BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE— Fridoy, April 8, 1949 f ABC Mas k U M te. LA J -l» U m b FRIDAY — APRIL • «w sr r IG W BEAVERTON THINCLADS COP HILL RELAYS 3RD Reports SUNDAY — APRIL 10 KPOJ In the fifteenth annual Hill Mil­ itary academy relays, held April I0IM c- woj sr r Berne ic w s f r 1 in the academy armory, Beaver­ •a. 7. a am-LI em I Po wet Hiw s 1311. J:J3-lt 133 3 1 am -1 J p w ton high school's track team fin­ B Power Biss« Rooster Bevami» Neva Hod«* Pod*« 3:33 Early Bird T r i a i v» ished third of four teams compet- New* KOIN Block Hod** Poda* 3:13 Early Bird N atl Radio Pul Pit Cburck of Air New» ? m Music Tun* Pay Dirt KOIN Block Perm Tim* I mg as class A schools. 3:13 Early Bird Nat'l Radio Pulpit Church of Air Mualc. MBS M i Muele Time S e a t _____________ KOIN Block Parir, Ttm* 3 45 P.rm New# MemoraLl* Music Churcn of Ail 7:89 M ujic Time îona Tape# trie» Salem, with 25 points, success­ H *m .:.«*»r New* KOIN Block Kne**v Nevi New» 7:33 McCall N**a MamoraDl* Music Church of Air 7.4M Ton» Tapaeuiae Break!»*: Oan* fully defended its mythical crown Macleod Newa Clock Weicher 7:13 Aaruuky Western Music Quartet IB Church ln Home News Couacll Choira Oarred Newa The Oid Boa** Tune Tempo* of last year; Yakima came close 1:15 Quartet Bona of Pioneer* Cburch In Home Councll Choira Nawamakera Prod Back Bon Hape« 7:44 Zek* Manner» • M Hour el Paitfc Voie* of Prophecy John Doe » Mualc Tabernacle with 23 points and Beaverton col­ I 44 Hour of Palta ■ :M Breakfast Club John Doe a Mualc Tabernacle Voie* ol Propheey lected 13. Vaancouver high school S: 14 B m k lw t Club News Sum m irj 4 44 News Radio Bibla Cl»#* J .H Berea Grand Siam IT c undlahr Learn me l :M Breakfast Club 4: IS Oar dec L j v in s- 1444 Learnin* Radio Bible Cl**» T Doraee Show Rose mare____________ 0*1» clut>— — At the recent meeting of the was the fourth class A participant. With the Tualatin Yamhill \ al­ S 43 Breakfast Club 4:44 Meaaae* of Tb« Kterooi Lacht Ouest Stara Luiheran Hour To tame Dorsee Wand» W a n t s B. 8mlth n° " ' T Beaver thinclads took second in TYV league officials at Nendels, 3:33 MUdrwd Bedell •:4ft Meaaaaa of The Biernol Licht News ley league baseball schedule get­ Lutheran Hour K Smith B m n Tommy Dorter Aunt Jenny I : U Stars Todar 14 M the distance medley and third in Shelley. Ors an lat Boon* near Beaverton, official afternoon People a Platform Haworth. New» r u teo l u o . M are Cu1 1 “ ting underway Tuesday, Apri. Tommy Doraee Helen Trent • :M Bar A lter It U Hlabwaya Shelley. Ortaniat Peoples Robert* Our Oal Sundar Marr Cullen Platform C.ete Bneass. News the sprint medley. "play ball’’ time for schools in the • : « Bar K jeer full listing of league games are l i t t Veepers Mutual EnaemDlw Round Tabl* Tell It Aaain O Hard e. News O S Marine Band Bis Slater 14 46 Ve# peri The meet was run on a short » * * Ted Malone Mutual Entembie detailed. This year, a full Round Tebl* ] TYV baseball circuit were an­ Tell It Asam Ooepel Singer U S Marine Band Ma Perkins • IS Oalen Drake Luncheon. ftaral • 1 1 :« I t t i indoor track, which presented some World Affair* Peatleal of Music W U Shirer. News of activity will be scheduled, with nounced. according to individual Current Events V« Dr, Melons lb:be Mr True Store 11:1ft Hoad? Iti ad Weapon New» World Affairs Peatleal of Mua'.c John B Kennedy Brlsbter Dae V« Ouidinr Lieht IS 4* Mr True Store difficulty to the lads who were 1J:M Playhott*« adequate diamond facilities avail­ | school's dismissal hour. Sundar Favorite* University Theatre People Stand