NAME WANTED FOR NEW FAVOR and GIFT SHOP Opened In Beaverton Gift To Winner See Display in Window of Elite Dress Shop N e x t to Post O ffic e Beaverton GENUINE Series of Fieme Classes Planned By Joyce Enright Joyce Enright will complete the first half of the teaching season by presenting her piano pupil in a series of playing classes at her home 513 N. E. Ellis Ave. On January 15th nine boys will play before an audience of their mo­ thers. Those participating will be By way of explanation, this Marvin Wollmuth, Michael Hinds column making its bow today as Gary Allen. John Eckel, James a regular feature of our paper, Adams, Larry Matson, Carlton will bring you a smattering of Gestring, Roger Peck and Don Fi news about the business people of the «community people you biger. On January 22nd and 23rd the know and probably deal with ev­ girls of the class will play for ery day. Our idea is to pass on to their mothers. Those playing on you tin strictest confidence of of gossip and Saturday afternoon will be Linda course!) tidbits LeSueur, Lora Dlgman. Darlene news that will shed light on the Johnson, Susan Will, Darlene activities, thoughts, morals, etc. Walton. Marjorie Anderson, Susan of our local business men. Along Peck, Sue LeSueur and Lynore with comments on personalities, there will be interesting items on Jones. On Sunday the 23rd the ad merchandising, sales events and vaneed pupils will be heard. They general business news .all calcu­ are Nancy Locke, Linda Lutz, lated we hope to be of some aid Molly Lutz. Lenny Matson, Shar­ to the shopper. So linger with us on Wilkens, Bonnie Cameron, a while each week and get to Jean Finch, Sylvia Wilson, Pat­ feel the pulse of the trade lanes. ricia Madden and Margaret Meanwhile this Is what the puUe felt like as we went to press:: Powne. On Monday evening January Evelyn Hathaway and Dor©’ 17th Mrs. Enright will appear Johnson, local artists will exhibit with Ella Connell Jesse and Es­ some of their paintings at the ther Ryun in the three piano A R T SHOW scheduled for two Bach Concerto with the Univer weeks, beginning January 24, at sity of Portland orchestra. This the Beaverton Furniture. • • • concert is presented by the Col­ Contrary to rumors, the old Safe­ legium Musicum which was or­ way store In Beaverton has NOT ganized last year under the dir­ been rented, according to tihe ection of Rex Underwood. Rossi boys. • * • Several deals B IR TH D A Y SU RPRISE ... A surprise birthday party in honor of Miss Mary Kokich was held at the home of Miss Bar­ bara Monohon on Tuesday, Jan­ uary 4th. Five couples attended. FELLAS, here's a real opportunity to stock up on your fovorite— genuine "LEV IS”— SHOOT your order in; we'll SHOOT your LEVI'S to you same day we re­ ceive order, SIZES 27, 28 and 29, $3.25 — 30 TO 36 & 40 $3.45 (C lip co n ven ien t order b la n k below) W E IB Y 'S , B eaverto n , Oregon G e n tlem en ; Jeans Enclosed please fin d , ( for ) c h e ck , ( ) m oney order p a irs genuine " L E V I 'S " as m arked below Q u a n tity W a is t Size Length M easu re With Zipper Fly, Suspenders, Copper Riveted and Bar Tacks, Sizes 1 to 8 Denim Jackets To Match P lease in clu de 10c per p a ir to cover m a ilin g and h an d ­ ling costs. Can't Bust 'em Work Clothes Beaverton 4597 WEIBY'S Star Brand Work Shoes SHOE REPAIRING Beaverton Girl Loses District T rade L anes DAR Elimination STARKIE TOT SHOP Haskell Shopping Center Open W ed and F ri N ig h ts Phone B eaverto n 3 5 4 2 are hanging fire with one having a slight edge, but nothing defin­ ite yet. That good looking fella you sea working with Dana Porter in Walker’s, is Robert