BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE — FR ID A Y, A PRIL I, 1949 ™E TUALATIN VALLEY MARKET BASKET • WANT ADS • CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ALL CLASSIFIED ADS Count each word. Including Name tod Address O N LY k A WORD NO PHONI Minimum ORDERS TAKEN *V I hic to We Publish The BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE H O A R D 8KNT1VEL M ULTNOM AH PRESS ALOHA NSWB • WANT ADS • • WANT ADS « R E A L E S TA TE H ) R SALE V E R Y SPE C IA L GAS RANGES. . . . do you need a new one? We've got several Eureka Complete Home Cleaning makes and we're offering you set. upright, tank. EH attachments $84.50 on any old range you've perfect cond. Used 3 weeks. got. Sounds silly. Your range $105. Phone Beaverton 4793. lOp might not be worth $10 in your own mind. . .but, we’re , R O LL-A W A Y BED, step ladder, long on 'em. We also need used and small building, suitable for ranges, any kind. MASON’S in add-on room. Tigard 2185 or Tigard, where good values “ Owner", R t 2, Box 140, Ti­ come from. Terms. 10 gard. 10 A G R IC U LT U R A L LIM E C H IC K EN M ANURE for sale W e are distributors of OSWEGO Phone Tigard 3368 10 j B R A N D LIM E and are equipped to spread bulk Lime on fields. See that brand new HANDI-HO Order now. Bolen's) one wheel tractor at -FOR SALE U N IV E R S A L BRO KERAG E. Inc. M ASO NS IN TIG ARD . A wo­ T R A D E the Tractor you don’t man or child can handle it and Hubbard 4803 BEaeon 7167 want for one that you do. . . keep that garden slick as a Hubbard, Ore. Portland, Ore. MASON’S in Tigard are trad­ 8tf whistle. Costs very little. ing every day . . . . all types Terms. 10 of 2 wheel and 4 wheel outfits. PLU M B IN G SUPPLIES, Fixtures Agri-Cats, BOLEN’S. ARIENS. and pipe, fittings of every des­ GAS, WEDGEWOOD Range, ten E A R JH M A STE R and many cription. W iring supplies; wire, years old, good condition, $50. boxes, switches, and everything others. 10 Phone ATwater 5014. 7210 S. for the complete Job. CEDAR W. Canyon Lane. Portland. 10 H AY, top quality oat and clover M IL L LU M B ER and Hardware, hay $1 per bale or $30 per ton. Phone Beaverton 3081. 2tf FOR SALE: Moving Picture ma­ Rt. 1, Box 429 A, Tigard. Bull chine Victor 16 m.m. sound pro­ Mt. Rd. Phone Tigard 2599. lip Special prices on W IR IN G SUP­ jector. Radiant Daylight screen PLIES. No. 14-2 9 *e per f t ; 900 ft. film. Spare lamps, reels, We can furnish you with a 3 No. 12-2 wire & 5M>c per foot etc. all in good condition. Real piece bath set complete with in coil lots. 42 gallon guaran­ bargain $175.0($ James Hahn. seat and all fittings to the wall teed electric hot water heaters Rt. 2, Box 345. Phone Tigard for as low as $139.95 or if you $87.50. Also attractive prices on 3486. 10p choose the same 3 piece bath wall boxes, range and circuit set; plus an ACID RESISTING panels, switches, receptacles, etc. FOR SALE: 2 tons of grass hay. PO R C E LA IN E D Cast Iron Sink Hillsdale Builders Supply cheap. Mike Miller, Metzger, size 20" x 30” or 18" x 30" with 6309 S. W. Capitol Hwy. Oregon. 10 anti-splash swing spout faucet, Open all day Saturday 10 trap and basket strainer; a S H E LTIE PUPS (Toy Collies) 6 COLLINS 42 gallon Electric GOOD B U R B AN K SPUDS $3.00 weeks old. Mrs. Osoar Houle, Hot Water Heater; and a dou­ per 100 Iba Schuepbach Bros Rte. 1, Box 207, Tigard. (Boones ble compartment cement laun­ H mile west of Beaverton on Fy. Rd. between Lake Grove dry tray complete with metal Farmington Road. Phone Bea­ and Tualatin.) Phone Tigard stand heavy brass (nickel plat­ verton 4570. 46tf 3115. 10p ed) swing spoat faucet, etc. All G RA VE L CRUSHED for $289.95. Or any of the above SAND FO R SALE: Magic Chef. C. P rock. Phone Beaverton 4896. fixtures can be purchased sep­ porcelain range, automatic oven 51tf arately at substantial savings Servel 6 cu. ft. refrigerator. 