4H Homemakers APPRECIATION EXPRESSED THOSE Farewell Party McKay - Progress IT A L IZ E D Readying Exhibits MAKING BIBLE SCHOOL SUCCESS Honors Christian H O Mr. S P Steve Blanken was taken to CEDAR M IL L .—A successful tn£ the past week was 103 chll P k | i r < > h P ^ C ^ A I* the Good Samaritan Hospital Sun­ For County Fair two week session of daily vaca­ dren Total enrollment was l M - ' w l U l l t l l r O i T O f day night. Members of the Whistling Tea Kettle and Needles and Pins 4-H clubs are working on their cook­ ery and homemaking project for the county fair to be held the last part of August. The homemaking clubbers have a pillow and wall hanging to make for their exhibit projects. Cookery clubbers year I will make vanilla drop cookies, year II. a sponge cake, and year III bread; and these will be exhibited at Washington county fair. Project books are due in Hills­ boro, August 15.. Year I members are Ann Wauge, Janet Burlile, Ruth Rogers and Patty Slack. Year II members are Elaine Han­ sen, Judith Miller, Susan Smith, and Patricia Seidler. Year III members are Mona Lee Gosseiin and Martha Flory. tion Bible school was concluded Friday evening. July 15, at the Cedar Mill community church with a demonstration program. Children had on display various types of handiwork made during their enrollment. An offering to­ taling $27 taken during the eve- ning will be used toward a Sun- day school bus. Average daily attendance dor- T O U R IN G T H E STATES Guests from Ann Arbor, Mich., at the George Burke home last week were Mr. and Mrs. Oron Stewart. Mrs. Stewart is a cousin to Mrs. Burke. The two had a very happy reunion after being parted 20 years. Mr. Stewart is retired from the Detroit Edison company. The couple are touring the states with their next destination Canada. Their winters are being H O M E EC C L U B Hostess for Leedy grange Home spent in California and Florida. Economics club Wednesday after­ noon was Mrs. Arthur Schulz. V IS IT IN G IN S H E LT O N , W N . Mrs. E. E. Bradley is a guest Plans for a fall bazaar were dis­ eased. Around 12 ladies attended of her granddaughter, Mrs. G. C. Chisum at Shelton. Wn. fo r a n a m a z in g "’“EASY LO W D O W N P A Y M E N T T W O Y E A R S TO P A Y Open Mon. and Fri. Evenings BEAVERTON FURNITURE PHONES; Beaverton 4002-CApitol 2380 M E E T IN G 2ND T U E S D A Y The health conference was held Tuesday, July 12 in the afternoon in the school cafeteria with a good attendance. Meetings will continue being held on the second Tuesday of each month until October when the clinic date will be changed to the first Tuesday. LOST P A R K C L U B A picnic Wednesday afternoon at Washington park was attend­ ed by members of the Lost Park club together witn the Junior Cor­ nell club. A potluck luncheon was served at noon followed by a tour of the zoo and rose gardens. S U N D A Y M T S IC A LE Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Thorne en­ tertained Sunday with a musicale. Friends of the Thornes and mem bers of the choir of which Mi. Thorne is a member, were guests. A luncheon was served in the evening. You've wanted this and here it is now — at a price you can afford! Fuel Pump WITH A 50,000 MILE GUARAN­ TEE OR A 2 YEAR GUARANTEE. POSITIVE WINDSHIELD ACTION — WILL NEVER YOU. i WIPER 12 FAIL LEO N A R D O S!) SPARK PLU G S HEAT CARRYOfF WIRE SAVE ON GAS Regular Ethyl 27c 25c Gallon Gallon HANCOCK SUPER SERVICE STATION COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR P W I Pat» K IR W AN. Prop. 177 E. B R O A D W A Y Pickup and Delivery .Sendee O P E N 24 HOURS A D AY Beaverton 2531 Across from New Safeway AND Electrical Service ILL V IS IT IN G IN DISTRICT Marvin Crane has been very ill Mr. and Mrs G Blum of M 0 1 0 . in Jones Hospital. Hillsboro. Oregon were visiting friends and relatives of this district. They \ ISIT IN O Leona and Paul Sparks of Irv­ stayed with Mrs Blum's brother's Shell. ing. Kansas, have been visiting family Mr. Ewald their cousin Mona Lee Gossilin. D IN N E R G UESTS A large group of over a hund­ A R R IV E S S U N IiA l Mr. Iaince Strayer's cousin and red persons