IE TUALATIN VALLEY MARKET BASKET WANT ADS • • WANT ADS # • WANT ADS • PLUMBING SUPPLIES Fixtures CERTIFIED White Rose Drop ( 3 ACRES Close ’ o Portland Fine RANTED TO RENT and pipe, fittings of every des seed potatoes $2 50. Phone TA- 1 ALTERATIONS home site. Portland water, good cription. Wiring supplies; wire, ber 1629. 25 NEWSPAPERMAN Needs to ren’ soil. On Salsman Road l* mile Suits and coats a specialty boxes, switches, and everything I w eb word, including Name north of Cot nell Road at Ce Florence’s Sewing Center 309 S two bedroom apartment or AddlT.ii O N L Y 2c A W ORD for the complete job. CEDAR FOUR WHEEL trailer, good con dar Mill. Phone Beaverton W. Farmington Beaverton, phone house in Beaverton or near dition. Phone Beaverton 2505 25 MILL LUMBER and Hardware, PHONE O R D E R S TAKEN I4M O Conno: Mtf Canyon Road between West 22 tf Phone Beaverton 3081. 2tf Minimum I V » Slope and Reedville. Call Wally BUILD A HOME For sale two BILTWELL Swing Rockers, at a DRESSMAKING A1 Kain, Beaverton 2321 or 46<)4. COMPOSITION SHINGLES Thick bargain. See them today. Heintz W e P u b lish T he acres or less of well drained land BUTTONS — HUCKJJCS and miscellaneous sew ing Al 1 A V E K T O N E N T E R P R IS E 21 tf Furniture. Tigard 2961. 25 butt or hexagon. Buy now while good location call CHerry 3800 BELTS COVERED so baby sitting and clock te- T I O A R D S E N T IV E L prices are low. Come in today. M U L T N O M A H PRESS or write Rt. t B jx 174, Bea Florence's Sewing Center palring. Mabel Smith 118 S W. Kim KENT A L O H A N EW S Progress Lumber Co. Progress. BEAUTIFUL TABLE & FLOOR verton. S mile west of Port- Angel. Beaverton 4347. 25 309 S. W. Farrtungton, Beaverton lamps, at real bargain prices. Ore. Phone Beaverton 4895. 25 net# bun tern w u .u u u n DOMESTIC FLOOR WAXEK 211 f land Golf Club 4463. 30tt Heintz Furniture. Tigard 2961 it» so d W estern M ultnom ah with scrubbing brushes, waxing WOODSAWINO. All kinds. A C Count» CoTerage 25 OIL BURNING Conversion unit $2.000,00u I I I LOAN LANDSCAPING brushes and buffing pads for SPRIGGEL. Rt. 1. Box 264. Bea In good cast iron stove. $36.00. rent. 50c per day. Minimum 3 On Willamette Valley farms, low verton. Phone CHerry 2969 . 7tf Plowing — Grading — Driveway FOK SALK Phone Beaverton 2321. 51tf TWO GOOD USED Wood ranges. days for $1.25. Free pickup and interest rates, long terms. Must and Road Grading — Lawns Pre $35 each. Heintz Furniture. Ti delivery service Beaverton-West have 40A cultivation and ade ROTOTILLER WORK Call Bea pared — Hay for Sale in season. ft. HOTPOINT home freez- SAND GRAVEL CRUSHED gard 2961 25 verton 4528 or 2701 Utf L. H. Brawand & Sons. Phone i __ Slope area. Call CApItol 6869 quate improvements Call or r. model, was $319.00, now rock. Phone Beaverton 4896. Hays Appliance Center. 16tf write us. giving brief description. 0. Grauer and Ackerman, 51 tf KROME Dinette sets for $69.50. lltf TRACTOR WORK Plowing, disc Heintz Furniture. Tigard 2961 Sec., Twp., and range >n Rd., Beaverton 4182 or FOR RENT—Floor sander and ing »nd grain drilling. Howard COLEMAN FLOOR FURNACES 25 iter 4507. 