Biblical Drama ' Dates Advanced By Legion Post VOLUME 22, Number 24 Enthusiasm Rises For Teen-agers' Recreation Spot With the grand opening sched uled for Wednesday evening, July 6, the Beaverton area's Teen-age recreation center on the ground floor of the Grange hall, great enthusiasm is rising over the es tablishment, according to report. Miss Marge Asmundsen Tuesday night, 43 teenagers "Light Eternal," biblical drama were present at a meeting in the sponsored by the American Legion new center where final plans were in a two day presentation at the drawn up for the opening ceremon Beaverton grade school auditorium ies. Most of the furnishings have hasbeen postponed one week, to been obtained, some by purchase July 21 and 22, it is announced. Coming as directior of the play and some by donations. Equipment is Miss Marge Asmundsen, of Uni includes pool table, juke box, ‘coke’ ted Productions o f Chicago, 111. cabinet and other items. Meanwhile, the dtetrict’s summer Willis Cady, well-known in Beaver is going ton for his longtime work in mu. ! recreational program sic will be in charge of the choir along in good style, declares Mrs. 1 Mildred Miller, supervisor. Last music. The play is done in a modern I Thursday, 105 youngsters went to setting with a grandfather telling 1 Couch school for a swim session the story of the Light Eternal to and tljis activity will be conducted his two grandchildren. As he tells each Thursday. Every Friday night, teen-age outstanding stories of the Old are held in the grade Testament the stories come to life dances with costumed actors. Each of the school gymnasium, with official two evenings performances will hosts and hostesses appointed to start at 8; IS p. m. and will last handle details. More volunteers are needed in about two hours. The entire cast and members the small fry activities ,on Tues of the choir will be of local people, day and Thursday mornings from gathered together with the cooper 9 to 11 a. m. This program has be- ation of ministers of all faiths : come so popular that more help is needed to supervise it. in the area. Dick Lloyd's .tumbling classes Active in planning the presenta tions are Paul Doyle. Bob Cum for boys is also growinb in popular mings, Richard Gustafson and : ity, with those taking part increas ing in numbers at each session. Willis Cady. Comments of many educational and religious leaders, it is said, compares "Light Eternal” with the famous "Passion Play" and the motion picture “Ten Command ments.” Photo by Harrell—Beaverton 4988 Camp Adahi Will Entertain Forty At First Session BEAVERTON, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1949 CITY TRIES BUDGET AGAIN Leaves Finances In Lurch By Adverse Vote klr. and Mrs. Charles Stubbs, ners of the Economy Market Aloha won first place in Eas n Saddle riding at the tul\ i Happy Day’s Parade at Usboro. rhey rode horses owned by :k Cornell and B. R P^oley- o of Aloha Both horses are lerican saddle bred. Ar. and Mrs Stubs* repre- ,ted the Aloha Chamber of mmerce They each received a TIM E RESID ENTS . Don Fraser of California ng in the Haieldale commun- (ast week -paid the Happy club a visit on Thursday a’ Mills. Mr and Mr* Fraser old time residents of Ha- In the office of the Beaver ton Enterprise, last week, door prize award* were drawn for tile Paradise Craft Shop grand opening. In the Merlo build ing behind the First Security hank. In Beaverton ’ la d t Luck smiled upon the following four people who will receive the prires designated Thelma Sweet, Route 2, Bo* $79. Tigard, receives a ceramic piece. Mrs. Rose EJerick. Rte 1. Bo* 275. Beaverton, is aw arded a plaster art sample. Mrs. Clarence Johnson. S. W. Main. Beaverton, won a textile painting and Mr*. W al ter Matson, of Beaverton, was given a painted personal photograph. The craft shop make* Its own plaster casts. FIRST PAYMENT DEMAND MADE BY CONTRACTORS TO COUNCIL; WILL HOLD BACK 15% OF AMOUNTS Beaverton citizens, up in arm s' When lines are on the side o f over the pending connection of the streei, connection charge is bouse sewage systems to the se- the same as though it were in the iver collection mains or branches, middle of the street, it was said, be-ieged the city council, Tuesday Carl Green, engineer of John PlgM. at the regului meeting. Cunningham and Associates sani Undeistanding of the council is tary engineering firm retained' by that the