Sfeci . . . 3 ¥2* Z " ' * v bEAVERTON, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1949 VOLUME 22, Number 27 Clubs, Businessmen Join In Recreation Program Beaverton Survey Underway; Port. Housing Comm. SQUARE DANCE GROUP EXTENDS HEARTY "WESTERN" WELCOME Her«» w e (‘onte with the old meiw w agon A s ta ff o f P ortland experts OVER 500 INTERESTED PEOPLE ENJOY llin d w heel broke and the axle has been quietly at w ork all week draggin' in B eaverton counting every dw el­ BENEFIT STYLE SHOW, ENTERTAINMENT It’s tim e for a squ.ir dance, lin g unit, b usin ess establishm ent boys— and even vacant lots in the com ­ Sw ing 'em high and sw ing 'em T he con tinu ance through A ugust m unity. low 19 of the d aytim e recreation pro­ It’s all part of the survey of And keep on »wingin' that gram conducted at the B eaverton P ortland and the surrounding calico— grad e school w as assured by the m etropolitan area being made by R ight on down to the Iteaxer- C om m unity R ecreation B enefit the P ortland H ousing Survey ton h igh school cafeteria on held W ednesday, July 20, in the com m ittee, u sin g com bined city F riday night, .Inly 2!» at 8:30 cafeteria of the Beaverton Union and sta te funds. p. ni. h igh school. A lready the count has been The B eaverton old-tim e danee A lthough the exact am ount of com pleted w ithin th e Portland c i­ D orm an McGann, 8-year-old son group w hich h a s been vacation m oney raised for recreation in the ty lim its and now Beaverton, Os­ area cannot be given yet, because o f Mr. and Mrs. Cal McGann, S. w ego. L ake Grove, Oak Grove, ing thru' the sum m er except for n ot all th e m oney has bben turned E. 12th St., B eaverton, had a near M ilw aukie, G resham and Troutdale a party once a m onth is planning in, it is know n th at over $400 will brush w ith death T uesday a fte r­ are being covered. R ep resen tatives this m onth's party to be a grand affair. be available. $200 Is needed to noon w hen a .38 calibre revolver of D an Clark II and A ssociates All the H'l sage hens bring a com p lete the sum m er program . of P ortland are m ak in g the local passel o f cook ies and wear a cot­ T h e rest w ill be used to m eet ex- th at an older boy w as sh ow ing tally. ton d ress (lo n g or short,» and p en ses at th e T een A ge center. to som e sm aller children w as dis­ W hen it is com p leted one out More d efin ite plans w ill be made charged. The bullet knocked out of ev ery 25 d w ellin g units will he their pards w ear their jeans and a fte r the d efin ite am ount is three upper teeth on the right visited by in terview ers w ho will flash y sh irts. P unch will be ser­ ved and 50c in th e pot will defray know n. side and lodged near the jugular obtain the a ctu al inform ation expenses. T he su ccess o f th is ev en in g is w hich Is the basic purpose of the Progrint wil be old-tim e couple due to th e fa ct that so m any or- | vein on the left side of his neck. survey. It w ill provide valuable d ances and square dancing. You gan iaation s and in dividu als co- , The accid en t occurred betw een fa cts not only for residents but , are w elcom e.______________________ operated to m ake it so. T ick ets 1:30 and 2 p. m. for such groups as realtors, banks w ere sold by every w om en's or- j T he em ergen cy treatm ent w as and civic officials. g iv in g in form ation as to the num­ gan ization in and around B eaver­ ber of persons in the structures F ra n cis A. S taten o f Portland, g iven and the bullet rem oved ton, w ith Mrs. W. S tratton and ch airm an o f the com m ittee, has J and type of liv in g facilitirs con T u esday ev en in g Dorman., w as Mrs. C. E . B ailey in charge. stressed that in th e present count­ tained. T he Junior C ham ber of Com-1 restin g as w ell as m ight be ex- ! ing of stru ctures on ly such per­ "We w ant to m ake this the best m erce, K iw an is and W estd ale pected h is fath er stated. sons as operators of boarding and survey the area ever has had M other’s club not only turned Severe powder burns on the lodging houses, or persons who and w e h ave to get this inform a­ their m eetin g tim e over to the R e­ right side of his face m ay leave j live in the rear of sm all business tion so w e can set the