BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE— Fr.doy. July 1, 1949 TME TUALATIN VALLEY MARKET BASKET WANT ADS O ___ • WANT ADS • • WANT ADS • BUSINESS SERVICES ttl I rONHOLKS 1ULMSTITCH1.NO Florences Sewing Center 309 S. W. Farmington. Beaverton 4463. 20tf L. H. Cobb Co. CRUSHED ROCK PLU M B IN G SUPPLIES. Fixtures M ASONS in T IG A R D extra FOR SALE Chev. Sedan 1930. FOR KENT and pipe, fittings of every des­ special savings on all sorts of j owned by a mechanic motor Phone Beaverton 2881 ALTERATIONS cription. Wiring supplies; wire, home equipment, especially in good condition. upholsteiy DOMESTIC FLOOR W AXER Suits and coats a specialty Count cac H word, including N»u»« boxes, switches, and everything where you give us a chance to good, glass O.K., sealed beam | with scrubbing brushes, waxing and A d d r e w -O H L T Jc A W O RT Florence's Sewing Center 309 S. for the complete Job. CEDAR figure on all your needs. Terms brushes and buffing puds foi lights, three tires almost new W. Farmington Beaverton, phone NO PHONX ORDERS TAJEXX M IL L LU M BER and Hardware. to meet your purse. two others very good. metal rent- 30c per day. Minimum 3 446:' 23tf Phone Beaverton 3081. 2tf WlnlBoa t5c ib Inat days for 31.25. Free pickup and top. body good. Price 385.00 FOR SALE: One 30 lb. ice box delivery service Beaverton-West DRESSMAKING. A LTE R A TIO N S Can be seen at S. W 64th on w* Publub Tht MASON'S in TIG A R D . . . a BUTTONS — H H K J .E S 3 burner gas plate. 305 E. Farm BEAVERTON ENTKRPR1 Ba Slope area. Call CApitol 6869 Barhur Blvd. Phone OHerry and miscellaneous sewing. At 340 saving on a brand new fa­ TTOARD S EN TIM E L B ELTS COVERED ington, Beaverton. 23p 4506 or OHerry 5390 23p Hays Appliance Center. 16tf so baby sitting 118 S. W. Angel bruLTNouAH rAxaa mous make washing machine ---- — Florence's Sewing Center ALOHA NEWS B w vw tan 4347. 23 with pump. Tub has slight chip RABBITS, Fryers and Breeding 309 S. W. Farmington, Beaverton- R E N T —Floor under and 1947 Light weight motorcycle, FOR C om plete fc ieie rn W ie r.ln g to o that has been repaired. 1 only. stock. Floyd Kilby. Rte. 2. Box 20tf edger. B E A V E R TO N H ARD ­ WOODSAWING. All kinds. A. C. 4463. like new. Also small air cool­ C ou nt? in d WeeiM-B M a lln o m in T errng 23 *37 Beaverton. (On Meadow Dr.) Count! CoTon«e W ARE. Pbona Beaverton 3921 ed engines, one new »till in SPRIGOEL. Rt. 1, Box 264, Bea Phone 2364 25p LAN D SC APIN G ©rate, cheap. 1977 Lorn! rd, Bea­ lt f verton. Phone CHerry 2969. 7tf LOW EST PR IC E S in town on -----— ---------------------- Plowing — Grading — Driveway FOB SALE verton. Phone 2969. 23p lumber needs. Buy direct from MASON'S in T K .A R D . . if you FOR R E N T : Cement mixers, R O T O T IL L K R W O RK Call Bea­ and Road Grading — I .awn* Pre­ the milU in Beaverton and save ° y ° ur own " ork y ° u ml* ht MASON’S IN TIG A R D . . . one wheel barrows and paint FU E L FO R SAI. k verton 4328 or 3701 15tf pared — Hay for Sale in season. Key Lumber Co. Across track I“ ** °ur Pnces on pipe fittings spray equipment. Dqily or only 2” gas powered pump with L. H. Brawand A Sons. Phone from end of S. K 7th St. electrical fittings, switches, etc weekly rates. Phone Heaverton TR A C TO R W ORK Plowing, disc­ CHerry 2929. 35 f t 2” suction hose and 25 f t lltf SAWDUST Phone Beaverton 4576. 