Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1949)
Oh Baby! — what grand values we have for you in wholesome, nutritious, good-tasting foods to hell* keep you healthy ond hefty. And what wonderful mother — savings we have for low, low prices in every depart ment to help her lower the cost of raising a baby. Yes, Mother — V-EIGHT CATSUP 2 Bottles 3 5 c babies ond budgets both thrive on our big food values. So shop here for foods to keep Baby in the pink and Mode by the M akers of Campbell Soups your budget out of the red. T he B eaverton R ebekah Past N oble Grands were asked to fill the ch airs o f the L odge officers and exem p lify the initiatory de gree on tw o new m em bers into the lodge T uesday evening. A p ril 19. Sarah W alk er and Helen E rick son (P ast N oble G rand»» acted as N oble Grand and Vice Grand. T he P, N. Grands were each presented with a corsage and a prim rose plant from the N oble G rand Faye Saunders and m em bers o f the Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. W illis W arn er of P ortland and m em bers o f Bea verton L odge w ho celebrated | their golden w edding anniversary on A pril 26 were presented with a gift from the IO O F Lodge No. 252. R ebekah L odge No. 248 and the Past N oble G rand Club by Bill B ollinger. N oble Grand of IO O F . Faye Saunders, Noble Grand o f R ebekah 248 and Mahle Gilm ore, P resident o f the P. N. G. clu b each h aving a part in the presentation. The Social hour in the dining i room w as in charge o f Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones where the wed- | ding them e was carried out in decoratin g the tables and a love- ly w edding cake was cut. W ord s j o f ch eer and greeting had been ' previously recorded by the host, ! Jack Jones and this record was played and presented to Mr. and Mrs. W arner. J baby WEEK SPECIALS ■ j HEINZ or GERBER'S S T R A IN E D B A B Y FOOD Doz 89c HEINZ JUNIOR FOODS for 29c SW IFT'S STRAIN ED MEATS io, 35c M ILK Nestle's. Con 10c GOOSE-BERRIES No 2tns PEAS Hunt's No 2 tins 3 lor 29c 35c SPAGHETTI A F m ranco- erican am pbell’s SOUP T C om a to am pbell's SOUP C C hicken Noodle Del Monte 303 size Del Monte Credm Style 2 for 3 for 25c 29c 4 4 TOMATO JUICE 15c 25c GRAPEFRUIT “ n V T u J GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 19c 25c BLENDED JUICE 29c ORANGE JUICE ,^ Un 33c PINEAPPLE JUICE oo„,e-o,,,„39c Tangerine Juice 2 . ,...25c Grove BU TTER Forest Grade A LB. 65c Ranch Grade A EGGS Fresh Large Doz. 49c CHILI & BEAN S SE , 25c BEEF HASH CORNED Silver Skillet 33c F A B Large 2 for 39c Packages tins PREM 12-oz. 39c Made by Swiff's PEAS CORN F U V i . GROWING i CARNATION $ 9 mtll VItiti MB TOMI Man ioi thi s W tim tl om a tooavi WHITE KIN G SOAP CO. BOX-8301 MKT. STATION LOS ANGELES 21, CALIF. | K» V WHITE KINO _ GRANULATED G SOAP SIERRA PINE TOILET S O A P nUo. ,,k* 55' 3 for Z 5 C ____________ BAKERY TREATS P/a-LB. SLICED Crispy Crunchy 19 Radishes or Green Onions Veal Roast Lb 53c Veal Shoulder Steak Lb 69c LO C A LLY GROWN FRESH Sirloin Steak Ellen S. Boyson Ellen Sophie B oyson passed a- way suddenly on the m orning of ! April 25th at her home, 4954 S. W. M cM illan Ave., Beaverton. | Services were held W ednesday, April 27th, at 2 p.m. at the chapel o f the P ortland M ausoleum & C rem atorium . P egg's Mortuary. B eaverton, was in ch arge o f fun eral arrangem ents. Mrs. B oyson was born in Swe den on M ay 15, 1872. She cam e to the United States at the age o f about 18. She m oved to B eaver ton about 1932. She is survived by 2 sons and 1 daughter: Floyd G. Boyson o f Spokane. Wash.. Bei, A. B oyson o f Beaverton and Mrs. M arie W eber o f Portland. T h ere are 4 grandchildren and one brother. W illiam New strum o f E llensburg, W ash. Mrs. Meriweather _ 2 tor 3 5 c for 3 5 c W hite or W hole W heot 69c Pork Shoulder RoastLb 45c Mrs. Sarah E lizabeth M eriw ea- ther passed aw ay on A pril 20th at the hom e o f her daughter. Mrs. Ethel M. Jackson , R oute 3, Box 813, B eaverton. Services were held on Saturday A pril 23 at 2 p.m. at the B ea verton C hurch o f Christ. Rev. G eorge S pringer officiated. P eggs M ortuary was in ch arge o f ar rangem ents. Mrs. M eriw eather was born on O ctober 3, 1860 in Jefferson ville Ohio. She had lived in B eaver ton for the past nine years. In addition to her daughter, she is survived by a sister, Mrs. Me- Dora Hurst o f Cross City, Fla. and tw o gran d ch ild ren ; Charles W . Jack son o f San P edro, Cal. and Mrs. M argueriette F ogle o f K irkland, W ashington. Interm ent is planned to take place at Springfield. Ohio in Fetn C liff Cem etery. 