BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE— Friday, A p ril 2 2 , 1949 In the Days of Spring M E R C H A N T M A R IN E R Leonard Mayson Is back home ELfter a long voyage at sea. N E W BASEM ENT FROM OHIO R. Borrasund is raising and Mrs. Humphrey is visiting her putting a basement under his daughter, Mrs. C. Eagleson on S. home. W. Leahy Rd. A T LONG BEACH, WASH. ; SE LF E X P E N D IT U R E Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sales spent j There is no self expenditure Easter Sunday with their daugh- without self enrichment; no self ter. Mrs. L. Leis ,of Long Beach, enrichment without self expendit­ ure.—Dean Inge. Wash. BATON TWILRING ENTERTAINS AT COMMUNITY CLUB MEETING T U A L A T IN V IE W -: The Tual atin View Community Club on Tuesday evening. April 12 held its regular monthly meeting. Af- ter a short business session was taken care of the club orchestra entertained with a delightful ses- sion. Miss Eleanor Boyson. Mrs. J. Lash’s sister was guest star. She // gave a fine performance of ba­ ton twirling. Miss Boyson is drum majorette for the Beaverton O N THE A M A ZIN G N EW [ high school band, also for the Eagle Lodge No. 4 of Portland. N EW HOME Mr. and Mrs. Glassnap and fam- j ily have moved into their new j home on Westhaven Drive. DANCE A T G RAN G E IN T H E SPRIN G A Y O U N G one's in clin a tio n is to pose The annual spring dance is to With Automatic Spin Rinse for an a n n u a l c la ss p ictu re T h is happy group of 5th and be held at Cedar Mill Grange. Saturday evening, April 23 by the j 6th graders a t M c K a y school are shown w ith M rs W a g n e r, Tualatin View Community Club. Just turn a tap and a whirl­ th e ir teach er. Ticket sales are coming in heav­ ing geyser of fresh water surg­ es through a full load of clothes ily. M an y of the youngsters ta ke an a c tiv e p art in 4-H and rinsing out suds with two-way N E W A D D IT IO N other youth a c tiv itie s , g iving them v a lu a b le train in g outside action! A powerful needle-spray Joe Petercort, Jr., is building is forced through clothes while the classroom , in the m atter of becom ing good and u seful a new addition onto his home on the Spindrier basket whirls S. W. Barnes Road. c itiz e n s o f Tom orrow . (Photo by H a rre ll— Beaverton 4 9 8 8 ). whirls around, double-rinsing a N E W P O R T REACH full load so fast the rinse water Mrs. M. B. Von Hoene spent a runs clear in just three min­ utes. wweek end at Newport. Oregon with her daughter, Mrs. M. * Uses less warm water Spring. * No set tubs needed VANCO U VER, WASH. M cK A Y -W H ITF O R D — : The Me- D A IR Y V IS IT PLANS * Washes Extra Things Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Davis and Terms as Ix>w as Kay 4-H “Groundbusters" Gar- The McKay 4-H Dairy club met * Easier Ironing den Club met on April 14th at on Monday, April 11th at the ®°ns ,,Mr' Dav*® ^ mother, 3ö.(KI Per Month Elsie Kruse at Vancouver, * Built-in Water Filter the Harris Hansen home. The , home of Gregg Altenhofen. Plans Mrs. ' " members drew garden plans and were made to visit one of the Wash, over the week end. are writing stories and sending large dairies In the hear future. T A S T E R EGG H I N T Open M onday and F rid a y Evenings plans to the Sears Contest. A new member, John Sullivan. Easter egg hunt was held R wl xjr&w •’% David Dibbins and Eugene Wyt- was welcomed into membership. a* Tualatin View School for p. J ' J tenberg were hosts, serving ice Games were played and refresh- children. All had a good time. cream and cookies. Part of the ments served by Mrs. A lte n h o fen .---------------------------------------------- evening was spent playing base­ GUESTS FOR SUNDAY W E E K ’S VAC A TIO N “ N E V E R K N O W IN G LY U ND ERSO LD ” ball. Dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Harold Richards of New- On Broadway FROM HONOLULU Phones; Beaverton 4002, CApital 2380 the Leonard Starks on Sunday, j port is visiting her daughter, Arriving soon to visit for a April 17th, were Mrs. Stark’s par- Mrs. John Altenhofen for “a month with his parents, Mr and ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Alvin of week’s vacation”. Mrs. Miles Kay Cooper ,of Scholls W IT H PA R E N TS Rond, is Robert Arthur Cooper Sherwood. Mrs. R. H. Watkins, Mollala. of Honolulu, who was a passen­ C H IC K EN POX ATTA C K Little Jackie Payne has been »pent the week end with her ger aboard the Lurline which confined to her home due to a j parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Blan- docks in San Francisco. ken. Mr. Cooper will spend several seige o f chicken pox. C A M P F IR E PRO JECT days in San Francisco before his T A N-SUTA-CIY A The Tan-Suta-Ciya Campfire Mrs. John Altenhofen, in arrival here. Girls of McKay School met with charge of the older group of SEVEN TH B IR T H D A Y on ¡Campfire Girls of McKay school Little Sheila Richards celebrat­ the committee of awards Thursday, April 14th at the school reports completion of Birthday ed her seventh birthday with a party for her classmates of the house and all nine girls passed project “ Make Mine Democracy” , first and second grades of the from Trailseekers to Woodgather- j They plan to study Robert's McKay School on April 18th ers rank. Mary Willenberg was Rules of