20tf W e’ll help you with your prob 4204 U tf ing and grain drilling Howard discharge hose. This pump is 12 and 16 inch Block & slab lems. T ry us out. 23 Trout. Phone Aloha 6340. 111f G AR DEN HOME SHOE R E PA IR used, but in good shape. De­ - O IL BURNING Conversion unit Delivered FO R R E N T Sewing machines livers 2500 gallons an hour, op­ SHOP. Try Ui. Our repairing H AU G LAN D FVE1 CO. In good east Iron store. mOO. N E W MODELS Chrome dinette Florence's Sewing Center 399 ROOFING — MILLWORK en discharge. It cost 3300. Is la good. Lac©8, polish, etc., for Phone Beaverton 282L M tf 8it* from W M to * * * 95 Terry 5 661 S. E. Lombard St.. Reave!ton S. W. Farmington, Beaverton mounted on small steel wheels. sale. Also Shoe shines. Cecil 4409 GA 9633 3 in 1 (ah $5.89 a squ are - - Furniture, Beaverton 4703. 23 Phone Beaverton Phone 4463. 17tf G RAVEL CRUSHED W ill sell complete for 3150 and SAND B. Blachly, Mgr. 30tf 94) lb«, min. nut-face 32.69 wq. I7tf rock. Phone Beaverton 4896. I SEE the new 8 cubic foot In give terms. Pumps from creek 55 lb«, regular 81.99 square SERVICE STATIO N For Rent SHEET M E TA L W ORK. Guar- 51tf| ternational Harvester Reftig- FU E L: Block and Slab in 3 cord or well, up to 23 ft lift. Will by owner. Phone Beaverton I panel grad« \ doom 36.87 A up loads. Also clean sawdust, teed workmanship, also furnac­ erator only 3224.75 and the new- demonstrate. 22 4787. Window»— Frames*—.lamb«—Sash 24p COLEM AN FLOOR FURNACES | international Harvester Freez­ straight and chip-mix Wilson es and gutters. Max’s Sheet ( 'all u« for free estimate« all sizes for sale. Beaverton i er. 11 2/10 cubic foot. MASON’S Tigard . . .pumps, Fuel Yard. P. O. Box 398 Bea­ Motel Works. 691 S W Krick- FOR R E N T : 355, two liedioom 3379. Pays ATwater 3750 Hardware. Phone 3921 lltfi Trade in your old Terry’s Fur­ verton. Phoae 2491 or BRoad- wate rheattrs, bathroom equip­ son, Beaverton. Phone 3071 house, garage, basement, auto, Evenings WEbster 5731 m ent floqr furnaces. . . any or way 4967. 9tf heat. Near bus. Inquire at 320 niture. 2286 N. E. Canyon. Bea­ 211 f Why not spend |1 to $1.50 per) 21tf all of these can be bought on Ruby Ave. Beaverton. Evenings. verton 4703. 23 week this summer to hav^ yourj W A N TE D low monthly payments without A D V E R T IS IN G 23 p DEAD A N D W ORTHLESS STOCK clones Wet Washed at WM. 8 C H W E IZ R K H O F FOR SALE OR TR AD E : Large any down payment. Electric Picked up free o f charge Pbona R A B B ITS W A N TE D TH E W A S H E R E T TE lot 80 x 137 feet good garden Advertising Specialists water heaters installed. com­ collect Hillsboro 6525. The HILLB- FRY & BAKER- We use soft water and soap is j soil, near high school Has all plete, as low as 35 a month. 23 Calendar« - r e n d i« . Rimine«« BORO RE N D E R IN G CO. « t í FEED A SUPPLIES FREE. Save on water and elec­ city conveniences, just out of Gifts BABY C IIIX E V E R Y TUESDAY tricity. Have more time to spend j town. 3142 N. E 82nd Av Ph. T R <*98 Will consider a good Call after 5 and all day Saturday W E CURE a ND SMOKE YOUR Portable Electric Cement Beaverton 2728 Hollywood Leghorn and New outdoors. W e'll dry them for you Portland 13, Oregon light car. Phone 4011. Owner F 1741 Watson, PO R K CUTS 21tf Mixers If you wish. Hampshire#. Order early. M1U- 25 Years Experience F. Fisch. 1197 S. W. Erickson TAbor 6301 TH E W A SH E R E TTE er’s Hatchery. Beaverton, Ore 50c Per Hour Ave., Beaverton, Ore. 2Sp W A N TE D : Small tracts, second ALDER M ARKET ----------- Phone Beaverton 4819. 