BEAVERTO N ENTERPRISE -Friday, M arch 11, 1949 Business Guide BEAVERTON AREA BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL LISTINGS L U M B E R ---------------------------- A D V E R T ISIN G W. I. McCREADY LUMBER CO The BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE ROOFING - IN SU LA TIO N —The Tualatin Valley Market Banket" D IS PLA Y — C LASSIFIED BEAVERTO N SASH Beaverton PH O NE 2321 A D V E R T ISIN G and DOORS Phone 3821 NURSERY Phone TRinity 0498 Camellias .V Rhododendrons V Evergreen Specialist W M . SCHWEIZERHOF Advertising Specialties— Calendars - Pencils - Business Gifts 3141 N. E. 62nd Ave. Portland 13, Ore. A PPLIA N C ES aa N / Evergreens Beaverton 3651 DREW'S ILEX NURSERY Eighth mile west of Beaverton on Canyon Rd. OPTOMETRIST - DR. FRANK McBRIDE APPLIANCES DOUGHTY'S M anning Bldg., Beaverton "Largest Selection of Electrical Appliances In Beaverton" 1445 N. E, Canyon Road Beaverton 4175 APPLIA N C ES For Appointment Phone Beaverton 3571 P A IN T IN G GRAUER & ACKERMAN MILTON R. DRAKE Hat Point - Maytag “ Every Appliance for the Home” On Canyon Rd. Beaverton 4182 East of Beaverton or ATwater 4507 ATTO RN EY Painting - Papering Contract Work Free Estimates Work Guaranteed 260 S. W. 9th St., Beaverton Phone 4962 PLU M BIN G THURLOW WEED CLEARWATER PLUM BING ATTO RN EY - AT - LAW Electric and Gas Water Heaters Fairbanks-Morse Pumps and Service 237 Farmington (next to Kiwanls Hall) B EAVER TO N Phene 444» Beaverton Phone 4581 PLU M BIN G BEAUTY SALO N CANYON BEAUTY STUDIO CARLSON PLUM BING CO. Guatanteed Permanent Waving “20 Years Experience" Material and Workmanship Guaranteed Beaverton 4118 Charles Carlson Ted Sanborn 8101 S. W. Canyon Road Evenings by Appointment AT 2893 B U IL D IN G M A T E R IA L PR IN T IN G WEST SLOPE LUMBER YARD THE BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE For Anything in Building Material -We Have It—Will Get it or it Isn't Made Personal and Business Stationery Office Forms and Cards 9049 S. W BKoadway 6122 Canyon Rd CARPENTER For Service Phone Beaverton 2321 RAD IATO R REPAIR C. MICKELSEN LAKE ROAD AUTO SERVICE Building — Repairs Radiator Repairing and Cleaning All Work Guaranteed Beaverton 4194 Rt. 3. Box 249 1698 N. E. Canyon Road CARPENTER- Beaverton 4691 RADIOS B EAVERTON BUILD ERS New Homes — Remodeling — Repairing IMinting and Decorating A. HARRY MacINTYRE Rt. 1. Box 435, Beaverton Phone 2821 CLEANERS- BEAVER RADIO & RECORDING Recording Supplies Phonographs attached to your radio. Wire recorders for office use. Expert radio repair Across from Telephone Office Beaverton 4942 REAL ESTATE COOK’S CLEANERS & DYERS E. L. WORD, Real Estate "Home of Fine Cleaning” S and H Green Stamps Farms Beaverton 3891 375 S. W. Canyon Rd. BEacon «757 FEED • Suburbans • Residential 1210 N. E. Canyon Road Beaverton 4531 Portland Capital 2211 REALTORS Residential, Farms. Suburban Properties Insurance — Notary Public H0L1AND FEED STORE Hay — Grain — Seeds Poultry Supplies Beaverton Phone 3811 FEEDS ------------------------------------------------- Horticultural, Agricultural and W ASH INGTON COUNTY AGENCIES 735 N. E. Canyon Road Beaverton 4142 or Scholls 8383. BEacon 5946 REFRIGERATION Florist Supplies REDFIELD REFRIGERATION FINDLEY M ILLING CO. Service and Repair on All Makes Refriger­ ators. Washing Machines. Ranges and Motors 10 3 E. Farmington Beaverton 3851 FLORIST Phone Beav. 4985 1582 N. E. Center St. TAXI VALLEY TAXI SERVICE BEAVERTON FLORIST "24 Hour