25 STATE FINANCE CO. edger BEAVERTON HARD Trout. Phone Aloha 6340. lltf GARDEN HOME SHOE REPAIR all sizes for sale. Beaverton SHOP. Try U r Our repairing 153 S. High St. WARE, Phone Beaverton 3921 USED CARS FOR SAI.E CHTX EVERT TUESDAY Hardware. Phone 3921. lltf is good. Lacea, polish, etc., for Salem, Oregon. Tel. 34121. ROOFING — MILLWORK ltf I wood Leghorn and New sale. Also Shoe shines. Cecil IF YOU ARE NOT FUSSY ab 13tf »hires Order early. Mill- I 1 HOTPOINT new 8-ft. refriger 3 In 1 tali $ 5.89 » square B. Blachly. Mgr. 30tf out transportation you can FOR RENT. Cement mixers, ator. Was $229.95, now $209.95 Hatchery, Beaverton. Ore 90 lb«, min. »urfao«" $2.69 xq. wheel barrows and paint have Model A Ford with good 1 Hotpotnt new 6-ft. r e f r .ig 4tr e Beaverton 4819. ■V5 lb«, regular $1.99 square SHEET METAL WORK. Guar- rubber and good motor for spray equipment. Dally or was $189.95, now $167.5o. Both l panel grade A doers $6.87 A up teed workmanship, also furnac only $95. Car is hill climber, weekly rates. Phone Beaverton (A VACUUM CLEANER scratched. Grauer and Acker Window»—Framts—.lamb»— smh es and gutters. Max’s Sheet 4204. lltf easy on gas. Best Ford buy man. on Canyon road. Beaver sale in good condition, Call u» for free estimate* Metal Works. 691 S. W. Erick in Tigard. Phone Beaverton 2321. ton 4182 or AT water 4507 25 e Beaverton 4959. 16tf Days ATwater 3750 son. Beaverton. Phone 3071. 14tf FOR RENT: Sawing machines Evenings WEbster 5731 Florence's Sewing Center 309 tf’S in TIGARD. . . for Why not spend $1 to $1.50 per 21tf S. W. Farmington. Beaverton. 21tf than $10 a month, with no week this summer to have your ’33 PONTIAC SEDAN, only 79. 000 actual miles. Fine condi Phone 4463. 17tf I i payment, you can have a ADVERTISING clothes Wet Washed at Will erect the frame and DEAD AND WORTHLESS STOCK tion. Radio, heater, good bat WM SCHWEIZBRIIOK Coleman Floor Furnace in- i th e : w a s h e r e t t k Picked up free of charge. Phone tery, new tires. See Roy Mour- FOR RENT: Concrete Mixer or storm sheeting, ready for collect Hillsboro 5525 The HILLS id in your home. Now’s We use soft water and soap is Advertising Specialists lawn roller. Progress Lumber er at Dean Drug. Beaverton. 25 time, special discount dur- FREE. Save on water and elec BORO RENDERING CO. 51 tf ( alt-ndarx - Pencils . Business Co.. Progress. Ore. Phone Bea roof. — In other words will hia month. 25 tricity. Have more time to spend Gifts verton 4895. 25 do any part of the job you FUEL FOR SALE 3142 N. E 62nd Av Ph. TR 0498 outdoors. We’ll dry them for you WE CURE AND SMOKE YOUR , ELECTRIC HEATER for can't do yourself in build Portland 13, Oregon PORK CUTS If you wish. SAWDUST FOR RENT: Modern 2 bedroom Phone Beaverton 4959. 25 Years Experience ing a residence or business THE WASHERETTK 12 and 16 inch Block & Slab house. automatic oil furnace. 