.V an lm> We Publish The U A A V K K IO N a r n a iv F R IH l T IO A R D S E N T IN E L M ULTNOMAH PRESS ALOHA NEWS Complete Eastern Washington Count? and Waatarn Multnomah Count? Coreraga FO B IA I.It 1 O N L T used Genuine Frigldalre. Old model but In good working condition. 514 cu. ft. size. Por­ celain Inside and out. $45. Hillsdale Builders Supply 6309 S. W. Capitol Hwy. Open All Day Saturday 27tf S P E C IA L N A IL PR IC E as low as I PO R TA B LE H A N D Y H O T electric washer, aluminum, $29.95. A free 17.80 per cwt. (keg lots). Blue wringer worth $7.95 given with plaster board nails 13Hc lb. or each one purchased. Saturday 100-lb. keg $12.50. Quantity di»- only. Beaverton Hardware, your counts on Insulation material Marshall-Wells Store. Beaverton door and cabinet hardware, 3921. doors, sash, roofing, paints, etc 27 Special closeout price on door new and 1 latch sets regular $1.95 at $1.29 O IL CIRCULATORS . used, . from $39.50. MASON’S each. IN TIG A R D have ’em. They’ll Hillsdale Builders Supply heat a 2 room cabin or we’ve 6309 S. W. Capitol Hwy. got ’em large enough to heat a Open All Day Saturday 27ti barn. Fittings, tubing, tanks, etc. PLU M B IN G SUPPLIES, Fixtures too. 27 and pipe, fittings of every des­ cription. W iring supplies; wire, FOR SALE!—Baby wardrobe chest, 4 drawers and hanger section. boxes, switches, and everything Like new $20. 224 S. E. Allen. for the complete Job. CEDAR 27p M IL L LU M B ER and Hardware, Beaverton, phone 4454. Phone Beavarton 3081. 2tf FO R S A L E —Extra large sturdy OIL B U R N IN G Conversion unit picnic table and seats. W on’t tip In good cast Iron stove, $85.00. over. $12. 224 S. E. Allen, Bea­ Phone Beayerton 2321. U tf verton, phone 4454. 27p G RAVEL CRUSHED F O R SALE CHEAP Green and SAND DOES T H E good lady In your rode. Phone Beaverton 4896. ivory enamel wood range. Good house (you know, the one who 51tf baker. With coils. J. M. Reming­ has supper on the table when ton. Phone 4030 1149 S. W. Main you want It) sometimes mumble St., Beaverton. 27p COLEM AN FLOOR FURNACES and grumble about needing a 2 all sizes for sale. Beaverton oven range, or maybe one that W O T Y A ’ got you don't need . . . Hardware. Phone 3921. llt f has a built-in trash burner, well MASON’S IN TIG ARD are tak­ maybe she’s been thinking about ing trades on tractors, discs, ONE RCA blonde console radio- some o f those ranges at MAS­ phonograph combination. Floor plows, electric ranges, refrlger - 1 O N ’S IN TIG A R D . She probably On ators, etc. . . . You'd be surprls- I model. Regularly $239 95. knows that she can get a swell ed what they take In. Good ' special $169.95. Beaverton Hard­ trade-in on the old range too, terms If you don’t have the cash j ware, your Marshall-Wells Store. 27 Ban verton 3921. 27 and that If there’s not enough money in the kitty to swing It B AB Y CHTX E VE R Y TUESDAY Why not spend $1 to $150 per cash, It can be termed out. 27 Hollywood Leghorn end New week this summer to hsve your FO R SALE N.Z.W. Doe with lit­ Hampshires. Order early. Mill­ clothes Wet Washed st ter o f 10. Two rabbit hutches. er's Hatchery. Beaverton, Ore TH E W A SH E R K TTE Two bee hives. Reasonable. A. Phone Beaverton 4819. 