>, January 28, 1949 south, Mr. and Mrs L. P. Put­ nam kept home fires burning In the Inw all menage and have . " W K A T H X K IS H K A V K N " since purchased a new home on The «r a th e r her» Is henven Brlnley Road, Into which they exclaim* Mr*. Chester Inw all o f moved last week. B R O W N M O H A IR l)aven|H»rt and I*ake Road, a* she and her hu* Mr. Putnam is now working chair. Good condition Rebuilt band return to Beaverton after for the Oregon Tuberculosis and P.-T.A. M E E T P O S T P O N E D ruahiona. Call Tigard 2731. Ip having kpent four months in Health association. He recently The regularly scheduled meet­ — Glendale, California. attended a conference of organ­ ing o f the Beaverton grade school F O R HAI.K Magic Chef Gas Mr. Inwall conduct* a business isation representatives at Ash­ Range. Good condition Phone o f press erecting and was work- land and on his return stopped on January 25th was postponed due to the cold weather and icy Reaverton 4755 2p Ing In the sunny IT ? ) southland at Roseburg and Eugene. ----------------------------- — (jur )n^ their i k M M while Mis Accom panying Putnam on the road conditions. The topic which FO R SALE Clover hay. baled Inw all was more or less visiting. trip was Fred Scherer, head of was to have been on Audio-Visual the social hygiene department o f Aids, w ill be presented at the Ha* never been wet. $35.00 ton as she puts It. Phone Beaverton 4237. Ip P o rin g the interlude in the the health association. meeting to be held May 17. B E A V E R T O N E N T E R P R IS E High Waves Buffet Coast; Worst Storms In 20 Years W ANT ADS W W AKÎ W W est Slope.— Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. B lu er o f Canyon Crest Drive, who have a house at Tolvana Park, Ore., have seen some huge storms at the beach on their trips down every tw o weeks. The natives at the coast say the storms are the worst in 20 years, and in some places the waves have washed aw ay five to six feet o f sand and have uncovered rocks and boulders. The Bruers home is on a high point so they suffered leas proper­ ty damage than did many o f the other people but their stairway was washed away and then washed back again piece by piece. RECENT W EEKEND Mr. and Mrs. N eill Whisnant and Diana and Bruce spent a recent weekend at Seaside with Mrs. Whisnant's parents, Mr and Mrs. H. C. Muller. r P S ob VALENTINE SPECIA L FRIDAY and SATURDAY JAN. 28 - 29 *v -*L- Your picture in an attractive 5x7 Valentine folder 50c each, 6 for $2 50 You see your picture before ordering These are Regular $1.50 Size Pictures Two Days Only — Frid ay and Saturd ay A T W A L K E R 'S A nother W A L K E R Service! CHAM BERLIN C a n M a k e Y o u r Old Shoes FR EE D E L IV E R Y M O D E R N DANC E CLASS Several couples from W est Slope Look and W e a r W A L K E R 'S are planning to take modern dance lessons from Ed Cheney at For L ik e New the Palais R oyale each Thursday D R E S S M A K IN G I night, beginning February 3 and Included in the group are Dr. H E M S T IT C H IN G S A V E ON and Mrs. G eorge H. Butterfield, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Jackson, Mr. S H O E R E P A IR IN G and Mrs. Curtis W. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. O laf Ansnes. Mr. and Mrs. at WTalter Beebe. Mr. and Mrs. N or­ man Sheldon and Mr. and Mrs. A T E C O N O M Y P R IC E S A. C. Kornahrens. ON S l'N S K T H IW A Y Free Estimates Ph; 3461 The W alter Beebes, who lived on j Birchwood Road, have bought a new home on Sunset Highw ay and There may be nothing ; moved Saturday. ON T H IR D B IR T H D A Y wrong with your watch Mr and Mrs Bernard Ascheim which a professional clean­ were hosts to ten members of ing can't fix We'll be glad their fam ily and the godparent* ] o f their daughter, M ary Ann. on \ to get it bock to precision the occasion o f her third birth- timekeeping at moderate ill day. January 11. cost. The guests enjoyed a birthday dinner. TO V IS T A H IL L S Jeweler Mr. and Mrs Allen N. Arm field have sold their home on Laurel- and Licen sed W atch m aker wood D rive to Mr and Mrs. Peter Cartwright. The A rm fields moved into tfieir new ly built home on