BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE— Friday, April 8, 1949 ★ FROZEN FOOD LOCKER SCHOOL STUDIES PROCESSING OF FOOD BEAVER High Lights * By Phyllis Palm roue N. W . MUSIC C O N F E R E N C E Jean Hansen, clarinettist, and Virginia Talbert, Fannie Lee R E G U L A R P T t M EET ^ Zook and Bill Glasgow, glee du b McKay P.T_A. will hold • , . __members, participated in the an- regular meeting Friday April Bth ■ r “ . . nual Northwest* MuMc Confer- at 8 pm. The entertainment “ “ “ ^ ... . .____. . . . ence last Saturday night at the program will be furnished by the _ _ / * ^ | civic Auditorium in Portland. Beauty Boosters Install Officers April 13 Dinner Mrs. Ruth Rose Richardson. M cK A Y W H IT F O R D : H#trry Portland attorney, will be the feat- Eilander and R. H McCaffery of ured speaker at the installation dinner for the new officers of the the Progress Food Locker« at­ Washington County Beauticians' tended the Frozen Food Locker association Wednesday evening, school held In the Memorial Un­ ion Hall at Oregon State Col­ April 13 at the American Legion The .tudenu r e v e r e d at U n ­ hall. Mrs Richardson will discuss lege, March 21 and 22- The meet­ y0Whilegrt0h T h u m e s . meeting Is hour film will coin high jjchool Saturday morn- ing was under the direction of being held a one p e_ ing the 900 voice chorus under legislation affecting beauty shops. the Food Technology Depart­ be shown to the children the direction of Peter Wilhous- a L h T i ho* ident, IC*rvr.t0 Don Johnson, Hillsboro; ment of Oregon State and the freshments will be served later ky. assistant music director in . w „ w iL Oregon Froien Food Locker As«n. vice-president, Mrs. Florence Mil- New York City schools, recorded W E D D IN G H E LLS SOON Modern method« of frozen 1er. Beaverton; treasurer. Mia. Wedding bells will ring out for four of their numbers to be sung Eunice Sylvester, Beaverton; sec­ food« preparation and proce«»ing for the evening's concert. Miss Evelyn Schechla of Brad­ were studied. Also the latest me­ retary, Miss Pat Jackson. Aloha, The 230-piece band, which play­ thods of cutting, curing and pack­ ley Corners and Ernest Metcalfe, sergeant-alarms Miss Evelyn Leh­ ed for three hours at the con­ Beaverton, on April 10th. man. Gaston. Installing officer will aging. cert, was directed by Frank Man- Discussions were led by home G R O U N D BU STER S j be Mrs. Pearl Goldie .district pres- cini, director of music at Mo­ economists of The Oregonian, the J ident and member of the Portland The Ground Buster Garden desto, California. Portland General Electric C®. and unit. Students from five states en­ Club has been meeting every Oregon State College. Mrs. Florence Miller is making Thursday at the home of the tered in this contest. arrangements for the dinner which • • • P A IN T . R EM O D EL leader Mrs. Harris Hansen will be prepared and served by Marvin and Clarence Kuhn. DRUM M A JO R E T T E The Prouty home at Progresa members of the Legion Auxiliary. Janet French, drum majorette, Is being remodeled and painted. Leonard Dahlen, Donald Coates, All local beauticians are invited to 1 and Jimmy Blethen have been took fourth place in the W illa­ attend the meeting. mette Valley baton twirling con­ hosts at different times. The club has grown from seven test held at Salem high school I to eighteen members. The mem- last Thursday sponsored by the , bers are drawing plans for their Salem Elks Club. Janet received a plain baton ! gardens in their scrapbooks. (Home Style) Mrs. Clara Wagner has been for a prize. The first three prize assisting them with their play winners were given lighted ba­ to be presented at the P T A . tons, and the first prize winner received a portable radio. I program Friday. Canyon Road Baptist church Twelve girls participated, one will meet at 11 a. m., Sunday, in D R IV E IN S U N S H IN B FIES from each school. Five were aw­ the Odd Fellows hall, 53 N Broad­ Mr. and Mra. B. F. Blethen and