BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE— Friday, July 15, 1949 Adventist Faith Prepares 10 Day Camp Meeting * « Pastor N. C. Erntson. local pas­ tor of the Beaverton Seventh-day Adventist church, at Fifth and Angel Street,, will represent his whurch at the annual state-wide camp meeting, which will be held at Gladstone; Oregon, near Port­ land, July 14-24. A number of local members plan to attend. Church Sabbath meetings will be suspended for the two week ends of camp meet­ ing. July IS and 23. . The Gladstone camp, with Its 73 acres of grounds, has about feOO modern cabins and total hous­ ing accomodations for 7.000. The estimated week end attendance Will be about 15,000, Including many from Idaho, Washington and California. The camp program will include p full schedule of devotional studies and addresses by leading church officials, Including Pastor K. Dickson, world secretary of the denomination. • Adventist camp meetings have Ibeen held annually In Oregon for ¡the past 72 years, and much spir­ itual blessing has been gained by those attending. Bumper Job Crop By K. J. Nod law You don't know what you are missing if you haven't beeen to a teen-age dance at the Aloha-Iluber School Gym! The next big dance la scheduled for thla Saturday night, July 16, at 6 p.m. Ev­ ery aaaistanre la given to those newcomera who wish to learn to d»nee. The muaic ia good and the company ia fun. Dancing ia from 8 until 11 and all teen­ agers are invited. The daiu-e» ttre held every other Saturday evening at the Aloha-lluber school gym. The proceeds are to be used to buy bleacher .seats for the gymnasium. MOST CON FUSIN' G A bumper crop of field Jobs is Most confusing is the video provided In the county bean picture in the Tualatin valley First thers .w as t h 7 t e n t a r T u d I 1’ * rv M t now underway report. Alvin Elkins, manager of the hullabaloo about a television sta Hillsboro office of the unemploy­ tion to be set up in Portland— ment compensation, and there j promised for long before now „ .. ’ . M , „ ’ are plenty of chances to make I Then there was the hopeful wait- r a o l . wv ' iVi a uuu ui i h real money this season ing with nothing to show for it Farmers will pick up workers Explanations are rife and hand­ at 124 South Second avenue, Hills­ some. But that doesn’t help out boro, between 6 and 7 a.m. Grow' the reception on the television ers who will be in need of field sets that have been installed in hands are asked to furnish the more and more homes of the val- following information: iey. Number of pickers needed, type There was a reported freeze of pickers, amount of acreage and on T V channels that is said to availability of housing. Ben Scott, have discouraged activity in the farm placement representative field. Now there is an announced may be contacted through tele­ thaw that opens up as many as phone 5221 or 1761. ' I 42 channels to video broadcast. A partial list of qualified Job Meanwhile, some of the more applicants seeking work includes optimistic fans of this new med- accountants. musicians .teachers lum are Installing sets in their optometrists, radio operators, j homes and reaching out with bookkeepers, stenographers, sales some degree of success—to Se­ persons, waitresses, carpenters, attle where the images are being electricians, painters .truck driv­ processed with the multifarious ers and cannery workers. devices that go into the broad- With a new benefit year just j cast. getting underway, 17,318 new Latest information suggests claims for unemployment com­ that sets now in use may con- pensation are on file at the cen­ i tinue