BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE— Friday, March 18, 1949 Board of Jt. Dist. 10 Asks Graduate Nurses $300,000 for New Addition 2 Í Meets on Mar. 22 CRISIS IN RAPID POPULATION GROWTH REQUIRES MORE FACILITIES; ELECTION SET FOR APRIL 5TH 99c FOOD SALE 99c The developing crisis of rapid population growth has confronted the Beaverton union high school board with the realization that facilities are Inadequate for ex­ pected enrollment increase. The board, on March 10, decided the only possible solution is addition­ al building and for this purpose has called an election on April 5, from 2 to 7 p.m., on a $300,000 bond issue. During the past one and one- half years, joint district 10 doub­ led its building area. At present all rooms are occupied. School en­ rollment has jumped from 514, in 1946, to 700 in 1949 with an es­ timated increase of one hundred pending for the district next year. Most urgent needs at present are science and home economics laboratories .music department, class rooms and a gymnasium-aud­ itorium combination. The science laboratory now in use was constructed in 1915 and is far from modern. Likewise, the home economics room was con­ structed at the same time, al- ( though it has been necessary to reduce it in size by one-half. Neither department can properly handle the enrollment under pre­ sent conditions. The present combination audi­ torium-gymnasium is too small to accommodate the entire student i body at one time. With a graduat­ ing class of 100 or more, com­ mencement exercises will not be conducted in the present quar­ ters because the entire class couldn’t find room on the small stage, at one time. The school board declares that to provide necessary facilities a bond issue of $300,000 is re­ quired. Valuation of the district has been increasing in proportion to the population, amounting to a boost of $1,637,196.08 last year and an increase of $3,072,140.15 since the district was formed in 1945. A consideration looming large in school finances is that of ba­ sic school support, state funds which last year brought in $42,- ■ ( 000. A property tax offset, it de­ rives its money from state income tax surpluses. Additional building construction, it is estimated, will take at least a year to complete. Even during that time, enrollment will have reached such a mark, on the basis of estimates, that it will be quite Impossible to continue a standard accredited course of studies. De­ lay In continuing building faoii- Ities, according to a statement j by the board, may make it nec­ essary to shorten the school day and run two shifts of classes. Such a development, of course BUY IN QUANTITY AND SAVE! with Grapefruit Del Monte No Beets cans 2 tins cans Shoe-Strings No. 2 tins Tomato Soup Cam pbell's Pork & Beans Dennison, cans 15-oz. Beets BUTTER Forest Grove Grade A cans n r _________ m . ________ Hunt's solid pack iv * I omafocs no Here's a chance to stack up on }H»ur favorite foods at a savings. Buy a little more than you usually do and take advantage of this 99c event. TH RIFTY M ARKET proves again that it pays to shop Thrifty. Buy in quantity and save! tins ICE CREAM cans CHEESE Baby W hole QT. 39c Boiden’s Chateau, 2-lb. loaf 79c Frost Kist MARGARINE Grapefruit Juice 46„z cans 65c Lb. LB. 29c 3-lb. tin 79c Durkee's SWIFTNING Tomato Juice Compbe s cans HI-HO CRACKERS ,, Bo, 23c Milk cans FRILLETTS 13-OZ. Darigold, ta ll tins Pancake Flour Smoked Shad Corn Sperry OATS cans 4-oz. tins Ivory Bar Soap large pkg. 29c Alber’3 Oven Glass Pkg 39c CATSUP cans Fountain cream style Porter, SUGAR 19c Heinz Holly, limit 10 lbs. 10 Lbs. 79c large bars Northern Tissue G ARD EN 11 rons9 9 c S & W coffee ^ 2-lb tin Doz 99c Bacon Banana Cake Lo,3e Hot Cross Buns BANNER BRAND d ... 2 Lbs. 9 9 c BACO N, S L IC E D S^-Se/wlcc'P'iAdMM' I New Potatoes Carrots Oranges lb bag Wieners Pork Sausage bulk Rib Roast Pork Steaks Finnan Haddie Oysters 12 -1 5 Count (SaltCod 2 lbs 99c 2 lbs Another W ALKER 99c Service! CHAMBERLIN Can Make Your Old Shoes FREE DELIVERY Look and Wear WALKER'S For DRESSMAKING and HEMSTITCHING Like New SAVE ON SHOE REPAIRING SPRING HOUSE CLEANING Change over from wood blinds to metal blinds. 37c sq. ft Ph 3461 at CHAMBERLIN'S S & H Green Stamps Phone Beaverton 3461 Open Evenings T ill 7 P. M ., Saturdays 9 P. M. i'jfiUÀ-fM Mp-» » ?••!/> •„,>» ' B E A V E R T O N S OWN S T O R E CREPE SOLES CLUB SALE S P R IN G ’S B EG IN NIN G Sure proof that spring is def­ initely on the way can be found at the Beaverton grade school where Gene Richards and William Smith, physical education teach­ ers, are beginning baseball, soft- ball and track practice. Active participation in these sports depends, however, on the weather. SLICED Toke Home a Loaf of Home Made Bread Baked by G It G Bakery State legislature has established legal debt limit for school districts at 10% of assessed valuation. Joint district 10 Indebtedness at present is 3.3%. W ith approval of an ad­ ditional $300,000, it would approx­ imate 6.6% of assessed valuation, well below the legal limit. Name varieties o f many kinds of plants will be on sale Friday, March 18, at the Beaverton Com­ munity Garden Club’s plant, food and white elephant sale in the Kiwanis. Full directions for planting and care will be given to novices desiring information. Mrs. George Martin, president, reports that the sale will begin at 2 p.m. and included in the food sale will be home-cooked cakes, pies, breads and Tolls. Preceding the sale club mem­ bers will hold their regular month­ ly meeting and luncheon. Mrs. J. R. Talbert is chairman o f the arrangements. Corned Beef Hashl5 „,,3 cms 99c Coffee will cut o ff all funds from the state basic school support pro­ gram. The Washington county grad­ uate nurses club will meet in the Red Cross hostess room, in Hills­ boro on Tuesday, March 22. at 8 p.m., according to announce­ ment received- A representative of the Red Cross will show a film and fully explain the organization’s nursing service. All nurses of the county are cordially invited to attend and take part in the evening’s contact. YOU DARE NOT BE WITHOUT IT . . . ! RAND SHOES WEIBY'S SHOE Repairing Beaverton 4597 ■ ■ ■ ■ 14.95 BRAND N EW SPRING SHORTIES . 10 0 % WOOL VALUES TO 29.50 IMnkn, Greens, Blacks, Greys, Aquas. Reds. Twe.-ds Melons, Plaid*. Coverts, Fleeces. All Are KMK y wool. TH E BEST VALUES IN- TO W N ! 500 lb pkg One act of negligence--and your home can be pictured in such a scene You can t afford it. and fire insurance is the only thing that can help com­ pensate you against loss. We urge you to see us about your insurance problems PRICES EFFECTIVE MARCH 1 7 -1 8 Leonard Adams 19 lì ; "Personal Insurance Service” Phone 3831 Any Time 73 Broadway, Beaverton BRAND NEW LONG COATS Pm k, green, red, grey, biege, aqua, co ral, navy, skipper blue and most other colors A ll 100% wool iSr .’0.*3995 $ 24.95 Latest in Styles and Fashions OPEN A LL DAY SATURDAY SINGER ,-Ss. DRESS CO. 6 0 2 R eval lid « hat B d « v . 4 P ark . 7 1 6 S .W M ortise* (Over K a ry h t's Store 14.95 , f iy % ° c 14.95 CO cn I