Dickman-Faber Wed June 10th Bethany Rites Hip Boots Serve As Life Preservers & A FISH E R M A N S 111 (■AHOO can be a fisher- When wading a deep pool, the danger of slipping man 3 salvation, according to Hugh Johnson, \ MCA ig ever present. Should this happen, he says, dou- instructor, who demonstrates how- float in ble your legs back toward ycmtr chin and just take spite of the cumbersome footgear. it easy until you can scull yourself ashore or he fa­ Confidence is a prime requisite the deal, of course. to success in vored with even less strenuous rescue. Quick coat of CO LOR-PEP for practically ANYTHING f ' * Use DECORET— ideal house­ hold ENAMEL— for gleaming color accents anywhere — indoors or outdoors—to brighten tools, toys, shelves, furniture, all your hobbies! Dries fast and hard, shining smooooth! W ears like iron! DECORET ENAMEL in 1 8 quick-cheer colors MOTE COLORS-WORE DECORATING HELP ■s lin i i n » i mi mu— —— h i — HOME BUILDERS SUPPLY CO. A T T H E 'Y " , W ES T EN D OF B EA V ER T O N Beaverton 3951 BEacon 9823 Greyh'nd Racers Renew Pursuit of Iron Br'er Rabbit After a 44 day vacation to al­ low for the horse racing season, galloping greyhounds will again be in pursuit of the mechanical bunny at the Multnomah Stadium Monday night, July 18, 7:30 p.ni. Except for Sunday, the long- geared canines will he hot on the trail of the iron Bre’r Rahbit each night until August 20, when the Multnomah county fair will require a one-week layoff. The chase will continue, however, from August 29 to September 3. take a holiday for the week of the State Fair and then wind up the season from September 12 to 1®. There will be at least two schooling races before the dogs go to the post, w-ith all qualified dogs entering the 5/16 mile distance on the basis of past performance records. Two big races are listed and owners are grooming their mon- | ey dogs with them in mind. First is the Sapling Derby and second is the annual Multnomah Kennel Club Derby. First fourteen days of dog rac­ ing showed attendance and bet ting up to expectations, with the coffers of local and state govern­ ment treasuries enriched to a de­ gree thereby. compare quality! compare value! INTERNAT! lo w e s t -p r ic e d M ore features, more value . . . than in any 8 -c u b ic -fo o t “q u a lit y ” refrigerator on the marketI AS for low cost, extra-quiet operation . . . uorlJ fatuous International Hart etter LO W quality. See it today. ..with other AS 22 Refrigerator» and Freezers. 50 DOW N TERRY'S FURNITURE B EA V ER T O N 4703 2286 N. E. C A N Y O N ROAD O P EN W E E K D A Y S 8 TO 8 The disruption of business along Canyon Road is being bitterly resented by business people who complain that the road-work is being needlessly stretched out. They fail to see any need for tearing up several miles of road when the job could be accompli­ shed as well by doing a mile at a time as in other states Mean­ while nobody knows when the road is due to be completed and nobobdy knows where they’ can find out which doesn't speak too M well for the people in charge of M CG the work. Jim Jersey, Aloha feed and seed magnate, and his wife have re­ turned from their six-week tour across the country*. Jim assures us he bought no bridges, etc., while in New York. . . . Among local furniture dealers who will at’ end the Furniture Mart in Se­ M attle nAxt week are Mr. and Mrs. U Jack Terry. Following the furni­ BB ture show they will vacation in Vancouver, R. C. Shoppers stand to gain again this week end In Beaverton from the Saturday-Is-Beaverton-Dav ev­ ent slated for Saturday. Local merchants have combined to o f­ fer very special buys as evidenced 1 in this week's full page advertise ment . The new face In charge J j of the meat section at Columbia Market belongs to Clarence H»n- enpratt, originally of Garibaldi Oregon Clarence took over from | Herb Nagle, the for mer butcher. I The Mode. ladies' ready to wear shop In Beaverton Is undergoing some face-lifting with the mod- 1 ernization program calling for | new fixtures, lights and an inside U u BB ' ■ ! Pharmacy, and his wife left on a trip last week to Rirml-igham Nebraska. where they will visit their daughter and! her family. T ra '"Iin g with them I oart ” -av were Mr. and Mrs. H er­ bert Jackson headed for Omaha Nebraska. Mrs, Jackson Is a clerk at the pharmacy. . An ex- M re’-tionallv large crowd attended M the Oet-4couain,ed-Nite at the BB Canvon Theatre Drive-Tn lest Monday night The managemeer has Inaugurated 1 policy of show­ ing the main picture first of the double hill In order to permit natrons who wish to leave early, to do so during the intermission Joe Smith of the Ideal Food Marker In Cedar Mill is batrhln" M U] thesp days now *hat his wife !