4tf We use soft water and soap is C. Hansen. Rte. 2, Box 189A, T i­ FREE. Save on water and elec­ gard. Phone Tigard 2617. 27p M A Y LO N L A W N MOWER. Reg­ tricity. Have more time to spend ularly $187.50. Special Saturday outdoors. W e’ll dry them for you FO R SALE Round oak wood and only, $157.50, Beaverton Hard­ If you wish coal range with colls, good as ware, your Marshall Wells Store, TH E W A S H K R F T T F new, $75. Mrs. Edith Gray, Rte. Beaverton 3921. 17 Opposite Haskell Center on Can­ 2, Box 419, West Locust SL T i­ SM ALL EUCCTRIC HEATER for yon Road Beaverton Phone 4137. gard. 27 16tf sale. Phone Beaverton 4959. 16tf PLUM S AND A P P L E S 5c lb. Cu­ — BUTTONS — BUCKLES — cumbers, any size, 3c lb. U pick. ONE SPEED QUEEN electric B ELTS COVERED Bert Wilson, m miles s, vv. H EM STITCH ING washer, regularly $99.95. Satur­ Beaverton, on Allen Ave. 27p day special only $59.95. Com­ Florence’s Sewing Center pare this price anywhere. Bea­ 309 S. W. Farmington Beaverton FO R SALE Speed Queen wash­ verton Hardware, your Marshall- Phone 4463 ing maehlne used hut like new. 17tf Wells store. Beaverton 3921. 27 Reasonable. Marney L. Allen, S IL K F IN IS H E R . Experienced. 860 S. E. 13th. Beaverton. 27p DRESSED RED FRYE RS and No other need apply. Aloha fresh ranch eggs L Y M A N ROSS Cleaners. Phone 6145. 25tf ONE A-B APT. size eleetrlc range. Regularly $134.50, Special $69.95. HATCHERY. Aloha. Phone Garden Saturday only. Can’t be dupli­ «441. 35tf F IV E USED R E B U IL T tractors, Riding, Walking cated at this price anywhere. R E C O L D F E E T a pint of your Vaughn, etc. 2044 N. Willis Blvd Beaverton Hardware, your Mar­ home life problems? Maybe. MA­ Portland. 27p shall-Wells store, Beaverton 3921. SON’S In Tigard could help you 27 with a COLEM AN O IL FliOOR W IR IN G SPE C IA L and FURNACE of course . . .’heck 14/2 Loom $7.50 per 250 ft. Roll N E W W IN D O W FR A M E S sash $7 complete. Double hung of a time to be talking about 12/2 Loom $9.90 per 250 ft ■ oil 28x24. Phone Portland BEacon cold feet but winter's a coming, Meter bases $2.75 each. always does . , and the most 3372. 27 comfortable customers we have Range and Circuit Panels MASON’S IN T IG A R D always out are those with a COLEMAN. 4 circuit (surface type) $6 89 o f something right now they Terms — why sure- even no 4 circuit (flush type) $7.69 need some used refrigerators and down payment If you want It 6 circuit (flush type) $12.89 used electric ranges. Rad enough that way. 27 8 circuit (flush type) $15.89. to stretch the trade in allow­ ance . . how’s about turning in i*OR SALE or T R A D E by own­ Guaranteed 40 gallon electric your old outfit for something er beautiful new trailer house water heaters $69.95. Also 1 on­ new. Terms, sure. 27 12 foot long, sleeps 4, greatly ly Fowler porcelalnsd lined 30 reduced In price. See at 1607 gallon table top water heater. F U L L M S B K E L V I N \TOK dec Center St„ Beaverton (across trie range, completely automatic. Reg. $144 95. speelally priced at from new grade school). 