EQUIPMENT FREEZE PREVENTS PORTLAND TELEVISION SETUP CEDAR MILL "Television mencement exercises are sched and Radio” was the topic cov uled for Tuesday evening, May Mrs. R u ssell Welsh and Mrs. Summer will find Beaverton ered by Art Kirkham. vice-pres 24. at 8 p.m at the Grange Hall 1 G. S. B d in sley, co-chairmen fo r the high school office practice stud ident of KOIN Radio Station BASKET SOCIAL \pril 29 v isit o f the Red Cross ents working In shops, banks, Wednesday evening. May 11 at On Saturday evening. May 7 B loodm obU e, w ish to express a p ' drug stores and other business«». the Community Club Meeting at I the young people of Leedy Grange p re cia tio n fo r th e volunteer w o r k Georgia Hicks, junior plans on the school house. Television in ; held a basket social at the ers who m a d e th e * cession a suc working as a typist at the Ben Portland is not possible until af i Grange Hall. A successful eve- cess F o llo w in g is the list jamin Franklin Bank in Portland. ter the freeze of television equip 1 ning is reported Nurses. Mrs. F J Kieiske. in ment is raisedl. Mr. Kirkham Cundari's new drive-in at West charge, with the following legis- Slope will have Mary Ann Ko- stated that nationwide or net G R EAT L Y IMI'KOVKS work television service will not Carol Larson, small daughter of terej nurses Mrs. L W. Selfridge. kich as part of its summer staff be developed for at least two Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larson, Portland; Mrs. Burniester, Aloha Mary Ann states that she likes years. Mrs. to meet different tvpes of peo spent several days under obser- and Mrs. Frank Warrens. During the business meeting a j vation at Good Samaritan Hospi L. IT. Shippey. Mi - Elaine Jones. ple and therefore likes fountain plea for volunteer workers for tal. last week. She has returned Miss Elizabeth Maitin, Mrs. May I work. evening work on the Scout cabin I home greatly Improved. Beverly Nlcoll. who worked at Adamson and Mrs Elmer Eckert, was made with several volun all of Beaverton. Nurses aides the Beaverton cannery last year, AI KI’ORT VISITATION teers signed up. Mrs Bruce McMahon, Beaverton. will be working at the Hillsboro Primary grade students had the Mrs. Lee Thonipsonand Mrs. Hell, cannery this summer. The membership drive is cre- ; ating interest ending with the privilege of an outing including of Aloha. Jean Batke, senior, will be em- June meeting. At present men a visitation and tour of the Bea Recruitment Mrs Russel Grant ployed In Meier and Frank's 10th and women are fairly even on verton airport Thursday afte*- and Mrs. L L. Barter co-chairmen. floor Tea Room and has hopes I points with a slight lead held by noon. Mrs. Paul Doyle. Reedville, Mrs. of being transferred to the office Room representatives and mo Charles Stubbs. Mis. Mabel Mc some day. the fairer sex. Claude Cover displayed a board thers assisted with transporta Gee, Mrs. Fred Stiu , Mrs. Ed Dil The Aloha Cleanei« »ill provide A special treat of refresh lon. Mrs. Dexter Job and Mrs. | prepared by Mr. F W. Merewe- tion. Pat Johnston, senior, with exper ther showing a plan of the ments filled out the afternoon. Andross, of Aloha; Mrs. Fred Goyt, ience and a '’touch of the bus school property to be developed MOTHF.RN' TEA Mrs. Robert Summers Mrs W A. iness world”. for a park and playground ar By working during the summer, Girl Scouts entertained their Vining; Mrs. Amy Holtz and Mrs ea. better plan mothers with a tea Thursday af- Dick Webster, Beaverton; Mrs. students hope to Following the June meeting, | ternoon at the school. Present John Robinson. Mi s. Charles Hunt their education and business car picnics will be held during the er, A. N. Wetterborg, West Slope eers, were 12 mothers and 17 girls. summer months. Mr. W. A. Hol Cards and appointment sheet I SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE ley will be chairman for the School rooms were artistically Mrs. Donald Jenkins in charge, B I R T H D A Y S U R P R I S E first picnic on July 17 to be displayed Friday evening for assisted by Mrs. Murdo Hickox and May 2 was the 14th birthday held on the school ground. the benefit of those attending Mrs. Morgan Cook of Patricia McCamley of Rt 2. STUDY C U B HOSTESS Typists. Mis. A T Noidquist Walker Road. open house. Guests were greatly Mrs. L. S. Upptnghouse was impressed with the children’s and Mrs. M Fibiger. When she reached home after hostess to a study club group work. Canteen: Mrs. Norton Peck, chair school that day she found her of which she is a member Friday The primary grade room had man; Mrs. Arthur Pearson, Mrs. eighth grade classmates from evening. May 13. Oregon History on display a painting presented Classen, Mrs. John