stage for creation b en efit, but helped great­ perm an en t scars, according to Mr j esta b lish m en ts w ill be contacted. the a ctu a l Interview ing and have ly in preparation for th e program . McGann. H e ask ed their co-operation in our a v era g es righ t,” he said. T he m erch ants of the area w ere particularly generous in their g ifts for the b en efit. E veryon e w ho w as con tacted w a s m ore than w illin g I to lend support to th e program . | M any offered to help, but w ere j asked to w ait until the n ext recre- I » « ■■ • ft _ f a tio n b e n e fit to be held A ug u st 27, in order to divide th e load w ith in the area. O ver 500 neighbors and friend s | of th is area enjoyed the pot luck j supper togeth er, in sp ite o f the I JR. C. of C , KIWANIS, CHURCHES, GIVE SANCTION fact that th ev had to be rather ' crow ded inside because th reaten ­ FOR CONTINUANCE OF RECREATION PROGRAM ing rain d uring th e d ay kept the com m ittee from h olding the pro­ gram in th e stadium as originally planned The T een-A ge club in' B eaver- again st players from neighboring Mr. A D G eorge, accom panied , _ ' _ _____ . ton is a goin g concern w ith a towns. by Dod B erg, led everyon e In , com m unity sin g in g throughout the , m em bership o f 75 at the end of F urnished to provide a gam e evening. R everend A lbert K in g I the flrst three w eeks. A com plete room w here pool, ping-pong and opened the g a th erin g w ith prayer. ; rostieir ° f of,ficers ftre leading sh u ffle board m ay be enjoyed. D urin g the early part o f the eve- w eek ly b usin ess m eetin g s to for- and a brow sing room w hich has n ing the you n gsters ta k in g hand m u la,e a ctiv ity plans, and estab bppn f urnisbpd to provide a place during the sum m er played several ,ish rules and regu lation s for the for reading, con versation, or per- num bers under th e d irection of KrouP- haps a gam e of ch eck ers (ch ess “Snap G illm ore.” U n til the start of school there js a planned addition in the n ear I ’ . . „ . are a ctiv itie s scheduled every future), and an o ffice for th e ad- u | u > ic a r iss •> e night except Sunday and Monday m inistration of the club, th e group Accidental Shot Nearly Fatal To Beaverton Lad ■ Rebekahs Install Certain O fficers At July 19 Meet Beaverton R ebekah Lodge No. 248 met in regular session on July 19th with u good attend ance re­ ported. Mabel Glllmore, D istrict Deputy President, assisted by her D eputy Marshall. Leona Rand. Installed into their offices conductor, Flo­ rence Rice, and O utside Guard­ ian. May Lusk. The Good of the Order chairm an P earl Brow nrigg, had a well planned program. Nobel Grand, Anna Taylor, pre­ sented J essie Lee Bollinger with a gift from the Lodge. J essie Lee will leave for N ew York on the 24th w here she will leave by troop ship for W eisbad- en. Germany, A m erican Zone, where she is em ployed as Gov't, secretary. • The Lodge paid her a tribute by all singing. "I’ll Be Ix»ving You A lw ays”. After closin g of lodge the singing w as continued w ith com m unity sing in d ining room led by Mr. Roland Pearce. R e­ freshm ents were served, co n sist­ ing of cookies, punch, and coffee. SIN G L E COI*Y FIVK ( ENTS SUBSCRIPTIO N IN A D V A N C E *2.00 l ’U t Y E M I FREE TRANSPORTATION OFFERED VOTERS SAT. B eaverton resident» who w U li to vote on the budget Saturday, hut are unable to w alk to th e |Hills, or are oth ­ erw ise Inconvenienced, will he fiirulshixl transportation h\ calling Beaverton 3231 or j j h Th« He are the phone nuni- bera o f the Beaverton P har­ m acy and R asm ussen Garage, firm s w ho h a \e i olnnti*ared th e us«* o f their ears to get th«> voters out. G r. Encampment O fficers Return From Ft. Jones, T he follow ing Grand Encam p­ m ent o fficers returned Sunday from Ft. Jones, Calif, where they visited tw o encam pm ents. A R. M cLaughlin, Grand Patriarch of D ayton, Ore ; William Bloom, Grand H igh Priest. Beaverton; H ugh Lew is, Grand Junior Ward en, Y am hill, O re: and W illiam Ebhart of McMinnville. Ore. T here w ere over one hundred can d idates for the two encam p­ m ents one at Scott Valley and the E N T E R T A IN S C H E E R IO CLUB oth er at Mt. Shasta. Calif. Theresa Gibson en tertain ed