23tf Regularly $279.95. Special Satur­ $119 95. day only, $209.95. Beaverton Hillsdale Builders Supply JOHNSON IN')WER lawn mower. Hardware, your Marshall W ells 6309 S. W. Capitol -Hwy. Regularly $135.00, special Sat- store, Beaverton 3921. 27 Open all day Saturday 27tf uulay only $109.95. Beaverton Hardware, your Marshall Wells MINCE L I AN EDITS KOR SALE Store. Beaverton 3921 27 O NE RI .ONDE RCA radio phono­ graph. Regularly $214.95. Speci­ sell used clothing, JWEST PR IC E S In town on al at $159.95. Beaverton Hard­ S A LE W e men’s suits, coats, pants, also lumber needs Buy direct from ware, your Marshall-Wells Store for boys. Indies dresses, suits, the mllll In Beaverton and save Beaverton 3921. 27 coats, also new made to meas­ Key Lumber Co. Across track ure suits for men and ladles. from end o f S. E. 7th St. I '(> NOT STORK your radio in Ketchams Cleaners on Highway a repair shop. Most sets re­ Phone Beaverton 4576. 20tf to Hillsboro Ore. paired In 5 to 20 minutes and FOR SALE Maytag washer. Al cost from $1 to $5. Six Corners umtnum tub with pump. Used Radio Lab, Six Corners. Ore. six months, $150. Leo Hess, Ca­ (Closed during July). lltf bin 4, Grande’s Cabin Camp. VACUUM C LE A N E R Beaverton. Or*. 27p RE G IN A for «ale In good condition. M A C H IN E R Y Phone Beaverton 4959 16tf D-6 Caterpillar tractor equipped with Isaacson angle dozer, clear F U LL SIZE K E L V IN A T O R elec­ tric range, regularly $19995 Ing teeth, hyster towing winch, Special $149.95, Saturday only. $5500. Phone Oswego 3801 28 Beaverton Hardware, your Mar­ SPE C IA L CLOSEOUT PR ICE S on shall-Wells store, Beaverton 3921 N. L. THOMAS, Realtor Grade ‘A ’ plumbing fixtures (no 27 seconds). 3 piece hathset Includ­ Ph Beaverton 4706 - 3101 ing all trim to the wall plus FO R SALK 9’xl2’ and 6’xlO’ flo­ ral pattern rugs. Newly cleaned toilet seat $129.75, or 6 piece Including above set plus S0”x20" Phone Aloha 6233 evenings. 27 acid resisting porcelain over caat iron kitchen sink Including chrome plated heavy brass swing spout faucet, basket strainer trap; Collins 42 gallon electric water; double compartment ce­ ment laundry tray complete, all for $246.95 W# also stock a com­ i — —V J2 plete line of rough-ln material GENERAL Including galvanised pipe, soil pipe, drainage fittings, etc. at CONTRACTING attractive prices It will pay you PHONES: to check with us before you buy. Farms Homes Acreage ifeCR Hillsdale Builders Supply 6309 8. W Capitol Hwy. Open all day Saturday 27tf ION’8 IN T IG A R D they’ve t a darned good GIBSON ictor . . . "fella who had It sded a larger outfit . . he did t like the handle type steer • and put on a steering wheel de ail the difference In the rid It’s a good buy Plow I dozei blade w......... i ■ • 27 