/ t Students Elect Class Officers For Rest of Yr. : © « fc T rade L anes Bob Casteel, senior, BeKon Gredvig, junior, Paul Strandberg. sophomore. and Glen Gordon, freshman, have been chosen pres­ idents of their respective classes for the balance of this semester. Other officers were: seniors— Harold Wannebo, vice president; Kathleen McClure secretary; A1 Davis .treasurer; Hans Stroeve, reporter; Joan Renner, pianist; I W A N T T O BE N IC E Chuck Hulings. song leader; Inez Glimm and Willie Anderson, yell TO H ER F A M IL Y ? leaders. Juniors—Don Metcalfe, vice - I __ j president; Sally Stearns, secre­ j ju tary; Jim Gregory, treasurer; Helen Stevens, reporter; Wan­ I T 'Ä . da Ganger and Marilyn Brewster, yell leaders; Beverly Blank, song leader; Georgia Slocum, pianist; Rosemary Sledge .talent scout; Paul Bell and Dale Lindsay, ser- SOUTH LOMBARD ST. - PHONE 252« geants-at-arms. Sophomore— Ellen Smith, vice- president; Pat Traner. secretary; Eddie Zurflueh, treasurer; Bob Speer, reporter; Anita Ghiglietti. song leader; Jeanette Nelson and Ramon Senn. yell leaders; Virgin­ ia Berger, pianist. Freshmen—Alan Taylor, vice - president; Dreenali Zwahlen, sec­ retary; Mary Jo Connell, treasur­ er; Vanda Benson, reporter. Song leader and yell leaders will Ibe chosen later. I Washing 35c Machine Load ^ 'T O rc rb BEAVERTON fy & u O ü Malle Wash Day c « i! Drying 25c Machine Load Open 8 A M QUICK RELIEF FROM To 8 P. M S y m p t r m s of D istre ss A risin g fro m Saturdays 8 To 6 P. M. STOMACH ULCERS WASHERETTE Free B o o kT ellsof Hom eTreatm ent that M ust Help or it W ill C ost You Nothing d u eto e x c e s s a c id Over three m.llion bottles o f the W i l l a r d T r e a t m e n t have been sold for relief o f aymptomsof distress arising from Stom ach and D uodenal Uicers due to Excess Acid — Poor D igestion, Sour or Upset S tom ach, "Shop W h ile W e Do Your W a sh " Haskell Center Beaverton 4137 Gassincss, H eartburn, Sleeplessness, etc., due to Excess Ac^d. Sold on 15 days’ triall Ask for “ W illa rd 's Message** which folly explains this treatment -fro#— at CANYON DRUGS The E N T E R P R IS E is rapidly becoming a clearing house for lost dogs ever since we mentioned our success in locating the find­ ers BEFORE the distraught own­ ers ran an ad w'ith us. Last TUES­ DAY GEORGE GORDON, piano tuner, who lives in Aloha, dropped in to say that his prize greyhound bad vanished, and would we please run an ad or do some­ thing. GEORGE was tickled pink to learn that O R V IL L E POULIN, local barber, had phoned us just a few minutes earlier to report he had found a greyhound........... Next. . . . D A N a PO R TE R . jeweler in W alker’s Department Store, pass­ ed cigars around Tuesday to cel­ ebrate the arrival of a spanktag baby girl, weight eight pounds 12 ounces. Because the baby was born on Washington’s birthday, Dana is considering naming her Martha or Georgians. Incldently the score at the Porter household now stands at two girls and one boy with Dana noncommittal on when the score will be evened. The wet weatner didn’t bother D ALE JONES of the Elecfric Home Store, Aloha, who took off for the coast early this week to do a little fishin’ with his brand new rod. . . . Mrs. Jones says that Optimist Dale expects to nab a mess of steelhead. . . .IVAN WOLMACK, old time Beaverton baker is back at the Beaverton Bakery helping JIM mix the dough, bringing the staff now to a total of five. . . . MRS. EM­ MA LANCTO T of the Beaver­ ton Pharmacy is waiting on trade again after an absence of several days caused by siege of the flu. FLO RENCE GARRISON, own­ er of Florence’s Sewing Center, announces she will be in her new location in the Grange Building by April 2, open and ready for business. Assisting her will be Crystal Shearer, Mrs. Myrtle Snarr and Mrs. Esther Judy. . . The new face at JIM C O W IE’S Hazeldale Store belongs to Jim’s dad who has come around to help out with the business. . . Jim’s clientele (mostly small fry who leap out when the school bus comes to a stop) has a habit of coming in droves. BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE — Friday, February 25, 1949 Storm Damage to Property At Beach Requires Survey WI NS HOME FRF.KZRR hood dinner Saturday evening in H. R. Findley was *he lucky Cedar Mill. Friends report that the new winner of the first prize, a twelve \V. SLOPE Y.