Order next, WÊÊÊÊé^^^ÊtÊnm la i | The following have graduated Games were played and prizes hostess for the group. Those receiving the promotion from the rank of Wood Gather­ and party favors distributed, af­ Butler, Rose Horst, ers to Fire Makers: Sharon Diet- ter which the children gathered were Janet in the school cafeteria for re­ Donna Scott, Sara McKee, Dixie ricks, Amelia Horst, Imogene Far A- 4 freshments which Included a White, Mary Willenberg and Lyn­ ris, Elsie Sanders, and Margaret da Horney Sandra Boswell and Ann Coates. lovely birthday cake. Marjory Ann Altenhofen has Miss Weidman assisted Mrs. Judy Cottrell. Mrs. Scott Horney is their moved from rank of Fire Maker Richards in entertaining the to Torch Bearer. Guardian. group. BITJ.DS TW O HOMES Mrs. Paul McDonald plans to erect two homes opposite Denny Road, near the creek. Blueprints have been drawn and surveyors are at work there. B IR TH D A Y D IN N E R Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Rabe, on Sunday, Ap­ ril 17th, were Mr .and Mrs. Ju­ \ lius Block, Mr. and Mrs. Lawr­ . . . . because th e y 're so lig h t­ HASKELL SHOPPING ence Block, Mr. aind Mils. Ed B E A V ER T O N Jones and daughter Gayle, of w eight for sum m er and ever so CENTER Vancouver, Wash, and Mr. and handsom e, w h a t's m ore, they c a rry Mrs. James Block and daughter Sharon of Portland. the Peggy P a rk e r label S ize s 32 The occasion was a birthday dinner In honor of Bobby Rabe. to 40 in rabbit h a ir and cash m ere who celebrated his thirteenth birthday. I T A STATE CONFAB Delegates from the McKay School P T A to the State Con­ vention to be held on April 27th, 28th and 29th in Eugene are Mrs E. F. Rabe and Mrs. Harold Richards. Mrs Scott Horney will ! al*o attend as a delegate of the Washington County Council of M c L a in 's V illa g e Shops the P T. A. R E TU R N FROM SPO KANE Mrs V M. Pilip has returned from Spokane, Wash where she visited at the home of her son- R E PO R T OF C O N D ITIO N O f the Commercial Rank of Oregon, and YY’est Slope, Portland L Oregon, County of Washington, Oregon, at in l i » md diimrhtrr Ml Mrs C. H Sandtfur, for a week close of bustne« April 11th, 1949. Mr* Pilip’s llttlle granddaugh-| ASSETS ter. Charlene, underwent an eye operation at thst time Loan* and discounts (Including *127.97 overdratfs). $ 549.792.74 ... United States Gov’t, obligation*, direct and guaranteed 1,031,298,65 rO K E A STE R HOLIDAY'S Obligations of States and political subdivisions Mr. and Mrs. T. R Denny, ac- Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve bal- companied by Mr. and Mrs. R. ances, and cash items in process of collection | O. Carey of Portland, spent the Bank premises owned 36,332.70, furniture and fixtures Easter holidavs at Rockaway. 327,788.57 — ......... ......-• ... - FAM ILY’ OCCASION Investments and other assets indirectly representing v. . __ . ,, . . . . . . , bank premise* or other real estate ........ ............... Mr. And Mrs Robert llollftnd TOTAL A ^ F T S attended a family dinner on Eas- 1 ter Sunday at the home of Mr L IA B IL IT IE S and Mr* Joe Flint of Scholl* Demand deposits of Individuals, partnerships, and corps. 1.124.259 48 512,517 57 Also present were Mrs. Holland's Time deposit* of individuals, partnerships, A corps. 27,224 35 brother and slsterSIn-klw. Mr. Deposits of U S. Government (including postal savings) 248 167 17 and Mrs. K J. Hite and children Deposits of States and political subdivisions 23.617 99 Other deposits (certified and officers’ checks, etc.) Joan and Jenell, and her parents TOTAL DEPOSITS ILM U M M Mr. and Mrs E. D. Hite, of T i­ TO T A L L IA B IL IT IE S (not including subordinated ob­ gard. 1.932.116.96 ligation* sh.>wn M v w ) W IN T E R IN CAR M E L C A P IT A L ACCOUNTS Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beach, who 90.000 00 have been st Carmel. California, Capital ........... ..... ..... ..... .... ....... .... ................... .......... 44.000 00 ___ ___________________ _—__ ____ ____ _______ during the winter months are Surplus — 15.588.50 Undivided profits ---- --- ---------------- --- — ......... ...... ... planning to make their perman­ Reserves (and retirement account for debentures or M other is very eosv Yo u know she's been ent home there and will sell their 2.500 00 preferred stock) ..... ............ - .... ........... —........... .... ... home near Denney Road w anting to h ave her p ictu re taken — but T O T A L C A P IT A L ACCOUNTS .................... 152.068 50 ON EASTER SUNDAY it's ju st one of those things she never got T O T A L L IA B IL IT IE S A N D C A P IT A L ACCOUNTS W eekend and Easter Sunday around to doing Now you can do it for dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. STATE OF OREGON. County of Washington as I, W. H. Blake, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly Irvin Riley, were Mrs. Riley’s her A rra n g e w ith us today for an appoint­ brother-in-law and sister, Mr and swear that the #above statement is true to the best of my knowledge m ent fo r M om It's a g ift not only she Mrs Trve Tinney and son James and belief. W. H BLAKE. Cashier. w ill tre asu re— but you, too. and Janey Thayer of Portland Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th dav of April. 1949