Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1949)
BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE— Friday, Februray 25, 1949 Business Guide BEAVERTON AREA BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL LISTINGS LUMBER ADVERTISING KINGSLEY-BEAVERTON LUMBER CO. The BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Dutch Boy Paint# —The Tualatin Valley Market Basket" D IS PLA Y — CLASSIFIED B EAVER TO N Roofing - Insulation* Beaverton PH O N E 2321 Phone 3201 LUMBER ADVERTISING Phone TRinity 0498 W J. McCREADY LUMBER CO WM. SCHWEIZERHOF KOOFINO - IN SU LA TIO N — Advertising Specialties- Calendars - Pencils - Business Gifts 3141 N. E. 62nd Ave. Portland 13, Ort. SASH and DOORS Beaverton Phone 3821 NURSERY APPLIANCES Camellias ,V Rhododendrons Evergreen Specialist APPLIANCES DOUGHTY'S “ Largest Selection of Electrical Appliances In Beaverton" 1445 N. E Canyon Road Beaverton 4175 aa \ Rare-Dwarf Evergreens Beaverton 3651 J DREW'S ILEX NURSERY Eighth mile west of Beaverton on Canyon Rd OPTOMETRIST - APPLIANCES GRAUER & ACKERMAN DR. FRANK McBRIDE Hot Point - Maytag "Every Appliance for the Home" On Canyon Rd. Beaverton 4182 East of Beaverton or ATwater 4507 Manning Bldg, Beaverton For Appointment Phone Beaverton 3571 PAINTING ATTORNEY THURLOW WEED MILTON R. DRAKE A TTO R N E Y - AT - LAW Painting - Papering Contract Work Free ‘Estimates Work Guaranteed 260 a. W. 9th St., Beaverton Phone 4962 237 Farmington (next to Klwanls Hall) BEAVERTO N Phone 4449 PLUMBING BEAUTY SALON ----------------------------------- CANYON BEAUTY STUDIO CLEARWATER PLUMBING Guaranteed Permanent Waving Electric and Gas Water Heaters Falrbanks-Morse Pumps and Service 9101 S. W. Canyon Road Evenings by Appointment___________ A T 2893 Beaverton PRINTING BUILDING MATERIAL THE BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE WEST SLOPE LUMBER YARD - Paints Plywood Personal and Business Stationery Office Forms and Cards Cabinet Hardware Dimension Lumber 9049 S. W. Canyon Rd Phone 4581 For Service Phone Beaverton 2321 BRoadway 8122 RADIATOR REPAIR CARPENTER C. MICKELSEN LAKE ROAD AUTO SERVICE Building - Repairs Radiator Repairing and Cleaning All Work Guaranteed Beaverton 4194 Rt. 3. Box 249 1698 N. E. Canyon Road Beaverton 4691 RADIOS CARPENTER- BEAVERTON BUILDERS New Homes — Remodeling — Repairing Painting and Decorating A. HARRY MacINTYRE Rt. 1, Box 435, Beaverton Phone 2821 BEAVER RADIO & RECORDING Recording Supplies Phonographs attached to your radio Wire recorders for office use. Expert radio repair Across from Telephone Office Beaverton 4942 REAL ESTATE CLEANERS- COOK'S CLEANERS & DYERS E. L. WORD, Real Estate “ Home of Fine Cleaning" S and H Green Stamps Farms Beaverton 3891 375 S. W. Canyon Rd. BEacon «757 DEPARTMENT STORE Suburbans • Residential 1210 N. E. Canyon Road Beaverton 4531 Portland Capital 2211 REALTORS Residential, Farms, Suburban Properties Insurance — Notary Public WALKER'S DEPARTMENT STORE WASHINGTON COUNTY AGENCIES Beaverton’s Complete Shopping Center S A H Green Stamps • Beaverton 3461 735 N. E. Canyon Road Beaverton 4142 or Scholls 8333, BEacon 5946 REFRIGERATION FEED HOLLAND FEED STORE Hay — Grain REDFIELD REFRIGERATION - Seeds Poultry Supplies Beaverton Phone 3311 FEEDS Service and Repair on All Makes Refriger ators, Washing Machines. Ranges and Motors Phone Beav. 49A5 1582 N. E. Center 9t. TAXI Horticultural. Agricultural and VALLEY T A X I SERVICE Florlet Supplies "24 Hour Service” FINDLEY MILLING CO. 16 S. E. Farmington Beaverton 3851 Modern — Safe Cabs Beaverton 3031 Capitol 3311 UPHOLSTERING FLORIST E & W SEWING CLINIC BEAVERTON FLORIST Funeral Designs — Flowers Deliveries to Hillsboro and Portland On Lombard South of Allen Phone 2525 W ATKINS PRODUCTS FURNITURE TERRY'S FURNITURE CO. “ New and lined" Household Furnishings, (Quaker Oil Heaters , Montag Electric Ranges, All Sixes 2236 N. B. Canyon Rd. Beaverton 4703 For I>elivery on Your Favorite Products Write or Phone J. L. BENSON 213 9 W. Washington, Beaverton Phone 4261 WASHING MACHINE GARBAGE SERVICE- VALLEf GARBAGE SERVICE George Hohnstein, Jr. Phone MU 2805 or Beaverton 3175 5916 N. E. 19th Ave., Portland 11, Oregon Guaranteed Repair Refrigerators, Ranges, Motors, Etc. BLANTON SERVICE Phone Beaverton 2384 WEATHER STRIPPING HEATING GRAUER & ACKERMAN Furnaces — Floor Furnaces Oil Burners - Circulators Controls - Repair Service Phones Beaverton 4182 or AT 4507 INSURANCE ------------------------------------ F IR E Furniture Upholstering. Slip Overs. Draperies aand Dressmaking. Reasonable 158 S. W Stott. Behind Beaverton grade school Phone Beaverton 4104 - AUTO - L IA B IL IT Y - BONDS THOMAS S. DUTHIE 630 8. fc 13th St., Beaverton, Ore. Phone 4240 "Insure and Be Sure" Interlocking Metal - Insulation - Venetian Blinds — Free Estimate! Multnomah M etal W eatherstrip Co. 3221 8 W Spring Garden Rd . Portland 1, Ore J. W (B ill) Bollinger Ph. C H .rry 3150 w r o u g h t ir o n Special Prlca on Weather Vanes DALTON H CO. "Anything In Wrought Iron" Grills. Ballings. Gates. Fences. Guards lanterns 388 Canvon Road Beaverton Phone 4036 Rev. Fritz Leaves Junior Chamber St. Matthews for Plans Honor for Newberg Position Basketball Squad Reverend Werner Fritx, who or ganized the present congregation of St. Matthew’s Lutheran church on Canyon Road at Johnston street, will present his farewell sermon February 27. before as suming a call to the Zion Luther- , an church in Newberg. effective March 1. I Reverend Fritz came to the Portland area in 1942. from a long ministry at Washington State Col lege, in Pullman, to gather to gether the present flock of wor shipers. Previous to the dedica tion of the new building where the church presently makes Its home, he used the West Hills Memorial Park office building for worship. Under his direction the congre gation o f St. Matthews has grown to 188 members and the church has acquired property valued at 560.000. To succeed Mr. Fritz, St. Mat thews has called the Reverend Carl Fischer, of Port Angeles, Washington. No word had as yet been received from him, however. The church invites the many friends of Reverend and Mrs. Fritz to attend the farewell ser vices on February 27. SERVICES Beaverton high school’s coach and basketball squad will be hon in the ored soon at a dinner under spon sorship o f the Beaverton junior COMMITS IT Y CHI RCHKS chamber of commerce, it was vot ed at the February 16 business meeting o f the group. Date and final details of the affair will CHURCH OF CH RIST H IG H W A Y C H APE L be announced later. Sports chair Second and Main Streets Full Gospel Church man Francis Smith will have George W. Springer, Pastor Canyon Highway & Mill Street charge of the program. Morning worship and preaching Orville J. Poulin. Minister The membership also voted to service 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. discontinue its policy of noon Evening worship 8 p.m. Morning Worship at 11 a.m. meetings. In the future, JCC Bible School class session 11 Evening Service 8 p. m. dates will be on the evenings of Thursday Night Service 8 p. m. a.m. the first and third Wednesday of Christian Endeavor 7 p.m. each month. B E T H E L C O N G R EG ATIO N AL Midweek Bible Study, Thursday Featured after-dinner speaker 8 p.m. CHURCH for the evening was Rene Bo- 630 Watson Street Phone 4580 zarth o f radio station KW JJ who Albert F. King, Minister ST. C EC ILIA CHURCH sought to enlighten the member Church School: 9:45 a.m. Masses: 7, 8:30 a.m,, 10 a.m. ship on communism, its history Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m. and its aims. Pilgrim Fellowship: 7:00 p.m. RHEDVTLLE COM M U NITY P R E S B Y T E R IA N CHUBCH T H R V A L L E Y CO M M U N ITY Rev. Graham Gilmer. Pastor U N ITE D P R E S B Y T E R IA N Sunday School 9:45 A. M. CHURCH Worship Service 11 A. M. 7850 S. W. Brentwood Ave. Young People’s C. E. 7 P. M. Weal Slope Rev. H. A - Armltage, Pastor CHURCH OF TH E N A Z A R E N E Morning worship: 11:00 a.m. Leonard C. Johnson, Pastor Bibls School: 9:48 a m Putting the production of the Phone Beaverton4345 Youth meetings: 0:30 p.m. high school column “ Beaverton Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Mid-week meeting: Thursday: High Lights” on a schedule basis, Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. the journalism class responsible 7:45 p.m. Mid-week prayer meeting. Wed for the weekly school report have nesday, 7:45 p.m. F IR S T M ETH O D IST CHURCH named a staff for the rest o f the 9,45 a. m. Church School. 11 a. m. aix week’s period upon whom will B O N N F SLOPE C H lK C tf rest the presentation responsibil Morning worship. 