NAPA V IN E V ISIT Mr«. J. H. F a n n e r and aon D on ­ ald «pent several day* In Nap- w in e . W ashington at the hom e o f Mrs. F arm er’s father, Mr. B. B. W allace. McKay - Whifford B E A V E R T O N Barnes School WEST SLOPE m a v e . ton e n t i r p r . se Friday. J ° n UQ,v 7 1949 HOI J D A Y T R IP FROM A ST O R IA S U R P R IS E P A R T Y N E W R E P A IR SH O P D ick Brennan, o f the eighth Mr. Charles Lorenz o f Astoria A surprise birthday party In The S ch eckla brothers. A1 and Ed. have recen tly opened their h onor o f G eorge G riffin , o f Ce­ grade and his parents left for spent the New Y ear’s w eek end new auto repair shop at B rad­ dar Hills, took place on W edn es­ San F ran cisco W ednesday. Dec- a t the M cChesney Hoad home of D IS T R IC T C O N V EN TIO N T he R ebekah District Conven­ day, D ecem ber 29th, with about em ber 22. 1948. T hey spent the his m other, Mrs. F red Mathis, leys C orners. tion o f No. 14 will be held at T he boys had been doing re­ thirty friends attending, at his holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Rue- T W E L V E G U ESTS sell Swasa, friends o f the fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. W . A. Bunnell Gaston January 19 at 10 o'clock pair w ork at their hom e fo r quite home. T hey stayed over one night on o f MeCheaney R oad entertained in an all day session. som e tim e but building o f the SON FRO M C O R V A L L IS The Beaverton m em bers w ho shop was postpon ed until A1 re­ Mr. and Mrs. H arry E liander, the w ay goin g at Grants Pass twelve guests at dinner on N ew and one night at W oodland. Cal. Y ear's Day. have an o ffice In the convention turned from arm y duty. Sr., o f P rogress, had as their this year are Mrs. Mabel Gilm ore On the return trip they stayed H O LID A Y IN T A F T guests over the holidays, their V H D A IR Y CLU BS over juat one night at Shasta Mr. and Mrs. R obert Farrell inside guardian: Mrs. F lo Ehlert, T he M cK ay 4-H D airy club will son, w ife and baby o f Corvallia. City. California. Uf C anyon L ane, and their Port- outside guardian: and Mrs. Edna be organ ized soon under the ON N E W Y E A R ’S DAY IIO I.IIIA1 A C T IV IT IE S land friends, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sheets, past chairm an. A large leadership o f R a lp h H u ff. Mrs. C arrie L eonard entertained Susan and Sally H opkins stay- Astagon, spent the past holiday grou p o f B eaverton m em bers Is Mrs. H arris H ansen is planning on N ew Y ea r’s Day, Mr. and Mrs. expected to attend. ed with their grandm other, Mrs. w e e k e n d at T aft. Oregon. to organize the 4-H G arden Club E lm er Stipe. Mrs. Helen Fisher, Phone 4002 M ary M ow tck during the Christ- LAK ES HANK P O SITIO N I.O.O.F. D A N C E V ISIT shortly, a lso T h ose interested Mr. and Mrs. Jay G ibson, Sr., nms holidays. David B utter field, son o f Dr. A bout 30 m em bers o f Beaver­ should con ta ct the leaders. and Mr. and Mrs. Straley. M MM poftuiM k btiels T he Cunningham fam ily went and Mrs. G eorge G. B utterfield ton R ebekah L odge attended the H O L ID A Y JA U N T TO R O SE B O W L G A M E to a N ew Y ear’s party at their has accepted a position In the bring out the hidden dance at H illsboro I.O.O.F. hall T he Scott H o m e y fam ily had Mr. and Mrs. A1 Jannsen left frien d ’s hom e in P ortland on New savings departm ent o f the First last Saturday evening. an en joyable holiday w eek-end. I fo