effective for reception on tral offices of the unemployment the newly alloted channels by the commission. This represent a fig­ quick, deft twist of a T V ex­ ure in excess by 55.4% of last pert’s screwdriver (more or less). year. Gl'ESTH FROM BURNS • • • Compensable claims the last Mr. and Mrs. Humme Holmboe SHADE OF P IO N E E R W EST week of June were 13,715. as •and two children from Burns, Seems too fantastic to be true. compared with 7.587 in 1948, an Ore. have been house guests at | But truth is more often stranger Increase of 80.8%. In Hillsboro. the Robert Glover home. than fiction. _ . . . first week of July, visits recorded On an amusement venture, a _ . ... ... „ ; a total of 1,048. solid citizen of the area may see the shade of the pioneer west, at T R IP TO CAMAS a certain beach resort in Portland. | and Mrs. Mrs. W. W. E. E. Reed of Of course. It isn’t poker, It isn’t Mr. and “ F R IE N D OF TH E COURT” 1» the subtitle of this smiling young faro, roulette or blackjack. I t ’s Oakland. California have been in man, Ned LeFevre, who stars as only the ultra respectable, though Aloha visiting the former's mo- Music by Johnathan Kegg, wealthy retired dollar devouring pastime of “ Bin- ther and sister, Mrs. Pearl Black Johnnie Washburn's attorney who serves in such cap­ go!” which offers the lure of and Mrs. H. E. Ewer, acity in criminal cases narrated easy money through that noted : Mr. and Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Melody Aces Black drove to Camas, Washing- on the mystery-adventure series element of chance. Does the sheriff know the rea- | ton Friday where they will visit "A Life in Your Hands.” the latter's brother, Charles and This opus stirs the airwaves on Vern Wallace and family. Admission—74c; (Inc. Tax) Tuesday, 8:30 p.m., over Station ROUND AND ROUND Mrs. Black will spend several KGW. Read by title only, here’s what weeks ,n Camas It sounds like for movie fans F H E A S A N T Y E A R N IN G S the coming week. Washington county Is one of While, on Friday, Aloha theater where the game puts the emphasis on “ Down to nine counties the Sea In Ships’’ and "Disaster” , commission has set in motion a It blossoms next from Sunday to pheasant field rearing project. Aloha, Oregon — Phone, Alolia 6401 Approximately 3,000 day old Free Parking Lot for Our Patrons Tuesday with the technicolor chicks have been set “ Mother is a Frekhman” with pheasant W ednesday Th ru Huturduv. July 13, 14, 15, 16 "The Fighting O’Flynn’’ to back out at predetermined sides, chos­ D O W N TO THE SEA IN SHIPS ' her up. And from Wednesday en for availability of feed, cover Richard Wldmark, Lionel Barrymore, Dean Stockwell through Saturday, “ My Dear Sec­ and water. ’DISASTER' Richard Denning, Tom Marshall Let’s see now. How many days retary” leads on before the “Whip­ to the hunting season? lash.” Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, July 17, 18, 10 For the Beaver. Friday and “ MOTHER IS A FRESHMAN", by technicolor Saturday revives "B ig Jack’’ to the Canyon Drive In, the colorful Loretta Young, Van Johnson from Colorado” , Friday go along with the "Flamingo “ Man “ THE FIGHTING 0 T L Y N N " Road.” "Good Sam” steps to the fronts the “ Mystery in Mexico.” Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Helen Carter front on Sundav. with “ Tulsa” In Then on Sunday, also technicolor, color, on Wednesday, linking come properly “ One Sunday af- Wednesday thru SatuMay, July 20, 21, 22. 