• BB visiting her family and friends t- Alexandria, MInq. Mrs. Smith originally lived In Alexandria. Residents of the Cedar Mill area '*■111 be interested to learn that • be Td»a! Food Market has swit­ ched Its advertising to this news­ paper. . . Peggy Soarks who has con­ M verted a portion of the famous U EC Rlanding's Dream House into the Fashion House featuring ladle« stilts, coats dresses and mltllnerv formerly operated a simitar es­ tablishment In Newberg New- co triers to this area, unfamiliar with Rlanding’s Dream House will tlnd it on Mavfleld Road, near Ce­ dar Hills . . STATE SWIM MEET Jantzen Beach will be the scene, July 23 and 24 of a state swimming meet, shaping up for the Far Western competition at San Francisco, which has been set ahead to August 4 and 5. Beaverton's lone representative in the sport of swimming. I.a- velle Flannery, reports back af- ter the two day invitational meet in Roseburg, July* 9 and 10. with a veritable armload of trophies The trinkets include high i>oint women's 440 freestyle, 220 free 15, 1949 style (women) and the 100 yard backstroke for girls 16 and un­ der, plus second in the 100 yard freestyle, girls 16 and under. She also was awarded a first in the relay*. She swims with the Portland Aquatic club, a group of swim­ mers led by A1 Sehorn who give evidence of seriously threatening the complete domination of the natatorial picture so long en- joyed by the Multnomah Athletic club of Portland, W. K p a tty ir vour complexion is dull. . . rough, your skin leathery ... urub it cjf . .. safely. . . in one short week’s time! Dullarry Special Cleansing Prepara­ tion... a miracle-working meal-like cleanser . . . sloughs off parched and lifeless cuticle, givts you radiant new beauty. IhiHarry Special Cleansing f'trparalum by Richard Hudnut........ 1.00 plus m R. W allace Boyd George O. Fairchild On Broadway Phone 2311 ^eajmtonVkcm^ PRESCRI PTI ON STORE 7 \;4 I GO OUR FOOD PRICES ! ! CATSUP .2 25c CIGARETTES LUNCH EON M EAT I H - o , 5 bottle for C arton a ll pop ular brands, 'A M eal for F o u r" Potatoes S No I OOc U 10 lbs. R m ir for Watermelons C a m p b e ll's 16-oz can Apricots L o c a l, for canning / or 4T 3 fo r^ ^ 59c W oodbury 4 reg size bars Lettuce C O LSO N 'S PAN REA D Y n n Fryers Lb / Stewers Lb O j C c Short Ribs R ath B la c k H a w k Boiled Ham, V i-lb Tissue Y e s, 3 0 0 count Pkg 3 lbs for Green Onions and RA D ISH ES 3 bchs for |Q N rr Spiced Ham , 4% A / Salad Bowl 3int ja r A P c dC v 29c lb. 75c Cider-Vinegar H u n t's G al I =0 M n lb. 63c Asst Lunch M eats lb. 53c Salad Dressing C Q c I •*1 30 m n WILL THIS PICTURE W IN ? Some reader has been m ailed b ea r ng a picture to the right p ictu re m a il the other papers m atch es the one on d isp lay in L O A D O F G R O C E R IE S . This week's contest end* S A T U R D A Y , J U L Y 16 I Chopped Ham, I n Lunch Meats Frost K is t, b ulk Dry Onions O S w ift's gram fed 4% Lb C L E A N S IN G I C h riste n New H a m p sh ires Ice Cream 1 P I 3 C Solid H eads 2 fo r Chickens Facial Soap "TO0 P re se rves Box ^%c ¡r ■ 12-oz can 3- for 5 1 0 0 Pork & Beans Pickling Spice Me K lo n d ik e , season's best Lb i square feet o f shelf area . . . Tigh t-W ad unit B EA V ER T O N EN TER PR ISE - F r id a y , J u ly T rade L anes i b i g , s t a n d a r d m o d e l 8H 1 great International Harvester D EATH o \ T H E SPE E D W AY Fans of national auto racing were shocked and bereaved at the recent crackup in Portland which claimed the life of I.es Anderson, Oregon booser for the introduc­ tion of midget auto racing in the Pacific Northwest area. As he was drawing even on the Inside to pass the driver ahead, his car began to slide. Almost sooner than a flash, the two cars crashed in a pileup which locked the two racers in a tangled wreckage It was required to pull the two cars apart before either of the drivers could he released Anderson suffered broken ribs which punctured his lungs and caused internal complications His steel helmet splintered. he was trapped upside down. The other driver. Art Oeorgc, of lavs Angeles was hospitalized for a broken shoulder and severe hack burns. Shocking as the mishap is to those who stand on the sidelines it must not be overlooked that auto racing is not entirely with­ out public benefit. The thrills and chills that a spectator exper­ iences as these demoniacal speedsters roar around the speed­ way oval is only part of the full picture of the sport. New safety- devices, improved mechanical developments and products such as oil, rubber and others that are given practical test in the grueling grind that goes on, lap after lap. So, beyond the overtones of tragedy which surround this rnc- ing smashup, there might be n note of understanding and appre­ ciation for auto racing which justifies it in spite of the risks involved. I is the refrigerator you'll buy! . . . 77 / i T P IC K S ’KM O F F I compare capacity! price! Big, 36-pound freezer storage. . . 13-3 T ilt 0 * E I compare... refrigerator comparable in capacity and Maryann Dickman, daughter of Reverend and Mrs. H Dickman of Route 5, Box 593, Portland, became the bride of Duane Faber, June 10 at the Bethany Presby­ terian church. In a colorful setting of summer flowers, the couple exchanged vows in a candlelight, double-ring ceremony. The bride attended Beaverton union high school. (Photo by Bruno Studio» • CUE BALL a sp e cia l copy of the paper of th is D IF F E R E N T from the If the p ictu re in Y O U R copy T E R E S I'S you get the F R E E Sorry, M rs. B ert W ilso n of 1661 S W A lle n , B eaverto n , you hod last w eek's w in ner but fa ile d to come in Prices Effective Thurs., Fri., Sot., July 14, 15, 16 We Reserve Right To Limit Quantities Week Days ft;tt b. » P M. I « to 9 Sundays _ . . „ FOOD ff/ THE TER ES II I N D E P E N D E N T A “ 0 è » H O M E ' O W N E D HASK6CL SHOPP/fi/G Phone Beaverton 4158 CENTER CENTI CEP/r^R I s