16tf ALDER MARKET Opposite Haskell Center on Can •\ mile on Gaarde Road off Delivered — at a very low cost Lewis Brothers 99W. H. L. Rodde, Rte. 1 Box OT STORE your radio in yon Road Beaverton. Phone 4137 HAUGLAND FUEL CO. SAND _ - GRAVEL FRAME and STORM Corner 1st and Washington Streets 16tf 561 S. E. Lombard St.. Beaverton 474, Tigard 25 pair shop. Most sets re- PORTLAND, OREGON tf ROAD ROCK SHEETING only $1.25 Phone Beaverton 4409 GA 9633 d in 5 to 20 minutes and from $1 to $5. Six Corners TTONS — BUCKLES — John D. Hoqq 17tf NEAT 4-Room apartment for rent per square foot floor space BULL SERVICE. Delivery Pfcona in Beaverton, $40. Phone Bea o Lab. Six Corners, Ore. BELTS COVERED Tigard 2187. E. Bohrelns*. 46tf Pt Tigard 2047 & 2446 FUEL: Block and Slab in 3 cord verton 4458. For more details or an esti ed during July). l lt f HEMSTITCHING loads. Also clean sawdust, Tigard Oregon ... —---------------------------- Florence’s Sewing Center FOR TOW CLR call VERMILTE mate call straight and chip-mix. Wilson THREE ROOM Modern apart 5ED RED FRYERS and 309 S. W. Farmington Beaverton MOTOR CO. Tigard 3381. tf ment for rent. Stoves furnished, Fuel Yard. P. O. Box 398, Bea ranch eggs LYMAN ROSS Phone 4463 17tf on Hunter Avenue. Aloha. Phone GARBAGE SERVICE-By Monti verton. Phone 2491 or BRoad- CHERY. Aloha. Phone Aloha 6191. 25 , 35tf RABBITS. Fryers and Breeding way 4967. 9tf or Contract. Aloha Garbage Co stock. Floyd Kilby. Rte. 2, Box at Beaverton 4465 or Twin G. C. Miller, Owner 2-bed- 5BERRIES. You pick. J. 437 Beaverton. (On Meadow Dr.) CORDWOOD. Old Growth, 4 ft.. PARTLY FURNISHED P.O. Bx 254, Aloha, Ore 34tl Oaks 1958 in Portland room house in Huber, $25. In $12.50 cord delivered. Fred Kel Phone 2364. 25p incoln, Sorrento Road. 1H Pièno Toning. Cleaning quire at Huber Market. Fied ley, Beaverton 4234 . 25p PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING South of Beaverton, W o r k O n a r a n teed DIMOTHING • REPAIRING Van Domelen. 25p e Beaverton 2713. 23tf FOR SALE or TRADE Equity 9 WORK DOTTI PROMPTLY SITUATIONS WANTED R». 1. Atoka, Phone ALOHA 6412 acres, 3 acres berries. Family CALL CHerry 2175 LOST AND FOUND Septic Tanks Cleaned SALK or TRADE by own- orchard, 'drilled well, 4 acres CHILD CARE in my home, days. eautiful new trailer house wood, good spring, house 28 x Mrs. Dawes. 1207 Watson St., WALLET LOST at fire on S. E. Root« and Greax«- (leaned from RABBITS WANTED. Piok up. >ot long, sleeps 4, greatly newer and drain linen with 28 unfinished. Good road. R. Hall, Beaverton, Monday July 11 Beaverton. Phone 4756. 22tf Dolbeer. Phone Tigard 3143. I.. II. BRAWAND CO. ed in price. See at 1507 Schell, Rt. 1, Box 528. Beaver by fireman. Return to Floyd ELECTRIC NEWER MACHINE 46tf 8800 S. W. Locust Dr. (Metzger) ir St., Beaverton (across ton. Ore. on Weir Road just off WANTED: Day work $1.00 hour. P. Fuller, 587 S. E. Tucker or | No digging nece«ixary Portland 19 Ph. CH. 2929 new grade school). 23tf Hyland. 25p Mrs. John Jasmen. 203 N. W. H ID ES & WOOL. C A S C A R A — A drop in nearest mail box. 25p | 17 YEARS EXPERIENCE Bulldi't"« Si Cabinet Makers I < Mill St., Beaverton. 26p specialty. L E E BROS., 25 SW GERATORS with slight j f o r SALE: Seven month old Store fronts and fixtures. Unit IF THE PARTY who took my Free innpectlnn, reanonable price«, Clay. Portland. A T 5334 tf ge at savings, Terms Guernsey heifer calf. Phone Ti SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL Cabinets made to order. Green billfold containing $85 from the no mileage charge, latent modern er & Ackerman. Canyon Houses. Cold Frames. l lt f will care for children days. gard 3523. 