contractor wants to either the city, reported that job esti put the line from the collection mates were for sewer line in lines to the house system or noth streets, including “ y's" for connec ing at «1!, it was declared. After tion with house discharges But no much discussion, pro and con, it provision had been made for exten wus brought out that the sewer sion to the property line or front lines do not branch out to proper ing buildings. ty lines. That work must be done, If the city would wish it, Green and be paid for, by the property added, he believed the contractor owner. would be willing to negotiate for ■KOI AL MANNER sewer line extensions to reach the property line He warned, however, On duty for a full hour and a that this would mean a greater half before each program at the expenditure of money, although Canyon Drive In Theater is a the job would have to be done by contingent of Shetland ponies private expense, otherwise owned by A1 Lewis, who lives Estimates for first payments on near Tigard and who is in charge the sewer job were submitted for of the feature kid’s attraction Winning the first prize for council approval and disbursement. free pony rides. out-of-town entries, Beaverton For storm and sewer, the Salem In his stables. Lewis also has Business and Professional Wo- Sand and Gravel company asked three palamino shetlands, out of men s club nntered a float In for payment o f $600, less 15 per the 40 known in the United States Hillsboro s Happy Days Celabra- (>ent retained pending completion and they will tie on exhibition tion" parade on July 4th. of the contract, or $510 net. On nightly, in addition to the regu Walter Lanky, of 1141 S. W. (he sanitary sewer, payment will lar string for riding. Hazel, donated the use of his t)e fOI $7,229.50, less 15 percent, or Shown in the picture is "R o y blue convertible for the occasion. $6,H5 08. Jacobsen Brittan, on construc al Banner", one of the unique The Lasky twins, Lynne and Lin palaminos, who is 14 months old. da and Goddess of Liberty can tion of the sewage treatment plant, didate Dolores Carlson, rode in ask first payment of $3,357*. less 15 His father is valued at $2500. it. percent, or $2,853.45. The ponies for riding are gen E. N. Murner. who is completing Emphasizing the theme of tie and harnessed to a pony ring. A special safety belt is used to "Hands Around the World” , the a report on square footage owner make suie that no one falls off entry depicted a world with peo ship for branch sewer assessment, and gets hurt. All youngsters in ples of all nations outstretching brought a problem to the council, in asking for a ruling as to uBMaa | terested are invited to come ear their hands. The hands were done ment against alleyways. It s**m* In plywood. Club color* of yellow ly to tlie nightly performances and green were carried out In the there are three in the city. . for a free ride On the alley from First avenue (Photo by Citizens Photo Shop l decorations which also displayed SKYWAY CAFE TAKES to Farmington road, next to the red. white and blue flowers. r office, Murner wanted to SURER JUMBO NAME Chairman of the decorating pout committee was Mrs. Cora Clear know whether K should be assessed Under the management of water and she was assisted by as private property. Although it Mr. and Mr*. llalc, of Margaret Hendien, Gladys Strick has been In use for 30 years, there HUlahorn, the former Skyway land, Mina Jac*bson. Norsen siems to be no evidence that the Oafe, on Canyon Hoad near Brook hardt and Evangeline Mo- thoroughfare has been dedicated Cedar street, open* undei the for public use shofsky. name and fame of “ Super The council voted to put the mat Rev. and Mis. M. E. Clark, for .1 umbo” , giving emphasis to ter on ice, pending further legal mer pastor of the Four Square its main attraetion. a ham Inform»! ion on procedure. Church and also recent Youth M. Kaiser, newly appointed in burger sandwich Mill'll (it Is claimed) is a full meal In lt- i for Christ director In Hillsboro spector, was informed that his in 1 will be at the Highway Chapel come would rest entirely upon m M. in Beaverton Thursday July 21st fees. For each connection to the The new owners have been at 8 p.m. sewer that be inspects, he will be In the business foe over SO They are bringing several mu year* and inrite patronage. The Beaverton Saddle Club en- *ive" **• whtl" HwpecUon on