Ladies Plrrt Double or Nothws Mrs Burton 11:4ft Playhouse l i s a Bette Crocker Canary Pet Show University Theatre News more accustomed to the wide open IfSHiss Pint Double or Nothin* Perry Mason able. . Games at West Linn will be 11:19 Mere Out of Life Queen for e oe r 12. M News Univerntr Theatre New Tork Phil Noon New» Todar s Children Norah Drake spaces. In the distance, the Bea­ l i k e North we# terrier* Beaverton, for the second year, I f : 1ft Ho per dr earners called at 3 p.m.; Forest Grove, Queen Por A Dor University Theatre New York Phu. Ouest Star Lieht of the World How You Tick lltS Norhwestsrners Jt:M Traaaury Juvénile Jury One Man a Pamllr New York Phil. OUlette. News will play a full season and hopes : Newberg, Tigard and Oregon City verton lads lost by one yard. Kneass News Macleod Neva If 45 Treaaury l t :M News Parade One Man s Family New York Phli Juvénile Jury Par Dirt The event was invitational and Ma Perkins Come Oet It to have a home field this year at 3:30 p.m.;; Hillsboro and Bea­ I t : 1ft Perm Outlook 1 M America Sons of Pioneers Quia Kid» Houe* of Myatory New York Phil __ __ coming so early in the spring, be­ l l ie Btrtctlr Off Record P. Young's Pamllr Art Baker for the first tithe. Its first game verton. 3:45 p.m. and McMinnville Quia Kids New York Phil Houas of Mystery Rieht to Happiness R Q Lewis Show Spins Sc 11 45 Base Aces l.'Be Auditions True Detective Dato with Music Music fore track athletes are too well with Oregon City, set for April Pal O'Brien Spina and Needles | 4 p.m. l ee Breakfast In Holle Backstase Wife 1:43 Auditions True Detective Poster. News News Newspaper with trained, was passed up by many l i l t Breakfast Holly d Stella Dallas 5 was postponed to April -8 be- * 3 3 Sunday with you Robert Merrill Batting practice before afternoon Lorenso Jones Winner Take All Tad Hallock Sons Festival The Shadow schools who were bid. l : l i Sunday with You Robert Merrill Spins and Needles Song Festival The Shadow ! cause o f field condition. \ Z Bar Weed Wldder Brown Newspaper games was eliminated by league l ie Quiet Pleaee Harvest of Stars Broadway Mr Beat Quick as a Plash Spins and Needles •-M M ow Tunas When Olrl Msrrle* Hint Hunt At the last meeting of league t :43 Quiet Please Harvest of Stars Broadway My Beat Quick as a Plash action, although it will be permit­ Spina and Needles IE H?ee Portia Paces Life Mr Information An open road doesn’t mean you officials, steps were taken to ted before night games. Umpires Spina and Needles, 3:33 Dr Danfleld Music of Masters Family Hour Roy Rogers SM Bnde and Oroom Jus* Flew Bffl Meet Mlseue I I S Dr Danfleld Spins and Needle* Music of Masiera Pamllr Hour Meet Missus Roy Rogers P Paee Parrell shape up selection of at least one and officials will be taken from have to open up. S 4S Bride and Orooss !:M Orsatest Story Told D Harmes Show Bp Ike Jones Nick Carter Spins and Needles Blrkham Newt Road of Life representative candidate for the the Oregon State officials associa- I I S Greatest « o r e Told Poster News s e e Lad lea He Seated Nick Carter Bplka Jones Spina and Needle* Tunefully 3 :lb Ladles be Seated Lora Lawton 4:M Pat Novak Spina and Needles i state all-star prep team which is i Mon of Portland and coaches will Horace Heldt Arthur Oodfrer Simons Band Jack Benny Aunt Marr S:3S Art Linkletter 4:13 Pat Novak Spina and Needles Horae* Heldt Simons Band Jack Benny Arthur Oodfrer set for a game following gradua­ ’ be restricted from coaching at l : t f Art Llnklettar _ _ Love and Learn 4 M Changing World Harris — Pare Reviewing