23 arms with the “ Beautiful Blond jltenioon" and ’’S|ev^n Kdys to “ MY DEAR SECRETARY" Iairraine Day, Kirk Douglas from Bashful Bend” also In col- Baldpate” . Ah! but on Tuesday WHIPLASH" Dana Clark, Alexis Smith the “Champion” himself with Where the ponies beckon, at I “ My Own True Love. i a h • • T heatmcal Q uid KNOW WHAT YOU MISS AT fkTFTAGE DANCES? . v , T ~ jr DANCE Kinton Grange JULY 16 ALOHA THEATRE I ( r ( * i- ' t ~4! FLANNERY'S GOING TO THE CANYON THEATRE DRIVE-IN TONIGHT? 4 B E A V E R THEATRE />5H(MT S Beaverton Turkey In The Hay Wednesday thru Saturday, July 13, 14, 15, 16 By "BIG JACK", Wallace Beery, Marjorie Main 'FLAM ING ROAD," Joan Crawford Saturday Matinee “ BIG JACK" Dorothy Roseborough BROWN w a s furious C LETA For the third time Seth Jones had caught her turkeys in his al­ falfa. Now he was acting as if she had driven them in. Angrily. Seth ran across the field to head the turkeys from the newly flooded alfalfa. “ Can’t you keep those dang birds off my place?” Cleta slapped her sunbonnet at the flustered turkeys "Do you ------------------ think I want ’ em M in uU over here?” She •Minute snapped, " G e t Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, July 17, 18, 19 "GOOD SAM ', Gary Cooper, Ann Sheridan Wednesday thru Saturday, July 20, 21, 22, 23 "T U L S A ", by technicolor 3 Fiction ting their feet wet _______ _______ and dying from it, maybe! They’re under the fence and in your place before I know it." “ Under the fence!" growled Seth, ‘ TTiey rise up and sail right over, the flyin’ fools! Why don’t you keep their wings clipped? Reckon you figger the more green feed your tom gets the better his chance to grab off first prize at the Fair.” Cleta flushed w^th anger. "That’s • low-down remark!” “ Another thing," broke in Seth. ‘ 1 don’t want your tom with my flock. Keep your birds on your own place.” He strode off to the irri­ gation ditch. Cleta was proving up on her de­ sert claim with a crop of milo- maize. The scattering grain made wonderful forage. But the field was some distance from her homestead and the turkeys had to be driven there every day. Before they started fussing about the turkeys Seth looked at her a lot. Maybe she could make him look at her again with that warm eagerness in his eyes. "TH E BEAUTIFUL BLONDE FROM BASHFUL BEND," technicolor. Betty Grable' Cesar Romero ? ENJOY 4N = EVENING S T A T T H E S i- % . «V E L I KNOW N ^ 0F S ^ PLEASU RE Ä 1 GOOD FOOD AND GOOD SERVICE GO H A N D rN HAND A F T E R TH E ' T H E A T R E Stop At HARRY'S Across From Beaver Theatre OLD HEIDELBERG PARK Open Sunday 1,00 P. M Till 1,00 A M Hancock Super CHICKEN and STEAK DINNERS ' A L & R A Y ROSSI Phone 2471 for Reservations PAULSON'S CAFE N. E. CANYON ROAD CHICKEN, STEAK DINNERS — SHORT ORDERS T R Y OUR DELICIOUS HOMEMADE PIE FOUNTAIN SERVICE FIT FOR A KING! SODAS FULL OF RICH DELICIOUS NUTRITIOUS ICE CREAM! SANDWICHES — COFFEE BOB'S ICE CREAM 59 Broadway, Beaverton BEAVER BROOK FOUNTAIN Near Beaverton High School COME IN AND P L A Y SHUFFLEB0ABD Open 10 A. M. .to 9 P. M. Including Sundays SANDW ICHES Service -*> Station on your way and we'll be glad ENJOY DELICIOUS WESTERN STYLE COOKING to wash your windows for clear visi­ In True Old West Atmosphere! one of our services^ SAVE ON GAS Butter Fried Chicken Broiled Grade A Steaks Fried Chicken To Go Cteta slapped her sunbonnet at the flustered turkeys. “ Do you think I want ’em over here?” she snapped. Regular Ethyl 25c 27c Gallon Gallon INDIVIDUAL PERCOLATORS AT EACH TABLE OPEN 5;30 P. M. — PARTIES BY APPOINTMENT SUNDAYS 1,00 P. M. HANCOCK COMPLETE AUTO SUPER SERVICE STATION I P 1115 N. E. Canyon Road 'Wotch for the wagon wheels ocross from Haskell Center' Phone 4674 CANYON THEATRE DRIVE-IN E N T R A N C E ON B ER TH A B EAVER TO N H IG H W A Y . N E A R BEAVER TO N C IT Y LIM ITS Beaverton FRIDAY - SATURDAY JULY 13. 