25p counter of the First Security equipment. Guaranteed workman- REFRIGERATOR « WASHING , Beaverton 4182 or ATwa- Phone Beaverton 4849 25 Bank in Beaverton on Monday nhlp. MACHINE SERVICE 507. 25 FOR SALE: Latham raspberries morning. July 11 between 9 00 RedfINd's Refrigerator Senior C. N. Copus incur WANTED and Youngherries. R. V. Tho and 10:30 doesn’t have enough B e a v e r to n 4985 McMinnville. Ore. 3T PRICES In town on mas. North Stacey Ave., Aloha. OPENING for high-class real es conscience to return the money Phone 974 Mtf er needs. Buy direct from Rt. 1, Box 240. 7/10 ml. north please mail the identification tate man with good earning rec nilll in Beaverton and save. of highway. 25p METAL WEATHERSTRIPPING and driver’s license to N. J. ord, desiring to co-operate with You coll me and I call Lumber Co. Across track Rock wool Insulation blown In Thomas. Box 203, Beaverton. limited force in southwest o f end of S. E. 7th St FRUIT JARS. Kerr 24 pts. 6 qts on you For free estimate write R E Oregon. 25 fice. Raleigh Realtor. Mr. Gray. $1.00. 4 doz. qt. glass tops $2.40. ie Beaverton 4576. 20tf Ellson and Son. Rt. 2, Box 285 CHerry 1117 6021 S W. Scholls 4 doz. misc. qts., $2 00. All clean. FOX SALE SINCE 1924 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Tigard, Oregon. Phone Tigard FVrry Road. Portland. 25 IVE free estimates on all Phone Tigard 2631. G. B. Davis. 354« tf Phone REAL ESTATE FOR SAI.E ling material for remodel- 25p RELIABLE BERRY FRED 0. HOWLAND PICKERS I ACRE or new construction. Drop Beaverton 4896 wanted. Fred Brandt. Rte. 1. CUSTOM H 0 0 8 nd see us about your build- NEW full size 1949 model Hot- 9809 Beaverton Highway Box 503, Beaverton ton Davies 2 bedroom home, floored attic, at Butchered on Thurtdaya point range, was $179.95. now problems today. Progress Road). 25p tached garage, inside utility room. Beef any day $149.95. Side scratch. Grauer ber Co. Progress, Oregon, Beautiful setting, perfect drain- \ Beaverton, Ore Phone 2513 KUMMER MEAT COMPANY and Ackerman, on Canyon road. age, $7900, Terms. le Beaverton 4895. 25 W AN TE D SAND AND GRAVEL Phone Hillsboro 5521 #ltf Beaverton 4182 or AT 4507 25 W OODSAW ING RABBITS WANTED N’S in TIGARD. . . Closing FURNISHED HOUSE 3-burner smooth top gas 8. E. LI B R E S FRY A BAKERS all home furnishings. . •. . One About ‘ i acre, 2 bedroom home, CESSPOOL — SEPTIC TA N K OWNERS — ATTENTION ! range with oven. Good condition FEED A SUPPLIES means tables, beds, dinettes furnished, good corner lot $6,000. Phone ALOHA 61 91 $17.50. One gas circulating heat Call after 5 and all day Saturday ADDED EQUIPMENT — IMMEDIATE SERVICE some other stuff. . . not a Terms er with radiantfire. Heat 4-5 1741 Watson, Beaverton 2728 plete line, but enough to RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - PUMPING rooms. $20.00. One gas radiant- TAbor 6301. 21tf e some real deals to some IN ALOHA ANYWHERE — ANYTIME fire heater, just right for bath tou who want what we’ve room. $7.50. One Hot at ream 20U WANTED. 