arded batons. way, Beaverton. The theme of CAKES ; family took advantage of the The girls were judged on mar- Palm Sunday will be observed, and COOKIES beautiful weather last Sunday to|Ching, personal appearance, per- the pastor, Rev. Russell B. Thom­ drlve to Depoe Bay. They also [ SOnality and general twirling, as, will preach on, “The King They PASTRIES, etc. visited briefly at the home of j s 1'KK( H R E P O R T S Crucified." Sunday school will be FRENCH BREAD, ROLLS friends. Marjie Keehn, Jackie Wyss. held at 9;45. W EST SLOPE NO TIC E R ES O LU T IO N OF IN T E N T IO N TO IM P R O V E a M F IR ST STREET . j TUALATIN MARKET W ANT VALLEY BASKET W ANT ADS ADS W H E R E A S . 75% of the prop­ erty owners abutting on S. W. First Street have petitioned the FOR S A LE FOR S A L E i City Council to initiate and insti­ tute the necessary proceedings We can furnish you with a 3 W E S T IN G H O U S E water heater. piece bath set complete with for the improvement thereof 30 gal. regularly $127.95, floor seat and all fittings to the wall | sample, now $99.50; Allen oil from Watson Street to Stott for as low as 1139.95 or If you Street, and heater, 70.000 B T U output twin WHEREAS the City Council choose the same 3 piece bath burner, regular $139.50. now set; plus an A C ID R E SISTIN G desires .. to institute the $99.50; Empire Portable Ironer . .. necessary , P O R C E L A IN E D Cast Iron Sink proceedings to have the said im- and stand, regular $69.50, now size 20” x 30” or 18*’ x 30” with $57.96; plate glass mitred mir­ P^ o w " V h E R E T O R E . B e IT anti-splash swing spout faucet, ror 36 x 36, regular $19.96, trap and basket strainer; a R E S O L V E D BY T H E C IT Y OF corners damaged, $9.95; tinti- C O LLIN S 42 gallon Electric B E A V E R T O N That the City of . qued gold frame plate glass Hot Water Heater; and a dou­ Beaverton. Washington County. mirror 29 x 38, regular $29.50 ble compartment cement laun- Oregon, proceed to improve S. W. now $18.95; Mahogany Wall First Street within the City on . dry tray complete with metal what not shelf. 2 shelves. 2 stand heavy brass (nickel plat­ the following portion thereof: drawers, Reg. $14.95, special at ed) swing spout faucet, etc. All Beginning at a point on the $7.95; Bedroom group, seven piece, for $289.96. Or any of the above center line of S. W. First waterfall design, vanity A mir­ fixtures can be purchased sep­ Street where the center line ror, chest, bed, springs mat­ arately a t substantial savings of Watson Street intersects tress, nite stand and bench. if desired. w l‘h said center line; thence This wonderful value must be We have just a limited quantity westerly along the center line seen to be appreciated. Special of these sets at these prices, so of S. W. First Street to a at $97.00; Dining room set, eight it will be to your advantage to point on the center line of piece, French walnut, one host come in and make your selec­ Stott Street where the same chair, 5 dining chairs, buffet tion now even if It Is for fu­ intersects with the center line and extension table, take it ture delivery. A reasonable de­ of S. W . First Street, away for $79.50. Beaverton posit will hold your purchases by regrading and applying level­ Furniture. Phone 4002 or CAp- up to 90 days. ing courses of rock and paving itol 2380. 11 with bituminous asphalt hard We also stock a complete line of soil pipe, soil fittings, drainage wearing surface to a width of 40 Special prices on W IR IN G S U P ­ and galvanized fittings at at­ feet, being 20 feet on each side PLIES. No. 14-2 © 4c per ft.; tractive prices in quantity pur­ of said center line, and installing No. 12-2 wire & 5%c per foot chases. And last, but not least curbs on each side of said S. W in coll lots. 42 gallon guaran­ we can furnish you with all First Street, leaving a width of teed electric hot water heaters the galvanized pipe you need traveling surface of 40 feet, said $87.60. Also attractive prices on for your installation. work to be done by contract; wall boxes, range and circuit IllUsuole Builders Supply storm sewer and sanitary sewer panels, switches, receptacles, etc. 6309 S. W. Capitol Hwy and water mains to be installed Hillsdale Builders Supply Open all day Saturday 12 Plans for enlarging and improv- before said street is improved. 