\ ENTS freezer owner is busy buying half foot home freezer, gi- j and a List of activities for this week­ verton a town to be proud of. Of food to fill it this week. the Leedy Grange State- ven at Presbyteran great concern to Grauer was the end at the United poor impression necessarily made Valley Community Church at West on visitors as they drove into Bea­ Slope Friday, Feb. 25 -Cub Scouts and verton. Grauer compared the town to Gre.ham pointing out Parents will meet in Fellowship that at one time Gresham too had Hall for a pot luck supper. Saturday. February 26 All a dreary appearance, until the Three-Sixteenths Inch townspeople got busy with paint members of the Junior Depart­ brushes, hammers, sickles, etc. ment of the Sunday School are in­ H IN TS TO SHOPPERS; Note vited to a “George Washington” the many new low prices on Party at 2:00 pin. in the Fellow­ One-Eighth Inch food advertised this week. Sav­ ship Hall of the church W EST SLOPE Mr. and Mrs. C ings are considerably over last week’s ads. An excellent va’ ue in E. Diller and children of Cash a new Westinghouse refrigerator mur I>ane .spent last week end is being offered by Beaverton at the beach. The Dillers have a One-Fourth Inch Furniture. Falk’s Hardware in cottage at Cannon Beach and Haskell Shopping Center HAS Sun- went to see what damage had hem Coffee masters and Iron mas­ been done by the storms ters although we forgot (a had. BAD KNEE INJURY Gretta Robinson, a student at bad habit we have!) to include It Beaverton high school, has been in their ad. A new service in­ augurated by Bech’s Florist per­ out of school because of water mits you to wire flowers to any on her knee which was a result part of the world (they don’t of falling while she was Ice skat­ send them over the wires, we ing. learned, merely wire a code to SUND AY TEACH ERS On February 16 the regular Three-Eighths Inch florist in the town designated monthly meeting of th e, Sunday who delivers your order). . . . School teachers of St. Matthews W e understand on good author­ Lutheran church was held at the ity that Aloha’s new fire truck home of Reverend and Mrs. W er­ will make its appearance very, ner Fritz on Canyon Crest Drive. very shortly, ready and able to The group discussed methods of get to work should the occasion Sunday School teaching, made arise. This community enterprise plans for the EastPr program and has already saved the local peo­ decided what attendance awards ple considerable money on their were to he given. fire insurant*. BR. 6122 9049 S W Canyon Rd Those who attended were Mrs. Tillman’s Tip Top is rapidly be­ Renner, Mrs. Sherman, Mrs. John coming a center for the business­ Robinson. Mrs. Luedke, Miss Dor­ men of the town. Seen there to­ othy Sherman and Reverend anil day at coffee time were M ARBLE Mrs Fritz COOK, B IL L SPEARS, F R A N K SELLING IN TEXAS SA N K E Y, M A YO R JEFFRIES, Dr. S. B. Sharpe of the Can­ JIM DUNCAN, CHET HITNKA- yon Drug Company is in Odessa I i PR ESCR IPTIO N S OUR S P E C IA LT Y ) P IL L A R . MRS. TORBERG BEN ­ Texas for an indefinite stay on SON, N. L. THOMAS, R A Y business concerned with the sale Haskell Center Beaverton 4171 Canyon Road C L E A R W A T E R . JACK W E IB Y, of a drug store there. H ARO LD M ILLE R , H A R R Y AN SCHOOL HOLIDAY BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIR AT HOME TROBITS, JACK TE R R Y , C ARL Gabel Country Day School was NELSO N .. . and yours truly. closed Tuesday in honor of Wash­ ington's birthday. MAGI CURL AT WOMEN’S GUILD Mrs. Lester Spencer was the Butce "Hot" Wave Kits and Refills featured speaker at the February Toni Cold Wave Kits and Refills Funeral services for Mtrlhael meeting of the Women’s Guild of LaRue Brewer, infant son of Mr. | the Valley Community United Richard Hudnut Kits and Refills and Mrs. W illie E. Brewer, Route Presbyterian church which was Insta-Curl 2, Beaverton, were held in Youngs held at the church Tuesday eve­ funeral home, Hillsboro, February ning, February 8. Mrs. Spencer Ample PARKING Space 