4-H H O H K M A K IN G CLU B The Needles and Pins. 4-H Home-making Club met at the home of Janet Burlile, Tuesday. March 8. The local leader. Mrs. Helen Seidler checked the work and handed out material for the finish pillow Refreshments were served, ac­ cording to the Irish St. Patrick, by Mr*. Burlile, hostess. The next meeting will be held at the home of Pat Seidler, March 29. Ruth Rogers will act as co­ hostess. „ During National 4-H Club Week the Homemakers had a window display in W alker’s Dept. Store. ; Ced. Mill Local Farmers' Union Meets March 12 T r ad e L anes Resolution Hits Deplorable Co. Drainage Setup B EA V ER TO N F R IE N D S H IP NIGHT There was a large attendance RESOLUTION at the meeting o f the Cedar Mill Whereas The drainage situation Local of the Farmer’s Union ' ¿ X s ’V ' i ' i - A A V A in Washington <ÿ>unty is deplor­ which met at the Barnes School able, and near Beaverton Saturday even­ Whereas: It is imperative that ing. March 12. decisive action he taken; The Ce­ President A R. Ringe as presid- of the Oregon • - . 'i* . Work is slated to begin next ' ing officer gave a brief report of dar Mill Local State Farmers’ Union recom­ week on the remodeling of the the State Convention which was W ashing 30c M achine Load mends the creation of a commit­ Bpavpr PIumbing in Bpavprton held at Aurora in February. tee consisting of one member from with plans calling for completion Visitors of the evening were ■ . , . . , . . . Drying 25c M achine Load vi- a vi- „ „ . „ of the new structure by early Mr. and Mrs Jensen of near Rea- each local to he appointed by * the . . vi , , President of the Washington summer. Three apartments are to verton, Mr. and Mrs John Plass , ST. M A R Y ’S W INS Open 8 A. M. To 8 P. M , County fa rm ers Union, and. Give a cheer for those ha:d be built above the store • • West of Hillsboro, Glenn and Wiley Whereas: Several drainage dis­ Saturdays 8 to 6 P. M. Kehrli, junior members of the playing Vallians They came home S'0pe's, B?W business organization. tricts have been organized, over with another victory added to the Lion s Club is growing by Cedar Mill Local, also Mr. Tom a period of years but have been Thirty-five Smithson, who spoke on the drain­ their list. The basketball game, leaps and bounds. and still are dormant, there be it. members attended the meeting age problems of Washington Cou­ with Sacred Heart Academy. Til­ Resolved; To restore such dis­ "Shop While We Do Your" nty. Monday night, according "Smit- lamook, 52 to 7 revealed the tricts to life by incorporating Mrs. Beulah Ringe. Education­ strength of this St. Mary's team. ty" o f West Slope Lumber, who Wash" them into one disctrict compris­ Pat Rigert stepped to the high has been ^Pointed publicity chair- al Director asked for brief legis­ ing all of Washington County, and Haskell Center lights this game with 28 points man’ and many more ar«‘ expected lative reports. H. R. Johnson on adjacent counties if necessary, be to add to her already good re«- to Join earning top prlor- the road situation. A committee of it further. Beaverton 4 1 3 7 ord. Jane Rigert came next in ,ty on the Lion"s CHub’s agenda is 30 Washington County taxpayers Resolved: That in the interest the all-important topic of traffic were to meet in Salem and dis­ line. of Washington County, it is our cuss road problems and the fin­ ii i = m = i i i = i i i = i i i = i i i = i i i = n i * i i i = m = m = i i i s i i i = i i i a i i i s i i i = i i i = i i i E i i i = i i i = i i i = i i i = i H 5 i i i = i i i l l K h ,s f o r W e s t s lo p e desire to create a satisfactory ■- in It’s wedding bells April 10th for ancing and