B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E — Frid ay, Ju n e 3, 1949 a DeHaan-Rohrback M arriage Rites Observed May 22 A nother W A L K E R ServKe! F R E E D E L IV E R Y Venetian Blinds SHOE REPAIR Prompt, Dependable Service at IVORY l CHAMBERLIN'S LA R G E BARS Ç4 NUCOA W ESSO N OIL folks! See giont volues and for yourselves the m idget prices Sfatati. featu red in our C irc u s of Savings. T h ey 're a m a zin g ! T h ey are astounding— ond, what's m ore, Bread they're absolutely real . . . honest-to-goodness, more- 1V2-lb. loaf 19c for-your-m oney food values. So h u rry, hurry, hurry to the biggest food show in town. A d ­ m ission is free. In foct, your savings will pay Grade A Large Fresh, doz. 55c you for com ing to T H R IF T Y 6 for 25c fillin g your entire tood order here this week. BISQUICK 2 *i-ib. pk9 43c CH O CO LA TE Ground, Guittord's lb 39c ROCK FISH 8-oz tins, close out 3 cons 25C PORK & BEANS No2/j ns 15c SPAGHETTI Franco-Am erican 2 cans 25c TOM ATO JU ICE Del Monte 46-oz 23c PEARS Hunt's No 2 Vi tins 35c TOM ATOES Hunt's, solid pack No. tins 19c APRICOTS Hunt's halves No. tins 29c BORENE Giont Package 79c CH ICKEN NOODLE SOUP 15c | T H R IFT W A Y COFFEE ,b 39c PREM 12 oi tns 39c SUGAR $ 8 .4 9 CHEESE S P R E A D S ^ , 5 , 99c Pts. 29c Qts. 55c Spaghetti Danish Pastry M A R K E T and Meat Balts U « X « M 2V2 214 29 28 15 W h ite Satin 100-lb. Bogs 0 u t ilit y W c < Z tL Veal Roastw P remium Rolled lb 'P n u Lu tt Tomatoes Sirloin Steaks 3ovGU’,ade lb Peas Bacon Armour's Columbio brond Carrots Ground Round (Ground Fresh Doily in Our Morket) Lunch Meats Assorted lb Hot House Vine ripened Local •t .. Cucumbers £ £ £ 49c Calavo Medium size 35c lbs bchs Eoch Eoch PRICES Beaverton's EFFECTIVE Rote F e itiv o l PHONE In a setting of candlelight and | spring flowers. May 22 at the [Bethel Congregational church, in ; Beaverton, Mias Marjorie Ruth DeHaan. daughter of Mrs. Ruth ! DeHaan. Aloha and Willard E 1 | Rohrback. son of Mr. and Mrs. j John Rohrback, solemnized their ! i wedding vows. The bride, wearing a gown o f ¡white satin with fingertip veil J # E m C T S O n C O O k w si given m marriage by her bro- ther. Donald A DeHaan. She j Emerson Cook of 8007 S. W carried a cascade bouquet of or- p * rrway Drive. Portland, passed chids and stephanotis. away suddenly at his home on Mrs. C. R Slovick sister of May 24th. Services were held at the bride, was matron of honor lhe PeKg Chapel. Beaverton, on ^She wore a yellow taffeta dress Fridav. May 27th at 1:30 pm and carried carnations, roses lnterment was in Crescent Grove and sweet peas, in a nosegay Cemetery. Beaverton. Elder L. L. Bridesmaids Dorothy R!ggs H oagiand of Poitland conducted Alice Erickson and Peggy Schultze the Mrvice8 and Elder Clarence ^ore yel.ow, blue and pink or_ Peterson was the speaker, assist- gandy and carried nosegays of ed by Elder Edwards, carnations and sweet peas Sally Mr Cook was a prominent and Rohrback. niece of the groom. 1 active member of the 1>atter Day wore aqua taffeta. Saints Church. He was born on Best man was Leonard Rohr- Aujru, t 18 1884 in W a n utah. back, brother of the groom. Ush- He had ,ived in Oregon and W est ers were John Rohrback. Jr . SIope since 1942 He was a mach. . hester Slovick and Paul Sor- lnUt and wood work„ . e \8 Assisting in the reception that followed were: Marianne Meyers. Port land . I r e n e Anderson. Santa Monica. California; Mrs L. V Rowe and Loretta Rowe, o f Sa- iem; Mrs. Paul So’ bets. Corval- lis: Mrs. Lois Livingston. Aloha and Mrs. A P. Erickson. Beaver­ ton. The happy couple will be at home in Reedville after June 5. D R E S S M A K IN G and H E M S T IT C H IN G 326/ He 1« survived by his wife. M,nnie Cook and , he following rhlldren: Henry Semon of Calif- ornja; Leonard ^ mon of Beaver- ton: Mrs M E Bergren of Port- land; Mrs Joe Pierce of Portland - grandchildren. 3 brothers and 1 sister, nieces ar.d nephews. Mary Beamish T H IS C A N H A P P E N TO YO U ! Fire and total destruction of valuable holdings may mean your ruin ! Be prepared with ample insurance coverage. A C TU ALLY do you know how much insurance you should carry on your property ? CONSULT US for advice your insurance problems. on Leonard Adams Mary Beamish was bom April "Personal Insurance Service" 13. 