ÍO H close-coupled toilet, com te with seat $35 86. Beaverton rdwar*. your Marshall-Wells re. Beaverton 3921 27 BROS Beaverton 4149 - 2988 • 4421 620 S. Hall St. O. R. NICHOLSON & SON SCRAP M ETAL DIALER PU B LIC TRUCK SCALES AUTO W R E C K IN G H itili est m ir es r u n Phone: WANT ADS FUEL FOB SALE USED CARS L. H. Cobb Co. CRUSHED ROCK Pbone Beaverton 2881 BUSINESS SERVICES FOB SALE F O R SA LE — 1938 Master DeLuxe SAWDUST Chevrolet coupe $300. M. J. Mad­ 12 and 16 inch Block & Slab sen, 875 Farmington Rd., Bea­ Delivered verton, Phone 4586. 27p H AU G LAN D FU E L CO. 561 S. E. Lombard St., Beaverton ’36 BUICK SED AN $100 or trade Phone Beaverton 4409 GA 9633 for model A. 3975 Shaw St., M tf across tracks from St. Mary’s Boys School near Huber. R. L. FU E L: Block and Slab in 3 cord RichiUd.-. 27p loads. Alsu clean sawdust, straight and chip-mix. Wilson W A N TE D Fuel Yard. P. O. Box 398, Bea­ verton. Phone 2491 or BRoad- R A B B ITS W A N TE D way 4967. 9tf EHY A B AK ER S BUTTO NH O LES H E M STITC H IN G Florence’s Sewing Center 309 S. W. Farmington, Beaverton 4463. M tf M E T A L W E A TH E R S TR IP PIN G Rock wool Insulation blown In. For free estimate write R. E Suits and coats a specialty Ellson and Son, Rt. 2, Box 285, Florence’s Sewing Center 309 S. Tigard, Oregon. Phone Tigard W. Farmington Beaverton, phone ALTERATIONS 4463. 3546. 22tf BUTTO NS — BUCKJ.ES B ELTS COVERED Florence’s Sewing Center FEED & SU PPLIE S CORDWOOD, old growth, 4 ft., 309 S. W. Farmington, Beaverton $12.50 cord delivered. Fred Kel­ Call after 5 and all day Saturday 4463. 20tf Beaverton 2728 1741 Watson, ley, Beaverton 4234. 27p 21tf TAbor 6301. GARBAGE SERVICE-By Month M ISCELLANEOUS or Contract. Aloha Garbage Co CO M B ININ G and straw baling. L. G. C. Miller, Owner P A IR o f banties free to good H. Brawand & Sons, Metzger. P.O. Bx 254. Aloha. Ore 34U 31 home. 429 S. W. Greenway drive CHerry 2929. Beaverton. Phone 4456. 27 W A N T E D - A small ice box in W OODSAW ING. A ll Mnds. A. C. SPRIG G EL. Rt. 1. Box 264, Bea­ FOR K E N T good condition. Also new fruit verton. Phone CHerry 2969. 7tf jars for sale. 123 S. Pacific St., A P A R T M E N T for rent, $40. Back 27 Beaverton. R O T O T IL L E R W O R K Call Bea­ of Beaverton P. O. Phone Bea­ verton 4528 or 2701. 15tf verton 4458. 26tf SITU A TIO N S W A N TE D tf LA N D SC A PIN G Plowing — Grading — Driveway and Road Grading — Lawns Pre­ pared — Hay for Sale in season. L. H. Brawand & Sons. Phone CHerry 2929. U tf GARDEN HOME SHOE R E P A IR SHOP. Try U«. Our repairing la good. Laces, polish, etc., for sale. Also Shoe shines. Cecil B. Blachly, Mgr. 30tf SHEET M E T A L W O RK. Guar- teed workmanship, also furnac­ es and gutters. Max’s Sheet Metal Works. 691 S. W. Erick­ F O R R E N T — Ketchams house CH ILD CAR E In my home, days. TR A C T O R W O RK. Plowing, disc­ son, Beaverton. Phone 3071. trailer camp. Parking reason­ ing and grain drilling. Howard Mrs. Dawes. 