Phone Beaverton 3461 S & H Green Stam ps Vieta D rive in Vista Hills before j CLri* Open Evenings Till 7 P. M , Saturdays 9 P M Th e Cartwrights, who lived on Montgom ery D rive in Portland, n have three little boys, the eldest one being a student at Gabel school PR O M E I G E N E Mr. and Mrs. M artin Trosper o f Eugene spent Sunday. Jan. 16 in W e « Slope and Beavertin. The Trosper* visited her sister. Mrs Arm field. and the two ladies’ fa ­ ther who ha* been in the Beaver­ ton Nursing Home fo r the past I o f going to 4-H Summer school six weeks this year C H T R C H C H O IR P A R T Y Funeral services for Charles W . O fficer* as elacted are : Ey- Mr. and M rs Robert Gollehur Kepler were held at 3:00 p.m. vonne W ilhelm , president. Rose were hosts to the members o f the last Saturday in the chapel of Marie Law, vice president; Mar Valley Community church choir at a party W ednesday n.eht T h . r ^ i * M or,uary' Beaverton Vault ianne Krautscheid. secretary; An . entombment was at R iverview nette A m e ll social |, der; EI- lehurs have recently moved into Abbey eanore Sahmitt. SK*ap-book re­ the home they built ©n Vista H ills '' , . . . M OTHERS C U R H * f **8**1 aWmy V* ry sudde"'>’ porter; Louise Pesenti. treasur­ . ...... , last Wednesday evening at his er, and Ann Reynold* .reporter. !U A ' T “ ' JinUiJT 19' home in Beaverton m in W . T , ** ° f »e ™ born in Pontiac. Mich. Z l '" i n t WOOd- September 16. 1370 and had lived - Portland and vicin ity since Chat )e* Rune* presided over the meeting M r* Henrv Bali gave the u ___ . . , . __________ . He acqquired an upholstering 18tua\ lOpif on Lean per reviewing i . .. „ th . Brtw-u it d ^ p business in 1922 which became Liie arUcJe I n It ¿saff* tn Rirsw known a* as C. « W rvepier Kepler ana and son Son Your T o p " ’lnuwn At a special m eeting of the VENETIAN BLINDS CH A M BERLIN S Enjoy a better breoktast — enjoy o better day. Y e * — b reakfost is the m eol th a t starts your fam ily off right — sends them to work or school w ell-filled and w ell-fortified ag a in st low tem p er­ atu res . . . w ell-supplied with energy to do the day's work. So gtve b reo ktast a break in your hom e.W okeup appetites tor a hearty meol with these cheery "Good M o rn in g " foods T h ey're this w eek's super valu es and our low, low prices oc^ent the econom y of buying A L L your food Grade 'A' Large Fresh From the R an ch Dozen 63c needs here where your money alw oys buys more. Thrifty-Way Coffee „ catsup Dennison M O N EY BA CK G U A R A N T E E D Lb PEAS Hunt s No. 2 tins BEANS Hunt's N o I tin* TAN G *. 59c 39c rV BACON By the piece, sugar cured U 53c Danish Pastry BokrdbyGi.G »or 25c C O FFEE C A K ES Mhi toe« 35c G R A PEFR U IT Del ^ Monte J,ns 19c C O FFEE S(L w Lb 49c Pineapple Juice ibhv 46-02 tin 39c BU TTER Forest Grove Grade A Lb 69c M ARGARINE Durkee's 29c Pancake Flour Albe- s 2'y-t> pkg 33c CRISCO 3-lb tins 99c RICE KRISPIES 15c Q U A K ER OATS 39c 2 t„r 35c 2 r« 35c 23c Pr- 30c C R A C K ER S Sunshine 2-lh box 45c TUNA FLA KES 29c BEETS Shoe String N o 2 tin* 10c SOAP \ : (to - , Giant Pkg 67c FLOUR All Brands 50-Lh Sark* $3.98 FURI 10 POUND BAG 79c Í h o lly * suba* Lb E i W A T K 'E F T S E A V E R T O N S O WN S T O R E Chas. W. Kepler Dist. 48 Selects Replacement For Board Until June The group made a contribution * * * * * * “ W* U kn0wn ,n to the Mar c h of Dime* and re- ' '"holesale and retail phase ported on their Chnetm a. nar-v sl" c' ,hen K e ^ r was t«“*P ~ te d at the convalescent hospital m !* ' M Wh° knf W him Beaverton His son Borman, was killed in L IM IT 2 B A G S 3 Cans 10c Pkg LIMIT 6 CA N S 3 lb pkg bo* rd of di* ^ t o r * o f School Dia- , trie 45. held in the Beaverton grade school on January 24. Her­ W>*B J Pa!m<‘ r- « 0 S E Lorn- bard Street, was appointed as a Mrs H aling* served eggnog pie k ^ k T " ’ A ,tort* * hUe Pla>lnR ^placem en t on the board for the and coffee The February m ee-in* P°*t left vacant by resignation of i* to b, held at the home of M n J ™ ? * * * Wlfe Id» V Ro“ * ' Henry Bo.f on 1517 S W Wilson on ,w o daughters. Mrs The appointment is but tempor- avenue Marjory soholm Beaverton and ary