P R IV A T E J. O. B 1LLII' . . BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE— Friday, January 14, 1949 BEAVERTON VISITO R TO H O SPITAL Mrs. ('race Mauch of White Salmon, Wash., who was a guest of Eunice Sylvester, o f Eunice's Beauty Shop. during the past week end entered the General Hospital in Forest Grove Sunday for an operation. Mrs. Mauch formerly lived in Beaverton and her many friends here wish her a speedy recovery. C IRC LE 2 3 W8C8 WSCS Circle No. 2 of the Women’s , James Gilbert Billiu of Route OKS LU NC H EO N 13, Box 869, Beaverton enlisted in Society of Christian Service, Bea­ The Social Club of Beaver the Regular Arm y for three (3) verton Methodist Church will Chapter 106, O. E. S. will have years on December 30, 1948. meet at the home of Mrs. Lucille James was sent to Fort Ord, its monthly luncheon Thursday, January 20, at 12:30 p.m., at the California for his eight (8) weeks Romig on Allen Avenue^ Friday, Masonic Temple, Beaverton. A f­ of basic training. After his basic January 14 at 2 p.m. with Mrs. ter lunch cards of various kinds training he will either be as­ Louise Hackett as assistant hos­ will be played and prizes for signed to one of the many R A , tess. Plans for the new year are I high scores will be given, as well Service Schools, or will be as­ be discussed. Mrs. Helen signed to one of the R A units to as several door prizes. Geertgens and Mrs. Gladys Mrs. Helen Fisher and Mrs. in the U. S. or abroad. The above information furnish­ Strickland are to be in charge Audrey Vander Boegh, hostesses Bond of the of games and entertainment. Mrs. for the party, will reserve tables. ed by Sergeant Mam bas are urged to attend Hillsboro Army and A ir Force Re­ Margaret Miller will present a report on K orea cruiting Office. and to bring their friends. OSC Coed Tells Of Engagement At Jan. 2nd Tea BRAND NEW PRINTS PERCALES 80 x 80 Count FAST COLORS, PRE SHRUNK BEAUTIFUL SELECTION. Yard 29 a FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY » Another WALKER Service! CHAMBERLIN Can Make Your Old Shoes FREE DELIVERY Look and Wear WALKER'S For DRESSMAKING and HEMSTITCHING ■SB»* For tenderness . . . for juicy-goodness . . . for flavor . . . AND FOR ECONOMY — quality meat is your best buy all ways! Yes — quality means economy because quality meat gives you more good eating per pound and per penny. And we guarantee the quality of our meat — guar­ antee it with the government inspection and grade-mork on every cut. Remember, too, we cut away excessive bone and fat before weigh­ ing — an extra guarantee of economy. T Bone Steaks For broiling LB. 79c Rolled Prime Rib Roast LB. 83c Bacon Jowls Armour's LB. 33c Sliced Bacon Arm our's Banner LB. 59c Little Pig Sausage LB. 59c SUGAR B», 10-lbs 79c Lard Armour or Star, Valley Pack, pure lard LB. 25c NUCOA PICKLES Fanning'« Bread PEARS Hunt’s, No. 24 tin« 33c and Butter 25c 39c Hunt's, No. 2 tins 2 for 35c PINEAPPLE JUICE T ,;, 15c APRICOTS Hunt', halve.. No. 2H 2 9 C PEACHES Hunt's halves. No. 24 27c PEAS Del Monte 2 for 35c CORN Del Monte cream style 2 for 35c SYRUP Dude Ranch qta. 33c FLOUR Occident 50-lb. Sack $3.98 Noodle Soup Mix Lipton's 3 29c PREM5w,„s l2o, 43c PORK & BEANS Dennson 10c WESSON O IL „ 65c BUTTER Forest Grove Grade A Lb. 69c MAYONNAISE Be, Foods „ 39c FRUIT C O C K T A IL Hun,, 23c SW IFTNING 3 „, «„ 99c COFFEE uw u, 49c BORENE Large size 29c « BORENE Giant size 89c SYRUP Log Cabin, 12-oz 25c CATSUP Heinz 23c TASTE-THRILLING MEALS f DOG FOODPard con 14c Wi VUH OUR YEAR ’ROUND GARDEN Carrots EGGS GRADE A LARGE FRESH RANCH EGGS, dox. 63c 3 bchs. United Salads2 for 25c Calavo M e d iu m size Tomatoes Hot Sugar - Gingersnaps Home Made Bread Lb. do, 25c Loaf 15c 29c A ■ ^ _ A p p IC S house Lb. Roman Beauty O Q loose pack Box * P 4 . 7 0 Kathleen Blaine Wheeler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Wheeler, of Oak Avenue, Bea­ verton, announced her engage­ ment to Jim Kincheloe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray H. Kincheloe, | of Route 3, Beaverton, Sunday 1 afternoon, January 2, at a tea held in the home of the bride- | elec.’s parents. Each guest was presented with a scroll containing the announce­ ment in verse. Tied with a red ribbon, the scroll was decorated with a red chenille ring and a tiny bell. Miss Wheeler graduated from Beaverton high school and now attends Oregon State college. Mr. Kincheloe is a Hfllsboro high graduate, now employed as tech­ nician for the Washington coun­ ty dairy brea*lers" association. No date has been set for the wedding. Those who atttended the tea were: Mrs. Ray Kincheloe, Mrs. Lois Lee, the Misses LaRae Kin­ cheloe, Irene Van Kleek, Edith- Marian Van Kleek, Marjorie Van Kleek, Florence