6309 S. W. Capitol Hwy. ng the Sunday school were made B E IT F U R T H E R R E S O L V E D Open all day Saturday 12 at a meeting of the workers last That the cost of said improve­ H A R D IE S P R A Y E R ; Barrell ca­ pacity. Practically new. Whole­ Friday night in the home of the ments be assessed against the ab­ sale price $60.00. W'ill sell for FOR S A LE : 3 bedroom home superintendent, Mr. Eugene Cros­ utting property as provided by $40.00. Phone Beaverton 4625. with electric range and refrig, by, on N. E. Johnson Road, dur­ the ordinances and charter of the and 2 unit apt. with rental in­ HP ing which Mrs. Crosby served City of Beaverton. come of $90 per mo. $18,000. smorgasbord. B E IT F U R T H E R R E S O LV E D B R E E D IN G R A B B IT S with lit­ Phone Beaverton 4572. Open These plans will be put in to ef­ That a written objection or re­ ters. New hutches. H. Therkel- for inspection Saturday and fect when the chjrch gets into monstrance to said street im­ sen. 2 block south of Huber Sunday. li p its new building, on N. E. Canyon provement be filed at any time Store on Highland Ave. lip Road, in the very near future. on or before 8:00 p.m. on April Prayer meeting, next Wednesday 18, 1949, at the City Hall in Bea­ Y O U N G JE R S E Y C O W for sale. GOOD 24 inch arm jig saw for sale cheap. Phone Beaverton night will be held in the home of verton, Oregon. Phone Beaverton 4281 or 605 2509. lip Mr .and Mrs. James Bridges on B E IT F U R T H E R R E S O L V E D Center St. evenings and Sun­ N. W . Laidlow Road in Bonny That the recorder is authorized day. 11 1942 Oldsmobile Station Wagon. Slope, Rt. 2, Box 504, Portland. to give notice of this resolution Six cylinder $275.00 under deal­ Everybody is welcome at all ser­ In the time and manner provided W H IT E Enamel wood and coal er price. Call Beaverton 2385 or vices. range. $45. 30 gallon hot water by the charter and ordinances of 2772. Denney Rd. near Scholls heater, used 1 year. Also De the City of Beaverton, that the Ferry Rd. lip Laval cream separator and SIX BOX F IG H T E R S City Recorder shall serve notice deep well Fairbanks-Morse W a ­ Beaverton boxing team is send­ of such Improvements as required R E A L E S T A T E F O B SALK ter System and ’31 G. M. C. ing six leather pushers to Banks by the ordinances and In the Panel Truck, Owner deceased. for a smoker tonight (Friday). manner therein set forth. 5 Bedrooms, 3 Baths 4340 S. W. Hamilton St., Port­ The smoker will consist of ten Introduced and passed this 4th 11 j acres, full basement, automa­ land 1, Oregon. Phone BRoad- bouts of three rounds each and is day of April, 1949. tic oil heat, log play house, way 4829. 11 open to the public. H. H. J E F F R IE S chicken house, fruit, berries, 4 • • Mayor F A IR B A N K S M ORSE 5 H. P. beautiful landscaping. 1001 S. E. IN T E R C L U B SKI R ACE A TTE ST: L. J. BUSSE, Franklin Street, Beaverton. gas engine; new, wheelbarrow, The Tualatin Valley Ski club is Recorder garden seeder. O. R. Wayman, sponsoring an inter-club trail Published: April 8-15. 1949. 3 Bedrooms— $7600 Sorrento and Davies Road. Rte. race on Mount Hood's Tramway years old. 'White pumice, all 1, Box 457, Beaverton. lip trail, Saturday at 1 pm. on one floor. 92 x 94 landscaped L E G A L N O T IC E It will be a timed race with 17 R A B B IT HUTCHES, $15, 1249 lot. New listing. cups for the fastest entrants in N. W . Electric Ave., Beaverton. Resolution Of Intention To Im­ the boys’ and girls’ divisions. Raleigh Realtor—CH erry 1117 2 blks. N. Heidelberg Park lip prove S. E. Ninth Street S. W\ Scholls Ferry Rd. Opp. W H E R E A S 75% of the proper­ Special new low prices on N A IL S Portland Golf Club. 11 ty owners abutting on S. E. Ninth in keg lots. It will be to your Street have petitioned the City WE SERVE THE BEST $425 advantage to stock up now Council to initiate and institute while we have most all sizes Buys Homeslte near Multnomah. COFFEE IN TOWN! the necessary proceedings for In stock. M O N E Y S A V IN G 60 x 140. 