EARTHQUAKITIS STARTS RUMORS LOCAL DAMAGE A severe earthquake, felt in the Tualatin Valley about 11:56 a.m., April 13, touched o ff a long range attack o f "eorthquakitis" and the nimble minds at very nervous people started rumors of much local damage. Aside from SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS BEAVERTON, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 15. 1949 a few cracked chimneys, fallen VOLUME 22, Number 12 SU BSCR IPTIO N IN A D V A N C E $2 00 PER YEAR plaster and other evidences of the | “ big shake" most of the reports were without much significance. I In Beaverton. one effect re-1 potted was by Carl Rasmussen who told of a crack in the front firewall and the dislodgement of i a timber from its pilaster, in the ANNUAL GROSS REVENUE INCREASE WILL EXCEED In the Grade School cafeteria back shop. on the night of April 20th at 7 3a Beaverton high school closed | $2 MILLION; REVISIONS SET UNIFORM SCHEDULE p.m., students of Ruthann Mc its doors at noon on the eventful j COLLECTIONS BOXES Kenzie will be presented in a day. Not, declared I. R. Metzler W ILL BE INSTALLED public recital. superintendent, because of dan-. Request for revisions in rates ger but because the quake left ! AT TWO LOCATIONS Those participating are Sheryl of the Portland General Electric TROT OUT BLACKFACE them little concerned with their and Sharron Arris. Janice Moy embodying an increase in annual FOR JAYCEE MINSTREL studies. The corner of the east ers. Becky Inbody, Steven Begu gross revenue of approximately Official confirmation of first end of the building suffered a in. Michael Holeman, Kenneth $2,170,740 has been filed with the All talent in the Reuxertun class status has been made by cracked celling and some of the McKenzie, Reverly Kay Byrd. Public Utilities Commissioner of area who yearn to put on the United States postal depart bricks shaled off. No damage was Audrey Grandy, Sue Ann Barclay. Oregon. This schedule o f rate in greasepaint (black) and show ment for the Beaverton office, serious. Dixon Bartley, Dennis Haworth. creases has been suspended for their abilities are asked to according to acting postmaster, Center of the disturbance, at David Carl, Gary Runes, Shar an initial period not to extend Donald L. Jenkins. The new rat register with D im Rothschild press time, was not known def ron Ward, Yvonne Williams anil* beyond August 23, 1949, pending Tillman’s Tip Top for the big ing was made possible by volume initely. Radio reports told of a investigation and hearing. of business achieved during 1948. Gail Masters. community minstrel show quake area extending from Van 'Mrs. McKenzie and Mrs. Joyce George H. Flagg, commissioner, which will he staged by the Jenkins announces that the couver, B. C. to Salem and 150 sets the date for public hearing plan to establish a mounted Enright will present Handel’s So Beaverton junior chamber of miles south of Portland on the on the revised tariffs for April commerce for 2 nights In route for parts of Routes 1 and nata in D Major for violin and Oregon coast. June. 18. at 10 a.m., in the Multnomah 3 has also been made official. piano. Even more severe was the .The young musicians will be county court house, in Portland. Hereafter, those postal patroins Strictly on a ItM-al, amateur shock in Seattle and Tacoma but by Robert Haftenden affected will be required to have assisted At this hearing, the company Winning high acclaim with their interpretation about the basis, talent is being sought no major catastrophe was occa visiting pianist. Mr. Haffenden house numbers on mail boxes as will be required to show the for a performance of ntmtal- popular bridge table were, left to right, M. K. Bennett, M. M. sioned. At least two deaths were will play a group of numbers. well as on houses. necessity for the requested in gie whimsey which road to Brown, Charles Daniels and Don Hendrickson, pictured at the told and numerous injuries from Refreshments will be set veil Tw o letter boxes, for collec creases and the reasonableness high popularity on Mississippi falling masonry. April 8 meeting of Barnes school P.-T. A. tion of outgoing mail will be in following the recital. of the proposed schedules river showboat*. While many figured Tuesday I A hilarious time was enjoyed stalled in downtown Beaverton. 'Twa* a time, to he sure, The PGE asks permission to night’s total eclipse of the moon by everyone at the Barnes PT A One will be placed by the Bea when a community could apply uniform rates for each was no doubt responsible for the meeting last Friday evening, Ap verton bank, handy to the Tuala muster an acceptable minstrel class of service throughout the whole blamed thing, more than ril 8. tin Valley stage stop while the show on a week’s notice, at entire territory it serves. The re one resident noted a thick woozy Members of the nominating other will be set up near the new the most. For amateur pres- vised tariffs were filed, first to feeling and summed it all up By studying school district Rural school districts will hold committee were elected: Mrs. N. Beaverton