30 if desired. gallon automatic gas water hea­ We have just a limited quantity MASON’S in Tigard. . . they've ter, 15 months old .«xcellent got the bargains in single and of these sets at these prices, so condition. All for $300. Phone double sink tops, 54" 66” . it will be to your advantage to Beaverton 4254. 10 Porcelain or stainless steel and come in and make your selec­ as low as $39.50 with fittings. tion now even if It is for fu­ FAR M M A C H IN E R Y With a few hours of work mak­ ture delivery. A reasonable de­ See the New Holland Side Deliv­ ing a cabinet you can have a posit will hold your purchases sink worth $150. Terms, too. 10 ery Rake before you buy. Rugged up to 90 days. construction for dependable per­ We also stock a complete line of M A K E YOUR DOORS and win­ formance. On display at Walker soil pipe, soil fittings, drainage 11 dows air proof. Are doors warp­ Tractor Co., Hillsboro, Ore. and galvanized fittings at at­ ed so that they won't close tractive prices in quantity pur­ tightly? Do your windows rat­ Waiting for a good price?. . . . chases. And last, but not least Here’s a deal. . . we have not tle or stick so they won’t open? we can furnish you with all one, but, two of these sets. . . We fix them for ONE H A L F the galvanized pipe you need two families can an joy t the price of weatherstripping for your Installation. bargaltr. . . Here’s what it is: Call CHerry 2970 for estimate Hillsdale Builders Supply a full 5 ft. (Cast Iron) bathtub, lOp 6309 S. W. Capitol Hwy a standard lavatory .a stand­ Open all day Saturday 10 FOR SALE: ard toilet and a 54 inch por­ Tne world’s finest celain enameled kitchen sink. fruit, grape and other nursery RENTALS. . . MASON’S in T i­ All standard fittings come with stock from Clark Bros. Nur­ gard. Concrete mixers, wheel­ these. This outfit is worth *258 sery in Missouri. Also Burbank barrows, floor waxers, lawn Our price for one week only is stock by W. A. G REEN. Also rollers, house jacks, lots of oth­ $199.50. You can pav as little pruning, spraying and graft­ er things. 10 as $20 down and $7.50 a month. ing. Phone Beaverton 2967. 7tf We invlfp you to compare qual­ SCH W INN BICYCLE, Junior, FARM M ACH INERY ity on these items. They are boys, $20. E. A McBride. North Cane Berry Growers. The “Gran­ standard merchandise and the of Old Heidelberg, Beaverton. ger Special” grape hoe will re­ price is pre-war. MASON’S in lOp duce labor costs for hoeing up Tigard. Tel. 2290. io to 75%. Hydraulically control­ B ART m i x E V E R Y TUESDAY led. See us now. Walker Trac­ T W E L V E OLD WINDOW S, Hollywood Leghorn and New tor Company W. Washington at 7.50. W. H. Sluyter, Beaverton Hampshire«. Order early. Mill­ Dennis, Hillsboro. Phone 6291. Rt. 2, Box 12, across from air er'» Hatchery, Beaverton. Ore port. io p 10 Phone Beaverton 4819. 4tf KKA1. ESTATE FOR SALE 10 rooms, 2 baths. $13,000 Beaverton Restaurant $5500 2 Bedroom on li acre, $10,500 2 Bedroom. $8,650. $1,450 Down 2 Bedroom $9200 Complete Esstern W .in tn rton Count» sod Western Multnomah Count» Coverage 2 Bedroom furnished, $10,000. 2 Bedroom. $6,500 $1,000 Dn. 2 Bedroom $7,500 $1,500 Dn. FUEL: Block and Slab in 3 cord G R IF F IT H & M KKKE loads. Also clean sawdust, straight and chip-mix. Wilson 1 acre and modern house needs Fuel Yard. P. O. Box 398, Bea­ some completing $4,250.00 verton. Phone 2491 or BRoad- way 4967. 9 tf 2 bedroom modem home on bus line $9750 00. Terms 8— BUSINESS SERVICES 2 year old 2 bedroom modern WOODSAWING. All kinds. A. C. home $6,250.00. $1,000.00 down SPRIG G ED Rt. 1, Box 264, Bea­ verton. Phone CHerry 2969. 7tf 5 acres. 