present to the legisla­ drainage district by using existing IJj ture. j State laws, whereby we may cre­ M. R. Bennett discussed the = man’s Tip Top, and Ernest Met- ill ate this or these district, by close E calfe. Following the ceremony different School bills. House BUI cooperation and activities with 1 'J j}j the couple will journey to sunny No. 193, the only one which would I governmental agencies. ' jjj California to honeymoon for a be of much benefit to us. A resolu­ Ü! Cedar Mill Local No. 229 m tion also presented by Mr Ren- | month ♦ • • The MUSTANG, a A R. RINGE, President S new car. produced in Renton. nett, referring to the deplorable jjj = Washington, will go on display ai drainage situation in Washington ERM A L. W H IT A K E R , Sec. area lit the Beaverton Furniture for a few County, especially in that Adopted by Cedar Mill Local jjj ■‘•«vs somewhere around the (around Reedville and North Plains m 0 229, at its regular meeting of this month. From there, JOE and Reaverton. copy to he , Saturday, March 12, 1949, Rarnes 'I' C A H IL L who has the agency for sent to County papers that all j School Walker road at 8.T5 jjj this area, will move It to his own may study who are interested. p.m. jjj A. L. Whitaker reported on Ten­ location on Canyon Road in Rea nessee Valley Authority and the jjj verton. HOME LOOKS GOOD BUT K O O L E R W A V E Prefabricated cabins, garages. St. Lawrence Waterways. in Ellen Johnson reported on the _ buildings, etc., are now being Returning from a 2*4 months P E R M A N E N T il jjj j manufactured within our own Missouri Valley Authority. sojourn to Laguna Beach, Califor­ jjj Mrs. Beulah Ringe was ap- nia. Mrs. Bert Cultus says home Hi area by the Interstate Manufactur- ’’budget-buddy" to glamorous Rilling Koolerwave Permanent jjj ing Co., on Canyon Road, under ; Polnted chairman o f the Fair wonderfu] but jjj ________ _________ Never again will you risk (he life and tax and permanently lovely. "Ji the direction of George Thompson ' Booth Committee and Mrs. El- Qn hpr vacatlon Mra Cu|tus jjj Miss" outlasts all other permanents by beauty of your hair with "home expert and Charles MrDunn Their pro- >«’ " Johnson on the Rudget Fund mndp many interesting trips ar- jjj ments" For "Junior Miss" Koolerwave far Try it! It costs so little—and does ducts should he a welcome addt- Committee to plan ways and ound thp country Kolnff „ „ far Permanent gives vour hair breath­ so much for your hair! HI tlon to the Tualatin Valley at this means for raising necessary funds south as San n ,Pifo and El„ , , n. taking loveliness expert styling . . MOTHIRSI junior Miss ' is k t n d to safest of all time in view of the growth of the for ,hp Local ada, Mexico, by air. Her only wish with complete safety And all at a childrens hair permanents Don t gamble . , de- = area and the housing problem. , * very ‘ " ‘ cresting picture en- whpn back at hpr homp on Mult. surprisingly low cost. It’s the d if f t r e r u jjj They’re going to be open Sunday t,tlpd App,p Land' was shown nomah club R oad_ ia somp ar_ , kind of permanent . machineless, mand Juniar Miss’. jjj to answer questions of any inter- hy Me,le Bennett, after which all rangement to trade Southern Cal­ ested parties • • • New equipment I •¡oined in potluck refreshments jjj ifornia some of our wonderful in the form of a refrigerated can- drinking water for some of their jjj dy case has made its appearance glorious sunshine. jjj at Dean’s Drug Store, guarantee­ She is not complaining too ■ ing, R O Y MOURER says, fresh much, though. Even though she H a sk e ll Shopping C e n te r Phone Beaverton 3541 = candy all year round • • • iii can’t