and w ill expire at the repu- D IS T NO 4* M M m HOOL L u fU ]f Dl>nn Portland 6 ,ar school election which rill be The a t * dwtnet 46 grade school p^ dc' h,,dren * nd 15 g ra n d -, held in June. At that time, election w;]l be building i* progressing m spite of held fo r the time remaintn»: :n Mother N a tu re* imposition of cold weather Mr. R o m ig s term The roof deck* have been nlaced , on the gymnasium auditorium and R t 7 A lo h a " o ' 7 ^ bmier room* The next two -seek* . ” A h ° r i R °" wtB see the completion o f the PM ,? d * m'* y w >d n ” day morning Hannah Lakanen ThtBESm Beaverton Grade 4 In 2 Hoop Games O u a U ttf TH eatx. Lb 49c Sirloin Steak Grom Fed Lb 65c PORK Lb 49c meatv Lb 35c SAUSAGE Grapefruit 59c 6 . Juice Oranges ^ Jdni APPLES 3 R.hrrvr- B ra . tc BOX CA LA VO Jbana Porter Lhs c .„m Should«*- R o o s t Sr..e ce-hte- cu t S3 Of M e d iu m si7e 19c SHORT RIBS Lean bud, up root pat: of « hich O n e « « " H ° ,P lU 1 *" HUUb0r° ready done y” The Beaverton Grade School I The on!> remaining concrete i j ^ 0TT 1. i n P'h- basketball team r*-a* defeated in work besides the floor slab* are f,,TUn j ®nd came the first two league games of the por tion* of the -outh and east tv.rt * r " ^ ;* s lc* in 1R5»2 She season. In the first game pla iassroorr wall* P.umbing in the v . J in Quino>- January 14 a ith S t M ary s the < IM Mas* „h hfrr e r e she w.v marned to St M ary , team wor. w th B - - - *M W CAme west trurtion will tx>cin I ,v . . ----- , of 30 to 13 The score at half -- time ---- - was - u 1? IS to to 5 j soon a* the roof i* over the olas*. . - !_ ^ * nd - ------ «-tiled room area ‘ w W yom ing for over In the B squad p&mf Be 3 vert on V 'E IV T t B T' * vvon ov* r 9t. M a n ’ i br a «00re Bernard Lei* •on « f id: anc f i * o r* « * « to f M rs A B Lei* „ vlslJor a. surviving her In L IN E I" PS j hi* parents home recently St Mary's *~*1 He « y » iACT e t0 A,i* * Beaverton * .* has resided fo r twenty year* | Zu m w .lt 41 Wreith | employed in Bend by the H í> F D D S u n irtn g «r e two son, Oscar Oberxt [ P rinting Co F (2- D. Francis b. Aloha and Howard o f Bea- Speer O O F n i T IM E NOTE C < * ' T. Francis dO' Nere M r* Y e loot. Rope and Mr* N o r­ H oaTea * Bed S * * G John Shaw (11 . 41 Grtffin ton Peck were "coffee tim e" h o «, G er ‘ '* ° on' Pcppert e w * At Bur tie* hospita. Bunda> h-nth.»- ^ n' And xnd one Substitutes Beaverton Grant. | Januar y 16 serving refreshmer u VuZ , Burt. Clawson St Mary s V.r- to veteran* and their piaitor* dur- ^ hHd » * ! ■ « <*'. Bappe Pohs Kenyon | mg Matting hour* ,n * * ' ' * o n »n u .t January 2 The tw o iadie* rep--esented Beu Saturday afternoon In the second league game play­ | ver.o r m the eerie* of such sw- ed January 20 at Tigard Tigard | vice* performed In the Red C-os* •» o f Portland officiating was w inner by a acore of Burial a-a* m Crescent Grove u r n R\ - T\t ?tK7 to 25 The score at h alf time ’ ‘cem # erv near B e, vert. »•n with 21 to IS 1« Tigard's favor The Mrs Gi Tot rane» of the W > s t!v » ,v LZ ' Slop, Drug mo e ha* returnee to 1 «»^ m h m en t Beaverton ’ B " squad was agat" work after a tw o week* ■ •Ines* victorious having a score of 1* "JO LI 3 N F .F T U .ry" 4 H i KN IU , . I S 7 I K I . I i M to 12 The lineups were ** *!' :" t>Tanlaed Hi (V to h w for the lo ___. Mm* Ine* Lei* ha. -acetved no­ »* Tigard tice rhat sh, ha* ixtHsec me ex­ r rl* of St Cecilia-, school the Bea, erton F (21 M'es amination of the atare hoard of ♦-H "Jolly Needles" duh meet. Grant F (4> Sita* nurse* and ha* been awarded he; even B edneedax at the end o f Oberst «3 „ C (21 Robert, pin which designate* tha she ha* the schon! day Speer ^ m e n t project of the group Shaw i l(i> beer nino, a regri«ered hume G (•' He!» Mis* Let* ha* heer work .rig a* X» reported by M t « Ann Revn Popper! (41 G ( 13' Frederick nigh; nu-s, a: St Vincent * hos­ old* ~eport er i» the making of Bea »-ertön Zu®- S-.ih«itute* Thev W h; te. pita, and >» to h, tra referred to d-eeser scanne* ope to wait d i . Burt Tigard exhibit them at the countv fa ir l^ w is Claacson. Bnen 4' Cron® ahd are also for a chance 31, Mullin Thom as î ^ 1 f *** Rev