Service" Funeral Designs — Flowers Deliveries to Hillsboro and Modern Portland On Ixmibard South of Allen Phone 2525 FURNITURE — Safe Cabs Beaverton 3031 Capitol 3311 UPHO LSTERING TERRY'S FURNITURE CO. "New and Used” Household Furnishings. Quaker Oil Heaters Mon tag Electric Ranges, All Stses 2286 N. E. Canyon Rd Beaverton 4703 E & W SEW ING CLINIC Furniture Upholstering. Slip Overs. Draperies aand Dressmaking. Reasonable 155 S. W Stott. Behind Beaverton grade school Phone Beaverton 4104 W A T K IN S PRODUCTS GARBAGE SERVICE- VALLEY GARBAGE SERVICE George Hohnstem, Jr. Phone MU 2805 or Beaverton 3175 5916 N. E. lfllh Ave.. Portland 11, Oregon H EA TIN G For Delivery on Your Favorite Products Write or Phone I. L. BENSON 213 S W Washington, Beaverton Phone 4261 W A S H IN G M A C H IN E GRAUER & ACKERMAN Furnaces — Floor Furnaces Oil Burners - Circulators Controls - Repair Service Phones Beaverton 4182 or AT 4507 IN S U R A N C E F IR E Guaranteed Repair Refrigerators. Ranges, Motors, Etc. BLANTON SERVICE Phone Beaverton 2384 W EATHER STRIPPIN G - AUTO * U A B IIJ T Y • BONDS THOMAS S. DUTHIE 680 S. E. 13th St., Beaverton, Ore. Phone 4240 “ Insure and Be Sure" Interlocking Metal - Insulation - Venetian Blinds — Free Estimates Multnomah Metal Weatherstrip Co. 3221 S W Spring Garden R d , Portland 1. Ore J W (BUI) Bollinger Ph. CHerry 3150 W RO U G H T IRON LU M BER KINGSLEY-BEAVERTON LUMBER CO Dutch Boy Pailita Roofing Beaverton - Insulations Phone 8201 Special Price on Weather Vanes DALTON & CO. "Anything in Wrought Iron" Grills, Railings. Gates, Fences. Guards Lanterns 388 Canvnn Road. Beaverton Phone 4036 TEEN-AGERS ELECT OFFICERS AND SET MEETINGSS FOR MON. B O N N Y SLOPE—The newly or­ OLD STAM PIN G GROUND ganized teen-age group met on Mr and Mrs. Carroll Coppinger Monday, Feb. 28, at the club house have returned back here to live and elected their officers for the after having spent the last few in the coming year. months residing in Walla Walla, Those elected to the offices are; Washington. COMMUNITY CHURCHES Piesident, 'Ed Coon; vice president, Mr. Coppinger expects to return Jim Hanson; secretary, Carol Rai_ to school soon. ney; treasurer, Helen Rainey; ser. VISITS OLD F RIEN D S geant-at-arms, Keith Coon, and en. Mrs. Lewis L Sheddy of Hermis. CHURCH OF CHRIST tertainment chairman, Jean Batke. ton, Ore, visited friends in Bonny H IG H W A Y C H A PE L The teeners meet every Monday Slope last Saturday. Second and Main Streets Full Gospel Church at 8 p. m. George W. Springer, Pastor The Sheddy family resided in Canyon Highway A Mill Street Morning worship and preaching C LU B CARD P A R T Y Orville J. Poulin, Minister this district for some time, hav. service 9:45 a.m. The monthly card party of the ing moved to Hermiston just a Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Bonny Slope Community club was year ago. Evening worship 8 p.m. Morning Worship at 11 a.m. held at the club house on Feb. 26. RH E U M ATIC F E V E R Bible School class session 11 Evening Service 8 p. m. a.m. Thursday Night Service 8 p. m. Forty, six persons, young and old Johnny Krieck, son of Mr. and alike gathered to spend the eve. Mrs. John Krieck is ill at his home Christian Endeavor 7 p.m. B ETH EL C O NG R EG ATIO N AL ning playing pinochle, cribbage with rheumatic fever. Johnny is Midweek Bible Study, Thursday 8 p.m. CHURCH and bingo. a senior at Beaverton high school. 