sical instruments and will pre joyed the Parade and Rodeo at nfw construction will also net him sent an inspiring musical pro St. Paul July 4th. Members met <>n* dollar, T H R E E W E E K V IS IT gram. Rev. Clark will also bring at noon for a picnic lunch. Mrs. Curtis Avery and two the message of the evening from Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cobb won R l l C W R a a c P lc ilt daughters of 770 Rioadmoore, Ce the Word of God first honors with their jmlaminos * * * # OP 1 1 ■ ■*■■■ dar Hills. Beaverton returned last All are Invited to come and for matched f>afrx in show horses P f| | | | | | l/ P l d l l £ week from a three weeks visit at spend a pleasant, spiritual, prof The club is invited to attend | W Fort Collins, Colorado itable evening together with Rev. They made the trip by car. Mrs. and Mrs. Clark at the Highway » Fun Day July 10 sponsored by A 4 Q a || w A A # I P l f the Forest Grove Ranch Rider* ■ 1 Avery was chauffeur all the way Chapel in Beaverton. Tualatin »t their grounds 2 miles north of Th. Busy B„ eH 4. „ CTub met M and was quite proud of her ability Highway and Mill St. of | t„ p hom „ Marlene Cook on as such. Rev. Oi ville Poulin Is Pastor. Forest Grove *nd Just west 'he highway. There will be I Fafmlnfft0n Roi|„ Tu„ Nday after. a Treasure Hunt at eleven and ; noo„ Junp w A *hort bUMlneft(, pot luck dinner at noon. ¡meeting wa, held. It was decided Chet Huddleston and Roy Cobb I ho,d -(lent Tuesday evening leveling wood Park on July 31. the new club grounds back of The girls attending summer .Sudtell'* Auction. school gave reports on the ses The next business meeting will sion. Two girls from the club be Thursday, July 14. at the home were president of their houses, of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cobb on Patricia Seidler and Judith Mil Birchwood Drive. ler The club meets every Thursday Elaine Hansen, Judith Miller, evening at th*ir regular meeting Patricia Seidler and Janice Hsch- place for riding and other activ ett attended the session from the ities. club. Visitors welcome. Meanwhile, the city <^>uncii hits In a rough and >tumbl* presenta tion. July 5. in the city hall, the gone ahead with prep« ra: ion of Beaverton etty council voted to I a new budget, first leg« l publica have another try at passage of the tion of which starts in this week's budget for the fiscal year, to over issue. Public hearing will be July come the adverse vote .»n the issue, 29 and the election is set for the June 29, when 124 voters declared following day, July 30. by 47 votes “ For" and 77 votes Preliminary to new budget con "Against” their wishes. siderations, Mayor Jeffries cut sal- Mayor H. H. Jeffries, explaining ariesof city employees back to the to a packed council ctiambere that level they were prior to the last the city had only $8,000 per year, pay raise. Under that schedule. or about $666 a month, in its treas Heniy Mayfield, police chief, gets ury. put 'through reduction* in sal $225; Archie Olson, fire chief, $250: aries to trim the repudiated figure Fred Goyt, city superintendent. $275; recorder, $275 and city hall o f $16,656.56 Part of the decision to start all stenographer, $150. A vacation policy was set for over again, with budget committee meetings, advertisements, hearings all employees of the . city which and election, seemed tied up in the gives them one week off after 12 resignation of L. J. Busse as city months' service, two weeks after recorder. This was asked by the three years. There will be no pay mayor, without charges, for the in lieu of vacations in the future, it was voted by the council. good of the city's business. Salaries are spread over four di The room was packed with about visions. From the Water and se 45 citizens who, when asked by the mayor, expressed unanimous wer departments, which are self accord with this request. Of the supporting, they repiesent pay council, only councilman Paul Tag ment in lieu of tax to the ‘city gart seemed particularly reluctant while the portion from general and in going along with the mayor’s road tax funds must be included in money raised by assessment. wish. Fire department statements, sub Oscar Martin made the resigna tion motion and Milton Metcalfe mitted at the meeting, lists pay West offered the second. The final vote ment due up to June 30 for ousting the recorder was unan Slope calls amounted to $46, Bea verton, $43 and rural, $254. imous. Fire chief Olson offered to take The recorder's resignation was ordered effective at the conclusion up with the firefighters their will of the meeting and to replace hint ingness to await payment on mon has been hired J. E. Paddock, 545 ey earned until a new budget is Hall street, Beaverton, who is a approved and money is available for distribution. former mayor of Oakridge. uilder's Supply akes Over Yard Vincent Lmbr. DOOR PRIZES GIVEN BY PARADISE CRAFTS Citizens Besiege Council On Sewer Connection Beef IN ROUGH AND TUMBLE MEETING ON JULY 5TH Fire On July 4 Leaves Families Without Hbmes Johans Win 2 lue Ribbons In addle Contest Tigard Shetland Ponies on Duty For Free Rides COUNCIL ASKS FOR RESIGNATION OF RECORDER Camp Adahi, the Camp Fire | Girls’ Camp on the Gales Creek Road, will open Sunday, July 10th with forty happy Blue Birds ar riving on the chartered bus ar ound 3 p.m. Activities for the first week W IT H T H E EIG H TH U. S. A R will include swimming, hiking, MY IN TO KYO . J A P A N — : Upon outdoor cooking, music, dramatics, his recent arrival in the Far East handcraft, archery and sports and Recruit Russell L. Place, son of games. These forty campers will Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Place, resi be the first to use the new Craft dents of Route 3, Box 438, Bea House which is completed and verton, Oregon ha* been assigned waiting for them Four families are homeless as a as a rifleman in Company E, 8th The staff at Camp Adahi will Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry be headed by Mrs. John W Hu- result of a fire that destroyed Division now stationed in Tokyo, son, Camp Director, Miss Jo-Ann the home in which they were liv ing about 12:30 a.m. last Tuesday Japan, on occupational duty. Grant of Portland who was the morning in Metzger. Enlisting for military service Dramatics Counselor last year Victims were Mt. and Mrs. in January. 1949, Recruit Place will have the same position this Merle Stedman and two girls Lol- took his basic* training at Fart year. Miss JoAnn Weiss and Miss Ord, California, and later sailed Carolyn Burnett will be the Camp la Mae and Lura Dee; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Stedman. Mr. and Mrs. for Japan While he is stationed Craft Counselors. , Hjelseth and family and Mr. and with Company E. Recruit Place Miss Weiss taught school as a Mrs. Clyde Hargrave, owners of will learn Cavalry tactics and Physical Education Instructor use the latest weapons and equip 1 last year and Miss Burnett at the big 15 room house, all of Metzger. ment. tended the Vanport College. Miss Fireworks were the probable Recruit Place has not indicated Barbara Barney of Hillsboro will any plans for the future, but be Handcraft Counselor and Miss cause of the fire in which all oc hopes to continue his education Beverly Gates of Forest Grove cupants lost their household be while here In Japan through the will be the Swimming Counselor. longings. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Stedman Army Education Program estab Miss Gates recently returned were not home at the time of the lished in Tokyo for military per from the Red Cross Aquatics fire. They were visiting friends in sonnel. School in Bremerton where she Oakridge, Oregon. passed her Water Safety Instruc There was considerable com tor Course. Miss Phyllis Palmrose plaint registered by Fire Chief of Beaverton will assist with the Archie Olson of Beaverton be swimming. Misses Maureen Kain. cause fire trucks had trouble Gloria Rawles and Beverly John reaching the burning inferno be son. all o f Beaverton and Sharon cause the roadway was blocked Casey of Hillsboro will serve as by onlookers. Mt. Hood Builder’s Supply has Junior Counselors. He points out. “There Is a law- Mrs. James Becker of Reed- ken over the former Vincent in this state forbidding people to ville will be the camp cook again. jmber Yard in Aloha. block the path of a fire apparatus, Ed Hill, general manager says Nurses from the Health Depart effective since 1931.” e firm will handle general ment will visit Camp every other The law provides- "It shall be irdware. paint, plumbing sup- 'day under the direction of Miss unlawful for the driver of any Corinne Pennington, Supervising igs and electrical supplies, plus vehicle other than one of offic e usual line of lumber prod- Nurse. ial