1207 Watson St., 21 tf able. Room for several hundred. Trout. Phone Aloha 6340. lltf Beaverton. Phone 4756. 22tf Facilities furnished. See Ketch- QUALITY PRINTING ROOFING — M ILLW ORK am's Cleaners on highway to I W A N TE D : Day work $1.00 hour. Letterhead« • B k f io d « . Cards 3 in 1 tab $5.89 a square Hillsboro. 29p j Mrs. John Jasmen, 203 N. W. Statements • o ffic e Forms 90 lbs. min. surface $2.69 sq. Mill St., Beaverton. 26p HCBINB88 POKMB O F A L L T T P X 8 DOM ESTIC FLOOR W AXER 55 lbs. regular $1.99 square WOOD SAW IN G BY CORD or with scrubbing brushes, waxing 1 panel grade A doors $6.87 Si up Pioneer Publishing Co. brushes and buffing pads for < hour. Ph. Tigard 2711. E. H. Window*—Frame»— .Jambs— Sash Phone Beaverton 2321 Blocker, Box 4, Tigard, Ore. 27tf Call us for free estimates rent. 50c per day. Minimum 3 Days ATw ater 3750 days for $1.25. Free pickup and H ELP W ANTED SAND _ - _ GRAVEL delivery service Beaverton-West Evenings WEbster 5731 ROAD ROCK Slope area. Call CApitol 6869. 21tf FEM ALE H E LP W ANTED Hays Appliance Center. 16tf John D. Hogg N E E D M O N EY? Sell Christmas DEAD A N D W O R TH LESS STOCK Pt. Tigard 2047 & 2446 cards. Profit to lOO^r on $1 Picked up free o f charge. Phone FO R R E N T —Floor Sander and “ Leader.” Assortment, personal collect Hillsboro 5525. The H IL L S ­ edger. B E A V E R TO N H A R D ­ Tigord Oregon greetings 50 for $1 up. New BORO R E N D E R IN G CO. Oltf W A R E , Phone Beaverton 3921. plastics, many others. "Leader” ltf on approval, F R E E Imprinted W E CURE A N D SMOKE YO U R P O R K CUTS FO R R E N T : Cement mixers, samples. Stylart, 1310 Santee, L. H. B R A W A N D CO. 25 Years Experience wheel barrows and paint Dept. 35, Los Angeles 55, Calif. 8800 S. W. Locust Dr. (Metzger) ALDER M ARKET 27 p spray equipment. Daily or Portland 19. Ph. CH. 2929 Lewis Brothers weekly rates. Phone Beaverton Builders Si Cabinet Makers Corner 1st and Washington Streets 4204. l l t f A C T IV E E L D E R L Y M AN desires PO R TLA N D . OREGON tf Store fronts and fixtures. Unit work from 9 to 11 a .m. or 2 Cabinets made to order. Green FO R R E N T : Serving machines. to 4 p. m. For interview, phone B ULL SERVICE. Delivery. Pbone Houses, Cold Frames. lltf Florence’s Sewing Center. 309 Beaverton 4087. 27p Tigard 2187. E. Schreine-, 46tf S. W. Farmington, Beaverton. Phone 4463. 17tf FOR TOW CAR call VE RM ILTE FILL DIRT FO R R E N T, West Slope office space In concrete, steam heated store building 8811 S.W. Canyon Rd., A T 3086 or T R 0980. 27p FOR SALE Phone Beaverton 4896 FO R R E N T —One room furnished cabin a mile west of Beaverton. W rite Mrs. L. Romig, 224 S. E. Allen, Beaverton. Phone 4454. 27p Geo. F. Gordon tf Pièno Tuning, Cleaning Work Oaarmntemj W O RK D O N I P R O M P T L Y DEMOTHING - REPAIRING It. 1, Aloha, Phono ALOHA 6612 CALL CHerry 2175 S. E. LUBBES A P A R T M E N T FO R R E N T 388 Canyon Rd. Telephone Beaver­ ton 4036. 27 MOTOR CO. Tigard 3381. PAINTING AND PAPERHANGINc SAND AND GRAVEL W 90DSAW ING Phone ALOHA 6191 R A B B ITS Dolbeer. W A N TE D . Pink up. Phone Tigard 3148. 