6;45 p. m. M.Y.F. 4th and Watson Streets Candlelight and white chrysan ity. Sunday School 10 a.m. Rev. Mark B. Lloyd, Pastor themums was the setting for the Church Service 11 a.m. Richard Larsen will serve as Res. 5625 N. Kerby Ave., Portland. wedding of Arlene Lois Ryder, editor with the following staff: The Church and Sunday School Telephone WEbster 8978. daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Jay R y Phyllis Palmrose, services are held in the Bonny news editor; der of 2940 S W. Brussat Drive, Ken Slope School each and every Sun Alexander, sports editor; ST. M A T T H E W L U T H E R A N Portland, and William R. Kamp- Connie French, feature editor and day. CHURCH mann, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- Tracy Ditmars, business manager. Canyon Road at Johnson vle B. Kampmann of 2505 N. E CHURCH OF JESUS C H R IST OF Reporters inofude M arjie Werner J. Fritz, Pastor 35th Place, Portland. The wedding [ Keehn. Marianne Wheeler. Jac- L A T T E R D A Y SAINTS Sunday School 9:45 a.m. took place on the eve o f New queline Wyss, Marie Smith, Ka ODD FE LLO W S H A L L Divine Service 11:00 a.m. New Years day at the home of tie Avery, Bob Sinclair and Norm ---------- 53 N. W. Broadway Beaverton the bride’s parents, with the Rev. Vermillion. P IL G R IM L U T H E R A N CHURCH C. H. Peterson, Branch President F. J. Winder officiating. Sunday School 2 pan. Farmington at Menlo, Beaverton Miss Mary Pointer was maid of Sacrament Meeting 7 p.m. Erwin A. Gerken, Pastor honor and the Misses Lenair But Telephone Beaverton 3441 cher and Charlotte Billings and C EDAR M IL L COM M UNITY Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Mrs. Roswell Mersereau, Jr., were CHURCH Divine Service 10:30 a.m. bridesmaids. , _ 12203 N. W. Cornell Road Lutheran Hour, K A L E 9:30 a.m. Suzanne Bradley, cousin of the | |f | h|*gg Moilthc at Church St. bride, was Junior bridesmaid and W H IIIi Simon E. Forsberg, Minister C AN Y O N ROAD B A P T IS T Michele Miller was flower girl. I w lth only three monthg 8318 S. W. Canyon Road CHURCH .... Roswell C. Mersereau J r was inff befor<l a„ drlver>g ob Meeting tempoarily Odd Fellows Portland 1, Oregon BEacon SAM best man and Del Mar Kamp tained hefore June 1, 1947, are Hall 53 N. Broadway, Beaverton 9:45 a.m. Sunday Bible School. mann was usher. 11:00 a.m. Morning Service. invalid, ma,ny Oregon drivers Rev. Russell B. Thomas, Pastor Mrs. Grace Gregg o f Grace Ma have failed to renew expired per 7:00 p.m. Young People’s Hour. 2616 N. E. 20th Ave. Portland nor sang “ I Love You Truly," and mits, Secretary of State Earl T. (Senior and Junior). Phone WEbster 5526 “ Oh Promise Me". 7:45 p.m. Evening Gospel Hour. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School. Newbry reports. A reception followed the cer Thursday 7:45 p.m. Bible Study 11:00 a.m. Morning worship. More than 18.000 drivers were emony. Pouring were Mesdames cited by state police alone last Bruce Miller, Calvin St. Plerr»., year for failure to have a valid A LO H A ASSEM BLY OF GOD COM M U NITY B A P T IS T CHURCH and Lloyd Bradley. Mrs. Emerson driver’s Aloha, Oregon or chauffeur’s license. Rev. Rilla Mae Stephens, Pastor Thomas served the wedding cake. Drivers are urged to check their Sunday School 10 a.m. Erling Monnee, Minister Miss Phyllis Kratz and Mrs. Ros Evenagelistic service 7:45 p.m. permits now for expiration date Sunday School at 9:48 a.m. well Mersereau, Jr. presided over and immediately renew If they Tuesday 7:45 p.m. Bible Study. Horning Worship at 11:00. the punch bowl. Friday, 7:45 p.m. Young peoples have become invalid. B. Y. F. and Juniors 6:30 p.m. Miss Nancy Christensen took Evening service at 7:30 pan. Old licenses have been expiring service. care of the bride’s book and Mrs. in blocks of 33,000 each month Burwell Fletcraft unwrapped gifts. the 1947 date, with the ial number and expire according The bride attended Beaverton since change-over to a staggered renew to the date on the license. The high school and has been em ployed at Meier and FVanks for al system scheduled for comple confusion arising from the two NEWEST RELEASES several years. The groom grad tion May 31 this year. All new types of licenses will be ended uated from Ashland