Stand Amos n' Andy Pulton Lewis Woman's Seer-’. Arthur Oodfrer 4:43 Sunday News tion. Only seniors will be eligible ! first and third bases, in other lea- Harris - Pare 4 :M Welcome Travelers Life. Beautiful Reviewing Stand Amos H ’ Andy Hemingway News Arthur Oodfrer « I* Welcome Traveler Music for Tonleht Club IS s 44 Stop Music Passing Parada Fred Allen News Life With Luigi for the playoff. Tex Rlster, of ! gue action. Squirrel Cate « M 3.13 Stop Music Fred Allen U fe With Luigi Newa The SSO Five Murrow Here's to Veterans Newberg, has been appointed as l : t f Squirrel Ones 3:M Stop Music Morgan Show Newa Smoke Rings Superman C. Porter News Knot Manning Championship tennis tournament 3:43 Stop Music s e e Yukon Challenge chairman of this selection com­ Superman Bing Croabe Littla Show Yukon Challante j of TYV schools will be held May 3:15 6 04 Winchell NBC Thaate* Om Sunnr Slda Chet Huntley Captain Mldnlte Helen Hayes Under Arrest mittee and he, In turn, will con­ S:M Jack Armatront •:lft Partons NBC Theater Tom Ml* Elmer Peterson tlarred News 14 at McMinnville. To the school Helen Heyea » Under Arreet jack Armatront 4:44 Theatre Oulld l :S ___________ fer with other designated coach­ Familiar Music Misa Brooke Jimmie Pldler Oabriel Heater Symphonic Choir Theater of Air amassing the most points during •:4ft Theatre Oulld e-es Sporta Familiar Mualc Mias Brooke Bill Cunnlneham Edwin C Hill Symphonic Choir Theater of Air es. ÍU Home Bdiuon 7 • 44 Theatre Oulld the playoff, an official TYV trophy Boa tel anata Theater of Air Red Skelton '*■“ *“ -* **- Take It or Leave it Lum n’ Abner Mayor of the Town a sa Ehe Sheriff Balance of games are: 7:13 Theatre Oulld Conducta Theater of Air Take It or Leave It Lum 'n' Abner Red Skelton Mayor of the Town will be awarded. Bhwtfi 7:S3 Jimmy Fidi er Horec# Heldt You Are There News Comedy April 8: West Linn at Forest Playhouse Life of Riley 7 : « Newa r ee s t » * 1» Horace Heldt You Are There D'Artesa Presents Tigard was recognized as 1948- Playhouse PU rehouse Life of Riley Grove; Beaverton at Hillsboro, Í:1S Sporta IM Pearson Johnny Dollar Claco Kid Martin-Lewis B Stern »ports Rook y Jordan Hinson Memorial 49 basketball champions while Ore­ 7 se sports l i f t Headlines Johnny Dollar Tigard at Newberg; Oregon City Claco Kid Martin-Lewis Rhythm Tim* Hinson Memorial Rocky Jordan • :M Winchell 7 : 0 N e w » ________ _____ supper V..— gon City received the same kudo Brnapbony Hour Straight Arrow Tha Whistler Walter Winchell Lowell Thomas at McMinnville. Supper Club » « Intermesso s SS Pst Man Straight Arrow Symphony Hour The Whistler Louella Parson* News of the World Jack Smith Even If you know nothing about l U Pat Man April 12: Newberg at Beaver­ in the wrestling field. Basketball Tour* for a Song 4.44 Dream Olrl Jimmy Durante Jeek Carson Symphony Hour Olenn Hardy. New* Sam »pads trophy was presented to Tom Fow­ Christian Science, take this op­ Jack Carson News i * • 15 Chapel Symphony Hour Jimmy Durants ton; Tigard at Hillsboro; Forest Sam Spade Drama of Medicina i 4:34 Empir* Room t ts FBI — - - c -e- Who Said That Favorite Husband O Hsrdr, New* Jack Benny Twenty Questions Grove at Oregon City; W’est Linn ler, superintendent of Tigard high Solo Spotlight portunity to learn some of the •:4ft -p es Break the Ban« Empire Room Who Bald That Husband P Lawton New* Jack Benny Twenty Questions Collets Choir _ Favorite _ school, by league vice president, S " «teak the Bank Pulton Lewis facts about this scientific re­ at McMinnville. 