22. Reverend Pearson, of Portland spoke on the various phases of officiated. the work of the American Sun­ The baby was born February 1 day School union. and died February 19, aged eight­ een days. Commitment was to the Hills­ boro cemetery. Interior Doors $7.50 & up Std. Masonite 7^c sq. ft. 9c sq. ft. Tempered Masonite 10c sq. ft. Plywood S015 $2.65 roll 15-lb. Felt (500 ft.) 5V2C sq. ft. |-ln. Sheet Rock 5c sq. ft. Sheet Rock 2x4, 2x6, 2x8. No. 2. $65.00 per M West Slope Lum ber Yard ft) CANYON DRUGS, Inc. Michael Brewer Shortening Idea of the week belongs to B IL L G RAU ER of Grauer and Ackerman who has come up with Refrigerator and the suggestion that Beaverton in­ H O TPO IN T stove for sale. 9 x 12 rug and augurate a “Clean-Up W eek”. pad. One double bed. Fifth Purpose of the campaign, accord­ house from highway on N. To­ ing to Grauer would be to clean bias. Aloha. W. E. Dunn. 5 up, paint up, fix up around town [0 with the intention of making Bea- FOR SALE: Registered Dober­ man Pinscher puppies from champion stock. Very reason­ able price. Phone CHerry 2509. HASKELL SHOPPING CENTER 5p LOTS FOR SALE: Two blocks Beaverton 35 42 = = Open W ed , F ri., Sat Nights from new Catholic Church. lit hi Priced right. Mrs. Pienovi. 115 S. W. Farmington (near bank», = lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll= lil= lll= U = lll= IIIH III= lll= lll= lll= lll= IIIE III= lll= lli= lll= lll= lll= Beaverton. 5tf WANT ADS A ll brands 3 lbs for Nucoa Î STARKIE TOT SHOP Week-end Bakery Special Burnt Sugar Be a W er £ a I /wS* »1QQ.QQQ.QQ> C A K E S and D A N ISH 6 0 1 , 0 m u .— 5 ® I I & CONTEST A First Prize $i4 $ , 0 0 0 . 0 0 OTHER CASH Phone Beaverton 4140 ft i t -¿J* - Reg. Bath 29 3 cakes 2 cakes 29c 25c -*• 29 G r a n u la t e d D A V E N PO R T and c h a ir with covers, 1 bed innerspring matt­ ress and vanity, 1 gate-leg din­ ing table, 6 chairs, 1 swing ro­ cker, Crosley refrigerator, 1 Crosley radio, 1 lawn mower. Phone Beaverton 2984. 5p 2 fo r Large Giont 19 37c 79c BY Furniture Kepufring - Modernizing KEPLER DAVENPORT CO. Phone Beaverton 4141 A fte r hours Capitol 2031 27 Vm sLH°ESS CA SH M ERE „ in B O U Q U E T Soap*v D A V E N PO R T FOR SALE Newly upholstered. Phone Beaverton H it 5 You can SAVE by letting us m ake your old furniture look like new P. 0 . Box 375 ^ Experienced. W ill do typing in my home, letters, manuscripts, menus, etc. Dic­ tation over phone. Prompt and accurate service. Telephone Bea­ verton 4122. 5p UPHOLSTERING CRAFTSMEN PRIZES .................... VEL FA B S P E C IA L T Y for rent. Phone Ti­ • Round Steak Grade A steer Lb g ^ V Young, tender Lb. Pot Roast Grade A steer Lb Jg g c And A rm our's 6 to 8 lbs Lb Jg P c r C ic Snowy white, sea # sons low price, hd ■ - Carlson Plumbing Co. "2 0 Y E A R S E X P E R IE N C E " MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED FOR PROMPT SERVICE CHARLES CARLSON Phone Charley Beaverton 4118 TED SANBORN No- Vi No. 2 Des V Frozen Foods A Q c Durkee's Pt |ar A A Jr Columbia River No. 2 can. Pictsweet • ......... STRAWBERRIES SPINACH . Mayonnaise O j u u FOOD ft/ r * e * H O M ” E h a s k € cc O 5 | N T W H W 49c 23c PEAS, sweet pickins 15c Price* Effective Thur*., F r i . , S a t . , February 24, 25, 26 W> Reset ve Right To Limit (Quantities ». “"K um 1 -- 8 .30 I« 9 I'1 to . . H H H H rERE! 23c PEAS & CARROTS 23c ^ A c w V I N 0 E P E N 9 Salmon $ | 49 PEAS Log Cobin 1 2 o z bottle 4 Hunt's 2 bottles Pop Corn Little Buster 2 lbs ^ Catsup chutes, 50-lb. bag 1 G lc 1 Jr ____ ^ A ll brands Tender, coreless 4% ^ c 3 bunches U S can Coffee Carrots Bread M ity Nice 1 V i-lb . loaf A A c w V Potatoes # Q |c I V .......... ^ 1 5 Tuna Fish i 7 Dry Onions l 12-oz. tin Neck Bones Cauliflower U S No 3 lbs C c Rath Picnics Juice Oranges Sunkist 3 doz. for C P Q ( Corned Beef Beef Liver Syrup New Plumbing Service New low prices 2 lbs. Shop TereHi's 'Till 9 Every Night si Gel Entry Blanks from Us SUPER SUDS PALMOLIVE P A S T R IE S OUR J Second Prize $ 4 , 900.00 4949 80c SECRETARY BEAVERTON BAKERY - ENTER COLGATE-PALMOLIVE-PEETS 4 ® Cake FU R N ISH ED ROOM Ruby Ave. Tigard. gard 2812. 0 ^ c O CENTER I w L FH O s h o p p / mo c eh rep ■ '■ Sér a w .