high school permits expire on the holder’s when the changeover is complete, and attended the University of birth date in odd or even years he said. Complete information and according to the year o f birth. renewal schedules may be obtain Denver. He also served 3 years in It is believed many drivers are ed at any police or driver’s exam the armed forces. j confused because the renewal iner office. date printed on their old license LE G A L N O TIC E was extended during the war. U H AK I.TO N I.EE DIES CASH NO. 6792 Serial number determines expira Lieutenant Charlton Lee passed N O TICE TO C R E D ITO R S tion. I f the number is preceded In The Circuit Court of The State by “5R” , the license expires on away in January, 1949 at Long Classical — Popular O f Oregon For The County Of schedule regardless o f printed Beach, Calif. He had been in ill Children Washington dates. For example .all those num health for several years as the aftermath of war injuries. He was IN TH E M A T T E R O F T H E ES bered from 5R660.001 to 5R693 000 T A T E OF JOHN M A N O AH P I T must be renewed in February. All a veteran of World W ar I and II. WEST SLOPE He leaves his widow and one lower 5R numbers have already MAN, Deceased. RECORD & GIFT SHOP N O TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N expired and should be replaced son Robert. No penalty is at That the undersigned has been Immediately. Lt. Lee and family formerly liv West Slope BE 7748 appointed executor of the estate tached to late renewals. ed in Beaverton on Lang and o f John Manoah Pitman. De The secretary stressed that lic Farmington Rd. They sold their OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS ceased, by the County Court of enses obtained since the renewal home and moved to Long Beach the State of Oregon for Washing program began bear a “ 5R ser- in the summer of 1947. ton County, and has qualified. All persona having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as by law required to the undersign ed at 418 Ptttock Block. Portland. Oregon, within six (6) months from the date hereof. D ATED and first published Feb ruary 18, 1949. Last publication, March 18. 1949 A L F L O Y D M H ARRIS. Executor Farmington Rd at Menlo, Beaverton, Oregon Newswrlters of BHS Elect Staff For High Lights Beaverton Grad New Year's Bride By Candlelight All 5-R Driving Licenses Expire Î Pilgrim ICuthrrau (Church LEG AL N O TIC E Estate N e t» Daly Dny Gray, Executor Beaverton, Oregon N O TICE OF F IN A L ACCOUNT (No. 6671) In the CVjuntv Court o f the State of Oregon for the County of Washington. In Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of Neta Daly. Deceased. Notice lx hereby given that the undersigned, as executor of the estate of Neta Daly, deceased, has filed hit final account In the County Court of the State of Ore gon for the County o f Washing ton. and that Monday, the 7th day of March 1949, at tl •> hour o f 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon o f said day and the court room o f said court in the City of Hills boro. Washington County. Oregon, has been appointed by said court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof Dated and first published Feb ruary’ <th. 1949. Date of last publication. March 4th. 1949 DOY G RA Y. Executor R. M B U R L E Y , Attorney. The Rev. Erwin Gerken, Pastor Wednesday, March 2 "The Arrest in the Garden' John 18:1-12 Wednesday, March 9 Wednesday, March 16 "The Jesus Before Coiaphas' "Jesus Before Pilate" "Behold the Man" "Christ on the Cross" John 18:13 27 Wednesday, March 23 Wednesday, March 30 Wednesday, April 6 Friday, April 15 John 18:28 40 John 19:1-16a John 19:16b 30 "The Burial of Christ" John 19:31-42 'Good Fridays Signs and Wonders" John 20:30-31 A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend these midweek Lenten services at 8 00 P M The title of the series is "Pictures of the Passion from the Gospel According to St John " Starting with the soul-suffering of Christ in Gethsemane, you will be led through the major episodes in the Passion Story Large colored prints of each topic suitable for framing will be given to each worshipper Keep this Lent holy Bring others with you ______ I " l i t ‘hold I ht* Lamb of Ctnl That Taketh * ^imy The Sin o f The f lo r i d " ! I , •V *