the Most of Grand officers from “Cheerio Club" at her hom e last these encam pm ents plan to be at Thursday with a luncheon and E u gen e, Oregon. Aug. 6 . bridge. Her extra g u ests were I Mrs. Thurlow W eed, Mrs. F rances 10-DAY' VACATION Cook, Mr*. Edna Freize and M is Mr. and Mrs. A. R Pearson are Gertrude G illespie of Chicago. on a 10 day vacation trip. Heavy Vote To Decide City Budget ALL CITY SERVICES SUBJECT TO VOTERS APPROVAL SATURDAY A large turnout is expected at the election on the Beaverton Ci­ ty budget w hich will be held in the B eaverton City H all, Satur­ day. July 30, from 8 a. m to 8 p. m. D efeat o f the budget at the election held June 29 n ecessitates Saturday's vote, A public hearing Friday eve­ ning at w hich tim e all o f those w-ishing to voice opinions on the proposed budget m ay appear and l>e heard at a m eeting of the city council. T his m eeting is set for that purpose and anyone desiring further inform ation on the sui>- ject is urged to attend. A doption of this budget will provide funds for the fire depart­ m ent, police departm ent, Beaver­ ton City Library, street lighting, street m ainten an ce and repair and general services rendered bv the city. V arious city groups are urging the citizen s of B eaverton to vote at this election. To arouse Inter­ est in the election w indow sign s arc being displayed throughout the business district ad visin g citi­ zens of the election. TEEN-AGE CLUB DEVELOPING REGULAR PROGRAM y WQ M d! FinanCC btO IT O t Youth Center; Invest $2,000 ' Z , y.l Z Z ZZl fV e tl • COr" 1C J ^ with ,hp rhlh room s ,hp mpetini; after a m ere three w eek s of ac place, from 7 to 10:30 p. m. ex- tivity is already fig u rin g on w ays cePt F riday w hen there Is a dance Gf g ettin g m ore room as It is ex- | T. r. , £ 7 .1 '» « “ ■ « " - n .o f« a *hort the m em bership to thp club w ill «how, which featured garm ents cym . The schedu le a fter the start of totaI 300 a ctjve m em bers from the stores w ithin the area. school has not been decided upon. W ednesday n ig h t is "guest D on Johnston of H illsboro m ade ; but it is planned to keep the cen ­ Shown, left to right, In the photo are: B arhaia H einrich. Pat G A T H E R E D A B O U N D T H E PIA N O in th. Teen A <■ Club a very able com m entator, and ap- [ > pveryone bas a cordial in vitation at th e first Saturday n ight opening, Ju ly 16, are shown a group of propriate background m usic w as ter open at least _ three night Hanley, Ed Zurfluh, Mrs. N orton L. P eck, Mrs. Mildred H ughes, ’ , . . . „ . __week during that tim e. young people and their advisors en joying the privileges of the to visit and see ju st w hat this furnished by Mrs. Clem Lorson C larence Poppert, M arlene Douglas, Jan ice Cllen, Harry R othschild, center. Shown with the young people are four of the adults who and Mrs. Robert Barnes. The mo- P in g-p ong and pool tournam ents youth group is doing. T h is in v ita ­ D ave Baker, Bill D aw es, E. W. Kenney, Shirley W illiam s, Im elda have been instrum ental and helpful In g ettin g the center developed dels were all little ty k es from the are planned to begin im m ediately tion is sp ecially intended for the Bailey, anil Onlta Albino. P hoto by H arrell -- B eaverton 4988 a s a part of the com m un ity life. Sm all Fry classes of th e recrea with elim ination co n tests startin g parents and older friend s of th e to determ ine the “cham ps" of the youth of the area to get better tion program, teen agers w ho are m em bers o f the teen age center, group w ho w ill then he pitted acquainted w ith the club and see Building a Com m unity R ecreation has becom e an In- just what has been accom plished and adults w ho live w ith in the and what plans for the future crea sln g ly m ore im portant requl- area- 'expression o f appreciation to the have m ade. , site in the program o f building a John Comer painted the bark- follow ing: nave been neen macie. ground of a large clock, indicat- W alk er’s D ep artm en t Store, Bea The first o fficers selected to com m un ity witb ,h < increased pop­ in g the them e of "Styles of the verton E lite DrPSa Shop Beaver- guide th e orgnizatlon include: ^ a tl° na lln ,he B^a',erton . Aloha, Hours." This w as carried