r a m otor trip to C alifornia Y ear’s Eve. beauty of your hair j National Bank in P ortland. Thursday w as spent at Mt. H ood attending the gam e at the R ose Murrell D ubois’ father. Cllnten SKI CLUB C H A P E R O N E S R E B E K A H P. N. G.’S while Friday, N ew Y ear's Eve, a B ow l N ew Y e a r’s Day. P u U hs . went to C oos B a y on ! M ,ml Mrs K K Cornell o f T he Beaverton R ebekah Past fam ily p a ^ y o f abou t tw enty R E T U R N S TO H O M E New Y ea r’s fo r a vacation He Brr \ ooit Avenue, w ere chap- Noble G rand club will m eet on persons was held at the H orn ey Bud Hunter, w h o w as badly com in g back Sunday. erones to the Tualatin V alley Ski Thursday, January 13 at the hall hom e on D enny R oad. Jackie Ulrich w h o lives In Ce- Club lost M onday, when they ac- for a pot luck lunch at noon, hurt a short tim e ago has re­ W IL L B U IL D H O M E dar Hills, went to visit his grand- com panled tw enty-three you ng T here will be Installation o f the turned home. Haskell Shopping Center Mr. and Mrs. L. E . A insw orth M IN N E SO T A N S G U E ST S m other and gran d fath er In P ort-' skiers to G overnm ent Camp, new office rs and one new m em ber o f P ortlan d have purchased an 31. H e They returned the ijext day. will be Initiated Into the club, Mr .and Mrs. V and erB oegh has land Friday, D ecem ber Phone Beaverton 3541 acre tra ct from L. V . Lukas re­ as guests her son and daughter- returned hom e Sunday. On Sunday they went up to Mrs. Lucille Jones and Mrs. L ily cently. TO B O Y SCOUT C A B IN Mt. H ood again, but could go W arner will be hostesses. in-law o f M innesota. T he A in sw orth s w ho have one H arry H en drick son w ent to the only as fa r as the K lw anls Cabin SIZE 9 x 12 L E G A L N O T IC E child expect to build In the Boy Scout cabin Saturday and because o f th e heavy snow fall. (Lim it one to a customer) spring. Mrs. A in sw orth is a sis­ Sunday with T roop 207 o f Cedar N E W Y E A R ’8 B R ID G E N O T IC B O F A S S E S S M E N T ter o f Mrs. S cott H orney. Mill. T hey w ent to a place nearj Mr. and Mrs. J. O. H olem an 1 Friday and Saturday Only A ssessm ent on 11th Street from N E W Y E A R 'S D A Y Mt. H ood. | entertained tw elve friends at a BABY SPECIAL T he R ob ert H ollan ds en joyea L om bard to Alger, C ity o f B ea­ I ROM M O N T A N A New Y ear's Eve bridge party. BEAVERTON FURNITURE N ew Y ea rs D ay at the h om e o f verton. If you r baby will be ON E year old any tim e in January you R ick y Terogalasf gran dm oth er | H onors went to Mrs. Charles Kay. D ick ey H. and B etty B. W il­ Mrs. H ollan d’s m other, Mrs. B er- cun get a 5x7 birthday picture In a fold er o f him, or her, fo r and gran dfath er cam e from Mon- Mrs. R . K. H olem an, Mr. Arthur Open T ill 9 P. M. lis, L ot 4 o f C lem ents Sub- thold o f B eaverton. only $1.75. tana to spend their C hristm as W Holem an and Mr. C harles Kay. Ju»t bring baby and this ad to the B arrel I-Beaverton Photo divison, as d escribed on page W ATCH P A R T Y .......... vacation with the T erogalas fam ­ Monday and Friday Studio at 1023 N. E. Canyon Road or call 49HH for an appointm ent 289 o f V olum e 269 o f W ash ­ A N ew Y e a r’s "W a tch P a rty " ily. G A R D E N CLU B M E E T any day in January ami leave the rent to 11 *. ington C ounty, O regon deed was held at the hom e o f Mr. TO P O R T L A N D Cedar H ills G arden Club will records. 