CHURCH SCHEDULES SPECIAL EVENING MEETING AT SCHOOL IIA/.HLDALE— Thursday eve­ ning. July 14 a* 8 pin. the Hi- aeldale Bible Church will hold a special meeting at the Hazeldale School house. The speaker will be the Rev. Elias Zimmerman. There will also be guests from other Churches. Everyone is welcome. H A'JM G R O V E P IC N IC About seventy-five attended the Hazeldale Comnsunity picnic which was held July 10 at Balm Grove. Gam«», were played. Some went swimming A good time was had by all. 11IKLK. ATTENDANCE Attendance at the Hazeldale Bible Church Sunday School July 10 was 62 with an offering of $598 Those vTho observed their birthdays were Mrs. H. K Red­ ding and daughter Sharline, AUGUST 14 PICNIC Cooper Mt Community Club will hold their picnic August 14 at Balm Grove. FROM WISCONSIN Visiting this past week at the F,. W. IJvermore home was Mr. i.ivermore’s nephew and family, Mr. and Mrs. Theadore Walker of Augusta, Wisconsin. EXPECTED HOME Raj* Kincheloe was taken to the Emanuel Hospital Saturday, July 2 but has improved fast He was to he brought home Sunday. WKF j K w i t h p a r e n t s Mrs. Mel Harbert and children are spending this week with her .rents Mr and Mrs. L. Markell. FROM PRESCOTT Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miller of Prescott, Oregon visited last week with his brother and family Mr. and Mrs. Mort Miller. S. DAKOTA PICNIC Mr. and Mrs. L. Markell attend­ ed the South Dakota picnic Sun­ day, July 10 at Jantzen Beach. COOPER DAJ.E CLUB Cooper-Dale Garden Club w-ill meet July 20 with Mrs. Margaret Weaver and Mrs. Babe Liver­ more will be co-hostess. Everyone is urged to be present. EROM CASTLE ROCK Mr. and Mrs. Don Wright and small son of Castle Rock, Wash., visited last week with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rogers. HAPPY HOI K CLUB Hazeldale Happy Hour Club meets this Thursday at 1 30 with Mrs. Hazel Miller. There are ar­ ticles for the Fish Pond yet to LEGAL NOTICE RIDS REQUESTED The Board of Directors of Un­ ion High School District Number 10 Joint, Washington and Multno­ mah Counties. Oregon will accept sealed bids on 10 900 x 20 10 ply truck tires. Bids to be on open tread and/or highway tread. Bidders to submit specifications and brand wtth hid. All bids to be in the hands of the District Clerk not later than 4 00 p.m. on July 27, 1949. Bids may be left at the high school office or mailed to Theresa Gibson, C/O First Security Bank, %tcaverton, Oregon. W. D. CAMKRON, Chairman THERESA OIBSON, Clerk Published: Beaverton Enterprise July 15. July 22. 1949 «ID S WIIJ. RE RECEIVED FOB RE-KOOKING THE HIGH SCHOOL GYMNASIUM The Board of Directors of Un­ ion High School District Number 10 Joint, Washington and Multno­ mah Counties, Oregon will receive bids for removing and replacing the roof on the high school gym­ nasium Specifications can be se­ cured from the high school of­ fice or by writing to Theresa Gibson, c /o First Security Bank, Beaverton, Oregon All bids to be In the hnnds of the District Clerk not later than 4 80 pm on July 27 1949. W D. CAMERON, Chairman THERESA OIBSON. Clerk Published Beaverton Enterprise, July 16. July 25 Estate of Andrew Mellen Kennedy NOTICE OK FINAL ACi'OUNT la the County Court of the State of Oregon for Washington County In the Matter of the Estate of Andrew Meilen Kennedy, de- ■ceiuied NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned, as Doy Gray of the above entitled estate has ftled hts Final Account In Yhe above entitled Court and that Tuesday, August 16. 