iPharmacy locatiioln, eiitatlons, particularly, fhis necome effective February 23 and “ I was just seared silly!” C. Rushing, chairman; Mrs. B. where Oregon Motor stages dis budgets submitted to them and an election on Monday, April 18, form of showmanship was the application was Suspended paring some of the items, the between 7 and 9 p.m., for the L . Templeton and Mr. Charles charge and pick up customers. considered particulary adept. ’or a period of not more than Daniels. Election and installation Under this plan, patrons wish rural school hoard directors at purpose of voting on levies over And, as far as the Jaycees six months. will be held in May. ing to mail letters while trying Hillsboro announce they have ef- the 6% limitation, are concerned, they'd like to Next, revised tariff schedule P. Beryl Morris, field repre Of the 76 districts filing hull to catch a bus will not be re fected a rural district levy sav- start sueh a presentation go was submitted by PGE on Ap- sentative from this district for ing in the amount of $41,159.82 gets, 32 were completely covered quired to go out of their way. ing for this community. ¡1 4, to become effective May Regular pickup will be made to over last year.s figure, on levies by the board's formula which ar- the Boy Scouts gave a brief talk All hlackfacc and specialty 1 It is for this latter schedule on the PTA as a sponsor, and outside the 6ri limitation. Inside rived at a county-wide taxation assure prompt service on all mail act performers are Invited to that the public hearing will be The Beaverton Police have so deposited. 6% limitation, an increase is of 25 mills for ruarl elementary outlined the requirements to be apply for a tryout. leld. been notified by the Portland noted of $9,362.66. Total levy for schools and 20 mills for high come a scout. Jack Minor, the Cub Master from the Cedar Mill General Electric Company that both elementary and high school school. Foutteen districts were so most of the street lights which taxation is $31,797.06 under last nearly covered that additional Pack spoke on requirements for Cubs and stressed that new packs have been replaced in the past year’s with the 1949-50 figure of local levies are not expected. several months have been put out $722,439.84 comparing to the 1948-1 In 30 districts .special elections should be stalled in this district, by bee-bee guns and rocks. will be necessary a ftjr April 18 his help if a pack 49 tax of $754,236.90. It should be of interest to the for the voting of special funds should start. The social hour was turned ov parents of the youngsters who for carrying out local education School directors of joint dis- i er to the dads. Charles Daniels are apparently bringing about programs. Beavertoh camp of the United Work on the new C. E. Mason this unnecessary cost and incon trict 10, following last week ap- j Completely covered, among rur played two delightful numbers on Spanish War Veterans and aux school continues at a fast pace I his venience to the taxpayers and proval by voters of a $300,000 bond j al schools in the eastern end of his 8aw He waH accompanied by iliary mot for their regular meet and .according to Errol Hassell, citizens of Beaverton, and it issue, were soheduled to meet | I the county are: District lCjt., of j Mrs. B. L. Templeton on the pi ing Saturday, April 9 in the school superintendent, completion Wednesday night' to begin discus would seem that it would be, in ano. The "bridge party” as the Tualatin; 29, of Reedville; 82. of part .their duty to speak to their sion of building plans for a com males see it, was a side-splitting IOOF hall, on Broadway with a of the structure is expected ear Durham and 106, Metzger. bination gymnasium and auditor children about this matter. Messres M. R. Bennett, good crowd of members and vis ly in June. Thirty rounds of boxing, in a Not entirely covered but he- | show. An enrollment of 175 students Charles Daniels, M. M Brown and itóla in attendance. The police are doing all they ium. return smoker between leather lieved unlikely to request addl- | Sale of bonds for the construe- | Mrs. Hazel Duman, president of is anticipated when the school can to curb this vandalism, but Don Hendrickson played the parts pushers of Beaverton and Banks tional levy is Dtst.ict 94. Cooper * * !• will be apparently the lamps are being tion will start soon after opening i high schools, of the four female bridge play tjhe Hlllsboriy Au*jm»ty. P*>d ‘ Lc . open» In will be sponsored Mountain. Beaverton organization a visit made up of children attending ers. destroyed during the daytime of bids on May 16, 8 p.m , at the Wednesday, April 20 to benefit Needing an added local levy the when there is no officer on duty. union high school, declares I. R. I local recreational plans. Refreshments of hamburgers on and Sister Josephine Barron of the first five grades from are Districts 18. McKay; 23. T i Metzler, superintendent of the “ W e arc asking you once again buns, complete will all the trim Portland presented a short pro- Went Slope area and the vicinity Feature bout