2 blks, to bus. Phone j the improvement thereof from P R IC E S on wall boards, ply­ Beaverton 2509. lip Lombard Street to Watson Street, wood, sheetrock, rock lath, sash I and doors, mill work, door and cup­ W H E R E A S , the City Council DR. H. A. PUTNAM board hardware, asphalt tile. In­ desires to institute the neoessary Chiropractic Physician sulating material, paints, etc. It proceedings to have the said Im­ 30 years practice ie Portland will pay you to check with us provement performed. 1 block So. of Canyon Rood on before you buy. Howett Rood-West Slope N O W T H E R E F O R . B E IT R E ­ Hillsdale Builders Supply Portland phone BEocon 9637 SO LVED BY THE C IT Y OF «309 S. W. Capitol Hwy. Open eves, bv appointment B E A V E R T O N That the City of Open all day Saturday 12 Beaverton, Washington County, After Enjoying Our Oregon, proceed to improve S. E. Ninth Street within the City on Coffee, Take Home the following portion thereof by A Dozen of Our installing storm sewer and drain­ Delicious age of said Street: Beginning at a point on the FROSTED DONUTS center line of S. E. Ninth Open 3;30 A. M. to 7 P. M. Street where the center line WOMEN'S TOW N AN D C O U N TR Y APPAREL of Lombard Street intersects with the said center line; Cariyon Rood at West Slope thence westerly along the cen­ ter line of said S. E. Ninth Canyon Rood at East " Y " Street to a point on the cen­ ter line of Watson Street Phone Beaverton 4575 where the same intersects with the center line oi S. E. Ninth Street. by regrading and applying level­ ing courses of rock and paving with oiled wearing surface to a width of 22 feet, being 11 feet on each side of said center line, said work to be performed by the Beautiful city street department. Reg. S I 9.95 BE IT F U R T H E R R E S O LV E D CHINA TABLE That the cost of said improve­ AUTOMATIC POP ments be assessed against the LAMPS UP TOASTER abutting property as provided by Spring Sole the ordinances and charter of the .95 City of Beaverton. Prie« H Now BE IT F U R T H E R R ESO LVED . That a written objection or re­ monstrance to said street im­ BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME provement be filed at any time on FOR SPRING NOW! Of before 8 On p m on April 18. 1949, at the City Hall in Beaver­ HOLLYWOOD HEAD BOARDS WITH LEGS From tiling the bathroom to ton. Oregon. beautifying the playroom . . . BE IT F U R T H E R R E SO LV E D . To Fit Full Size Bed > Ç 9 5 we re your headquarters for a That the recorder is authorized complete selection of quality Reg. $19 50 _____ to give notice of this resolution home building and repairing in the time and manner provided supplies, including handtlyte. by the charter and ordinances of coraleather baked plywood and knotty pine paneling the City of Beaverton, that the OUR BIG SPRING SALE CONTINUES City Recorder shall serve notice Prompt Delivery SAVINGS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS | of such improvements as re- | quired by the ordinances and in HOMEBUILDERS 'the manner therein set forth. SUPPLY CO. Introduced and passed this 4th Jay of April. 1949 "Your Complete Building Suppliers" H H J E F F R IE S Never Knowingly Undersold" Phone SAM At the “Y ' West Mayor End of Beaverton ATTEST L J BUSSE Open Mon & Fri Nights Beaverton 4002 Recorder Published: April 8-15. 1949 Canyon Baptist Workers Plan to Enlarge S. S. Dept. BAKERY WEEK E N II GUESTS Guests at the Dollard home the past week end were Mrs. George F*ilkens and Mrs. Alva Simnltt of Sumner. Wash. WEEK-END SPECIALS Glozed Donuts Dozen ... 