1949, at 9 30 o'clock In the Court Room of the above entitled Court has been appointed by the Court as the time and place for the henr­ ing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof Dated and first published July 15, 1949 Date of last publication Aug­ ust 12th, 194« DOY GRAY, Executor AC AIJ.EN and SAMUEL B U W RK N CE, Attorneys ence or inP lua,r Church will he held In the base­ ment of the new church. More information will be announced at a later date but every one is wel­ come. So keep these dates In mind. SANTORO FUNERAL Funeral services were held on Monday morning, July 11 for Bruno Santoro who passed away Thursday evening July 7 at home on the River Road near Ha- zeldale. Mr. Santoro was well known in the Hazeldale community. CLATSOP HEACHES Mrs. E. W. Livermore, Francis Livermore and Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ ker and daughter spent Monday at the Clatsop beaches. Eighteen Attend Double Feature Birthday Party JOINT VACATION TOl'K Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Butts of Ruby Ave. left Saturday morning for Pendleton, Ore. where Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Campbell will join them for a vacation. Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Butts are sis­ ters. They expect to visit Boulder Dam. Yellowstone Park. Grand Canyon. Helena. Montana and nome by California and Oregon F IS H IN G t r i p Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jamison are Caves. having a 2 week vacation trip SUNDAY VISIT touring Southern Oregon. They Hubert Hlr.gley spent Sunday at will do some fishing too. the Blasser home. 1H L L S The party for Janice and Bill Moyers, whose birthdays were on July 4. was held Saturday. July 2. Janice was nine years old and Bill one year old. There were 18 children from ten years to seven months. The party was from 2:30 to 4:30 and games were played until 3:30 when the presents were opened and refreshments were served. The large cake in yellow and blue had nine candles on one side and one on the other and "Hap­ py Birthday Janice and Bill'’. The guests were Jimmy Alplan- alp, Barry Brence, Suellen Brence, Shirley Frank, Boyd Johnson, Teddy Martin, Judy Hauer, Kathy Mauer, Billy Purdy, Joanna Ru­ cker, Elizabeth Rucker, Billy Purdy, Joanna Rucker, Eliza­ beth Rucker, Billy Purdy, Nicky Roher, Denny Roher, Barbara Sturklee, Jimmy Rogers, Arlene Rogers and Sandra Wells. Miss Betty Brutke motored to Canada with a group of her friends and spent this past week there visiting various places of interest along the way. FAMILY PICNIC Family reunion of the Hazel Puckett family was held July 10 at the home of son Vernon Puckett at Wllamlna BreaneV of Portland and Mrs. daughter Nina of Lebanon; Mrs. Pearl Dowell and family of Sweet Home; Mr .and Mrs. Dean Puckett and daughter Donna of Beaverton and Herbert Puckett of Portland Mrs. Puckett's brother and wife, Mr and Mrs. Marion Chartler and family of Hillsboro and her uncle, Mr and Mrs. Floyd Waggoner and family of St. Paul and grand­ daughter Mrs. Pearl Dowell and OF ID A H O 1225 F o ilin g B u ll Date Portland. Oregon of first publication July Piain Talk About REPORT OE CONDITION o f - The Com.ner.lal Wewt Slope in the State of Oregon nt the cbe June So, 1949. of Federal excise taxes are increasing your telephone ASSETS Cash, balances with other banks, including reser\ ances, and cash Items in process of collection United States Government obligations, direct and bill — in some cases as much as 25%. There is a flat 15% Federal tax on local service. On long distance service where the charge is 25c or over, the tax is 25%. Other forms of telephone service are taxed from 8 to 25%. This tax is imposed directly upon you as a telephone user. Your telephone company, at its own expense, acts as a tax collector. LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships and cor- porations ........... Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporation Deposits of U. S. Government (including postal savings) Deposits of States and political subdivisions...................... Other deposits (certified and officer's checks, etc.) . . ....... TOTAL DEPOSITS ..............................................$2,172,747.53 TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated obliga­ tions , shown below) CAPITAI. ACCOUNTS Capital* Surplus Undivided profits ............................................ Reserves (and retirement account for preferred capital TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS MEMORANDA Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other N purposes ..... ......... ........................ .......................... Loans as shown above are after deduction of reserves of 2,815.34 I, W. H. Blake, cashier, of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear and affirm that the above statement is true, and that it fully and correctly represents the true state of the several matters herein contained and set forth, to the best of my knowldge and belief. These excise taxes, levied directly upon you as a user, are in addition to the corporation income taxes which the company pays so the government. These taxes must be included in the company’s cost o f busi­ ness and must, therefore, act to increase your tele­ phone bill as a sort o f hidden sales tax. Telephone service is generally regarded as a neett- rity. Yet the 25% tax on long distance and other service is higher than the 20% luxury tax for jew­ elry and furs. W e are sure your Senators and Representatives in Congress would welcome your views as a taxpayer and citizen in helping them to guide future action on this unusual peacetime tax on a necessity. CORRECT -ATTEST WILLIAM C. CHRIST M. P. CADY EARLE A. BOWMAN, Directors (SEAL) State of Oregon, County of Washington, ss. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 11th day of July, 1949. My commission expires Dec. 7, 1951. CLYDE YOUNT, Notary Public CHEVROLET WILSON v. WILSON CLAPPERTON * SCHAI.LHORN Attorneys-at-Law 1225 Falling Bldg , Portlahd, Ore. SUMMONS (No. 15298 ) In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Washington. ARTHUR WILSON, Plaintiff LOUISE WILSON, Defendant To LOUISE WILSON, the above named defendant; In the Name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to ap­ pear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above en­ titled court and cause on or be­ fore the expiration of four (4) weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to- wit: on or before the 15th day of August. 1949; if you fall so to appear and answer plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to the above entitled court for the re­ lief prayed for in his complaint, to-wlt for a decree of absolute divorce from the defendant and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem Just and equitable. This summons is published by order of the Honorable R. Frank Peters, a Judge of the above-en­ titled court, made and entered on the 1st day of July, 1949. direct­ ing publication for four (4) con­ secutive weeks In the Beaverton Enterprise of Beaverton, Oregon, a newspaper published and of general circulation in Washington County, Oregon. CLAPPERTON A STHALLHORN Attorneys for Plaintiff BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE— Friday, July 15, 1949 Mr. and Mrs. J. S Best and son Jimmie of Washougal, Wash., spent their vacation with Mr. Best’s mother, Mrs. Levo Best and Mi. and Mis. A. V. Bulls of RuLy Ave. Also spent some time vis­ iting relatives at Coeur d'Alene. Idaho, returning by way of Seat­ tle where Mrs. Best's sister Mrs. R. S. Jenson resides. YOU want these EXTRA VALUES exclusive to Chevrolet in its field! I’m standing by for the most Beautiful BUY of WORLD'S CHAMPION VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE FISHER BODY STYLING AND LUXURY CERTI-SAFE HYDRAULIC BRAKES (with D u b l-Life Rivetless Brake Lining*) < Nothing less Nothing else LONGEST, HEAVIEST CAR IN ITS FIELD with WIDEST TREAD, as well Again . . . NEW LOW ER PRICES! 5-INCH WIDE-BASE WHEELS (with Extra Low-Pressure Tires) CURVED WINDSHIELD with PANORAMIC VISIBILITY t. Enjoy the w hiskty that's FISHER UNISTEEL BODY CONSTRUCTION EXTRA ECONOMICAL TO OWN OPERATE—MAINTAIN CARR CHEVROLET CO - , _ . . _ lé Ktafvcky Wfcfcfcty—A R r m P l O O f • « S X ( I A I N MEUTIA1 SPIRITS iaiioiai distillers nod coir, » r BEAVERTON. OREGON satisfy PHONE 3333