1 14:44 Richfield Reporter 8am Hares. News Five Star Final me Town Beulah Mualc Masterpiece« , M W estern Skies Pulton Lewi*. 14:15 Pearson Town _________ Eight Editor Mary Ann Mercer Explorer Music Masterpiece* April 15: Beaverton at West Mike Metzler. ligion which heals sickness and . s* Western Bttee 14 M Claremont Orch. Adventures of Catholic Hour St Prenci» Music Masterpiece« Sam Hares. New» Pive Star Pinal Beaverton and Hillsboro settled 14:45 Oregon City at Tigard; The Falcon Claremont Orch ,e o* R»WWHd R o p » ^ r Sports Pag* Pinal Sporta Catholic Hour solves human problems. Music Masterpiece* Linn; Potine Orch. News 11:44 Roosevelt Orch. Band Wagon Bob Bison at Newberg; Mc­ scheduling of a dual track meet, Near» Jursena Orch Don Wrlkht Chorus Forest Grove Platter Patter __ i : u z s n ~ 11:15 Roosevelt Orch. M Downey B m o Benny Ooodman to be held there on April 19. Mualc and Muse Junten* Orch Accept this invitation on behalf Don Wrlkht Chorus Minnville at Hillsboro. ta ta Concert Hon»-------- . 1 11:M Tomorrow Platter Patter Serenade Fitzpatrick Orch Preluda Featured Artist Next and last meeting of TYV Platter Patter 11 ee Concert Hour 11:45 Tomorrow of yourself your family, and Fitzpatrick Orch April 19: Forest Grove at Bea­ News. CBS News. MBS Pro and Con You and World Platter Patter î l :l S concert Hou 1 lf:INI Xtra Hour Piltgerlad Oreh Band Boi 81tn Off SKn Off verton; Tigard at McMinnville: league officials was announced for SKn Off your friends. I * se Tomorrow Platter Patter ____ 1 ---------- Pltzgerlad Orch Newt ____ ll'.es Tomorrow ----- ■ West Linn at Newberg; Oregon 3;30 p. m , April 27. at the Forest Sign Off Sign Off B'*“ 0 ,1 Hills country club, at Cornelius. Xtrs Hour City at Hillsboro. April 22; McMinnville at Bea­ A FREE LECTURE SATURDAY — APRIL 9 verton; Tigard at Forest Grove: W B A f MBS Net LU CKY BEAVERS START T H E O IS E . . . West Linn at Hillsboro; ' Newberg E f W j 1330 kc 1»PV ABC N « EGW S ’ r KOm W >A a t e kc 33 7, 3 am-11 pm at Oregon City. SLOW LY— GOOD OR BAD? 100 3 , 3 a m -lip m 131.L 3 :30-11 P » T H A T H IC K S 'E M O F F p i i -Msg I U 3-10 13 pm entitled Rooster Reveille April 26; Beaverton at Tigard; Hod«* Podge New* RECREATION MEET News • e* Down-best An inter-class track meet will Hodge Podge KOIN Klock Taking on Los Angeles next, the McMinnville at Forest Grove: Pay Dirt 4:15 Hodge Podge KOIN Block Believers In a broad recrea­ be held this Friday, April 8, at 2 _____________ see Oregon City at West Linn: Hills­ Luck (?)y Beavers shewed some Hodge Podge KOIN Block______ Newt tional program for Beaverton and p. m. on the athletic field, and the "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: 3:43 Eddie Arnold Heminsway New* signs of life in the opening series Kneega. Newt B O W Block Breakfast dan« ' 7:34 McCall News surrounding area refuse to aay service plaque will be given to the boro at Newberg. Clock Watcher Macleod New» against San Francisco Seals but 7 13 Agronsky Breakfast Oans April 28: Makeup game, Beaver­ Tha Old Son«» ' Bob Oarred quits. A meeting April 7 in the winner. THE COMFORTING LAW Sons of Pioneers 7 : » Naws even the most avid fan must rec­ Sam Hayes Consumer News ton at Oregon City. 1 1 1 Research grade school had been called, Melody Rente The events will start at 2 p. m. ognize that the darlings of Vaughn Meet the Masks N e w s ____ ÏÜT April 29: Oregon City at Bea­ Weather Report -F e e Shopper Meet the Meeks Let's Pretend going into the matter of future with the boys’ low hurdles. OF GOD" 3:13 Homs Melody Rente Junior Miss verton; West Linn at Tigard; street seem to offer