16 "THE MAN FROM COLORADO Technicolor Glen Fmii Holden. Wni MYSTERY IN MEXICO' William Lund, Jackquline WhMe CARTOON - NICW8 FREE SHETLAND PONY W (P a t) K IK w A N . Prop. 177 K. BRO AD W AY llckup and Delivery Service OPEN 24 HOURS A D AY Beaverton 2531 Across from New Safeway SUNDAY - MONDAY JULY 17, 18 "ONE SUNDAY AFTER NOON" REPAIR AND Elect ricol Service TUES, WED., THURS. JULY 19, 20, 21 'CHAMPION'' Technicolor Dennis Morgan. Dorothy Malone Klrt Douglas. Marilyn well. "SEVEN KEYS TO BALD PATE" "MY OWN TRUE LOVE'' Philip Terry. Margaret Und- sey CARTO O N - NEW S RIDES FO RTHE KIDDIES I Closed Monday and Tuesday bility It's free of course Just another FEATURING Mrs. Flannery's \ Weekdays 5,00 P. M. Till 1,00 A M FO U N TAIN SE RVIC E Stop by — ® k . »#» • A of autumn was in the T HE air smell the morning Cleta rode Into town to enter her tom for the show. Coming home she checked her horse to a walk as she passed Seth’s place. Then she saw the turkeys were in the alfalfa again, and she turned in at Seth's gate. No one answered her shout as she galloped by the house to the field. Jumping off her horse, Cleta snatched at her sunbonnet and beat frantically at the fighting gobblers. "Get away, you devils!” Cleta panted. She drove them off and dropped on her knees beside the birds which nad dropped bleeding. She watched the victorious gobbler strutting and drumming his wings as he rounded up the hens; the bronze hens, the new members of his harem. She knew for sure then. Her bird had killed Seth's tom. Cleta stood up. She saw Seth turning in at the gate, and as he hurried toward the field a hot tri­ umph flooded through her. With Seth's gobbler out of the running her turkey would surely win. But this would end everything, she told herself. Cleta knew she could not bear to keep on fighting with Seth. "So you let 'em get in again,” he stormed, "Anyone with a brain might know this would happen. Phone 4293 Max Phyllis Calvert. Mrlvyn IX>ug laa. CARTOON By heck!” he exclaimed. "Blamed If I know which one it Is!" Ha knelt and turned the gobbler over. "WeU. I know my own bird, even If you don’t” Cleta retorted. "So now you can go ahead and win that prize money you’ re so bet up about.” • "Dunno as I was any more het up than you.” Seth Jeered, his hands itUl busy with the bird. Seth looked from the dead bird to the sweUlng gobbling tom with the hens He grinned. "Say. Cleta.” he drawled In the old friendly teasing voice, "Why don't you take that bird of yours home? He's cutting up something scandalous round them windows. Cleta reddened "I tell you he's your bird," she insisted, moving toward her borsc. Seth caught her by the wrist "Hey! Wait a minute! You know dam well that's your tom with my hens. But if you are bonin tor proof---- ” He spread the dead turkey s wing. Clipped in the thin membrane Cleta saw a narrow reg tstration band. He was snuluig out Cleta saw that his eyes were intent and eager "It doesn't matter now.” she inu1 mured. "It's Just that I felt so ter rible lonesome S r i f a u S a» * M Ftaiutr« THE CHUCK WAGON Shopping Center • I McLain's ivicLOin s a Cedar Mill Park L rr Corner Sunset Hiway and Murray Rd., 7;30 A. M. To 11 P. M. Sundays 1 P. M. To 11 P. M. EVERY DAY IS ICE CREAM DAY' • • • § SUNDAES TO GO M ILK SHAKES SNACK ITEMS Selection of Flavor* B IL L S BICHMAID ICE CBEAM 730 N. E. Canyon Road, Near West " Y ” Chinese P i ,© 3 % and ^ J American Food of Superior Quality and Taste CHINA LANTERN 2280 Conyon Road One Mile East of Beaverton Beaverton 4526 I