459.5 fo o t fron ta g e and Mrs. E. R . B redem eyer, with B utch K iw ln w ent to Portland meet at 8:00 pm. the evening o f on 11th Street. $917.26 New Y ear's E ve to see his grand­ ten guests present. January 12 in the hom e o f Mrs. NEWEST RELEASES E. J. Bowe, L ot 1 b lo ck 12 o f Beaverton Phone 4988 T R IP TO P T . A N G E L E S m other, Mrs. A nna Klrwin. T hom as Sm ithson, rte. 2, Beaver­ P e g g ’s Subdivision o f lots 9, Mr. and Mrs. D allard Gosselln ICE H O C K E Y G A M E ton. '-- 10, 11, and 12 o f C lem ents and fa m ily have returned from a N ew Y ea r’s night D avid H obbs Mrs. R . P . M cH enry will talk Subdivision, as described on holiday trip to P ort (Angeles. his brother. R ichard, Kurt Rae on prim roses. For Resulta I'ry Our ( .lussi fi<‘d Ad * page 553 o f V olu m e 175 o f W ashington, w here they visited and N ancy R ae and their fa ­ W ash in gton C o u n ty O regon tw o o f Mr. G osselln ’s brothers. thers w ent to the Ice hockey A.A.U.W . LU N CH EON deed records.— 96.06 foot fro n ­ Mrs. John O. B urchom , Salem, On their return trip they at­ gam e In P ortland. UPHOLSTERING BY CRAFTSMEN tage on 11th Street. $201.20 D IN N E R G U E ST S State President o f the A. A. U. tended a fa m ily reunion held at C larence J. and Celia M. the hom e o f M r. and Mrs. Gus R uth P eterson 's cousins cam e VV. will be the guest speaker at No need to waste money disposing Bowe, lot 2 block 12 o f P e g g ’s Gosselin. from H illsboro fo r dinner Christ­ the luncheon o f the F orest Grove Subdivision o f lots 9, 10, 11, H illsboro ch apter o f A. A. U. W. At Sumner, W ash, they visited of old furniture and buying new. W e mas Eve. H er cousin, K athy, Classical -- Popular and 12 o f C lem ents Subdivi- at the hom e o f Mrs. G osselin’s sis­ stayed over night. Ruth, Kathy, on Saturday at one o'clock In the can make your old furniture last many Children slon, as described on page 531 ter. M rs. R . Silkens. A niece, Miss and P at M cC am ely went to Diane Peter B oscow school cafeteria in more years. Hillsboro. o f V olum e 214 o f W a sh in gton Geraldine Silkens returned w ith P ort’s hom e N ew Y par's Eve. Mrs. B u rch om ’s talk will cen­ County, O regon deed records. them and will spend several Ruth went to P ortland later and WEST SLOPE ter about activities In the O regon —96.06 fo o t fron ta g e on 11th w eeks here. on the w ay she saw a w reck. Furniture Repairing - Modernizing RECORD & GIFT SHOP Street. $201.20 C H R IS T M A S P R O G R A M division and highlights o f the R A L E IG H G A R D E N E R S KEPLER DAVENPORT CO. William and Anna J. T he next regular m eeting o f the The students o f B arnes School national program . W est Slope BE 7748 M em bers are asked to m ake Schm uckll, lot 3, b lo ck 12 o f R aleigh G arden C lub will be held held their annual C hristm as pro­ Phone Beaverton 4141 P eggs Subdivision o f lots 9, P O Box 375 January 11, 1949 at the hom e o f gram on D ecem ber 22, W edn es­ reservations with Mrs. Clifford Cheshire. 10, 11, and 12 ‘o f Clem ents day night. OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS Mrs. L ouis A m echer, 8021 S. W . A fter hours Capitol 2031 An executive bonrd m eeting Subdivision, as recorded on B irch w ood D rive at 10 a.m. T he play, put on by the upper page 351 o f V olu m e 274 o f P ro je ct will be pillow box ar­ grades w as “ G ran dm other’s W on ­ will be held after the luncheon. W ashington C ounty, O regon rangem ents to be ju dged by ..iem - derland” . T he m ain characters deed records.