just yet, continue her newly = E i Mrs. JOHN WATERS, wife of acquired habit of eating Sunday illl=m=lll=lll=lllslll5lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=lll=iH=lll=lll=lllsHI=inSIIIEIII3IIISIM=lll=lll=i one of the salesmen at the Mc- morning breakfasts on the out­ At a special meeting with the Cready Lumber Co., has returned door patio. to Beaverton after a three-month Reaverton city council, March 15, | visit with her family in Liverpool. representatives o f the newly form­ England. Braver than most o f ed West Slope fire district an­ us, she made the long trip with nounced they were ready to talk To H ave am i to H o ld ! her two babies, one seven-months terma f ° r “ re protection from and the other 17 months. I the Beaverton department, under H IN TS TO SHOPPERS: To,, contractual arrangements. values o f the week, as seen from I The district, which was formed Our portraits ami groiip- here are; grade A large eggs sell­ after dissolution of the West Slope district last December, ing at T H R IF T Y M ARK ET, for water candid* capture the ¿jlori- two dozen for 99c; Italian import- w“ ‘ be on ‘ his year's ‘ ax roll. Eor- ed scatter rugs, loom constructed 1 mer arrangement was a yearly ous thrill of that day of" priced at $4.75 at Terry’s Furni-! payment of T600 Per year P,us *“ > ture; stew chickens, fresh killed. * P*r ea“ (lays with iinfailini; brilli­ 41c pound at TE R E S I FOOD CEN- Because, in its arrangement for T E R ; Permanents for the junior “ re protection, the water depart- ance and clarity. Arrange miss, $4.95 at the B EAU TY BA- men‘ rather over stepped its ZAAR; A free 2-year-old Camelia revenue source, it was necessary now for us to take the wed­ given free at L ’ABBE FLO W ERS ‘ ° reestablish a tax base and with every $3 pfcrcfiase; Beef ( straighten up deficits before the ding pictures you'll cher­ short ribs at 29c pound at the j “ re Protection could be on a bus- ish. S A F E W A Y Store; Azalea plants iness hasis- During the past year at $1.50 at M IL L E R ’S Q U A L ITY i Beaverton furnished West Slope FOOD Store. . . . 1 with fire protection under "gen- This Thursday’s meeting of the “ «»nan’s agreement”. The fire new Business Men’s Club of Bea- district now signifies its Inten- verton has been postponed to Mar. “ on ‘ ° discharge its responslbil- ¡24. . . The elaborate landscaping “ les under that agreement Agreeing that a flat annual fee | at Pegg’s Mortuary will be com­ pleted this weekend, putting the simplified budget making, the new H a lf G a llo n | finishing touch to the new struc- j “ re district agreed to pay a basic turc. The work was done by fee of * 1400 per year, plus $800 . DREW 'S NU R SER Y. . . for a fire-hail "sleeper" who would Inside information direct from I extend fire protection by the fact Snooper Alley informs us that of his sleeping in the firehall Aged W ise . Bad- AT g c H A R R Y ‘Doc’’Rothschlld has a I In addition, the district will pay ger Spread Lb new heart-throb. Beaverton’s Bold-i 33 of any nPW equipment est Bachelor was seen at the Ma- Purchased. Sam p le it here The district has been legally sonic Temple in Portland last the ! week, moon-eyed while dancing organized and declared by with a neat looking brunette. W e 1 county court to he incorporated hear that she works at the F^der- s v - t tax revenues should come al Reserve Bank. . . .Posters will In by December. Fresh k ille d Roughly the fire district takes j appear this week in all the local Lb 1 in all of West Slope from Sunset ¡store windows announcing the to Bertha-Beaverton Beaverton Firemen’s Annual Ball ^ Highway i scheduled for April 30th. . . | highway. ED