Bolton, who recently moved to Aloha with his bride of one year. H e’s a grad of the American Academy of Horology (watchmaking to you). * • * Jack Terry is waiting on customers again at his fur­ niture store, after being laid up for several days with a bad cold. • * • Still walking the floor nights and complaining mildly is Bill Wetzler of Flatt’s. Bill says their month-old baby boy Is de­ veloping fine, particularly his vo­ cal chords. Another new daddy. Roy Mour- er, (he passed out cigars two months ago) has called a tem­ porary halt to his pharmaceut­ ical profession while he paints the prescription department at Dean’s Drugs. Roy says not only must a pharmacist be a jack-of- »11-trades today but he must know how to mix paints as well as drugs. • • • While we’re on the subject of daddies, want to add that Beaverton can expect a satisfactory population growth within the next few months if our younger business men are any barometer. Offhand we can think of five daddies-to-be: Jack Weiby, Dana Porter, Bill Sel- herts, Lyle Rich, d ie t llunka- pillar. Al Ferrier, Aloha tax service man, is reported to have rented a house in Aloha and will short­ ly move his family from Port­ land. • • • After a three-week sojourn in Odessa, Texas, where he conducted business matters I along with other things. Bob) Sharpe of Canyon Drug is hack | at the old stand in the Haskell | Shopping Center. Bob, a native of the G-R-E-A-T state of Texas. | plugged his old town with the crack that it’s the “ oil center of Texas. Suh!” The new faces you see at the new Safeway Store belong to Carl Nelsen, the manager; Klwood Col­ lins, Francis Argent, William Watt and Fred 4!©on*. C A R L as­ sures us that most of the old em­ ployees are still on hand; they're only a little difficult to locate on account of the size of the store. • • • Glad to see that IR M A S T IL L W E L L is spending more and more time at her Beauty Ba­ zaar, following her recent ill­ ness. Nowadays she is lending STE LLA MOORE some help In beautifying the local ladles. Chuck Ankeip of the Kepler Davenport Company has had tough luck with cars lately. Not exactly sour on them, but suspicious anyway. Chuck was driving his dad's car in Portland 10 days ago when he BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Betty Moshofsy, voted by her Beaverton higlh school senior classmates to enter the annual citizenship contest sponsored by the Daughters of the American Revolution, lost out in district el­ iminations, which were won by Mary Kramien, Hillsboro high. It was announced this week. Eleanor Boyson. Virginia Tal­ bert and Betty were the three final selections made by the fac­ ulty “ for their qualities of de­ pendability, patriotism and lead­ ership." It was promised in 1944 that Be.ty would be a D AK candi­ date when her freshman comrades chose her as their preference for "a future good citizen.” Later she w as elected to the pep club and a class officer. She Is now Y-Teen president and a Hummer staff ii-porter. After selection at their schools all entries filled out question­ naire.^ on citizenship to qualify for the district contest. HARRY Through these questionnaires the district winners will qualify for a state-wide drawing tomor- tow. State winner will receive a $100 war bond or value thereof. The DAK pilgrimage trip to Washington D. C.. awarded in previous years, has been discon­ tinued. Mary Kotrick was the 1947 BHS candidate and Mary Myers, in 1946. UPHOLSTERING BY CRAFTSMEN No need to w aste m oney disposing of old fu rn itu re and buying new W e m ake your old fu rn itu re last m any years. was hit—and hard too. with plen­ ty of damage to the car. A week later his own car froze on him! •lack (1 raucr of Grauer and Ack­ erman reports that they’re doing a little remodeling at the store with the purpose of enlarging their showroom and office. Jack is particularly proud of their new air compressor for painting furnaces, says it works faster and gives more of a glass finish. • • • F r.d o y , Ja n u a ry 14, 1949 a., i rniturc Repairing - Modernizing KEPLER DAVENPORT CO P O Box 3 7 5 Phone Beaverton 4141 A fte r hours C ap ito l 2031 BUY UPSTAIRS ROTHSCHILD, (Beaverton's most eligible bach­ elor, he says), proprietor of T ill­ man's Tip Top, has a new heart­ beat as of last Sunday night. Witnesses say he was seen squir­ ing the gal about town. • • • ‘F R A N ’’ of Thrifty Market Is sit­ ting pretty these days and we mean just that. • • • he’s reclin­ ing in a new leather office chair that the store employees recently gave him. • • • Unfortunately "Fran” doesn’t get much time to sit. Television is on Its way to Al­ oha. at least a set is. • • • Roy Briggs, local radio expert expects the television set he ordered, to arrive within a week. RO Y does­ n’t look for reception for a while yet but he'll be ready when It can be picked up. Meanwhile RO Y reports that a few Portland­ ers have picked up spotty tele­ vision calls from the Seattle sta­ tion. Rumor has It that work will start shortly on a building to house a new furniture store in Beaverton. The location Is said to be on Canyon Road across from Caffee Automotive Supply. * * * And that’s that for this week. — SAVE $ $ $ $ LADIES' SUITS & COATS Values to 50.00 i o l O R M . t t ln r . B lu r. ( i r m i . N a v y . fir r y , B H g r, B ro w n am i o th er*. M A T E R IA U «: G a b a rd in e «. T w ill* , ( o v ert*. S h a g *. F leece*. Sitade*. ( heck*. S to rtiteli« and O ther M a te ria l* . Big M itra. U t i l e Mite*— 10 ta t o . . . %fno l a r g e S ice*. N ew Mult«. I .«mg la e k e t* . S h ort J a c k e t*. B a llerin a *. Io n i Coat*. NOT \ ll <01.010 IN ET IC H I M i z r W it M i l l KIM OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY SIN GER D RESS C O . 6 0 2 R o y al Bldg bat. Bd w y. L P o rk , 7 1 6 S W M o rri.o n Over K n ig h t’ . S to re ll Beef S O HIGH-GRADE IS THE MEAT WE SELL C h u ck Roast G rad e A , lb IT'S WORTHY O f ' A C O LLEG E YELL/ ç ç c | Hams P icn ics, 6 - 8 lbs Lb Beef Ground Round Lb Fillet Red Snapper lb Link Sausage A F c w J Sm oked A rm o u r's g S ta r, lb ^ Ie 6 1 m edium Y ( 0% g Apples Bum b le Bee solid m eat No. Vi can fo r your 1 Q c ■ ▼ J Grapefruit T e x a s P in k , fu ll of ju ic e , 4 for 19 39 Tomato Sauce H u n t's 8 oz TrTr U S No 1, Ore 4 lbs for Calavos 39 Tuna Fish con A Q c 6 for Crackers Dry Onions Rome B ea u ties E xtra fa n cy box C Pineapple Juice D ole's 46-oz can L ife Buoy or Swan Reg size b ars 0% g - 3 for ^ ^ Snow drift 3 lbs Best Bet.. 2%-lb pkg M edium Ripe Sunday salod Eoch < Shortening Macaroni or Spaghetti 2 9 5 69 $1 1 Soap Eggs Grade A r A ll brands C arto n A ll brands 2 c a n s for L im it 12 can 3 Wesson Oil Canned Milk Coffee 1 - lb R a th 's » Cigarette! 1 Nucoa 2 lbs* Bacon Squares 43 K n sp y 2-lb box Oranges N a v e l, S u n k ist, Sweet, N ew C rop, larg e, ju ic y , lb 1 0 c Prices Effective Thurs., Fri., So»., January 13, 14, 15 to* m v t'e-.’. **i brinn O out the hidden beauty of your h a ir Beauty Bazaar H a sk e ll ShnDpmg C en ter Phone Beaverton 3541 Week Days H.90 to 9 1*. M. 10 to 9 Sundays Pfinn rllUD THE TER ES II 1 N 0 E P E N PINT H O M E A * O * ° W N * E v O HASK6CL I'hone !$«*•»•■ rton 4158 CENTER ' SHOPPftNO ó c C f n - - re * M. .. .