of the evening gard; 57. Barnes; 58, Farming- immediately adjacent to the to speak to your children -ex high school. Rids will he adver will be between "Slugger" Kriss ton: 60, Hazeldale; 62 jt., Cedar mings and coffee were served by giam on Muster Day. • All members present formed a school. plaining to them that the street tised, according to present plans of Banks and Bob Casteel of Mill; 81, McKinley; 88 jt., Sher Joe Varner. lights are put there by the City on April 28, May 5 and May 12. Beaverton. The next executive mreting circle around the altar and re Locat'd on Center Street in wood; 92, Garden Home; 95, Ra Retirement of the Issue will be and paid for by the citizens for will be held at the home of Mrs. peated the obligation. the rear of Haskell’s Center this Other Beaverton boxeis who leigh and 107, Aloha-Huher. High The meeting marked the 9th modern school plant will contain their protection and convenience," over a ten year period with pay will appear are Don Marsh, Bud school districts needing added ,0<> Va,ner on Walker Road, on year anniversary of the camp seven classrooms, declares C. Henry Mayfield, Chief j ments slated to begin July 1, 1952 Cox, Bob Barton, rifflce spacr* Don Barton, local levy are Districts 9 jt. of Thursday. April 21st at 7:30 p.m. and conclude 1961, in the amount and auxiliary which were organ with of Police. workroom and storage Boh Ross and Owen Englehart. Sherwood and 26 jt., Tualatin A " «-hairmen and room represen of $30.000 plus interest charges. ized April 4, 1940 In the same space, a combined auditorium and tatives are asked to attend. The public is invited and tick [ hlKh schooI districts. Ronds will be callable for re hall. gymnasium, a teachers’ room and ets are now on sale at the high In this election, under an act demption at any time after July At the close of the meeting, all a complete health department in school. approved at the last general cl ERNIE MASTERS GOES 1, 1957 and will be issued in de present joined in singing “ God cluding a nurse’s r(om and rest cctlon, there is no requirement of* T O TOWN IN TOURNEY nominations of $1,000. Be With You 'Til We Meet Ag room. T A K E N TO H O SPITA L property ownership in the qual ain." Reports at press! line were Members of the school hoard Mr. Sanford Rogers fell twice ification to vote. In all school B IK K -A l'T O VICTIM fragmentary, hut word from are hopeful that the cafeteria elections, whether for bonds, bud in his home Friday and was David Haaland. 10 year old son the Empress Golf Tourna will also be completed in time Colonel Carlos W. Huntington, of Mr Mrs. Rogers has been gets, election of directors or any I and Mrs. Allen Haaland, bedfast. ment, in Victoria, British Col for use at the beginning of the who has recently established a former resident of Beaverton and in bed for the past year unable other purpose authorized, there umbia indicated Hut Ernie school year. Tw o additional law office In connection with H. now living at Canby is hospital to walk. They have had care in are but three requirements. Masters, Beaverton areoiintnnf classrooms will be finished at a One must be a registered vot- j H. Jeffri'es, realtor, of Beaver ized at Hutchinson Hospital their home during the day for in was really ’’hurning up the later date when the enrollment ton, was honored April 11 by Oregon City. months but now were not able er a resident of the school district g«een*” . increases. more than 200 builders, federal David suffered a skull fracture to be left alone at night so both for six months preceding the el I The Beaverton high school On one round, he rated top and city officials and other Saturday April 2 while riding his Mr. and Mrs. Rogers were taken ection and be able to read and | Designed to meet modern de band will lead the annual Jour of them all and In the Medal friends at a dinner held in the bicycle and was struck by a fast to a Hillsboro Hospital Sunday write the English language. mands, the building is a one- nal Junior parade at the annual Round, he eanie out In sec All elections will be held in the Portland Shrine club. story structure <w|th six extts moving car. He is recovering but through the efforts of the Odd outing at Jantzen Beach. Satur ond place. Huntington recently retired as will be hospitalized for at least Fellow and Rebekah Lodge mem- grade school buildings, whether and contains such functional fea day, May 21, tiolflng cronies of the Bea for high school budgets or elem executive secretary of the Port a month. tures as unusually wide corridors. hers of Beaverton. Under the direction of Melvin verton golf whiz remember land Home Buliders Association. entary budgets. Low pressure steam heat is used B. Wells, the hand will play for his fancy play In last sum Commenting on the levy of 25 He is a member of the Oregon in the central heating plant with the afternoon program. As guests mer's junior chamber of com mills for grade schools and 20 bar and a former state official unit ventilators. The Cedar Hills of the Journal Juniois, the band merce golf tournament, play of