business to follow any fire The chartered bus for camp apparatus traveling in response ts. from the Hill will be assisted by Bernard will leave Hillsboro to a fire alarm, closer than 500 [■Quinn. Both are from Port- 1 Court House at 2 p.m., will leave feet or to drive such vehicle j the Cornelius Stage Depot at 2:10 within 3 blocks where fire fight- ; ad. Mt. Hood Builder’s Supply also and the Forest Grove Legion H *11 ing apparatus has stopped in ans s a location on 82nd Ave. In at 2:30 p.m. wer to a fire alarm." Blue Birds attending tha fi*-sV irtland. i X . session from Beaverton wilt he Sharon Lee Monohon and Linda B r i d e n h a c k e ] ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ _ ^ _ ^ _ j Army Recruit In Far East Learns Cavalry Tactics S IN G L E « O I'Y F IV E C EN TS SI H BCR IPTION IN A D V A N C E $2.00 P E R V E A K BPW Float Wins First Prize In Hillsboro Fete Visiting Speaker Brings Message Highway Chapel Saddle Club of Beaverton Rides In Rodeo Parade SACRED MUSIC QUARTET Fire Lads Snuff Blaze In Car Of Man Going Thru Air Pistols and .22 Rifle Taken ' From Imlay Bldg. Vandals broke into the J. R Imlay and Sons Hardware and Feed Store in Aloha Monday- night, July 4th Loss was about $50. The thieve*, believed to be youngsters, took 2 Benjamin air pistols, one .22 raliher rifle and smunition for the rifle, accord- 1 Ing to Oren Rhurman The pistol* were valued at j $15 00 each. Other more valuable i rifle* were not molested Entrance wax pained by pry ing a hoard o ff in the feed storeroom Crawling through a T ' x 18" hole they made en trance to the main store and j left the same way. FO* RTH AT “ EAMIDE M and Mrs. K W. Livermore merit the Fourth at Seaside v i* -. iting friends. SACRED Q! A R T E T MUSIC will be offered Tuesday, July 12, at the Cedar Mill Oommunity church, 12208 N W Cornell Road, 8 p.m. when the Westmont college contingent pictured above pre sent* a program aa part of the field activity of the college, an in ter-denominational Christian school of the literal arts and sciences The quartet'* selections include unique arrangements of favorite hymns, Negro spiritual* and modern gospel songs. The singer* are. left to right: Dave Hubbard, Oakland, Califor nia. first tenor. Owen Hollingsworth, Riverside, California, sec ond tenor; Bill Samuel, Yakima, Washington, baritone; John Bar ber, Ran Francisco, baas and Bill Beasley, Vancouver, Washington, accompanist There will be no admission charge for the program and Rever end Simon E Forsberg pastor, extend* a warm Invitation for the public to attend. On Friday night. July 15 th* Daily Vacation Bible school will conclude Its session* with a demonstration program at the church. 8 pm. The Aloha Volunteer Fire Dept. Tuesday afternoon went to the rescue of the car of Mr. Van- doran of Corvallia. An unidentified person going toward Hillsboro saw the fire and reported the blaze to the Fire Station. Apparently the front universal j joint overheated and ignited the I cushion of the front Beat, LEGION IN STALLS The OI's of World War I I are j taking over at the Beaverton | American legion post, according to retiring commander Paul Doyle, j who tells of the July 6 installation i held In the post hall. Robert Cummings, World War II veteran, take* the post of com mander and his slate of subordi nate officers I* entirely composed of similar service veteran*. The rites were held In the Bea verton grade school gym and was a public meeting The 40 et 8 also installed IDEAL FOOD CENTER STARTS NfW SERVICE With tJicir new frozen fissi locker facilities, idea! rood Center at Cedar Mill announc es a new innovation to he av ailable for ail patrona, in a custom meat aging service. Ry till* moans, patrons may age their meal property before having It cut and stored in locker*. According to Barney Miller, muestro at the meat- block. till* will help to Im prove the quality of fronen meat and tile last pieoe should be fully as lender and detio- ksM a« Hie first. The food center recently built an addition to their build ing to provide M0 modern frozen food locker*. Joe Smith and Miller, co-ownera of the center, declare that every e f fort has been made to bring their frozen food storage dr I«artment fat the highest peak of modern efficiency. In tile packaging of froaen meat, a new method also In employed which draw* ont all air from the hag* Into which the mmt has been packaged