DORMAER, former assis- "P o rtra its of D istin ctio n ' rant to C AR L NELSON of i h r Safeway Store has moved up the NOW AT YOUR SERVICE Eastern Po rk ^ J C IC Beaverton 4 9 8 8 ladder with the grocery organiza­ C an yon Road Lb «A V tion and is now managing the Til- I lamook store. . . SIGNS OF OUR TIM ES Mas­ ter’s & Briggs, local accountants, J swamped with night and day work R ath B la c k h a w k M It: 1 ! making out income tax reports Lb O l To remind you that if you haven’t I sent yours in, its Just too. too baa: Friendship night was observed March 8 at the Beaverton Rebe- kah lodge meeting About 80 were present. Seven members from Forest Rebekah lodge No. 44 of Forest Grove and four members of the Patriarchs Militant Canton of Hillsboro were visitors. Mr .and Mrs ix»ui Harris were ID ^ ^ host and hostess. Initiation of new members will be held at the next regular meeting on March 15. with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Heard as host and hostess EUGENE VISITORS Visiting their families in Eugene last week were Mr. and Mrs. How­ ard Morrison, Mrs. H. H. Buck and Mrs. B. R. Pooley. h a v e 1 I prefer the S ta rk ie Tot Shop be­ cau se they carry a com plete stock of a ll my cloth in g And, needs Boy! the ser­ vice th ey give you! Only $4.95 STARKIE TOT SHOP H A S K E L L SH O PPIN G C E N T E R Open IO A M to 6 P M Ju n io r Miss” Beaverton 3 5 4 2 Canyon Drugs Haskell Center Beaverton 4171 Canyon Road i COMPLETE PRESCRIPTION West Slope Fire District Talks Contract Terms SERVICE A m p le P A R K IN G Space Shurfme Soap " J u s t rub it on and wipe it o f f" 20-oz. ja r Glocoat CLEANER- Jo h n so n 's, w ith free app lier. Qt UPPERS Powder S w ift's 3 for A ll b rand s La rg e pkg O O W iz a rd Pin t tin Um w Butter 65 Oranges S u n kist, ju ic y Lb < yc / HOUSE CLEANING SALE WHITE KINO PRODUCTS Ham Hocks WHITE KING Calavos f S & L A jre sit ’ip lL i out of SEE THEM FIRST AT OUR STORE! SPE C IA LTY SALES MANAGERS W A N TE D FALK'S HARDWARE H a sk e ll Shopping C en ter Beaverton 48 88 To supervise home demonstra- t on e r e «« No Investment. Good pay for Steady Workers. Write qualifications or Call National Brands Distributing Co., 932 S E Morrison. Port and, Oregon • General Repair Q Motor Tune-up • Motor Exchange Estimates Gladly Given 2 for SIERRA Potatoes U S No. 1 Idaho. 10 lbs A g e J 'In Chevron Service Station* 355 N E Canyon Road Beaverton 4474 chan sw im BROOMS And Green Onions La rg e bunches 1 jQ c 2 bunches ■ & 3 In one Prices Effective Thurs., Fri., Sat., M arch 1 7 - 1 8 and 19 We Reaerve Right Week Daye 8;30 to 9 P. M. AUTO SERVICE a Radishes 10 to 9 Sunday« MATTSON 29 SCOTCH CLEANSER J M W 0% —0 GRANULATED 0% g c Ripe 2 * Sliced Bacon Fresh Cooked Lb 39 Borden's C h a ­ teau. 2 lbs .... THE HARRELL STUDIO g ltP C O U ® , f ! ^ Cheese Forest Grove u A Glass Wax Soap Powder Stew Chickens Lewis and Clark College Port­ land, March 17—Dr. Rueben Hill, professor of sociology at Iowa State college, will speak at a spe­ cial assembly of sociology, psy­ chology and home economics stu­ dents, Monday, March 21, at 11 a. m„ in the college chapel on the subject of family relations. Dr. Hill is author of a textbook "When You Marry". He will meet personal fr snds from the Portlana area and members of the faculty at a noon luncheon. ftQ c S C O U R IN G Cheese Crabs ^ O c FOR THE Purex V IS ITIN G PROFESSOR _ FOOD //V 7 H € 1949 Y e s, M a 'a m , I sure m BEAUTY BAZAAR 18, STORE PREFERENCE? WASHERETTE A Beautiful Permanent For E N T E R P R IS E — F rid a y , M arch To Limit Quantities TERESII I N D E P E N D E N T H O M E O W N E D SHOPPtMG phone Bi-a-erton 4158 N T I E R CEN *