Ricq, Goldwyn Kulbel and Barbara Heitzman, all of Beaverton; Flora LaRue and Kathleen Imlay of Reedville, Mrs. John Wheeler and Kathleen Wheeler. Mechanic Boasts Forty Years in Auto Repairing Latest mechanic to join the staff of Ash Automotive Service is "Tiny” Graham who has been doing mechanical work on cars for over 40 years. Graham, who started work for Ash this week at his new Unit No. 2 repair department at Schuld and Swet- land, 356 N. W. Canyon Road, specializes in tune-up and elec­ trical work. Factory trained for both Chrys­ ler and General Motors, he has been working on cars since 1909. Graham is active in Veteran’s affairs and Is head of the State Veteran’s Hospital Visitation. SHOE REPAIRING VENETIAN BLINDS at AT ECONOMY PRICES Free Estimates CHAMBERLINS Ph; 3461 CLEARAN CE SALE We Must Reduce Our Stock of Watches Every Swiss Watch In Stock Slashed 20% A LL $29.75 WATCHES CU T TO $19.75 This Special Good This Week Only Jbana Porter Jeweler and Licensed Watchmaker S & H Green Stamps Phone Beaverton 3461 Open Evenings T ill 7 P. M ., Saturdays 9 P. M. n WALKER'S B e a v e r t o n ' s o w n s t o r e ' U N IV E R S IT Y O F OREGON, Eugene)— Robert Myers, son of Mrs. Elizabeth Myers, Beaverton, was one of twelve students on tha honor roll for fall term in the law school on the University of Oregon campus. The law school honor roll is based on an accum­ ulative of 3.00 or above on a full study program. LEGION AUX. D R IVE .... will be held Thursday, January The Beaverton Legion Auxiliary 13th, 8:00 p.m. at the Laurel Hall. met Wednesday evening. Member­ Initiation of new members, a spe­ ship drive has been slow but quo­ cial entertainment program and ta is hoped to be reached by important business will occupy Jan. 31. the evening. Mrs. Olive Ramsdell reported Refreshments will be served sewing group will meet at her after adjournment. home on Monday, January 17. J E R S E Y r L l H VOTES A cooked food sale will be held JK. RESERVES O R G A N IZE Election of officers for 1949 by the Unit at the Whiteside The Junior Reserves o f Cedar will be the main item of business Store on Saturday, Feb. 5. The Mill Farmers’ Union Local met at the annual meeting of the next business meeting is set for at Barnes School on Walker Rd. Washington County Jersey Cattle February 2. on January 8, 1949. Study Unit Club to be held Thursday, Janu­ The Unit will be honored with books were distributed to the ary 20 in the quonset building the presence of District President members. There was an election at the County fairgrounds in Marguerite Moyer of Seaside. of officers and the results were Hillsboro. The 9th anniversary o f Post as follows: Harold Berger, chair­ Report on the progress of the 124 and the 8th anniversary of man; Leroy Berger, secretary and third annual Junior Jersey sale | the Unit will be celebrated w ith ! Elizabeth Krautscheld* reporter. will also be a feature of the pro- a birthday cake. Mrs. Beulah Ringe is leader of gram. • the group. CEDAR M IL L LOCAL Pot luck lunch will be held at After the study period the Next regular meeting of the noon. Cedar Mill Local of the Farmer’s group played singing games. Re­ Union will be held at the Barnes freshments were served. School on Walker Road, Jan. 18, A TTE N D H U X 8B O R O CLUB at 8:15 p.m. All members are Several members o f the Cooper- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFT urged to attend. Dale Garden Club attended the LAUREL-8CHQLLS F. IT. Hillsboro Garden Club’s Open '42 CHEV. 14 ton van body Regular monthly meeting of House January 10 at the Epis­ truck. 42,000 actual miles the Laurel-Scholls Farmer Union copal Parish Hall In Hillsboro. Quick sale, *795.00. One Hud­ son sedan '41 model. Worth *900.00 take *650.00. 110 W. 2nd Street, Beaverton. 51p • WANT ADS • COM PETENT, Experienced secre­ tary wants position in Beaver­ ton. Shorthand, typing, general office work. Write G. F. 101, Beaverton Enterprise. Beaver­ ton. Oregon. 51p PLYWOOD '/4-ln. Reject . 3/4-ln. Reject . . . SALE . 10c sq. ft. . 22c sq. ft. FOK SALE Four toot length sec­ ond growth wood. Phone Tigard 2374. 51p Steel Garage Door Complete FOK SALE First class baled oat-hay. Alvin H. North. Phone Tigard 3511. sip Only one left, $75.00 OVERSIZED DAVENO, bhii all wool frieze, used less than one year. Reasonably priced Beaverton 4944 sip E A W SEWING CLINIC I Furniture upholstering, slip cov- [ ers. draperies and dressmaking. Reasonable. 190 S W Stott, be- | hind Beaverton Grade School. Sip / SAVE ON U. O F O. H O N O R R O M . O IL BURNING Conversion unit in good cast iron stove. *35.00 Phone Beaverton 2321 51tf PRICES Like New KINGSLEY - BEAVERTON LUMBER CO. 3 S. W. Farmington Road, Beaverton Phone 3201