HAR.MONIAC SESSION Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Huddleston accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Garland Huddleston of Willami- ^RO M H IS VANTAGE na, attended the regional session FOREST GROVE— :A mam-' called upon to take some par! W il f r e d W a tc h d o g is of the Society for the Preserva­ moth 16 scene historical pageant j in this ambitious civic project ROTTEN PO LITICS tion and Encouragement of Bar­ requiring a cast of 300 to 400 j designed and dedicated as ? tri- bershop Quartette singing in Am- , _ persons wilt be the featured at- bute to Living and Learninc . m * . VENIAL W AR P- \ Pn!*.«* a *,"*0"« *C ° ° n trac,ion during Centennial Weak the Community and the Univer- Portland April 30. < % [ HEE l ERS! THAT'S arheduled for September 19-25. ; -dty. . . together through these Miss Virginia Huddleston is WHAT5 THE MATTER 1949 at Forest G rove, Oregon, past 100 years. f WITH OUR C IT V ! confined at home with a light according to Frank C. Brodersen Selection of a Centennial Queen case of mumps. 3 \ WHAT WE NEE? ARE president of Centennial Inc., a to rule over the anniversary cel­ \ ( CIVIC LEAPERS WHO non-profit organixation formed to ebration is expected to stimulate \V LET THE CHIPS FA. l PLUMBERS CONVENTION celebrate the 100th anniversary a great deal of interest and en­ , WHERE THEy Y Attending the Master Plumbers of Pacific University and the thusiasm throughout the entire m a y ! j - ' l State Convention in Seaside re- Forest Grove section of the Tu- Tualatin Plains area. Complet» cently were Mr. and Mrs. Fred alatin Plains. details regarding the method of Antrobus, Mr. and Mrs. Ray The gigantic Centennial produc- selecting the Centennial Queen Clearwater and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. tion wilt be presented on a 175 and royal court will he announced W. Prter. foot stage with hundreds of props early this summer. The gathering, which attracted including horses, wagons, and 300 In addition to the historical a large turnout, was held in the appropriate costumes especially pageant and queen selection no Seaside hotel and included ma.;y brought in from Hollywood, tivities. the executive hoard of social affairs with a banquet and Community organizations and Centennial Inc. plans to transform dance climaxing three days ac- «octal clubs will have an oppor- the city of Forest Grove into one tivity. tunity to participate in the pag- great Exposition of Progress. Al! ---------- eant through a “cast auction” retail stores and business firms £ ut w h e n o l d h e w - t o Check your car—check accidents, plan whereby various local groups will be urged to set-up special Being on the wrong side of the will provide the principals for window displays comparing the!r TH E-LIN E GET5 A road is a sure way to short life, each of the show’s 16 scene?, products and-or services of to- TRAFFIC TICKET, The centerline is your danger line. Adults and children alike, will be day w|th their 1849 equivalents. L O O K IT * - — — ——- Two ultra-modern, streamlined homes, “Centennial” and “ Pacif- ^ -c " k ’ ■ * Ic” houaes, will be completed and open for public inspection some­ ' 1 THANK YOU time late this summer. Both SIR houses will be completely equip­ THANK ped with all the latest labor sav- you- : ing devices and the interior dec­ oration and furnishings will re- | portedly represent the last word in liveable luxury., beauty and ut­ ility. The Centennial Tnc. Wooden Coins now in circulation hr.ve created quite a commotion among coin-collectors throughout the country. This fact is evidenced hy the ever-increasing number of in qulries and requests for com­ plete sets of the current issue of local Centennlalcolns. Take a good look at your next tele­ The Forest Grove “ mint” has turned out Its first issue of 25c. phone bill, and you w ill sec that Fed­ 50c and $1 wooden coins- shaped eral taxes make up an important percentage of your bill! from the wood of Tahitha Federal tax on local service is 15*/*. On long distance (Grandma! Brown’s famous bee service where the charge is 25c or over, the tax is 25 r/e. tree. Merchants in the Forest Ore*pnn’s new law requiring Other forms of telephone service are taxed from 8 to 25 r/r. Grove area are accepting Cen­ motorists to stop when eneoun tennial Wooden money as pay­ tering a school bus that is load­ This tax is imposed directly upon you as a telephone ment for any and all purchases. ing or unloading children is now user. Your telephone company, at its own expense, acts as The current Issue of Centennial in effect, the department of state tax collector. Coins is redeemable at the Forest police reminded today. Grove National Bank on. or be­ Telephone service today is usually regarded as a neces­ The law, passed at the last ses fore, July 1, 1949. sity. Y et the 25 r < tax on long distance and other services sion of the state legislature, Headquarters for Centennial makes it mandatory to stop when is higher than the 20r* for luxury items, such as jewelry Tnc.. the citizens’ committee for­ approaching from either direc­ and furs. med to celebrate the 100th anni­ tion a school bus halted on a versary of Pacific University and two-lane roadway. Vehicles must Telephone users everywhere have expressed their opin­ the surrounding Tualatin Plains remain stopped " if and so long ions on this