BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE — F R ID A Y , JU N E 17, Í9 4 9 Neighbors Fete John Schilling's 80th Birthdate ; i Please Pop on Father's Day — this Sunday — by treating him to a meal "fit for a king" — man-size portions of all his favorite foods from appetizer to dessert. And to help you do it, we're featuring mon-size values in every department of our market — fine foods at low, low price^. So shop for your Father's Day dinner here. Dad will rave about the foods you serve and the money you save. WESSON OIL DANISH PASTRY 6 ro„25c BREAD L A R U E LO AVES 11 _• LB 19c CANNED MILK A rm our's Tall Tins 2Vt LB. PKG. BEANS & HAM No. 2 TINS SWIFTNING s&w PEAS Festival BRAND ........... OLIVES M t W h itn ey Medium Size PINEAPPLE — CRUSHED No. 2 Tins LARGE PKG. SUGAR HOLLY DOG FOOD PARD TREND TOMATOES — SOLID PACK H unt's No. 2 V i Tins BEET 100-LB. SACK CHILI & BEANS S IL V E R S K IL L E T ............ ..... 2 tins 2 5 c CASE OF 24 PKGS. 2 PKG 35c 3.98 PINEAPPLE JU IC E li .. y PORK & BEANSM 0. 2 * CRACKERS SUNSHINE YES TISSUE t in s ^ 39 c 2 „„29c CORNED BEEF HASH S IL V E R S K IL L E T TOMATO SOUP Cam pbell's PEAS Del Monte CORN Del Monte PKG MOTHER FROM SPOKANE Visiting her children and their families in Beaverton since June 5 is Mrs. E. M. Jacobs, of Spo­ kane, Washington. Honored guest at family get- togethers and with friends, she has visited her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wells, her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Kain and daugh­ ters Maureen and Sylvia and son and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kain and son Michael. 79c Another WALKER Service! CHAMBERLIN Can Make Your Old Shoes FREE DELIVERY Look and Wear Like New Venetian Blinds SAVE ON Window Shades - Awnings Free Estim ates. SHOE REPAIRING at ~~ LETTER OF APPRECIATION CONDEM NATION SURVEY Engineer McIntyre, of Hillsboro who is the city’s official survey­ or, will take an official look at Mill and West streets, to deter­ mine exact property lines in the proposed widening of each. Condemnation proceedings may be necessary all of which will be charged to the property owners. 2 Lb bo * 4 4 c 3 Old fri«*nd« and neighbors hon­ ored John Schilling, on Division | street, with a complete surprise party June 11. on the occasion o f his 80th birthday. Host and hostess for the occasion were Mr. and Mis. J. Strauss. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Art Carlson and Mr. and Mrs. William Ball, of Beaverton! Mr. and Mrs. Fted Scheer, Portland, and two old neighbors, Mrs. Mar­ garet Swain and Mrs. Fred Pig- got, also o f Portland. The evening was spent in so­ ciable reminiscences. The honored guest received a bathrobe and pipe as gifts. He has lived in the Beaverton vicinity for about 50 years aijd is thought to be the oldest pion­ eer in this area. He was totally unprepared for his birthday par­ ty and expressed total and com­ plete surprise at the arrange­ ment*. Refreshments of strawberries, | ice cream, cake and coffee were served. To the People of Beaverton and Surrounding Areas: Dear Folks. We, of the Beaverton Junior Chamber of Commerce, wish to express our hearty thanks and appreciation for your assistance, through flower donations and fin­ ancial support in making our first entry in the Portland Rose Festi­ val Paiade a grand success. As you no doubt have heard, or read we took F IR S T PR IZ E in the division compiising all towns in Oregon outside of Port­ land. Without your help and gen­ erosity (which exceeded all ex­ pectations) we doubt whether we could have done so well. What­ ever glory is forthcoming we share with you as residents of the Beaverton area. It would be impossible to name you all individually, but in what­ ever way you helped we felt it, and we want you to know it was greatly appreciated, especially the way some of you stuck through the night before the parade and helped decorate the float. For all your grand cooperation we ’ and the community say, "Thanks ,and Well done, neigh­ bor!’* Beaverton Junior Chamber of Commerce TOMATO JUICE Del Monte QUARTS BISQUICK 3 W8C8 -MEETING Thursday evening with a :: | S * H Green Stamps Phone Beaverton 3461| Open Evenings T ill 7 P. M ., Saturdays 9 P M. WAIT k ER " B e a v e r t o n ' s o wn s t o r e ' KING FOR A DAY ! Let's Make This A FATHER'S DAY Dad Will Just RIB STEAKS . GRADE GOOD VEAL CHOPS no , veal H A N4 S MONTE — HALF OR WHOLE PORK STEAKS l .* n COTTAGE CHEESE Cherry ...... NT25c BACON Sliced ARMOUR'S ar SWIFT'S lb 49c Really Remember! Common Sense! govt Home security also m eans protection from risks of loss from fire and theft IT 'S C O M M O N SEN SE that inadequate insurance is false economy d el » CANTALOUPES MEDIUM SIZE 4% Leonard Adams OOc "Personal Insurance Service" Phone 3*31 Any Time 73 Broadway, Beaverton -fc for - f c V DAD S A PRETTY SW ELL GUY A LL YEAR ROUND and deserves a heck of a lot of attention this Sunday when he really w ill be king for a day day to howl ! It's Dad's M ay we suggest that you give him something extra special this year — something he’ ll remember for a long time Y o u 'll find a wide variety of g ifts he'll enjoy having — at your Beaverton Pharm acy — everything from tobaccos to electric shavers Choose from our large selection of G IF T S FOR T H E M A N OF T H E H O U SE, priced to fit every budget F o r B ETTER PRICES Effective JUNE 16 17 - 18 J1I 1 A M a JELLY My Mom Soys She always uses M.C.P. Jam • Jelly PECTIN R. Wallace Boyd George 0. Fairchild On Broadway Phone 2311 ■ r Veaoetifon VkcwHacq PRESCRIPTION STORE i