3-bedroom home, full basement .extra big chicken U O TO TILLIN O : Gardens, new house $13,500 00 lawns. Call CHerry 1334 days, CHerry 3774 eves. lOptf New 2-bedroom home, large lot. L H. Cobb Co, CBUSHE0 HOCK Phone Beaverton 2881 DO NOT Store Your Radio In a Repair Shop Most sets repoi red in 5 to 20 minutes and cost From $1 to $5 SIX CORNERS fireplace, attached garage $7,900.00 R O T O TIL L IN G RADIO LAB Orders taken now. Phone Beaverton 4536. 10p Six Corners, Oregon 1 Vs acres. 2 miles from Beaverton Lot 75 x 175 foundation, septic $1500. Terms tank completed. House plans in­ R O T O T IL L E R W O R K Call Bea verton 2704 or 2701. 8tf NEED A PLUMBER? cluded. Full price, $900.00 3 bedroom. Beaverton, outside city limits. $6900 R O T O TIL L E R WORK. Phone A small home »hop with a big G R IF F IT H A M E EK E Braverton 4528. heart. Check our price«. Toilets 8tf 2 acres on Sunset Hwy. New complete with scat as low as Aloha. Phone 6711. 10 R O T O T IL L E R W O R K Call Bea house, $15,500 $38.50. Anything In the line of verton 2704 or 2701. 8tf plumbing, including Krohler, B U IL T by owner. 4 bedroom, 32 acres, wonderful view, livable Standard and other makes of home, modern, oil heat. 95 x 196 D RESSM AKING A ALTERA­ house $10.000 fixtures. Also Seldelhuber, Fow­ ground. Phone Aloha 6614. lOtf TIONS. Phone Tigard 2404. 10 ler, Empire and most makes of 2 Bedroom 5*4 acres $10,500 $2.000,000 to loan on hot water heaters. W ill take A L L K IN D S of Tractor work Willamette Valley Farms In trades. You help with work done. Also woodsawing. R. Low Interest rate, long terms. 3 Bedroom 30 acres $15,000 and cut expenses. Call before Haack. Out Walker Road to Write or telephone us 34121 8 a.m., evenings or week ends. Meadowhurst. Phone Beaverton Lots in Beaverton $500. Up BUI Schultz Plumbing. South S TA TE FIN A N C E CO M PANY “ K- 12p Washington Avenue, near Alo­ 153 So. High St., Salem, Oregon 7tf P A IN T IN G and PA PE R H A N G ­ 2 Bedroom view $27,500 ha School. Phone Aloha 6618. USED CARS FOR SAI.E ING. Rates reasonable. Free 8tf estimate. Call Beaverton 4558 2 Bedroom Multnomah $9,500 ’33 PI, Y MOUTH COUPE, heater, lOp G AR BAG E SERVICE-By Month good rubber. Car in good con­ or Contract. Aloha Garbage Co 4 Bedroom Beaverton $12,500 dition. Make offer. 4808 Wilson D E A D A N D W O R TH LE S S STOCK O. C. Miller. Owner Picked up free of charge. Phone P.O. Bx 254, Aloha. Ore. Ave., Beaverton. Phone 4986. 34tf 8 Acres Beaverton $4,500 lOp collect Hillsboro 5625 The H IL L S ­ BORO RE N D E R IN G CO. Rltf Expert repairs on all makes of 2 Bedroom, Hillsboro. $6,500. sewing machines. Work guaran­ W E CURE AND SMOKE YOUR teed. Terry's Furniture, Canyon , 5 Acres Beaverton $2.500. PO RK CUTS Road. Beaverton 4703. 7tf 25 Years Experience Would you like to get Into 2 Bedroom 4 Acres $7.000. A LD ER M ARKET AD VER TISING the specialty selling of a new Lewis Brothers WM. HCHW KIZBRIIOF appliance that Is taking the 1 Bedroom Beaverton $8.000 Corner 1st and Washington Streets Advertising Specialists country by storm, which Is PO R TLAN D , OREGON U Calendars - Pencils . Butine«» being sold faster than It can 2 Bedroom West Slope $13,500. Gifts be manufactured—that a de­ BULL SERVICE. Delivery. Phone 3142 N. E 62nd Av Ph. T R 0498 mand can be created for In Tigard 2187. E. Sohrelne- 46tf 5 Room on H Acre $6.000, Portland 13, Oregon every office, home and pub­ FOR TOW CAR call VERM ILYE lic building? Our successful New Garden Home $13,950. MOTOR CO. Tigard 3381. tf PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING men are making upward of Work Ounnuvd B U IL D IN G — CABINETS WORK DOSI PROMPTLY $1000.00 P E R M ONTH from N. L. TH O M AS—Real Estate (All Klnda) CALL CHerry 2175 coast to coast—men who have 2.55 N. E. Canyon Rd., Beaverton And Landscaping never sold anything before! O ffice phone 4706 Home 4440 or L. H. B R A W A N D 4120 10 FU RN ITU RE M OVING Metzger, Ore. CHerry 2929. 