California. mills on high schools in the rur plant will handle the sewage dis memtiers will receive tickets for ed at Forest Hills country al system, the rural board states posal. the concessions. The outing elnh, when he emerged the that if all budgets had been ac This week, floor slabs in the marks the official opening of the big winner. cepted. as filed, the grade school cafeteria, classroom and office park season. This year, many figure, Er tax would have been 44 mills and The band has participated in areas were poured and, as soon nie will he even harder to the high school levy 33 mills. as they are set, construction o f the outing for several years. heat! the inner partitions will begin. All roofing and plumbing is com pleted and window frames are “ Security" has been chosen as awaiting installation of the glass. the general theme of the 1940 Beaverton high school commence Stokes and Allyn of Portland ment. announces the graduation are architects for the building planning committee this week. which is being built by the The latest in modern drive-in Bob Casteel, senior class presi Home Construction Co., also o f service will he offered at the Portland. dent, is acting as chairman of Cundari drive-in. 8808 S W Can the seven-man committee chosen Mrs. Esther Peer piesent eighth yon Road, according to Frank by himself. It includes Jack grade teacher at# the Beaverton Cundari. owner. In announcing Jones, Arden Armfield. Janet school will be principal. Offices formal opening of the restaur French. Nancy Nagues. Eleanor of the superintendent will be lo ant Saturday. April 16. Boyson, Henry Kohlhoff and Pale cated temporarily In the new In addition to curb service, the Gredvig. structure. restaurant provides six circular Th» complete graduation out Miss M'rle Davies will remain and six square booths plus some line is expected to he completed as principal of the present grade 36 counter stools for patrons not in the next few weeks, says Miss school which will be known as PLAYING IN THE RAIN seems to be the olternative for wishing to eat in their cars. Geraldine Sanford, senior class the Merle Davies school when the With this opening, the Cundari these first and second graders at Cedar Mill school, follow advisor. new building opens shopping center stands as the PO Dept OK's Beaverton A s First Class Violin Students MALE INTERPRETATION ABOUT BRIDGE TABLE WINS ENCORE PGE Slates Rate Increase PUC Sets Hearing April 18 RURAL SCHOOL DIRECTORS IN STUDYING BUDGETS SAVE TAX Sharpshooters of St. Lights Bring Trouble to City Hi School Board Starts Plans on Gym-Auditorium 3eav'ton U.S.W.V. Dist. 48 Expects Motes 9th Year June Completion Of Organization New School Job Kiwanis - Jaycees Sponsor Smoker On Wed*, April 20 Beaverton Atty. Honored Apr. 11 Portland Dinner Hi School Bond Leads Parade at Jantzen Outing No Gym Plans This Year Seniors Choose Theme for 1949 Commencement Jack Jones Cops Second Place In Legion Spielfest Jack Jon«v Beaverton high school senior, placed second in the annual American Legion or atory regional contest held last Monday at Nampa. Idaho. Thi* is the third time in ten yea's an Oregon student has won this honor. Jack doe« not receive any fur ther award Cundari Drive-in Formal Opening Set for April 16 ing the vote of April 1 1, which defeated a bond issue which would have provided a school gymnasiutn The youngsters are shown with Miss Leona Fesler, pri mary grade teacher According to Mrs A R Pearson, speaking for the PTA, backers of the gym will try to educate the community to recognize the need of proper recreational facilities There will also be a campaign of information on the requirements of basic school standardization The vote, 50 "yes" and 76 "no", was considered a good turnout But the children, such as in this picture, will be denied gymnasium facilities by the decision made Photo by Harrell— Beaverton 4988) largest business development since the founding of the West Slope distriet. Included In the service« offered are the following flrm>- Commercial Bank of Ore eon: Chez Suzy’. Hay’s Applian res West Slope bakery and the Cundari general insurance offices EASTER MORN G I’ ESTS AM are invited to be Easter morning gues*« of the I,e e d v Grange, in Ced°r Mill, April 17. in observance of a sunrise ser vice. A f ‘ »<- the «ervice. coffee and : doughnuts will he served Grade School A R M Y C ALLS “ P A L M Y ” Mrs. Genevieve Palmateer o f the Fashion Bar in Aloha has taken a two month leave from her work. Mrs. Palmateer has HOT LUNCHES AT NOON become a reality to students of the Beaverton grade school, through the service fur- nished by the school cofetena This marks the second year noon-time feeding has been done * An average number of 330 children are assured of at least one hot meal per day. Menus are set up to comply with Federal regulations in regard to nutrition standards (Photo by Graf) ■ • •' l,v ,hp »«*•»■» 3 / £ n Z * s h " * ''w lT a ' "Pa r"- chute inspector and packer dur- ,n*f World W ar I I and has been ptan. (o v(sU her brother in Garden City, Kan- •“ and ®|B(> * brother in Green trlp