attended and after Mrs Gossilin sister Mrs. George family Mr. Ray Shlove of Wood- a short Sunday night service. Filkins of Sumner, W'n., arrived land, Wn., were dinner guests last Mrs. Betty Myers t">k charge of Sunday for few days Saturday. the program, which included a good warm up of group singing, a piano medley by Ruth Thomp son. a clever imitation by Mr. and HOM EW ARD BOUND Mrs. Filma Strayer of Berkley who haa been staying with her son. Lance Strayer, left for home last week. NEW P H O N E L IN E The new telephone line to Hy- land and W eir is nearly complet ed. This line will give several phones to this neighborhood. Church Schedules Two Weeks of Revival Meetings BONNY SLOPE B IR T H D A Y L U N C H E O N Mrs. Evelyn Kalmbach of Ti­ gard was guest of honor at a birthday luncheon on July 13. giv­ en at the home of Mrs. E. A. Harvey by a group of her friends. The Kalmhach family lived in Bonnye Slope for several years having moved to Tigard two years ago. The Church of Christ, located at 2nd and Main in Beaverton, has called K. O. Backstiand. who com­ pleted his training at San Jose Bible college and two years at Cin­ cinnati Bible Seminary, who will conduct a two week revival from July 24 to August 7. Inclusive. Special music will he led by one of Portland’s foremost song lead­ ers, Jack Morrison, who has also been attending the San Jose Bible college. The sermon for Sunday morning July 24. at 9:45 a. m. will be. "W hy did God blame the penalty of my sins on His Son." Evening services will be held every night except Monday at 8 p. m. K. O. Backstiand is an evange list with wide experience. He knows the Bible and will help 1 anyone who comes to better un derstand the gospel teachings In the Bible. Many of his sermons during the course of the meetings are color- i fully illustrated with charts. H O M E FO R S A LE Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Taylor of Thompson road have their home for sale and expect to move to Salem In the near future where Mr. Taylor is employed. NERVOUS BR EAK D O W N Mrs. Velma Dimmick was taken to a Portland hospital one day last week suffering from a ner­ vous breakdown. W E E K E N D G UESTS Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hecker were weekend guests of their par- , ents. Me. and Mrs. Frank Fergu - 1 son and Mr. and Mrs. Henry | Hecker. The young couple reside in Sa­ lem where Mr. Hecker is em­ ployed. B O N N Y S LO P E VISITO R S Mr. and Mrs. James Harrington end darghters, Lois, Emma and Wanda of Corvallis. Ore., were visitors in Bonnv Slope Friday. They resided here In this dis­ trict for several venrs. and are | moving to Missouri this week. ONTINUED top performance for all late model ear» ond truckil The answer is "Spark G ap Control, an ex* elusive Leonard con»truction feature. Thi* improvement hold» flap retting longer ond prevent» Ion of power. Fre­ quent regapping unnece»»ory. Sove time ond money by insisting on GAP CONTROL LEONARDS. FOR SALE BY THESE SELECTED DEALERS C A L IF O R N IA HOUND Kay Harms spent last week at Mrs. Re va Brown left for Calif­ Long Beach Wn„ with her Aunt ornia to visit her daughter Flo­ Carol Harms. rence Miller. j J u ly 15. C Rev. and Mrs. Oeorge Springer, pastor and wife of the Beaverton Christian church, were honored at a party given for them in the church basement Sunday night. July IT. This was a farewell party as the Springers are leaving August 1st for other fields. Fr.do,, ; uly 22. .949 W E E K AT LONG REACH M A N Y GUESTS The Louis Starks have enter­ tained many guests during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steel of Canyonvllle, Oregon. were visitors early last week With them was Roy Williams of|Mrs Glen E,y a duet b> Mr and Portland, Mrs. Steel and Mrs Mrs Springer, and a funny story Stark are sisters. bY H arry Hansen Mrs. Ruth Glllihan of Tacoma, Carl Rogers presented the gifts W'n., was another guest. Accom­ of a beautiful lace dinner cloth panying her were Dr. and Mrs. and coffee service set of five Rodney Percy and son Jackie and pieces. Mrs. Jack Percy of Portland. Refreshments were then served' Mr. and Mrs. Raymon