52« We train you and you make money while learning; we set _ _ Coll — CUSTOM HOGS 11— LOST AND FOUND you up as a dealer, pay you Butchered on Thursdays Beckett Truck Line, Inc. a full dealer’s discount. We Beef any day LOST: Vicinity Beaverton post Hillsboro 542 do all the financing and ser­ KUM M ER MEAT COMPANY office. Ladies brown leather vicing; you are your own boss Portland EAst 3727 Phone Hillsboro 5621 0Utf purse. Leather laced around —and the sky ts the limit. purse. Contains identification. V IN C E N T LUMBER CO Reward offered. Leave at Bea­ You must have a car, look “ A Complete Lumber Yard” Cesspools - Septic Teaks verton Enterprise office. lOp well, be willing to work, and PA IN TS — SANK — PLUMBING PUMPED have real honest ambition to We Deliver Anywhere LOST: Ronson Cigarette Lighter, Phone 6191 _ Aloha, Ore tt go places and be ready to go Safe - Sanitary initialed with letter “ G” . Lost to work immediately. These 24 Hour Service at time of auto accident and h o m e a a u t o r a d io s are our only requirements. death of Gene Gedrose, Tigard. ROY’S RADIO Schulz Sanitary Service We supply the rest. See Mr. Valued by parents as keepsake. ALOHA Phone *694 S5tf Coffelt, Frl. and Sat., 1 to 2 Phone TAbor 3235 H. M. Gedrose, Rte. 2. Box 385, p.m. Hotel Washington, Hills­ ALTERATIONS Tigard, Ore. 10 boro. 9tf Genevieve Palma tear (Palmy) In charge of th« alterations and SAND _ - G R A V EL dress departments at the Fashion ROAD ROCK Bar In Aloha, 1s ready to do your John D. Hogg alteration work quickly, expertly and economically. Phone Aloha Pt. Tigard 2047 & 2446 6331 33tf RESSED RED FRYERS and RECORD P L A Y E R . P.A. System. FOR SALE: Washington Rasp­ For Rent. Beaver Radio, Bea­ berry replants. The Qtiimhys fresh ranch eggs L YM A N ROSS verton 4942. 11 1H miles south east o f Beaver­ HATCHERY. Aloha. Phone ton on Hwy 217. Rte. 1, Box 236 6441. ^ GOOD USED JUKE BOX records 10p sale 25c and 35c. Beaver Radio IL BURNING Conversion unit and Recording. Beaverton. 11 W A N TE D In good cast Iron stovs, $36.00 Phone Beaverton 2821. SUf Special new low prices on N AILS SHOE R E P A IR IN G in keg lots. It will be to your SALE—Coleman oil circu- Weyenberg Shoes advantage to stock up now ing heater. Phone Beaverton FULTZ SHOE SHOP, Aloha, Ore while we have most all sizes « 52tf 28 tf In stock M O NEY SAVING PR ICE S on wall boards, ply­ CUSTOM TR A C TO R W O R K —All ^IMROSES, pink violets, col­ wood. sheetrock, rock lath, sash umbine. Iceland poppy, ether kinds. E. Schreiner, Rte. 2, Box doors, mill work, door and cup­ perennials, 25c up. 1229 Farm­ 120, Tigard. Phone Tigard 2187. board hardware, asphalt tile, In­ ington Road, Beaverton. 12p 18 sulating material, paints, etc. It COW F E R T IL IZ E R , 2-yard TIMBER WANTED will pay you to check with us load delivered $8 West Slope before you buy. W A N TE D — Fir and cedar poles. irea and $7 Beaverton area for Hillsdale Builders Supply State quantities can supply, floweo-s and garden. Phone 6309 S. W. Capitol Hwy. prices f.o.b. shipping point. Nle- Scholls 8220. I f no answer call Open all day Saturday 10 dermeyer-Martin Co., Spalding mornings or evenings. E. Mont Bldg., Portland 4, Oregon. 12 E A R TH M A STE R 4 wheel, 14” fomery. plow tractors have the finest E M PLO YED COUPLE want un­ ST YOUR Spring Permanent hydraulic tool handling equip­ furnished small house or apart­ now. Two operators to take ment money can buy. Trade ment to rent. No drinkers or » r e of you. LA RU E BEAt T\ your older or smaller tractor smokers. Urgent. Phone Bea­ SALON. Phone Beaverton 3461 for one of these powerful out- verton 4364 References. 