1364 at Spencerville. Ont.. Can. I Phone 3831 Any Time and passed away at her home Rt. 73 Broadway. Beaverton j 2. Box 50. Tigard. Oregon, May 23. 1949 She came with the fam- I | ily to Hillsboro. Ore. Dec. 1839 J | where they resided for about LE W IS A N D C L A R K COL- nineteen years, afterwards living I LEGE. Portland— SPE C IA L— ; at Cedar Mill and Tigard. Since Verne Bright, noted Aloha poet, coming to Oregon most of her will assist in the college Eng­ life has been spent in this coun­ Top M a te ria l, G u aran teed lish department's first Poetry ty with the exception of a few Conference and Workshop to be years in Portland She was affiliated wkh the held during the first term of the W o rk — Eco n o m ical Church of the Nazarene. Beaver- summer session. June 9 through Operation J ton. and active in the various July 23 departments of the church while The workshop will be open to BEAVERTON HARDWARE the public as well as to college her health permitted. She is survived by two broth­ students. Phone Beaverton 3921 The course, first of its kind to ers. Richard and John, also two sisters. Eliza and Jane Beamish | be offered in the Portland area, will have as some of its confer- . of Tigard. Ore Verne Bright of Aloha Assists In Poetry Workshop PLUMBING ence leaders. Thomas Parkinson * * rv,c“ '‘ erp held ,n ,hp of the English faculty at Cnt-’ " rPnP Church Beaverton Tuesday versity of California and Carol I May 3lM at 2 p m Vault in,er* Ely Harper from the University mPnt waa in thP 100F Cemetery-, Hillsboro. Oregon of Washington. Pegg’s Mortuary. Beaverton, Other Northwest poets, in ad­ dition to Bright, who will lead was In charge of arrangements. conference sessions include Glen T R I-N W II. Cofficld. leader of the Grundtvig Folk school and Howard Corning, The Trl-N-W il church group and Laurence Pratt of Portland met in the Reedville church par- William Stafford, of the college lor Tuesday evening with a good English department, will direct attendance. A program of special and coordinate the six week ser­ interest will be provided for next ies assisted by John Gross. meeting. Teen-age Dance Dated June 4th Aloha-Huber Gym TH R A M A Z IN G Saturday evening. June 4. is j the date aet for the neat fun- | filled teen-age dance to be held at the Aloha-Huber school gym­ nasium. under the sponsorship of Parent* of the community All young people still in their teens are Invited to attend these youth functions, which are sched­ uled for every other Sa.«.rday night. Dancing starts at * p.m. and concludes at 11 p.m. Admission fee is nominal, the receipts going to a fund for bleacher seats Shoes with cleats are not allowed to be worn on the gym floor. Refreshments are available and the muaic. it is promised, will be good Plan of the sponsoring parents j are to continue these dancing af-1 fairs throughout the summer month* Notices will be posted for future dates. Gross only at croaswalks A* the orner. drivers are watching for you in midblock, you re on y ou r. own • • • Giraffes g ro » as tall a* IS feet vol W A L K E R 'S For Mrs. Willard £. K<4irbsrk Q U ARTS Step right up Window Shades - Awnings Free Estimates Button REMEMBER Terry's carry a com­ plete stock of Good Used furniture ot budget prices TERRY'S FURNITURE 2286 N. E. Canyon Open 8 to 8 P. M Beav. 4703 NKW EASY Here s one answer to the high coat of living! A genu­ ine Easy Spindner at a new low price of only 1149 95. It * a full-size two tub Easy No wringer' One tub washes full load while the other spins a full load damp dry. Together, they ijn an aver­ age week s wash in leas than one hoar’ broker but­ ton#, no wringer wrinkles. It • the bargain of the yeJU. *149 Term» as I/ »» a* » 0 0 Per Month Open Mondoy ond Fndoy Evenings BEAVERTON FURNITURE N T V K Jl K N O W IN G L Y V N D E R S O IJY Q t’iB T d u im it What sweet delight a quiet life afford* Drummond. Phones; Beaverton 4002. CApltal 2 3 »