630 Watson Street Phone 4580 Mrs. Carroll Coppinger and Ro­ CLUB P A P E R D R IV E Albert F. King, Minister bert Taylor received prizes for ST. C E C ILIA CHURCH The Bonny Slope Community Church School: 9:45 a.m. high and low scores, respectively club is sponsoring a paper drive Masses: 7, 8:30 a.m, 10 a.m. Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m. in pinochle. with pick up of papers scheduled Pilgrim Fellowship: 7:00 p.m. Maurice Hanson won the high for March 20. RHEDVU.LK COMMUNITY prize, and his wife low in crib­ PR ESBYTER IAN CHURCH Those having papers are asked THE VA LLE Y COMMUNITY bage. Rev. Graham Gilmer, Pastor to have them tied and out in front U NITED PR ESBYTER IAN The two winners in the bingo o f their homes as early as possible Sunday School 9:45 A. M. CHURCH game were, Harry Howell and on that day. Worship Service 11 A. M. young Donald Rollings. Young People's C. E. 7 P. M. 7850 S. W. Brentwood Ave. Also, please keep magazines and The door prize winner was Mrs. cartons separate from the news, Went Slope Ed Moser, Rev. H. A_ Armitage, Pastor CHURCH OF TH E N A Z A R E N E papers. A luncheon of fruit salad, ritz MEEK A L A S K A JOBS Morning worship: 11:0« am. Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor crackers and coffee were served Bible School; 9:48 u s . Phone Beaverton4345 Roger Hecker, Melvin and Earl by the refreshment committee. Youth meetings; 6:80 p.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Harrington, left Friday, March 4, Mid-week meeting; Thursday; Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. A R M Y VISITO RS for Alaska. Hi-N-Y and N.Y.P.S. 6:30 p.m. Robert E. McFarren, and a friend They are driving up, and are ’ :45 p.m. Evangelistic service 7:30 p.m. Quentin Hampton both of the U. S. searching for work on the way. F IR S T M ETH O D IST CHURCH Mid-week prayer meeting. Wed­ army, spent the weekend with 4.H M E R R Y STITCHES 9,45 a. m. Church School. 11 a. m. Bob’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. The regular meeting of the Morning worship. 6;45 p. m. M.Y.F. nesday, 7:45 p.m. MoFarren. Merry Stitches was held March 4th and Watson Streets BO NN F SLOPE CHURCH Both young men are stationed at 2 at the home of Mrs. Pesenti. Rev. Mark B. Lloyd, Pastor Sunday School 10 a.m. Fort Lawton, Wash. The members have nearly all Res. 5625 N. Kerby A ve, Portland. Church Service 11 a.m. SU ND AY E V E N T completed their dresser scarfs and Telephone WEbster 8978. The Church and Sunday School Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Baker, and have begun to knit. services are held in the Bonny ST. M A TT H E W L U T H E R A N family of Orchards, Wash., spent The Merry Stitches will exhibit Slope School each and every Sun­ CHURCH I Sunday with the Maurice Hanson the work that they have done so day. Canyon Road at Johnson family. far, during the national 4.H week. Werner J. Fritz, Pastor I Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Hanson are March 6-13 in their class room at CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF sisters. St. Cecilia's school. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. LATTER DAY SAINTS Divine Service 11:00 a.m. ODD FELLO W S HALL 53 N. W. Broadway Beaverton P IL G R IM L U T H E R A N CHURCH C. H. Peterson. Branch President Farmington at Menlo, Beaverton Sunday Schoo] 2 pun. Erwin A. Gerken, Pastor Sacrament Meeting 7 pja. Telephone Beaverton 3441 Thoroughly discussed at a mass Sunday School 9:30 a.m. CEDAR M ILL COMMUN IT Y LEG AL NOTICE meeting of members o f the school Divine Service 10:30 a.m. CHURCH district, Friday evening at the Lutheran Hour, K A L E 9:30 a.m. A D V E R TIS E M E N T FO R BIOS 12208 N. W. Cornell Road school house was a building pro­ Sealed bids will be received at Church St. gram for a schoo 1 gymnasium, C AN YO N ROAD B A P TIS T by School District No. 48, Wash­ Simon E. Forsberg, Minister auditorium. CHURCH .... ington County. Oregon, at the 8318 S. W. Canyon Road Approval of the plan has been Meeting tempoarily Odd Fellows Beaverton Grade School until 7:00 Portland 1, Oregon BEacon 8698 given by the county rural school Hall 53 N. Broadway, Beaverton p.m. Tuesday, March 22, 1949 for 9:45 a.m. Sunday Bible School. board and a supply of needed in_ Rev. Russell B. Thomas, Pastor furnishing one pneumatic sewage 11:00 a.m. Morning Service. formation has been gained. The 2616 N. E. 20th Ave. Portland ejector, and will then and there 7:00 p.m. Young People’s Hour. group meeting was highly in fa­ Phone WEbster 5526 be opened and read aloud. Bids (Senior and Junior). vor of the proposed layout urging 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. received after the time set for 7:45 p.m. Evening Gospel Hour. that the school board proceed as 11:00 a.m. Morning worship. opening will not be considered. Thursday 7:46 p.m. Bible Study rapidly as possible with next steps. Specifications and forms of con­ Need for the building from the A LO H A ASSEM BLY OF GOD COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHUBCB tract documents may be obtained standpoint of a community recrea­ Aloha, Oregon at the office of Errol Hassell, tion center as well as for school Rev. Rilla Mae Stephens, Pastor Sunday School 10 a.m. Erling Monnee, Minister Beaverton Grade School, Beaver­ use is great. It is urged that those Evenagelistic service 7:45 p.m. Sunday Schoo] at 9:46 aun. ton, Oregon or from Thomas not attending the meeting contact Tuesday 7:45 p.m. Bible Study. Morning Worship at 11:00. Smithson. Engineer, 555 South Ce­ some who were there to receive Friday, 7:45 p.m. Young peoples B. Y. F. and Juniors 6:30 pun. dar Hills Blvd, Cedar Hills, Bea­ an explanation of the procedures service. Evening service at 7:30 pun. verton, Oregon. The Beaverton as planned. School District No. 48, Washing­ • • • ton County, Oregon, reserves the NEW BUND LE A R R IV E S GOING A W A Y TE A OES GOLDEN A N N IV . right to reject any or all bids i Word has been received here A tea was given at the home of Mrs. Milly Sachet is going to and to waive informalities. No 1 from Mr. and Mrs. Harold Judd, Klamath Falls next Friday to at­ Mrs. Anna Barnes last Wednes­ bidder may, withdraw his bid a f­ former residents of Bonny Slope, tend the Golden Anniversary of day afternoon in honor of her ter the hour set for the opening that a new bundle from heaven Order of Eastern Star there. sister, Mrs. Campbell, who left thereof or before award of con­ has arrived at their home. the last of the week for New tract unless said award is delayed York where she is meeting her The Judds already have four JOB’S POTLUCK for a period exceeding 30 days. The Council and Guardian of husband who is arriving flrom daughters who welcome their baby Errol Hassell, Clerk Job’s Daughters met for a pot Germany. brother with open arms. School District No. 48 luck luncheon at the home of They will be driving back here Washington County, Oregon Mrs. Jack Osfield last Tuesday. soon. First