out from fon W eiby's, B eaverton, The Bill D aw es, president; D ave Ba W es* ® 0pe, area' ** vacan t lots the household bein g aw akened Fashlon Bar, Aloha, S tarkles Tot ker, supervisor; John Comer, l i t , _W!1'I^.? Saturday, A ugust 27, at th e in the m orning by th e littlest sh op H askell Center, Lad and vice-president; Ed Zurfluh, 2nd " a consequence more children are high school a th le tic field , the you ngster, through to th e end of laj ,.. Shop, W est Slope, Chez Suzy. , vice-president; Shirley W illiam s. required to seek th eir recreation Beaverton lodge IOOF, w ill spon­ day, when "Dad w in ds the cat Wpst slop e. The F ash ion House, secretary; Don M etcalfe, treasus- eith er in a greatly confined -.rea, i-. . „ 1 » for am usem ent sor the first annual R ecreation al and puts the clock out.” R landings D ream H ouse, W alker er: Bill Fudge sergeant-at-arm s: ° r seek out places * F estival for th e b en efit o f the Inform ation on the work of the Boad. Alton Byrd, publicity chairm an; a w ay from home. S tartin g last year th e Beaverton recreational program In the Bea­ recreation com m ittee, and th e tw o VVpst Slope V ariety Store, Wal- and Paul W ilson, art director, verton district. m ain parts of its program w as ton tbp Ta iior, W est Slope. L'Abbe “A m ore rigid check of mem - area began their sum m er recrea­ All the other civic organ ization s given bj| Mr*. Mildred H u ghes. Mr. F| owpr Shop. W est Slope Clean- hership cards Is go in g to he tion program for sm all children i in th e Aloha, B eaverton and W est O scar Martin told how the city pr„ W est Slope P harm acy. Can- j started," stated Bill D aw es, pres- w hich proved su ccessfu l and again i Slope areas w ill join w ith th e Odd councll is in support of the work yQn B eauty Shop. W est Slope Gro- ident, "but w e w ish to extend this year such a program w as car­ F ellow s #o m ake th is truly a of the com m ittee. Carolan Popp cpry an d M arket. R eedville Dairy, a cordial in vitation to anyone ried on under the supervision of a paid supervisor for the pro­ com m unity function. expressed the appreciation of the (->a]p<, Furniture, C anyon Drug at interested to visit the club on gram . Final plans are not com pleted teen agers for the center and the HaskPn Center, D oughty's Appli- j W ednesday ev en in g s " I'd like to H ow ever, this is the first year j but the ten ta tiv e program lines opportunity it a fford s for the ancp sh op . Lake R oad Service add." Bill continued, "that the up as follow s: you ng people to get together. Station. d ances on F riday ev en in g are that B eaverton has had such fa ­ cilities as the T een-age Center Mr. M. C ollett of H azeldale K aiser-Frazer, Mr. K eene; The j open to anyone . w a n tin g to com e POOL IS PROVING A PO P! I.AU PA STIM E with the mrm ...» whprp ,b o se very im portant mem- SATURDAY A FTER N O O N ch allenged the paren ts o f the W asherette, Johnson's D og and T here is a 25 cent adm ission , bers o f the Teen-Aye Club. A tournam ent is planned -to d eterm in e hers of our com m unity could meet Program put on by the “Sm all w ho Is the Clubs best player, a fter which It is hoped that m eets com m un ity to u nite in their e f - ! Cat H ospital. D ana P o rter’s Jew - j ch arge.” their com panions and enjoy an m ay be arranged with out-of-town clubs to determ ine d istrict su pre. F ry” and the grade school chil­ fort to carry th e program for- j elry Store. C ham berlin ’s Shoe T he senior group w ho act as even in g in the com pany of those m acy. The girls are also startin g to become Interested in the gam e dren, danqlng. m usic, tum bling, ward until a recreation district Repair. B eaverton P harm acy, advisors con sist of the founders. th eir own age. and th e pool table Is alw ays running to rapacity. The "S.cen: a handicraft, races, baseball, etc. is form ed. and. am ong other D ean’s D rug Store. B eaverton E w K enney and H arry R oths- M**n S*-». Need cue" ch arge 1.