4tf Opposite Haskell Center on Can-. Lewie Brother« growth timber, Beaverton-Hllls- Wheelbarrows SI Per Doy Corner 1st and Washington Streets yon Road Beaverton. Phone 4137. FO R SALE: At the Nazarene SAND _ • _ GRAVEL boro area. Stum page basis. B E A V E R TO N F U R N IT U R E 18 tf| Camp ground at 82nd Street in PO R TLAN D . OREGON tf ROAD ROCK W rite Box 485. Beaverton. 23p Used washers from 317.50 up. BOB S USED CAR LOT Portland, a choice lot close in, — BUTTONS — BUCRI.ES — John D. Hogg BULL SERVICE. Delivery Phone some extra lumber, price 3160.00 SITU ATIO N S W ANTED BELTS COVERED Used bed springs as low as 32.95. Canyon Road at East ’’Y ” Tigard 2187. E. Schreine- *6tf Phone 4011 Beaverton. Owner Pt. Tigoru 2047 & 2446 H EM STITCH ING F. F. Flsch. 1197 S. W Erick­ C H ILD C AR E in my home, days Beaverton. Ph. Beaverton 4172 Tigard Oregon FOR TOW UAH call V E R M ILT E Florence’« Sewing Center New bedroom set 3 piece, only son Ave.. Beaverton. 23p Mis. Dawes. 1207 Watson St . I MOTOR CO. Tigard ?381. tf 309 S. W Farmington Beaverton 377.98 Beaverton. Phone 4756 22tf Phone 4463 1 7tf FO R SALK OR T R A D E Mc- G AR BAG E S E R V IC E -B y Monti, Cortniek mower. 4H foot cut. W IL L C A R E Clearanoe of baby furniture. Buy ____________________________________ for children eve­ or Contract. Aloha Garbage Co now and save! Travel toddy crib CHRISTM AS CARDS With Name. some new extra guards. Price nings. your home. 376 S. W. An­ G. C. Miller. Owner 50 fo r 31. sell fast! Make up to 325. F. F. Fisch, 1197 S. W Er and mattress only 319.75. 6 year gel Apt 3, Beaverton. 24p P.0. Bx 254, Aloha. Ore. 34t: 100% on 31 "Leader" Christ- lekson Ave.. Beaverton. Phone size with wetproof mattress. Piano Tuning. Cleaning E X P E R IE N C E D baby- mas, Plastic sensation, Every- 4011. 23p Junior desk and chair set only PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING child care in my home or yours, day. others. Assortments on ap­ Work Onaramead DIMOTHING • REPAIRING 39 95 W ORK D O N « PROM P T L T proval. F R E E Imprint sam­ G E N T L E Bay Gelding, suitable day or night. Phone Beaver­ t f. 1, A lobo. Phon. ALOHA 6612 C A LL CHerry 2175 for children. Phone Beaverton ples. ST Y L A R T. 1310 Santee. ton 4950. 23 p with mattress, Baby Bassinette W ill erect the frame and 2156. 23p Dept. 27, Los Angeles 55. Cal. only 39.95. storm sheeting, ready for RABBITS W ANTED, Plok up. C H ILD CARE, in my home or 23P HORSE FOR SALE. Spirited A l­ yours. Experienced kindergarten Dolbeer. Phons Tigard 3148. roof — In other words will L II. B R A W A N D CO. W’ elsh baby buggy, the famous so saddle and bridle. Rt. 2. Box teacher, Mrs. A. C. Hansen. MASON’S in TIG ARD . . . . 50G m t 8800 S W. Locust Dr. (M etzger) do any part of the job you Boodle Buggy only 323.50. 361, Beaverton 2377. M. M. Phone Tigard 2617. 23 o ff on brand new stainless Ph. CH. 292» Brown. 23p can't do yourself in build­ HIDES & WOOL. CASCARA— A Portland 19 steel kitchen sinks . , . also Builders A Cabinet Maker« New Westinghouse 6 cubic foot specialty. L E E BROS., 25 SW H E L P W A N TE D ing o residence or business some rare bargains in 54” por­ MASON’S In TIG ARD . . . rent refrigerator now only 3189.75. Store fronts and fixtures. Unit Clay, Portland. A T 5334. tf celain sink tops. s. Pav low mon­ — of o very low cost motorized weed cutters, cement W A N T E D : Cabinets uiude to order. Green Woman for general thly payments. / 23 Houses, Cold Frames, lltf mixers, floor waxers. . . wheel New Easy Spindry only 3149.50 housework and cooking, good R E F R IG E R A T O R A W ASH ING FRAME and STORM barrows. . . cleanout pumps, wages. References. Phone Bea­ was 3169.50. M A C H IN E Wr.KVICK H A V E a new 2 h.p. lelectric mo­ SHEETING only $1.25 etc. Tel. Tigard 2290 for res­ verton 2801. 