Publication: March 4, 1949 Second Publication; March 11, 1949. SERVICES SCHOOL DISTRICT CONSIDERS SUGGESTIONS OF GYMNASIUM LE G A L NOTICE Vets Pay No Tax On Any Payments VA Administered Gratuity payments to veterans In the County Court of the for benefits administered by the State of Oregon for Washington Veterans Administration are tax County, Probate No. 6801. free and need not be considered Estate of Florence P. Peterson, in computing income tax, the deceased. VA reports. NOTICE TO C RE D ITO RS Tax-exempt VA payments in­ Notice is hereby given that the clude: undersigned has been appointed Subsistence allowances for vet­ Executor of the Estate of Flor­ erans training in schools, on ence F. Peterson, deceased, by the farms and on-the-job training un­ above-entitled Court, and has der the G. I. Bill or Public Law qualified. All persons having 16. claims against said estate are Payments by the VA to be hereby notified to present the applied to veterans' G. I. loans. same, duly verified as by law re­ (Under the G. I. Bill, the VA pays quired, to the undersigned at the lender an amount equivalent Route 1. Box 180. Beaverton. Ore­ to 4 percent of the guaranteed gon, within six months from the portion of the loan, to be cred­ date hereof. ited to the veteran's account.) Dated and first published March Readjustment allowances, paid 4. 1949. under provisions of the G. I. Bill Last publication April 1, 1949. ELM E R F. PETERSO N, Executor for veterans’ periods o f unem­ ployment and self-employment. Maguire. Shields and Morrison Disability compensation and Attorneys. pensions paid to veterans for both service-connected and non­ LEGAI. NOTICE service-connected disabilities. CASE NO. 6792 Grants for paraplegic veterans NOTICE TO CRED ITO RS for homes designed for wheel - In The Circuit Court of The I chair living. Of Oregon For The <\>unty Of World War I emergency offi- Waatiington ! cers’ retirement pay. IN TH E M A TTE R OF TH E ER- T A T E OE JOHN M AN O AH P IT BRIDGE FOR T H R E E MAN. Deceased. 1 Margarette Scott gave a very NOTTCE IS H E R E B Y G IVEN nice party at the Heidelberg on That the undersigned has been Feb. 25th, having three tables appointed executor of the estate o f bridge. o f John Manoah Pitman. De­ RE C O VER IN G SLO W LY ceased. by the County Court of Mrs. Willis Cady, who is in the the State of Oregon for Washing­ Oood Samaritan Hospital is get­ ton County. and has qualified ting along as well as can be ex­ 'All persons having claims against pected. Mrs. Cady slipped on the said estate are hereby notified to ice during the icy weather. present the same, duly verified as IN LOS AN G E LES by law required to the undersign­ Mrs. Pearl Brownrigg is in Los ed at 418 Plttock Block. Portland, Angeles with her sister for a Oregon, within six (6) months short time. from the date hereof. TO LO N G VIEW . WASH D ATED and first published Feb­ Mr and Mrs. Guy Alexander ruary 18, 1949. spent the week end at the home Last publication. March 18. of their daughter. Mrs. Ted Hetu 1949 of Longview Mr. and Mrs. Hetu Al.FI.O YD M H A R R IS have lately built a new home Executor there JOIN ME IN A REFRESHING Treat at the Fountain in the BEAVERTON PHARMACY! D E L IC IO U S SU N D A ES, C O O L IN G D R IN K S Y O U 'L L F IN D A L L T H A T A N D M O R E A T O UR C O M PLET E F O U N T A IN M EE T Y O U R FR IE N D S THERE* R. Wallace Boyd George 0. Fairchild á On Broadway Phone 2311 yâk Heouwifon Tkcvmacq PRESCRIPTION STORE