“ about su fficien t to keep the table and equipm ent in T here w ill he no adm ission th in gs the facilities of a sw im - F lorists. W h itesid e V ariety Store fh i|d wW|) , hrpp truBtepg MrB good repair it Is believed, and like rharges on other en tertain m en t In the developm ent o f this cen ­ ! ch arge to the afternoon program . m ln g pool are m ade available for T hrifty Market. H azel Bergquam . of th e H azel- featu res o f the club goes into the club treasury. ter lies a story of real com m un­ A rrangem ents are being hand­ all. McCall Oil Co.. Beaverton. Falk d a ,e achool Mr Behren*. a P hoto by Hat t ell — B eaverton 4988 ity Interest. led by recreational director, Mil­ Mr Sudtel conducted th e auc- H ardware. H ask ell Center, Idea genUl*fv€ o f th e Odd F ello w s lod*e R ealizin g the im portance of the dred H ughes, assisted by Mrs. tion in w hich th e garm en ts and C leaners. B eaverton B arney’s Gun and H ow ard Sm ith, a d elegate youth program for th e area, hut other problem s in the area to j little response w as g iv en . The other articles given by the stores and Sport Shop. H askell Center. from thp j UBjor C ham ber of seein g that it did not go beyond m ake such expenditures by the tw o men. who had thu s fa r m ade Burkland, the m others and teen­ age volunteers. w ere sold to the h igh est bidder L. C. H arrell Studio. F lan n ery’s com m erce. ... „ . M r«« p rr> the very sm all children, tw o men people a possibility at this tim e a 8tart, decided to go all the G reatest a ctiv ity cam e w hile Jay R anch House. W estern Wood Pro Th<, TpPn.Aep fIuh haB rPPPivPfi ^ ,,, SATURDAY EV EN IN G Gibson bought the o v e r a l l s o ff of duets. Gra.ter and A ckerm an pndor8pmpnt from all of thp ™ .... ........................~ " .* 7 ThM * ,w o mPn , ° * c,h eir way, and furniture and equipm ent Road race from Aloha to B ea­ Farm er Jones." T erry’. F u m ltu r .. Can von R - d rhurrhpc in thp arpa i ^ g e a b ud - ^ °" # ^ ........... .... m eetin g s and after an exchange quarters readied for opening verton. H ow ard Sm ith and Ed K enney and F lo r a l W est slo p e R<> nP«mpn.B cIub, m o th er’s clubs they assum ed the '<>*.e responslbll of ideas decided that with the night. B icycle races. handled the giv in g of the prizes cord *nd Girt Shop. p T A.'s and all Hvtc groups But j lt|e s and began to assem b le the G range hall having space avail At , hp Pnd o f thp thrpp R unning races quarter-m ile, also donated by th e stores. The Modern Interiors, W est Slope the opportunity for every adult 1 m aterial to interest the future able they would team -up and lease wppkg nf operation, the club has h alf m ile and one m ile m ain prize of a lovely hand cro- Toy M enagerie, W est Slope, Gre- m the com m un ity to get behind 1 m em bers of the Teen-age Center, the space and get som ething start- nParly thp treaaury w hlch Sp«,.,a | PVents. cheted tablecloth, m ade by Myr- j gory Signal S ervice Station. Flor- the program Is at hand. E w K enney and H arry Jloths- is not quite su fficien t to m eet ) , tle Buzan. a little blind girl, w ent ence B eauty Shop. Mr Sudtell o f Aa one Individual w ho recently child had both been w orking to­ W ith a ssista n ce from you ng peo- the m onthly exp en ses w hich arc S A T I RE EY E N T rn Bill M atzke. S ud tell’» A uction C enter. Ideal presented benches to the club s t a t - |WBrd Bomp ^ r t f)f , pJacp whprp Pal Club of P ortland Show In- T he R ecreation com m ittee w ish- S u d tell’s A uction C enter, Beaver- ed. "the B eaverton area Is too teen-agers could m eet and enjoy pie w ho would enjoy such a club. e.T|m ated at $100 per m onth thr prem ises were cleaned up and These exp en ses include rent, light, j eludes boxing, tum bling and other es to thank th e w hole com m un ity ton E nterprise. T'.Usman's Tip Top. U rve for the fin an cial respo-tsl- them selves, hut neither were mak- for m ak in g thia event such a sue- Howard S m ith ’s Public A ddress b llity o f such a w onderful p r o -' ing too m uch progress, a s it ap- painted and floors waxed to m ake heat, w’atrr and telephone. The acts put on by you ngsters par- w-ay for furnishin gs. N eeds were telephone Is th e m ost recent ad- ticipating in Portland recreational ceas. M ay w e give our s p e c ia l, System gram to be handled by tw o m en.” peered that there were too m any v oiced q th e com m un ity l.u t t c r v .. l n u .. u » -ektb—fneilittr Festival Planned To End Summer Rec. Program ™ Z {