—96.06 fo o t fro n ­ bers. w ere: G randm other, Diane P ort; tage on 11th Street. $201.20 small boy, Billy B ennett; young E. M. Kahn, lot 4, b lock 12 o f F R IE N D S F R O M PASCO grandm other. Sally H opkin s; and P eggs Subdivision o f lots 9, R ev. F. Sturtevant and son o f you ng |grandfa$!ier. John T aft. Golden ripe 10, 11, and 12 o f Clem ents Common and Face Brick P a sco were ca llin g on friends hav­ Skaters were o f the seventh and Subdivision as record ed on ing spent C hristm as In F orest 2 lbs for eighth grades. page 663 o f V olu m e 199 o f Fireplace Accessories G rove with Mrs. Sturtevant’s John M affitt was town crier W a sh in gton C ounty, O regon mother. and B unny P ort w as the old deed records. 96.06 fo o t fro n ­ F O R E S T G R O V E SHOP lam plighter. . tage on 1 1 th BtrM t. $ 2 0 1 2 0 MAG. P R IZ E S A R R IV E R on L aM ont and fa m ily are W illiam and D oroth y Ellek, m oving to F orest G rove. H e has Our prizes arrived M onday fo r O ffice, W arehouse & F actory Deschutes U. S. lot 5 b lock 12 o f P eg g s Sub­ purchased a bu tch er shop there. the m agazine drive the 6th, 7 t h ' 5437 3. W C anyon Court division o f lots 9, 10, 11, and No. 1 25-lb sack N E W Y E A R ’S E V E N T and 8th grades held in D e ce m b e r.1 Near Sylvan CA-I90D 2 12 o f Clements Subdivision, ns Mr. and M rs. G eorge B lasser Also the certificates o f ach ieve­ recorded on page 431 o f V ol­ spent N ew Y ea r's in P ortland. C _4 m ent arrived for the high scor­ ume 264 o f W a sh in gton C oun­ ing salesm en. T hey w ere D olores ty, O regon deed records. 96.06 Bennpft. Pat M cC am ley and R u ­ fo o t fron tage on 11th Street. by L oom is. C alifornia $ 201.20 F A C U L T Y A C T IV IT IE S 3 bunches for Earl S. and R u b y E. Benson, Mrs. P ow ers had her fam ily a portion o f lot 5 o f Clem ents as guests fo r dinner Christm as Aloha, O regon — Phone, A loha 6461 Subdivision, w hich portion Is Eve at her hom e. 1 ree Parking Lot for Our Patrons described on page 605 o f V o l­ DU CK F O R T H E < OOK Wed., Thurs., Erl., Sat., January 5, 8, 7, 8 ume 291 o f W ash in gton Coun­ Mrs. C. M. Haskell, our c a f­ ty. O regon deed records.— Excellent flavor ^ c Guaranteed good A Large A rizona ^ eteria cook , her son, C hester and Judy Garland in "TH E PIRATE" 205.0 foot fron ta g e on 11th daughter, Myrtle, visited som e Tube Æ W 2 large heads for • cookers 10 lb sack • And "TA R ZA N AND THE M ERM AID" Street. $429.25 relatives in W ashington. T h ey left G. D. Dennis, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Sun., Mon., Tues., January 9, 10. 14 on T uesday, D ecem ber 28, 1948 5, 7, and 9 o f L om b a rd G ar­ Mark Stevens, R ich ard W idnm rk in and cam e back Sunday, January dens a duly recorded subdivi­ 2, 1949. T hey had a w ild du ck STREET W ITH NO N AM E" and sion, and recorded on page 205 dinner. "COW BOY AND THE LAD Y" o f V olum e 272 o f W ashington Mr. B ecker and fam ily visited M l B 4 9 , Oleom argarine ^ .1 - Cam pbell's County, O regon deed records. W ed., Thur*.. F r l„ Sal., January 12. 13, 14, 15 relatives at Salem, T illam ook and 555.86 foot fron ta g e on 11th Can w 2 lbs O l R id gefield . W ashington during Esther W illiam s, Peter L a w ford in Street. $1.166.72 C hristm as vacation. "ON AN ISLAND W ITH Y O U " and L aM erne A lexander, lot 6 o f R eporters D olores Bennett "TH E WINNER'S CIRCLE" I^ombard Gardens, a duly re­ Dl&ne P ort cord ed subdivision, and re­ Pat M cCam ely corded on page 609 o f V olum e Luncheon meat *%c Bumble Bee solid w % ^%c All brands, limit i" c 279 o f W a sh in gton County. 