Tre^lown-Koch Pledge Vows At Trinity Baptist LADIES SHOES T ire d of feeling rocks and gravel thru thin- soled shoes? — T h en try these "P o lly D eb s" — the tm a rt town shoe priced at A " P O L L Y DEB P O LL PARROT SHOES B EA V ER T O N 4597 SHOE R EP A IR IN G Business Group Falls Far Away At Last Meeting Old Time Dance Group To Decide Future of Plans B E A V E R T O N EN T ER PR ISE - F rid a y , Ju n e 24, 1949 votes in opposition. votes. One vote was written in for Norton Peck, running for re- Mrs. Bertha Holland election for the two year term Immediately following the elec­ a tion. the two recently elected dir­ o n Friday evening. June 24. of director was elected with from 8 to 10 p.m.. the old time total of 37 \ »tes. Ml Merwvn tou­ ectors were administered the oath dance group will meet at the rner was chosen to fill the five of office hy Mrs. Hlldah Highbe. Beaverton high school cafeteria for another routing go at the dosie do" Meanwhile, lcadeis are wrestling with the decision as to whether or not future ses sions should be abandoned until fall. According to Mrs Lillian Car­ ter. attendance at the folk dance affairs has slumped considerably of late, dating from the advent of daylight saving time. Friday's meeting is expected to bring some 3 Only help in arriving at the answer of future plans. 3 L IT E S T E E L B A S EM EN T SASH W IT " , P L A T E GLASS Since it is impossible to tell anything from a show of hands $6 50 EA CH of those present. Mrs. Carter says the only indication as to whether 100 FT. R O L L P L A S T IC C O V ER ED C L O T H E S L IN E Whether an example of summer decline or vanishing interest ir affairs of the city, the Beaverton Businessmen's Association fell fa- short of membership representa­ tion on Thursday evening. June IH, when 11 were present at the regularly scheduled meeting. The group, after extended de­ liberation and debate, voted to , extend $25 to help out the irea recreation program. The gift was plainly qualified ns not the be ginning of a ttend and was ap­ proved by those present because it was felt of importance to bus­ inessmen that some facilities for youngsters be maintained to keep them off the streets Ed Zumwalt, who has had wide experience in sports, was named association representative to the area recreation committee. His appointment by Leonard Adams, president, emphasized a belief that his counsel might aid in the advisory work of the committee. After discussion of sites for bi­ cycle stands, the group went on record as favoring three 12-bike being present r capacity stands, to be placed stra­ and taking part tegically and immediate construc­ tion was ordered. The association voted to send a j letter of congratulations to the Beaverton junior chamber of commerce on the occasion of their successful project, the float entiy in the Rose Festival parade. The i first prize blue ribbon, the mem­ A total of 37 votes out of a bership indicated. gave Beaver­ possibly 3,500 eligible votes was ton much favorable publicity. cast at the annual school election In the absence of Jiri Duncan, held at the Beaverton Orade secretary-treasurer. It was sugges­ School on June 20, 1949. ted that minutes of the meeting On the question whether the he compiled from the Beaverton school district should exceed the Enterprise. 6G- tax limitation by $84.645.21 the The Beaverton Businessmen's Miss Beatrice M. Treglown, of vote was 37 votes in favor of ex­ Hillsboro, daughter of Mr. and Association memebrship lists num­ ceeding the limitation with no i Mrs. William H. Treglown, and ber more than 60. year term with a total of 33 Norman J. Koch, son of Mi. and Mrs. J. Koch of Portland, were united in marriage June 4 at 8 p.m., at Trinity Baptist church in Portland. Reverend John Wo- big pastor of the church officiat­ ed. Given in mai riage by her fa­ Rushing preparations for the ther, the bride was gowned ir. white sheer nylon with three-foot July 10 beginning session at Camp train, long, full sleeves and beaded Adahi, Campfire fathers and in­ neckline and a finger tip veil terested friends of the organiza­ the with beaded tiara. She carried a tion have been working on 1 cascade bouquet of cream colored building of a craft house for ab­ roses and orchids with long stream­ out a month. The