9p 13 , fits. Good trades and mighty fine terms. MASON’S In T i­ W A N TE D TO R E N T — 3 or 4 •ECTRIC T R A IN ; American rooms unfurnished house in gard. - 10 i"lyer, seven cars, track, trans- Beaverton, Tigard, 5fwltnomah ormer, $12.50. CHerry 1857. lip D ROP IN or call Beaverton 3461. area. $40.00 tops, one child, ref­ Two operators on duty. LA erences. Phone ATwater 2174. ’ ZER MOTOR B IK E Com­ RUE B EAU TY SALON. 13 ask for Harold Johnson. lOp ely overhauled from reflec­ to crankshaft. Knee-action, 5,000 Grade A Rabbit fryers want­ W A N T TO BUY small concrete 1 ts and accessories. Must be ed. Top prices for top quality. mixer .electric preferred. Write ' i to he appreciated. $110. EASY F R Y PRODUCTS Box 3, Beaverton Enterprise, J srry 1867. HP Phones Beaverton 2728 Portland Beaverton, Ore. lOp ' TAbor «301 8tf 20 Moet Popular Breeds Better Quality Chicks REG’LAR FELLERS M c C a r t h y h a t c h e r y :ego Order Now CH 4392 11 you don’t have the cash FHA a wonderful way to buy bath- tom fixtures, heating, water rstems (anything attached to dwelling). Costs you 10% jwn and the balance in lonr isy terms at 5%. MASON'S ir ig&rd will he glad to help yon nd what you need and work it the deal Many o f tin would fver have home improvements Ithout this fine assistance sk us about this, even If you ay somewhere else. 10 $50 Mo. SAWDUST 12 and 16 Inch Millwood Delivered H AUG LAND FUEL CO. 561 S. E. Lombard St., Beaverton Phone Beaverton 4409 GA 9633 46 tf MAN ...ANNOUNCING... Tigard $350 HIDES & WOOL. CASCARA— A specialty. L E E BROS., 25 SW Clay, Portland. A T 5334 tf i Down REFRIGERATOR * WASHING M ACHINE K R V I C E Red field's Refrigerator Service Beaverton 4986 28tf THE SALE of the GREATEST L IT T LE HOME EVER OFFERED Over 800 Sq. Ft. of Comfortable Living includ­ ing an attached garage. This home is FHA M E T A L W E A T H E R ST R IPPIN G Rock wool Insulation blown In For free estimate write R E Ellson and Son. Rt 2. Box 285 Tigard, Oregon. Phone Tigard 8546. tf this new home for you in Washington County G AR D E N HOME SHOE REPAIR SHOP Trv U*. Our repairing Is good. Lares, polish, etc., for sale. Algo Shoe shines. CecP B Blachlv. Mgr 30tf as low as *350. down and less than $39. per month. RA B B ITS Dolbeer. Approved and offers to you the answer to your housing problem. We con arrange to build Geo. F. Gordon Piano Tnning. Cleaning DEMOTHING • RIPAIRING «I. 1. A lebe, Phon. ALOHA «412 INSURANCE You coll me and I call on you SIN C E 1924 FRED 0 . HOW LAND 9809 W A N TE D , Pick up. Phone Tigard 8148. 48« Oregon Beaverton Highway I Beaverton, Ore Phone 2513 Washington County Agencies FISCH'S ROME 735 C A N Y O N RO AD ------ SALE 14 extra large lots good garden ground, fine drainage, good old unfinished house with gos, water, lights and oil heating equipment. Located 600 yards south of high school grounds Outside city limits. W ill sell whole troct or port. Some terms . See Sales Representative For HARR Y M. SEABOLD Builder Phone Beaverton 4142 TBACTS FOB Scholls 8333 Owner F. F, FISCH — 1197 S. W. Erickson Ave. Phone 4011 Beaverton, Ore. No Sunday Calls or Beaverton 4010 By Gene Byrne* ------------------ ------- V ah ' tv ¿ F O U R - l « a p c Í j QVB rnsfj ENGEB BBOS 620 S. Hall St., Beaverton, Ore. NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION Repairs and Remodeling Free Estimatas Phones: Beaverton 4149 - 2988 - 4421 HE1B BILSTAD — Flow Covering All TyfM «4 InUkr.) Flo©« ««8 W«N O vens*. ««a TH« SK j LLIO MECHANICS - S m Located in SHRINFR BLDG., BEAVERTON. OREGON U* For Your Floor Cowing Need* C anyon Rd., 100 ft w«*t of Airport Rd PHONE 487*