46tf INSURANCE HIDES & WOOL, CASCARA— A specialty. LE E BROS., 25 SW Clay, Portland. A T 5334. tf You call me ond I coll on you R E F R IG E R A T O R & W ASHING FOR R E N T —Unfurnished house M AC H INE SE RVIC E SINCE 1924 between West Portland and T i­ Red ft eld’s Refrigerator Service Septic Tanks Cleaned gard. Last house on Roger road Beaverton 4985 FRED 0. HOWLAND o ff Lesser Rd. $60 per month. Roota and Grease ('leaned from 23 tf sewer and drain line» with I.ease. Owner 1051. S. E. Allen 9809 Beaverton Highway CUSTOM HOGS Ave., Beavtraon. 27p ELE C TR IC SE W ER M A C H IN E Butchered on Thursdays No Digging Necessary Beaverton, Ore. Phone 2513 Beef any day W A N TE D TO R E N T 17 Y E A R S E X P E R IE N C E KU M M ER M E AT CO M PAN Y N E W S P A P E R M A N Needs to rent Free Inspection, reasonable prices, Phone Hillsboro 5521 Bltf two bedroom apartment or no mileage charge, latest modern house In Beaverton or near equipment, guaranteed workman­ CESSPOOL — SEPTIC TA N K OWNERS — ATTENTION ! Canyon Road between West ship. ADDED E Q U IPM E N T — IM M E D IA TE SERVICE Slope and Reedville. Call Wally C. N Copus RESIDENTIAL - COM M ERCIAL - PUMPING Kain, Reaverlon 2321 or 4604. Phone 974 McMinnville, Ore. tf26 21tf ANYW HERE — A N Y T IM E SCHULZ S A N IT A R Y SE RVIC E USED TRUCKS $ $ $ '47 DODGE 160'' C.O.E. TRUCK, low mileage $1485 '42 FORD PICKUP, 8 cylinder $795 '40 FORD PANEL $490 '41 CHEV. C.O.E. FLATBED, 160" W B , 2-speed Eaton overload springs, 8 25x20, 12-ply duals rear$850 '38 PLYMOUTH SEDAN DELIVERY, very clean $475 '38 INTERNATIONAL, ! ton, 6-cyl, stake truck$450 $ $ $ $ $ $ '41 FORD COUPE $645 '41 AMERICAR SEDAN, new paint $445 $ $ $ * * * * $ $ ? $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Harrison Concrete Service FOUNDATIONS PATIOS STEPS FLOORS DRIVEWAYS • PHONE BEAVERTON 4143 1482 S. W. ALLEN AVE. 12TF $795 $100 '39 FORD TUDOR '38 DE SOTO COUPE $395 $395 '38 CHEV. COUPE $395 '37 FORD TUDOR, 60 h p '36 CHEV. STANDARD COACH 33 DE SOTO COUPE, « $245 $99 $125 MOTOR CO. Tigard 3381 CHerrv 1 194 TIGARD, $ over­ "as is" VERMILYE $ PHONE BEAVERTON 4020 '47 FORD SUPER DELUXE SEDAN, 6-cyl., heater $1285 '39 FORD TUDOR, $ • '48 FORD SUPER DELUXE SEDAN, 8-cyl , radio, heater, windshield washer, low mileage $1485 radio, heater, $ Phone KEnwood 7586 PROGRESS FEED COMPANY PASSENGER CARS '41 STUDEBAKER TUDOR, drive, A -l shape — LIME SPREADING '48 DODGE PICKUP, radio, heater, sport light, custom made canopy for bed, very low mileage $1485 B es«ertön 4381 Neo' Onion Oil Depot — Rertho-Benvorton Hnvov C H ILD C A R E —Would like a small child to care for days, to be a playmate o f my own 2 yr. old girl. W ill give very beat of care with constant supervision. Mrs. Peggy Baker, Rt. 1, Box 365-A. Sherwood, 2 mi. so. of Stafford on Oswego-Wilsonville Rd. 27 OREGON CALL McCALL FOR Stove OH Furnace Oil Oil Burners M C • GREEN STAMPS GIVEN ON CASH SALES M c CALL OIL CO. Beaverton 2871 BRoodway 0092