23p R M flN d ’l Refrigerator Servir» tor, 3 phase, sell reasonable or ervations. 23 B EAVER TO N F U R N IT U R E per squore foot floor space Beaverton 49M trade for single p^ase motor. | W A N T E D : Part time experienced Beaverion 4002 C A pita! 2380 Also imvt a. taige nuiuiiul Of 28tl For more details or an esti­ M 1NCFJJANR008 liOokneepei in i igard, to han­ Open evenings Monday A Friday long bridge timbers in good dle complete set of books at mate call 23 M E T A L W E A T H E R S T R IP P IN G condition. Sell reasonable. P You call me and I call REW ARD home. Approximately 50 hours Rock wool Insulation hiown In Koch. 7619 S. W. 34th Ave., Information about white male per month. Paid on hourly ba­ on you RE G IN A VACUUM C LE A N E R For freo estimate write R. E Multnomah. Ore. (fHerry 3068 t cat, gray mai kings, disappeared sis. State experience. Write for sale in good condition. Ellson and Son. Rt. 2, Box 185 24p near N. W. Christian Home June Box 1. Beaverton Enterprise, SINCE 1924 Phone Beaverton 4959. 16tf Tigard, Oregon. Phone Tigard at Beaverton 4465 or Twin '26. Beaverton 2634. 24p Beaverton, Ore. 23 8546. tf WOOD FO R SALE: 4’ green slab Oaks 1958 in Portland FRED O. HOWLAND SM ALL E LE C TR IC H E A T E R for 37.00 a cord. Allen Fuel. P. O R E W A R D for the return of a W A N T E D : Woman for cleaning sale. Phone Beaverton 4959. CUSTOM HOGS Box 313, Sherwood, Ore. or boy's RED leather jacket, about five hours each Friday 16tf 9809 Beaverton Highway Butchered on Thursdays phone Mac’s Grocery Tigard small size, name Jimmy Kirwan who lives near Sylvan. Call af­ Beef any day Septic Tanks Cleaned 3440. 23 printed under collar, no ques­ ter 6:30 p.m. BRoadway 1880. MASON’S in TIG A R D . . . .Get Beaverton, Ore. Phone 2513 KU M M ER M E AT C O M PAN Y Root« and Grm«*< Cleaned from tions asked. Phones Beaverton 23p your COLEM AN Oil Floor Fur- FOR SALE: Double bed and Phone Hillsboro 6621 Bltf «ewer and drain line« with 4924 or 2531. 2.’!p mattress in good condition nace ordered now. . save mon­ E X P E R IE N C E D girl or woman ELE C TR IC SE W ER M AC H INE Phone BEaron 4447. 23p ey on summer installation. . . USED CARS FO R S A IE to do housework and help pre­ No digging nece««ary Begin paying August 1st. . . CESSPOOL — SEPTIC TA N K OWNERS — ATTENTION ! pare dinner five afternoons per 17 Y E A R S E X P E R IE N C E LO G ANB ERRIES. you pick no down payment needed. 23 IK YOU AR E NOT FUSSY ab­ week. N o babies. Will pay $20 Free ln«|iectl<>n, reasonable prh-e«, ADDED EQ U IPM EN T — IM M E D IA T E REIRVICE Bring containers 4c lb. F. out transportation you can W'est Slope home Phone day no mileage charge, latest modem RESID EN TIAL - COM M ERCIAL PUMPING Schell. W eir Road. 1 block W DO NOT STORE your radio in have Model A Ford with good time CApitol 4309; nights equipment, Guarantes-d workman­ of Hyland Road, about 3 'i miles a repair shop. Most sets re­ rubber and good motor far ANYW HERE — A N Y T IM E CHerry 4097 23 ship. S. W. o f Beaverton. Phone paired in 5 to 20 minutes and only 395. Car is hill climber, SCHULZ S A N IT A R Y S E K V I C E _ J T _ Phone KEnwood 7586 Beaverton 4708. 