building is ab­ ers to which vnnda orchids were out 2-3 completed and more vol­ unteer help is needed on Sun­ tied. Mrs. Jack Wasson, of Hillsboro day, to complete the building for was matron of honor and Miss the coming four summer sessions. Elayne Jackson, also of Hillsboro, Camp on July 10 will begin at was maid of honor. They wore noon and conclude the following blue taffeta with square neckline, Friday night with a council fire cap sleeves and flared skirts. where all camp awards are made. Their small hats were trimmed The first session will he followed with flowers and their bouquets, by three similar weeks .all to be­ in chscadian style, were of pink gin at Sunday noon and end Fri­ roses. day night. Mrs. George Cobern played the Before campers wedding march from Lohengrin 1 have hade to keep all their hand and accompanied soloist Ronald . craft supplies, game equipment, etc., in the main Lodge. No pro­ ject that took more than one craft session could tie undertaken, S w ift's Prem ium because there was no place to Boneless Lb keep it until the next craft per­ iod. The girls worked on the din­ ing room tables and everything had to be put away for the three meals each day. The Camp Fire Girls, Blue Birds id pieces and Horizon Club members rais­ A rm o u r's Lb ed the money themselves for the Ctaft house by selling Camp Fire cookies this Spring. However, the building material was donated by local firms and the Camp Com­ A rm o u r's Star mittee believes the money the girls earned can be used to buy much needed handcraft and camp craft supplies. Orchard Ladder 16 Ft... $12.95 $1.39 Each While Thev Last One Percent Of Eligible Voters Approve Budget Confidentially here's the inside track on how we manage to serve the finest foods at our house, and still save money! W EST SLOPE W LUMBER YARD C an yon Road, Po rtland I , Oregon BROADW AY 6122 Fathers Work On C ra ft House For Girls' Camp Adahi W EST SLOPE FOOD BANK j Broadw ay 4251 j Veal Roast Bacon of H a r v e s t N e e d s at J. B. IMLAY & SONS Lunch Meat A goce quality t« r*sca a b l. farti. } 1 1-Inca aval tina», bant ban- di a, 4V4 • Picnic For North And So, Dakota Slated July 10th B adg er Spread Lb Desigtwd for smooth e u s y swing. Handle is second growth north ern ash. Malle­ able Iron fit­ tings. length 69 Halibut Sliced , fresh ly cau g h t Lb SNATH M a a » y c a n * ., « a ta r bag » Itb pouring • p o u t and c a r r y i n g r a p a . 1 gallon cap acity. Coala by avaparatlan. Aged Cheese 49 Choc. Chips Nucoa Best Foods. Lb Bisquick Fresh Corn A ssorted fla vo rs 3 pkgs fo r . Watermelon K lo n d ik e 1 Potatoes U S. N o 1 A Cucumbers For s licin g 2 fo r V jg c Oranges S u n k ist, ju icy Lb ^ ^^c IU Grape Juice T e a G ard en 46-oz. can O C 12-oz. bottle 2 ,/a-lb. tin 5-lb. tin FREE! FREE! "S w e e t S e cre ts" recipe book w ith each p urch ase of syrup Some reader of th is new spaper h as been m ailed a special copy of the pap er b earing a p ictu re on the low er right of th is ad D IF F E R E N T from the p ictu re in a ll the other p a ­ pers If the p ictu re in Y O U R copy m atch es the one on d isp lay in T E R E S I'S you get the F R E E L O A D O F G R O C E R IE S . M AN ILA R O P E In full roils or by the foot , to *4” diameter Congratulation* Mm. Harvey William*, 26 8 E. Second Ht., Beaverton, winner of last week .* award S C Y T H E STO N E A *try h ig h g ra d a « h a r p e r.n g This week'« contest ends S A T U R D A Y , J U N E 25 I f no winner there will be addition* made in the award and winner next week gnta «tona ewada ot carborundum Hat oval shape ft/Jr Don't score an "error” of *traggly hard-to-fix hair Quality work by our .skilled operator* add up to a "peimanent" winner. You'll find our reasonable price* will score a New arrival* to Beaverton are hit with you too' H. W. Haane and family, who have purchased the McKeel home at 1365 8. W Watson street, where they wtill make their home They formerly lived In Youngrove, Wisconntn. Your* For Permanent' Beauty" Mr Haaae, an electrical en­ HI R ER A M »H A «M34 gineer. will be employed in Port­ land. HUBER BEAUTY SALON P H O N E 6311 Prices Effective Thurs., Fri., Sot., June 23, 24, 25 We Renerve Right Week I»ay* H ;.$o to « P. M. To Limit Quantities Phone Beaverton 10 to » siindav* CENTER FREE