500 bean pickers. Reg 3 acres, 2 bedroom home, large SCHULZ SANITARY SERVICE — Phone KEnwood 7586 . . you can’t lose by look- r — — — ^ '■ »■ " ™ ister now. Sandy Farms, Inc. 2 chicken house. Right in Aloha. gas water heater $7.50. John F. TERMS, of course. 25 $5.500 Terms miles south of Dilly. 180 acres Mills, 24 Lincoln Ave., Tigard. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ % % $ S $ s $ $ of Blue Lake pole beans For Oregon. Second house on left >OWS are the eyes of your WHY PAY’ RENT? information call Forest Grove below Greenburg Rd. 25p ie. Keep them bright and needs some completing 17251 or write P. O. Box 232. House New Construction le. We do expert glazing on Full price $1950.' Teims. GEESE FOR SALE. Wm Rinck- Forest Grove, for camping. 26 cen windows. Progress Lum- hoft M anor Rt 2. Box 150R Repairing Cabinet Work Co. Progress, Ore. Phone GRIFFITH AND MEKKE Sherwood, Oregon. 25 vertor 4895. 25 Aloha Phone 6711 25 FOR SALE: Holstein heifer. 14 | TNGHOUSE, Deluxe electric FOR SAI.E or TRAD! Lot 33 months old $100. Van Cott. Rt. fe, good condition $24. Phone 10587 NW I^eahy Rd., Portland 1 PHONE BEAVERTON 4020 Handy Acres. 3 14/100 acres $950 1, Box 166, Tigard (Red Rock | Phone Beaverton 2616 verton 4807. 25 value. Box 1125. Hart Road, Road). At the R R Crossing 25p| Beaverton. Phone Beaverton O FOR SALE: Rally upright. 4213. 25p * Inquire Beaverton Liquor FIVE USED REBUILT Garden | ■e. Ask for Martin. 25p tractors. Ri di ng. Walking Vaughn, etc. 2044 N. Willis Blvd ] SALE 1 bench model Gal- Portland. 27p | N. L. THOMAS, Realtor ay separator and 4 yr. old Jersey. H Guernsey family GENTLE Bay Gelding, suitable | Ph Beaverton 4706 - 4120 • k cow Freshen August 20th, for children. Phone Beaverton calf. Been giving 11 qts 2156. 25 j FOUNDATIONS ly. Tested. F M Mendendall STEPS FLOORS ohn Plume, Rt. 1. Box 385, PATIOS DRIVEWAYS iverton 25p j S V ~ DT MOWER for Ford Fergu- • for sale or trade, side unt, heavy duty type. Make PHONE BEAVERTON 4143 1482 S W ALLEN AVE. ?r. Carl H. Johnson. On Bo- | 3B 12TF i Road 600 feet east of new em Hwy. Phone Tigard 3971 j iH MUST ACCOMPANY ML CLASSIFIED ADS 4 wm ■ ' - p g V ^ .1 Let Us Help You Build At A Savings! Robert Warner Geo. F. Gordon INSURANCE FILL DIRT Building Contractor LIME SPREADING Al. Mullican PROGRESS FEED COMPANY $$$$$$$$ s $ s $ $ $ s s Harrison Concrete Service Oh B K IC C R RIES FOR SALE Sunday £ dnesdny and alt kind.« of ms toon J C. Langdon. P.t Box 68. Sherwood. Oregon 1 e west Tualatin, H mile west Winona Cemetery. 25p J B R O S PHONES; Bf?ove rton GENERAL CONTRACTING 4149 - 2988 • 620 S Hall St SALE or TRADE baby bug- good condition, used very le. Box 695 (Hyland Ave ) Al- ». Phone Aloha 6624. 25 O R. NICHOLSON & SON W FRIENDS big Christmas rd values. $1 Assortments t up to 100<7 profit Imprint-j Greetings 50 for $1, up •ader” Assortment on appro- . FREE Imprint Samples , H f STYI.ART 1310 Santee »t. 30 Los Angeles 55. Calif | _________________ ^ P PUBLIC TRUCK SCALES AUTO WRECKING SCRAP M ETAL DEALER HIGHEST PRICES PAID V.eV# «f. f *$$.' ■' .WjsJk