4-H BUSY B E E S M E E T The Busy Bess 4-H Club met T uesday ut the hom e o f D orothy Bechen at W est Union. T his was an evening meeting. D orothy Bechen and M ary E l len Bailey gave a dem onstration on "Seam F inishes” . The girls judged dresses, darns and tea towels. T he girls are planning a tea to h onor their m others on May 7. This m eeting will be at the home o f Judith Miller. The next regular m eeting will be on the third T uesday o f M ay at 4 p.m. at the hom e o f Pauline Drew. H OM E IN T E X A S Mrs. L ucy B irdsong left Sat urday for her hom e in Anson. Texas. She is the m other o f Mrs. I Deland. Sliced Bacon Colum bia brand Lb 49c B E N E F IT Cedar Mill F arm ers Union is sponsoring a Budget Fund Bene fit Party. Friday, A pril 29 at 8:15 p.m. at Barnes School on W alk er Road. W eddin g vow s o f Betty Schell Com edy, entertainm ent, door and Jam es H. Classen were sol prizes and free coffee. E veryone em nized Sunday. April 24 -at St. is urged to attend. C ecelia C atholic church, in an im pressive cerem on y presided ov YOU NG G E T T O G E T H E R er by Father Sniderhon. The Y oung Adult Class at the T he bride w ore a suit o f m id First M ethodist Church are hav night blue with w hite accessor ing a get-togeth er at the church ies. She carried a single white orch id and prayer book. A fter on F riday evening. April 29th Mr. and Mrs. A L. McGann the m arriage .a reception was All a r*‘ given at the hom e o f the bride's are host and hostess. w elcom e. The tim e is eight p.m. sister, Mrs. L. F. M aixner. Parents o f the bride reside in the C ooper M ountain district while the g ro o m ’s parents live in Beaverton. Beaverton Gives Visitation Group Grange Degrees T he B eaverton G range met in their hall M onday evening April 25 with visitors attending from both A loha and K inton Granges. The 3rd and 4th degrees were con ferred on candidates from this and the tw o visitin g Granges. Mr. and Mrs. John Felsher and Claudia R ow lan d were host and hostesses fo r the m eeting. The d in in g tables were decorated with lilacs, narcissus and dog wood. T he G range is spon sorin g a H ousehold P lastic P arty at their hall M onday evening. May 2 at 8 p.m. A lady will dem onsrate care and uses o f plastics with gam es and fun for all, a gift for each, also door prizes and refreshm ents. T his is a free evening's enter tainm ent for both men and wo men. T he G range is also holding ano ther one o f their card parties on Saturday evening. May 14. S IL V E R T E A W om en o f the Bethel C on g r> gatlonal church will hold a sil ver tea W ednesday. M ay 4 from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. All ladies and friends o f the church are cord ially invited. O F F TO N E W Y O R K A transcontinental change o f ad dress Is noted by John Rae. fo r m erly located at 815 S. Broadm oor. Cedar Hills, B eaverton, w ho re quests a ch an ge in the fam ily sten cil to read "63-61 99th Street, F or est Hills. N«W York F R ID A Y N IG H T F IR E Fire, A pril 22. totally destroyed 57 tons o f hay. a tractor and a baler in a fire which wiped out j a tile w arehouse on Oleson R oad in R aleigh Hills, ju st o f f Ber tha B eaverton highway. T he w arehouse was owned by V isa Oleson while A. D. Oleson ow ned the hay and m achinery. Loss, partially covered by in surance. has been set as: m ach inery, $4.000; hay. $1650; ware house, $6,000. Another W A LK ER P LEA S E' I have to hurry to the big form al opening Saturday, May 7 of the BEAVERTON PHARMACY WHOSE FAULT? It tokes more than one good driver to prevent accidents. No m atter how ca refu lly YO U drive you may still be involved in an accident. Be wise, don't try to stint on ca r insurance Leonard Adams "P erson al Insurance S ervice” Phone 3831 A ny Tim e 73 B roadw ay. B eaverton Service! CHAMBERLIN FREE D ELIV ER Y Can Make Your Old Shoes W A LKER'S For DRESSM AKING ond H EM STITCH IN G Look and Wear Like New SAVE ON SHOE REPAIRING Venetian Blinds Window Shades - Awnings Free Estim ates S & H Green Stamps at CHAMBERLIN'S Phone Beaverton 3461 Open Evenings T ill 7 P. M , Saturdays 9 P M . WAITK'EFrS ' B e a v e r t o n ’ s o w n s t o r e ' 46 'S ! Fresh Pork Shanks Lb 35c RADISHES BUDGET FUN D Schell-Classen Rebekah Lodge Honors Members' Solemnize Rites Golden Wedding Sunday, Apr. 24 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE — Friday, A p ril 2 9 , 1949 Get the MOST Refrigerator For the LEAST Money! 40 THE NEW ZENITH Special $ 1 8 9 9 5 (was S229 95) MASTER 9 CU . FT. S229 95 (was $269 95) W here else can GREEN STAM PS you do so w elP Only at BeGverton Hardware "Your M a^haM -W ells Store” BEAVERTON Phone 3921 /