2 J > cost from 31 to 35. Six Corners W A N TE D TO R E N T C. N. Copas easy on gas. Best Ford buy Radio Lab, Six Corners, Ore. Plume «621 M cM innville, Ore. in Tigard. Phone Beaverton 2321. ) * ) » » « » » 6 mo. old., (Closed during July). l l t f R E F R IG E R A T O R , * * * * * * $ 14tf N E W S P A P E R M A N Needs to rent '37 Pontiac, garden tiller fur­ two bedroom apartment or DRESSED RED FRYERS and niture, bicycle, other misc. it­ house in Beaverton or nea ems. % mile north Salsman fresh ranch eggs L Y M A N ROSS Canyon Road between West Road off Cornell. Cedar Mill. HATCHERY. Aloha. Phone Slope and Reedville. Call Wally FOR SALE Saturday and Sunday. 23p 6441. 35tf Kain, Beaverton 2321 or 4604 21 tf Phone F O R SALE or T R A D E Winches­ FOR SALE: Niagara 10 ton Beaverton 4896 ter 52 target rifle and 5 excel­ punch press and accessories. DUE TO SALE of property am PHONE BEAVERTON 4020 lent deer or elk rifles. 225 S. W. Carlson's Machine Shop. 1521 forced to move Man perman­ Erickson Ave., Beaverton. Phone S. W. First St., Portland, Ore. ently employed and wife muat * * $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4768. 23 23p have small house or apart­ $ $ $ SAND AND GRAVEL ment, vicinity Beaverton. Ex­ ESTATE Must sell house trailer FOR SALE: Restaurant- location, N. L. THOMAS, Realtor WOODSAWING cellent references Call Frank now across highway from T i­ to party with good equipment. S. E. LÜBBES Larsen at Beaverton Enterprise Ph Beaverton 4706 - 4120 gard Grade School. Best offer Fred E. Anderson, 753 Mill St„ 2321 days or Aloha 6623 eve­ Phone ALOHA 6191 takes. Call Hillsboro 3891. 24 Sheridan, Oregon. 23p ning« 21 f f FAR M M A C H IN E R Y Oliver 60 Row’ Crop with culti­ FOUNDATIONS STEPS FLOORS vator and tandem disk, like new bargain. Fordson on rubber PATIOS DRIVEW AYS Vaughan garden tractor. Walker FHA Term* and Free Estimate* Tractor Co.. Hillsboro. Phone 6291 SCRAP M ETAL DEALER 23 PUBLIC TR U C K SCALER CORD WOOD. Old Growth. 4 ft. AUTO W R E C K IN G PHONE BEAVERTON 4143 312.50 cord delivered. Fred Kel CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ALL CLASSIFIED ADS FOR RENT Let Us Help You Build At A Savings! Geo. F. Gordon INSURANCE Robert Warner Farms Homes Acreage FILL DIRT LIME SPREADING PROGRESS FEED COMPANY Harrison Concrete Service O. R. NICHOLSON & SON ley, Beaverton 4234. 24p MASON’S in T IG A R D a near ly new 8 ft. Servel Gas Refrig at a saving of over 3150. Terms to suit. 23 Y O U N G B ZR R IE S You pick J A. Lincoln, Sorrento Road. 14 miles South of Beaverton. Phone Beaverton 2713. 23tf LA R G E T R IK E 36 pedal car 35 girl’s Jr. size hike. 37. girl’* standard size hike, 312. violin. H and \ size, complete with bow. chin rest and case 315 ea phone Beaverton 4950 23p FOR SALE or T R A D E hy own­ er beautiful new trailer house 12 foot long sleep« 4 greatlv reduced in price. See at 1507 Center ^ . Bemverfor faegose from new grade school». 23tf F PHONES, Beaverton 4149 - 2988 1482 S W ALLEN AVE. CONTRACTING 4421 REG’LAR FELLERS 620 S Holl St. HIGHEST PRICES PAID _______________ 12TF Phone; Heaverton 4381 Neor Union Oil Depot — Bertha-Bee vert on H i* or CALL McCALL By Gene Byrne» FOR CK(, Stove Oil Furnace Oil Oil Burners GREEN STAMPS GIVEN ON CASH SALES McCALL OIL CO. Beaverton 2871 BRoodwoy 0092 \