Robinson, Mrs. Barnes School had preceded her is the basis of the study mater Stevens. Mrs. Charles on the bus and surprised them by the P.T.A for having Nelson her ial being used. the most parent attendance dur Hunter. Mrs. Veldon Huge hnd Mrs. with ». wiener roast. VACATION PENDS ing the year. Henry Johnson. Many nice gifts, a ball game The schpoj year is coming to a Women of the P.T.A furnished Hostesses. Mrs. Herbeit Mason, and dessert of ice cream and close with the school picnic and served cake. coffee and Mrs. Russell Grant, Mrs. L. L. Bar- cake finished off a grand birth scheduled for Friday, May 27. at punch during the evening. zee. Flowers arraangements by day celebration. Shute Park in Hillsboro. Com- T A K E HOMESITE Mrs. Robert Rugland. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hohnstein Church recruitment Catholic, P I A N I S T S P E R F O R M have purchased a homesite near Mis. Morry Wagenblasi, Mrs. Lau- Mrs. Ruby Johnson presented the Multnomah county line from rence Lamberger, Mrs. Vernon the following piano pupils in re- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stark They Amell and Mis. Al Johnson. Chris I cital Saturday evening. May 7th plan to start well drilling opera tian: Mrs. Fred Wisch at her home on S. W. 7th St.. tions and remodeling the house Nazarene. Mrs. Ivy Martin and Beaverton. on the property Immediately Miss Alice Watts. Methodist, Mrs. Marcia and Skippy Saunders. preparatory to moving In within Lucile Ronrig, and Mrs. H. E. Mil With Screen Wire and Mary» lira Crt’e(gory, Joella Jer two months. Screen Doors ler. Congregational, Miss Elizabeth sey and Wanda Omman of Alo- F R E E CAMPSITES Martin. St. Matthews Lutheran, ha-Huber; Carleen Sorensen. Ed Two local girls will be allowed Earl Enger; Valley Community ward Zimbrick. Joyce Wytten- campships for a week this sum Presbyterian church, Mrs. Sue berg, Judy Byrd and Mary and mer through the Portland Scout Hall. I Barbara Sweet of Beaverton. office. Nancy Rogers of the local Brownie Troop and Gloria Smith and of the Girl Scout Troop will have the privilege of representing their troops. FREE BRIDAL BOUQUET (with wedding order) 6802 S W Canyon Road Near Sunset Highway B r id g e Phone ATwater 1089 STARTS ANO JO H N SON ^ M AY ICE FOLLIES 24 For OF 1 9 4 9 Chairmen Thank Workers on Red Cross Blood Day 13 Days Only P R I C E S $1.30 - $2.30 $3.00 - $3.00 Inc. Tax Special Service for Out-of-Town Mail Orders. Send check or mon ey order to Arena Box Office A enclose stamped, self-addressed envelope. PORTLAND ICE ARENA 2045 N. W. Marshall KEEP THE FLIES OUT Get Your Pabco Paints The second of a series of four free flight meets was held Sun day, May 8 at Hillsboro, Ore. sponsored by the Stardusters of Portland. Music by Flying was ideal due to the Johnnie Washburn's unusually fine day and 'Barn Melody Aces Door” thermals were in existence almost all day It was not unus ual for planes to lemain aloft for eight to fourteen minutes on one flight . These long flights Admission--74c, (Inc. Tax) made it tough for the unlucky modeler who did not hook into a thermal. If you want to buy. trade or sell, The Multnomah 1 »«suilctiugs TRY A CLASSIFIED AD were out in force and turned in a good day of flying Those plac ing in the wlr. column are as follows: George Hilton, 3rd place Class “ A” Junior; John Fuez 4th place Class ” A” Junior, 3rd place Class ”C” Junior; Ron O’Brien. 2nd place Class “ B” Junior, 2nd place Class ”C” Junior; David Fuez. 4th place Class ” B” Jun ior; Marianne Ntchol 4th place Class ”C” Junioi ; Richard Nichol, 2nd place Class ” R" Senior. 3rd place Class "C" Senior; Stanley Ryder 3rd place Class ” B” Sen JUNE - JU LY - AUGUST ior; 4th place Class ”C" Senior; Dr. Ernest Nichol 4th place Class “ A” Senior, 4th place Class "B” Senior. 5th place Class ”C” Sen ior. FAMOUS FOR Although final results on points DELICIOUS FROSTED has not been compiled. The Dood DONUTS lebugs are confident that they are now leading In points for the trophy to be awarded leading D0NUT KETTLE club at close of (he series of four 4 COFFEE SHOP contests. The third and next free flight Canyon Road at East " Y " meet in this series will be held Phone Beaverton 4575 the latter part of this month at Hillsboro sponsored by the Hills boro Model Club. MAY 21 STARTING JUNE 1 We will close at noon on Saturdays O. R. NICHOLSON & SON Dealer in SCSAP IRON flatteries. Radiators, Brass, Aluminum, Copper Lead and Zinc HIGHEST PRICES PAID P hone; B e a v e r to n 4381 Neot Union O il Depot - - Bertho-Beoverton HI way Painting Supplies PATIENT RELEASED W. J. Mc CREADY LUMBER CO. Old Canyon Road Beaverton Phone 3821 “ Don’t try io J i x it Yaureell — Call a Plumber!” r> 194 ) For G