a slow start. Name Ed McConnell * .as W h at* My plana. Ed McConnell______ Junor MIS* Boys Events: And the question uppermost—"Is Newberg at McMinnville: Hills­ 3:43 What's My Name Sammy Kaye Mua Theater Today This is news to every one with­ Knees# News 2:20 p.m., broad jump football boro at Forest Grove. it good or bad?” Olrl» Corps 4-H dubs Theater Today Now Hear This in the Tualatin Valley. Whenever diri* Corps Mary Culllen throw; 2;15 p. m., 100yd. dash; 2;25 Orand Central The Bevos seemed to be all Now Hear This by Helen Appleton, C. S. of May 3: Beaverton at Hillsboro; Toy Ian and Orand Central a group o f citizens takes note of p. m., mile run; 2;35 p. m., 440-yd. Beading is Pun_______________________ Tpylan thumbs and fumbles when oppos­ Newberg at Tigard. McMinnville Bill Heworth New* the Nat ParmAHome Hollywood crucial problem of recrea­ Stare of Tomorrow dash; 2;45 p. m., 220-yd. dash; 3:00 ChUdcraft ing a southpaw chucker, accord­ Boston, Mossachusetts Perm and Home Hollywood tion, the experience they accu­ p.m., 880 yd. run and 3:15 p.m. at Oregon City; „Forest Grove at ing to word from the sunny south. Ted Bale Music U Lee Taylor Olva and Taka West Linn. Wesson News Mary Lae Taylor OI ve end Take mulate comes handy for other 880-yd. relay. Journal Juniors May 6: Beaverton at Newberg. The series tally was four for the Kid Critics "a m America Metropolitan Member of the Board of Lecture groups of citizens elsewhere who Girls’ Events: Iw u America ___ Barnyard Polite» RTD Metropolitan Hillsboro at Tigard; McMinn­ Seals and two for Portland. Coast duard also come to grips with the same Toung oresenlans Meet Missus ship of The Mother Church. Metropolian 2; 15 p. m., 50-yd. dash; 2;30 p. Perhaps it's expecting too much ville at Newberg; Oregon City at Youn« Oregonian» Mnet Mlsaus______ M e tro p o lita n problem. The First Church of Christ. m.. 50-yd. shuttle relay; 2;50 p. m. OUlette News to take note of the early season Knee»# News J**ws The full problem, of course, 75 yd. dash and 3:00 p.m., 440-yd. Forest Grove. Bn«e Rider» Playhouse Scientist, in Boston, Mass. mishaps of the Portland club. Tell May 10: West Linn at Beaver­ Sons of Pioneers Man on tha Farm Mother Know. would be resolved by a wide dash. Spins and Needles Msn on Farm __ Mother Know» ton. Tigard at Oregon City; New­ it to Sweeney and he’ll answer you movement W htdh would take in THURSDAY, APRIL 14 Spine and Needles The judges will be students not berg at Forest Grove; Hillsboro right back that this might just Health Today P f* For All M e tro p o lita n Spins and Needles all the small communities and entering any events. Health In Oregon Pree Por All Metropolitan H p. m. in the Civic Auditorium be the year that a flock of old- Spins and Needles {¿ „ „ i. Marrlwell Newspaper Air at McMinnville. Metropolitan building of a real Spins and Needle* enable the Prank Marrlwell Newspaper Air time pitchers, for instance, will S. W. Third Ave., and Clay St. Metropolitan May 13: Beaverton at McMinn­ devices. Phils Symphony Spin* and Needles program. I.siata proceed to give upstart youngsters Metropolitan ville- Forest Grove at Tigard; Phlla Symphony Spins and Needles Horse Race» And so, at Thursday’s meeting For Instance, a swimming pool Metropolitan Sixth Church of Christ. Phils Symphony Spins and Needles a real lesson in how pennants are A Capella Choir News grade school, Newberg at West Linn; Hillsboro won. »pin# and .......lies of sufficient size could be built in the Beaverton Philadel 8ym^ A Capella Choir Tea. Crumpet» Scientist, Klrkham