12-oz can " T w meat, No V 2 can ^ ^ ~ 1 2 2 cans for ^ ^ O regon deed record s.—79.46 foot fron ta ge on 11th Street. $166.78 G. D. Dennis, lot 8 o f L om ­ bard G ardens a duly recorded Little Buster A Q c subdivision, and recorded on M iller s clover T Q c Sperry's, 28 oz page 60 o f V olum e 284 o f 2 lbs * * 5 lb can " 4r pkg W ashington. C ounty, O regon deed records.- -79.46 fo o t fron - ' I "II U tb Street $166.78 B E IT F U R T H E R R E S O L V E D That M onday, the 17th day o f Scotch granulat- A A c W ashing powder Rosebud, 20 cu, A Q c January, 1949, at the hour o f 8:00 ed Large box A w p.m. o f said day, in the Council large box * in box Carton A w R o o m o f the C ity Hall in B ea­ verton, O regon, be and hereby Is fixed as the tim e and place for hearing ob je ctio n s to said ap­ portionm ent; and that the City R e co rd e r be instructed to give Arm our's Crushed Q c Swift's Oriole ^ notice o f said hearin g in the */ 1 lb No 2 can A w lb time and m anner p rovided by the Charter and O rdinan ces o: the City o f Beaverton. Introduced and passed this 3rd day o f January, 1949. H. H. J E F F R IE S STYLES and PATTERNS “ THIS* M ayor Arm our's Star A Q c Reedsport, sharp Arm our s Star 59^ * As Fresh As a Crisp A T T E S T : L. J. B U 88E sights in favor of a uniform Yes . . . pick the Cross of lb ^ ' lb • & R e co rd e r January Morning pension system and W.W. II Malta as an emblem of your bonus. Protect your future Published January 7, 1949. security. Pick the VFW as by belonging. Be a member your insurance of veteran's Prices Effective Thurs., Fri., Sat., January 6 * 7 * 8 L E G A L N O T IC E of the world's oldest and Blouses from $1 87 to $2.85 benefits. The G.I. bill of BEAVERTON JANUARY SALE Beaverton Furniture $7.88 Linoleum Beauty Bazaar Rugs $7.88 ATTENTION PARENTS! THE HARRELL STUDIO BRICK FR ESH VEGETABLES ALL W INTER LONG, ALTHOUGH THE WEATHERS RIGHT O R WRONG , Sylvan Brick Co. W-J * \\ SKIRT &BLOUSE EVENT! rights . . . terminal leave pay . National Life Insurance changes — are VFW battle­ grounds. We now train our largest organization of and fo r overseas veterans by- joining our post today. We’d ; like to have you with us. BEAVERTON POST NO. 4517 M eets 2nd and 4th W ednesday Each Month I. O. O. F. HALL Í 53 N Broadway Potatoes 93 ' a ALOHA THEATRE è Bananas Beaverton N O TIC E FO R SALE F O R SA L E T he C ity R ecord er will a ccep t bids on the sale o f the old library building, a building o f w ood structure 16’ by 22’ The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids. All bids to be presented at the C ity Hall In B eaverton by 8:00 p.m, January 17. 1949. L. J. BU 8SE, R ecord er Published January 7. 1949. Skirts $3.85 STARKIE TOT SHOP Haskell Shopping Center Phone Beaverton 3542 idaho Potatoes Lettuce Tomatoes Tomato Soup Nucoa Coffee Canned Milk Tuna Fish Prem Pancake F]our Honey Pop Corn Matches Dreft Wash Powder Bacon Pineapple Bacon Jowls Cheese Weiners Lard W eek Day x X .3(1 to 9 I’ . M. lu to 9 Sunday» _ _ _ _ FOOD . //V ' TERESI I N D E P E N D E N T ” H O M E a M TW 0 * /* S K € tL O W. N E , D p h o n e B e a x e r to n 4158 U _ _ D . CENTER >> SH O PÏPfrtG C F N r ë R