45c Hot Cross Buns 39 Dozen BO O M ING B U SIN ESS Harry Talo and Howard Tyler who have been operating the Pro­ gress Feed Mill for the past few months plan to install another feed mixer soon, to care for the Increased business. Do Your Own Sewing And Save! Use one of our new domestic sewing machines in our shop. Low rates BUTTONHOLES HEMSTITCHING • Buttons Covered • Burkina Covered * Belts Made • Hosiery Mending • Drapes Made Cutting Table Service * lengthening Drenara • Skirt*, Trouæo» * Install /Jpprm • Turn Collars * Alteration« LEGAL FLORENCE'S SEW ING CENTER 309 S W . Farmtngton Rd , Beaverton Phyllis Palmrose, Connie French, Tracy Ditmars and Bob Sinclair, beginning journalism students, attended a lecture, “Science for the Citizen” by Dr. Frank H. Hurly. associate professor of chemistry and dean of men at Reed college, last Thursday night in the Portland public li­ brary- The students are now studying *P«ech reports. This is the third lecture they have covered. Ex­ plorer Amos Berg and Monica Lind, ballerine, offered other sources of experience in speech reporting. F IV E N E W BOOKS The school library has purch­ ased five new books during the last six weeks. They are; "Swamp Boy”, by M. B. Cormack; "High Trail" by Vivian Breck; “Young Mrs. Sav­ age”, by D. E. Stevenson; "The Story of King Arthur and His Knights” by Howard Pyle and "Fruits of the Earth” by Jan- nette May Lucas. • • • G O L F IN G T O U R N E Y An Intramural golf tournament will begin next week, announces Eugene Duncan, high school golf coach. Players may use any course. Information and entry blanks may be obtained from the coach. • Q u a lify iSkH kfold j}fiondò. GLADIOLI BDLBS See our assortment of OREGON GROWN BULBS Popular Varieties and Colors Reasonably Priced at 60c Doz. Now Is Right Time for Planting ★ EASTER LILIES We will have them Short Stemmed — Large Blooms DEL ✓ I /E f* Beaverton 3661 Broodway 7960 Miller's We Give S & H Green Stamp* QUALITY FOODS • 0 S PE E C H CLASS P R E X Y Alton Byrd, senior, was elected president of E. G. W ebb’s ad- I vanced speech class for the re­ mainder of this semester. Other officers elected included Jim Gregory, vice president; Don Gramling, secretary; Jim Moore, treasurer; Bob Casteel, reporter; and Dean Short, timekeeper. Officers In this class are elect- 1 1 ed every nine weeks throughout the school year. Jim Moore .sen­ ior, is the outgoing president. • • O PA TE N T PROCEDURES In relation to their study of "how to obtain a patent” Miss Amarette Barnes’ fifth period science class last week set up a mock patent office with Roy Childs as "Commissioner of Pat­ ents”. Ray Hausler petitioned for a patent on his invention, an ’‘au­ tomatic guillotine”. Accompanied by his financial . advisor, Bill Winter, the Inven­ tor explained his invention work- j ed on the principle of the electric eye .and when the current is broken the blade Is released. The students went through I each step of applying for a pat- I ent. the fee, the petition, the I specifications, the oath and the i drawing. W R IT IN G C O M PE T IT IO N Five chosen Beaverton high school students will leave Friday I for Pacific University to com- j pete In the Fourth Annual i Northwest High School Journal- | Ism competition. Students competing are Katie Avary, speech reporting; Susan- ah Dlfant, news feature writing. Betty Moshofsky, newswriting. Roger Murch, editorials and Joe Rlgert, sports writing After the competition a banquet : will be held for all the students and photographs will he taken of winners as they receive their j cups In addition to the regular cups ¡ for first place entries, other tro - 1 phles will be awarded: the Oregon; ! Journal Trophy; Hillsboro Argus j I Trophy. Vancouver Columbian j Trophy and certificates for sec ond and third place entries. Judges will he professionals in j the representative fields and students will go by numbers to | keep judging Impartial e z d>uzif DONUT KETTLE & COFFEE SHOP 3 BIG FURNITURE SPECIALS BEAVERTON FURNITURE