reater V alu e Am erica Buys More Hospitalized at St. Vincents Hospital for several days last week was Diane Cover following an attack of appendicitis. She was released following treatment. at G ARDEN LUNCHEON Hostess for Cornell Club Wed nesday afternoon was Mrs. A. E. Hickethle’-. A garden luncheon was served her guests. Next hostess will be Mrs. Calvin Knt- j terman on May 25. ANNUALCAMPOREE Boy Scouts of Troop 207 ac- | companied by their scoutmaster, Jack Mutchler, L. W, Kingsley and Ross Bruce were among j those attending the Camporee at j Glenwood over the week end. Scouts from the Tualatin. For est Grove and Hillsboro districts ! combined for the annual Campor- I ee. REGULAR CHEVROLET TRUCKS than any other m ake FIREM AN Beginning May 15 John Kl user i began duties as a regular paid j fireman at the fire station. Roy Lohr is on duty each night under the new arrange- i ments which provides a fireman on duty at all times. HEALTH ' " notice the v su pe r b te c h n iq u e and IN T H E WAY I IN S T A LLE D THIS T A N K . . . UNFORTUNATELY, I LEARN ED I SHOULD HAVE USED A L A R G E R S A FE T Y V A L V E ...." W O R KM A N SH IP For Export W orkm anship— Quality M aterials— Cartful Supervision— Thorough Inspection— Call BEAVER PLUMBING C O , Inc. First and Main Sts., Beaverton Phone 4346 SPRING Ot^6 *2*> $3«o p ' « $ et. > Enjoy tht whiskey that’s 06 FLOW ER SHOW June 3 has been officially set as the date for the annual Spring flower show of the Cedar Mill Garden Club at the Grange Hall Entries will be received be tween the hours of 8 am. and 10 a.m. with the show being op ened to the public between the hours of 2 and 9 p.m. General flower show chairman is Mrs. Peter Hohnstein Plans were discussed in detail by Flower show committee chairman at a meeting Monday afternoon at Mrs. Hohnstein's home. Horticultural exhibits .arrange ments, an educational exhibit and Junior Division will be Included in the schedule ¿U NéAHb* Kintucky Whiskey - A Blend RATIONAL DISTILLERS PROD. CONFERENCE Around twenty children re ceived medical attention Tuesday afternoon when the Child Health Conference was in session at the school. The clinics will continue dur ing the summer months. However, beginning in July the first Tuesday in each month will be the date rather than the sec ond Tuesday as it has been Assisting Mrs. L. s. Upping house and Mrs. F. W. Merewe- ther for the next year will be Mrs. Ross Bruce and Mrs. E. 8. McCawley. The P.T.A. is spon soring the conferences. CCRP.. N. T. • K PROOf • US GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS N o O th e r Line Co m p etes W hen You C o m p a re ! Features 4 -Speed Synchro-Mesh Transmission • Splined rear axle hub connection • Foot- operated parking brake * Steering column gear shift • Tha C a b that “breathes"* • The Flexl- Mounted cab • Uniweld, all-steel cab construction • Full-Boating hypoid rear axle • All round visibility with rear-corner windows* * Specially designed brakes * Hydrovoc power brakes • Double-articulated brake-shoe linkage • W ide- base wheels • Multiple color options. •Hooting a n d ventilating system an d re a r corn er window 1 with d e leme equipm ent o ption al at e e tro c o d . Q u a lity It tokes the best to build a Chevrolet truck!—the finest materials and craftsmanship! That’s why there’s super strength and durability in every feature of body, cab, engine and chassis. Perform ance Chevrolet trucks are star performers with prime power—plus economy! You get low-cost operotion, low-cost upkeep with Chev rolet's famous Volve-in-Heod engines, the world's most economical for their size! Prices Pick-ups . . . stakes . . . panels. , . power- pocked heavy-duty models—Chevrolet budds them olll And Chevrolet's all-star line of trucks seN at the LOWEST LIST " IC E S IN the en tike tkuck f ie ld i WEDDING Announcem ents and Invitations PIONEER PUBLISHING CO Beaverton, Or*. Phone 2321 S hhmmmmrmmmm BI / / / / / ' . , . 4 • You can put plenty of confidence in Chevrolet Advance- Design trucks. It’t a fact that they deliver the goods. It’s a fact, too, that Chevrolet trucks have an exclusive combination of features . . . that they’re built big and rugged to take the tough going. And it’s a fact, too, that Chevrolet trucks have 3-WAY TH RIFT . . . that they have t r i p l e economy in low-coat opera tion, low-cost upkeep and lo w e s t list price«! And when you add up these advantages you can see why m o r e p e o p le u s e C h e v r o le t t r u c k s t h a n a n y o t h e r m a k e ! The fact is, they’re a great American value I THERE’S A CHEVROLET TRUCK FOR EVERY JOB WITH CAPACITIES FROM 4 ,0 0 0 ---- LBS. TO 1 6 ,0 0 0 LBS. O. V. W. CARR CHEVROLET CO. BEAVERTON, OREGON PHONE 3333