Pointer of cake and ice cream, coffee and of Salem visited them on Friday. punch. A large dinner party was held in Mrs. Betty Beguin acted as gen | their honor. eral chairman with Mrs. Marie 1 Hopper In charge of refreshments, C O M M U N IT Y C L U B PIC N IC Mrs. Isabel Walters, chairman of Community club members en­ decorations, and Mrs. Alta Jacobs joyed a picnic Sunday at Creston chairman of the gift committee. Park in Portland on August 14. The Springers were very happy j a picnic Is planned by the club, and a fine time was enjoyed b y ! to be held at Ecola State Park all. near Cannon Beach. It is planned that breakfast and lundb will be served at that point. BAC K TO BARBIORING Ernest Emerson of Laidlaw road had a minor operation per­ formed at St. Vincent's hospital on July 9. Mr. Emerson expects to be able B. C. V A C A T IO N Mr and Mrs. Hal Platt have to return back to work at his been vacationing in British Col barber shop in about three weeks, after being absent since Dec. 15 umbin, Canada. when he fell from the roof of his home, shattering his thigh. C O N F IN E D TO H O M E Jack Mutchler Is confined to his home with a serious infection F. NO AG F,MF. NT A N N O U N C E D Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Batke of in both arms. Thompson road announce the en­ gagement of their daughter Jean to Keith Coons, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Coons of South road. FORD OWNERS w Eleven teachers and helpers vol­ unteered their services for the two week period. Each day a mis­ sionary story was heard A vol­ untary offering from children daily totaling $3.67 for last week will be given to Leper children. Appreciation is expressed to : those who taught and provided transportation by Rev. Simon E. Forsberg. minister- of the church ,tA V tllT 0 N e n t e r p r is e - Policv Renewal Adds 5 More Yrs. To Gl Insurance T in Latin Valley veterans at e reminded that National Service Life Insurance policies must be renewed, or converted to a perma­ nent Insurance plan. The Veterans Administration is , now sending out notices of expira­ tion to some veterans in the area. Policies Issued before January 1, | 1946. expire eight years from date of issue. Those issued after that date expire in five years. All term policies may be renew­ ed for an additional five years, as provided by law. Veterans must fill out a renewal application form and mall it to the V A before the expiration of their policies. The first premium payment must also accompany the application. Premiums will be slightly high­ er than on the previous policy since they are based on the age of the veteran at the time of re­ newal. N o physical examination is necessary except in cases where the policy has been lapsed for a longer period than three months. Veterans who wish to convert their policies to permanent insur­ ance will find six standard plans available. They are- Ordinary Ufa 20-pav life, 30-pay life, 20-year endowment, endowment at age 60 and endowment at age 65. Full Information on Insurance benefits may be obtained at any V A office. © MAYONNAISE Best Foods Pt. 39c MARSHMALLOWS pks 10c POTATOES 2TSS5; „„ 25c ANAZO SYRUP Dark, Light or Waffle Pt Bottle 9 « A for COCKTAIL S K E r " "** 35c V I N E G A R T IIM iV M n ASPARAGUS Full strength In your container Bulk Gal CHOCOLATE ^ cans C H IPS Baker's. DOG FOOD NUCOA J 5 4 ) No 2 Heart O' California Center Cut MINUTE RICE Vita Food KERR LIDS 2 LBS. 49c PEPPER BLACK. Pure OLIVES C H O PPED . For sandwiches. 4'a-oz. can BARNEY'S Pan ready F0 0 D M lb . LOCKERS Armour's Grade A Steer Stock 2-oz. can CEDAR MILL BETTER MEATS COLORED FRYERS SLICED BACON BOILING BEEF Preferred lb. 29c • • • Are convenient, economical and one of the most modern In the Northwest. R e­ serve yours today at ID E A L FOOD M A R K E T ! 8, 10, 12 Cubic Foot. GOV'T. INSPECTED, SELECT, WHITE FACE HEIFERS AND STEERS, f PRICES EFFECTIVE FRI. & SAT. PROPERLY AGED, VACUUM SEALED, QUICK FROZEN, READY FOR WE CASH PAY CHECKS YOUR LOCKER. |_g . £ IDEAL FOOD M A RKE T BETWEEN NEW SUNSET HIGHWAY & CORNELL RD. AT MURRAY RD, CEDAR MILL. BEAVERTON 4163