high excise tax to their Senators and Repre­ area, have been established in sentatives in Congress. Their views w ill help to guide Old College Hall on the Pacific future Congressional action on this unusual peacetime tax University campus. Old College on a necessity. W e are sure that your Congressmen would Hall, Incidentally, was built, in appreciate your views as a taxpayer and citizen on tele­ 1850 and is the oldest college structure in continuous use for phone taxes. educational purposes west of the Mississippi River. PAC. UNIVERSITY CENTENNIAL OFFERS MAMMOTH PAGEANT BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE— F»idoy, May 13, 1949 The Human Race a r e l e n t l e s s en em y of James Hutcheon is home with the chicken pox. sick BIG BABY G IK I. Mr. and Mrs K Eagleson are OPENS JEWELRY SHOP proud parents of a 9 lb. 6 oz Edwin Young, brother of Mrs. baby girl born Friday. Ap-il 29 R. Osborn has opened up his at the Emanuel Hospital. own jewelry shop at Oregon City. 1 M3U'RE SO RiQMT. w il f r e p - E N T E R T A IN S MOTHERS The Rlue Birds entertained the Mother's Club at their regular meeting Tuesday evening, May 5 \ at the home of Mrs. Florence j Shaw. Mary Joel Noel. Marge Musto i Kathern Shaw and Jane Eagle- j son performed under the lendei- ship of Mrs. L. A. Preuss. ON BRINY DEEP L. Mason has shipped out another voyage at sea. foi BRIDAL SHOWER A bridal shower was given for Miss Ann Hoskins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claire Hoskins IVi day evening. May 6 at the home of Mrs. Henry Tonges. Always watch for turning cars. Looking both ways isn't always enough while crossing the street. Learn to look all four ways. Walking to the corner won't kill i you—but crossing in the middle of H. R. Pilcher is building a rock the block might. wall for the Logan Ferry's. KOI k WALL JOB VISITS SON'S HOME SOLKO FURS Mrs. E. Kruse from Vancouver. Wash, spent the week end visit­ ing her son and family Mr. and Mrs. R. Davis. HAS RE OPENED At Their Same Location THREE YEARS Oi l) Mr. and Mrs. R. Musto gave a birthday party Friday, May ti for their daughter. Ella Lynne, who was three years old. Six little guests and the grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mott of Forest Grove, attended. TAXES and TELEPHONES Law Says to Stop When School Bus Loads or Unloads CHICKEN POX Tualatin View POINT IN THE PARLOR, Cold Storage - Repairs Remodeling 515 Royal Bldg. CApitol 2112 as any children are leaving the bus or crossing the highway.” $2-3« *36« Only vehicles approaching n pt 4/5 qt. stopped bus from the opposite direction while on a highway hav­ ing more than two lanes are ex­ empted from the stopping re­ quirement .officials explained. Drivers on three or four-lane roadways must stop when ap­ proaching a school inis halted Off ito Noumt " on their side of the road. The law applies to all roads, streets and highways, whethei in cities or rural areas. Initial enforcement will consist of warnings for all hut flagrant violators, state police said. Ar­ rests will he made for later o f­ N ATIO N AL. DISTILLERS PROD. CORP., N . Y . • 86 PROOF • 65% GRAIN N EU TR AL SPIRITS fenses. l - Enjoy the whiskey that's Kentucky Whiskey -A Blend This Spring... it seems everybody’s fancy is tu rn ing to T h e se e x c ite in a d d itio n ta x e s le v ie d d ire c tly upon you a s a u ser ore to the co rp o ra tio n in co m e ta x e s w h ic h th e com ­ p a n y p a y s to the g o v e rn m e n t. T h e se ta x e s m u st be in clu d e d in th e c o m p a n y 's in c re a se cost of y ou r te le p h o n e b u s in e s s b ill as and a m ust, sort th e re fo re , of h id d e n oct to so le s tax . Gen. Mark Clark Opens Big Army Show May 12-15 most jB e a f t /u IB i/T t/u? 4 3 *' TELEPHONE COMPII) T b« FlM tUn« Ds lu s * 4-Door Sorto« WS»** ,«d**a0 ***** * » ****** •* ***** co«t. G(*r. Murk W. Clark PLEASING.... Mother is very easy. You know she's been wanting to have her picture taken— but it's just one of those things she never got around to doing Now you can do it for her Arrange with us todoy for an appoint­ ment for Mom It's a gift not only she will treasure— but you, too. THE HARRELL STUDIO "Portraits of Distinction" Canyon Road Beaverton 4988 A great outdoor» exposition with displays and personnel from nearby Army, A ir Force and Na­ tional Guard installations, will he offered in Portland, May 12-15 inclusive, at Lloyd's Addition. Holladay Park district. The show is open to the public o f ail ages from 2 to 10 p. m., with no ad- dission charged. General Mark W. Clark, com­ manding general of the 6th army, will formally open the presenta­ tion. Special ceremonies marking the opening will include an air armada furnished hy the Otegon National Guard. Purpose of the Army Show is to encourage recruits hy showing the educational and career oppor­ tunities available In armed forces duty Demonstrations o f most re­ cent equipment, including some never before revealed to the pub­ lic, are scheduled Partial list of exhibits include food service mobile classrooms; quartermaster equipment issues and service facilities: complete F-51 fighter plane: engineer's mo­ dels o f bridges: dsplav of recrea­ tion and athletic devices for the soldier: showing of chemical war­ fare devices: mobile radar set; «lenal corns paraphernalia- army correspondence courses: Informa­ tion and edu