News Spina and Needle* to accomodate youngsters- and the scene might have been well at Oregon City. Newt Summary Junior Junction Tuesday night, the Beavers began Memo from U N Spine end Needle* May 17: Beaverton at Forest Ouest Star Junior Junction Portland. Oregon Spina and Needles adults, too — from Reedvllle to set for the beginning of such a Harden Oats McNeills. Sheldon NBC Symphony McMinnville at Tigard; a seven-game series with the An­ La Beuer Spin* and Needles Sylvan, Multnomah to Bonny program. But one little group, by Grove- McNeills. Sheldon NBC Byymphony gels, rounding into shape for a Spin* . h '1 Needles Slope, Tualatin to Cooper Moun­ itself, will never accomplish the Hillsboro at West Linn; Oregon At the Chaaa Inqullrng Reporter NBC B y y m p h o n y Hemingway. News At the Chase NBC B y y m p h o n y Vaughn street opener April 12 Herry Wlemer Cordially Invites You Comparatively reasonable task that many could do so com­ City at Newberg. Col Feature Spine and Needles tain. Freddy Martin Bongs May 20; Tigard at Beaverton, against Sacramento. The Chicagoan» Spina and Needles taxation f Martin Oreh from many woud al­ pletely. Bong* Can Tou Top This Al C la r is c ir r h (len s Autry Meet the Band most painlessly finance a real Mrs. Norton Peck, temporary Newberg at Hillsboro; West Linn Can You Top This Our City Streets Oene Autry Special Event program. True or Paisa MBS Hands of Land Danger Ahead chairman of th e Beaverton rec­ at Oregon City; Forest Grove at Teen Tune« True or Palae Elmer Peteraon Oarred News i Teen Tune* The same idea, worked on rec­ reation group, will meet or talk McMinnville. Meet The Presa Salem Summary Philip Marlowe Here'» t* Vet*’ According to Coach Gene Dup- reational buildings, playing fields with anyone from surrounding Meet The Press Summary. Salem Phllp Marlows Home Edition Ouy Lombardo Judy Canova Music and other features not necessar­ neighborhoods who get the feel can of Beaverton, the baseball Campus Judy Canoes Deonla Oreh. The Puntile* Campus _________ ily at , one location would Im­ of this broad problem. Her phone diamond is slow In shaping up. Dennis Day Show Sine It Again Take A Number Mason Plsyers Greatest need is drainage, which plement a highly popular scheme number is. BEacon 0155. Dennis Day Show Bing It Again Teke A Number Mason Players »portatone Orand Ola Opry Sing It Again will be installed as soon as a tile Lewlslstur* of furnishing real recreational — W . K. Family Symphony Orand Ola Opry Sing It Again News layer can get to the job. Vlo Demons show Vaughan Monroe Family Symphony Lons Ranger Because of its location. the Vic Damon* Vaughan Monroe Family Symphony Um * Ranger Family Symphony Truth or Conee Oang Busters I'M OSCAR - - • Publie Servie» Beaverton field may require a Truth or Conae Oang Huaters News Public Service 8848 S. W. Canyon Rood I'll be seeing someone on special set of ground rules. Pun- Your Hit Parade Splka June* Haworth News a * » M ill* Hrrmiiii Spike Junes Hit Parade Bongs at Eventide • Ift 1.1111a Hitmen can adds. their dinner table Escup* Experience Spenks Net kc trv v ABC Net A * 1* tit s kx KM Mr* *13 J-l# It pm IM J ta u . « *m l J * - u pm I U M te • u t - U pa TYV League Sets League Play Ball Time Announced Full Listing Of For TYY Schools Baseball Games l\ ? Learn More of the True Nature :r «¡r — of God • CUE BALL VS Class VS. Class Start Season In Track on Apr. 8 sis The Commercial Bank of Oregon * ft* •ft 45 te ee 14 15 14 «• 13:4* 11 M 41:1ft II It* 31:43 f* oe Pam Jury Trials Famous Jury Trials Nitwit Quartets