Men's Work Sox You Saw 20 Great Bargains On This Page Last Week— "U n cle Sam " Heavy Cotton Reinforced Toe and Heel Regular 29c Soturday only STOP and LOOK HERE! 1 _ WALKER'S "Beaverton's Own Store' Shoe Grease H ub erd s 10 3V2-OZ. ja r (Saturdoy only) WEIBY'S 79 N W . Broadway Now Look at THESE 29 No 2 T in Spring Clothespins 20 Super Values! Crushed Pineapple 6 Dozen limit Dozen These 20 Items -at*cost-or (Saturday only) less, Prove That Saturday (Saturday Only) 7 S & H Green Stamps Is BEAVERTON Miller's Quality Foods M ahogany Veneer, Sheraton Style, Reg $ 11 9 5 , I to customer Beaverton Hardware Avoid crowds, parking problems and save money by SHOPPING IN BEAVERTON I Lamp Table .95 BACON Arm our's Star or R ath's B lackhaw k “V (Saturday only) Beaverton H "N ever Knowingly Undersold" Plain Skirts or Dresses TERESI Panels 4x8, waterproof, H - in . thick, On 2x4 fram e Reg $ 1 1 00 $ g .' w Lim it 3 rolls per customer (Saturday only) KINGSLEY - BEAVERTON LUMBER CO. CENTER Haskell Shopping Center 3 S. W . Farmington Road Oil Shampoo Curity Diapers Red and W hite METAL KITCHEN STOOL and Regular $3 79 Dozen w w H a ir Styling Saturday only .......... Lim it 1 dozen to a custom er $4^.75 (Saturday Only) Dozen (Saturday only) Plywood Fine q uality, 1000 sheets Reg 2 for 25c 59c Lb FOOD (M ARSHALL-W ELLS STORE) Toilet (Saturday only) Furniture Shortened or Lengthened Regular $1 50 DAY 1 to a customer Regular S3 98 $ 1 .3 5 1 ..... 99 (Saturday only) Florence's Sewing Center STARKIE TOT SHOP BEAUTY H askell Shopping Cen Ph; Beaverton 3542 118 N W . Broodway Sundaes | I I IH, A ll Flavors Regular 20c (Saturday only) TILLMAN'S TIP TOP Heinz 49 U ! Cream Shampoo O ■ BAZAAR H askell Shopping Cen Ph Beaverton 3541 • Lim it 2 bottles Per customer (Saturday only) Beaverton I First Quality Ketchup Bottle Nylon Hosiery 1QC ■ ^ Semi-Service, 30 Denier Regular S I 50 Pair (Saturdav only) Dean's Drug Store Thrifty (Your Rexall Store) Market 1 Across From First Security Bonk 99 THE MODE Vour Own Store in Beaverton' 118 S W ■ Furniture Never Knowingly Undersold" Broadway _______________________________ ! Free Brake Adjustment VOGUE With Purchase of 10 Gallons of Gas at Stew Kettle W hite enam el, triple coated, 4-Quort su e Reg $2 25 Richey Hardware Co. 25c Gal. Rayon Panties (Saturdav only) N otionalIy Advertised Brand "Sus-Pants". Reg $1 50 Hancock Super Service Station THE M. ASH, Proprietor Across from New Sofewav 99 MODE Your Own Store in Beaverton" I 18 S W Broodwav