Parade Quartel» Pnrudr Quartets on Parade n Wllahlr« Orrh Itev -W naturo Orch Tomorrow Tomorrow M r* lt..'ir F or Star Theater Holly Theater KUdia Cantor Kddln Canlor Dance Orrhestra News Van Hoomlasan Or V Honmtsaen or Pltzputrlck Orch >it rick Orch Ulan Off R e s i t i l s T ry O u r K ncapm Five 8tar Final N a ll Ouard Ball Hennr Ooodman Benny Ooodman Al Lyon* Al Lyons Hand flux News SKn o n C la ssi f o u l Experience Speaks N«ws I ignee Orch News News Platter Patter Platter Pittar Platter Patter Platter Fetter The Alt Nlahter — APRIL 15 — Every purchase entitles to a chance! you ASH SAYS; 'I'll Fatten Oscar- A d s You Eat Him" Winner Must Be Present at the Drawing April 15 TERRY'S Proudly Present GAS the "Starlight" MATT • 0 - REST Reg. 2 5 c Gal. in 'llV I. GAS 27e t. M ION MATTRESS Scientifically Designed for Sleeping Comfort 231 R ESILIEN T CO ILS *3 9 “ e# 10 Year UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE We can do a stca«Yi cleaning job for you almost any­ where with our new portable steam cleaning unit. This W eeks Special BRAKES RELINK!) Ohev Valve ttefiu'lng Passenger Car Owners Drum Turning Hard Seat Grinding FREE LUBE JOB When You Have Purchased 200 Gal. of Goa si 8.5*1 Bulck. Olds. Pontiac IU J 0 Podge A Plymouth 817.50 Motor-Sway Lubrication on all Cars ( 1 .2 5 1000-Mile Guarantee . . GENEROUS ALLOW ANCE on your old spring or mattress C o m p ie r e M A TC H IN G BOX SPRINGS A V A IL A B L E Auto Repair and Electrical Service Co. Terry's Convenient Terms 2286 N E Canyon Rood Open 9 A M to 7 30 P M Phone Beaverton 4703 »V Day (Ala nan lee no Material# A Workmanship HANCOCK SUPER SERVICE STATION M ASH. Proprietor 177 E BROADWAY IMrkup and Delivery Service OPEN 8 A. M. TO MIDNIGHT Beaverton 2831 Across front New Safeway Different Setup Slated For Two Dist. Divisions In junior American Legion base­ ball for the district of this area, different playing schedules and conditions will be in effect for the Eastern and Western divisions, ac- | cording to C. W. "Wally" Smith, i Beaverton assistant coach. The Western half of the league will play nine innings each game while the Eastern half has voted a seven inning distance. Western nines include Tillamook, Wheeler, Seaside and Astoria. Eastern teams are Beaverton, Tigard, Hillsboro, i Sherwood Forest Grove find Ver-j nonia. The Eastern division will play | doubleheaders in which four | teams will participate. Remember­ ing the postponed games of last season, this rule is hoped to avoid ] delays and unfinished schedules I at the end of the alloted season. In the Eastern division, further- j I more, twollght games will be play- ' [ ed If previously set schedules are ( hampered by bad weather or other influence. Umpires will be selected by par­ ticipating teams for all games.: with each contingent entitled to choose one official. In divisional playoffs or in case of a tie with­ in the division, official umpires wli| be sent out from Portland. Smith declares that the Legion 1 district of this area looks forward to a fine and spirited season in 1949 He makes a plea for regular | attendance by fans in each com­ munity fielding a junior Legion team. I Complete Banking Facilities YOU ARE IN V ITE D TO IN SPECT OUR Q U ARTERS AN D M EET OUR STAFF Affiliated With The Commercial National Bank Of Hillsboro Member Federal Deposit insurance Corporation Lumber Specials! NEW SHIPMENT KNOTTY PINE o BUILDING- SUPPLIES ! 8 Cedar Siding $125.00 3/4 X Per M $140.00 Per M Oak Flooring $110.00 Per M W .J.M cCREA D Y LUMBER CO. Old Canyon Rood Beaverton Phone 3821 ;