BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE FR ID A Y, JU N E 18, 1948 July 4th Picnic OH FOR LIFE Puts Up Prizes ON 4 FARM ! and with the received opinion of those who had traveled the route on horseback that it was imprac­ ticable for wagons on account of the stupendous mountains; with all these obstacles before them, Prises, prises prizes! and many others, together with the distance of 2000 miles before So is the schedule of the Fourth them, minds sufficiently stout for of July community picnic to be the undertaking were found among given by the Men’s club of St. | the hardy pioneers of the valley Anthony's parish, Tigard, at Els- C R O S S IN G C O U N T R Y { of the Mississippi. [ net’s park. But there is no re­ Has the world ever witnessed quirement of boxtops or manhole T O D A Y G IV E S R E A L such a daring expedition before! covers and an essay in 25 words We think it doubtful. It is true or less on “ I like Oregon rain V A C A T IO N T H R IL L S that Africa has its deserts of sand, because." which are more dreary than those On the word of Brendan Fltz- Fully into the annual vacation of America, as they are some­ Patrick, committeeman, prizes at season, Oregonians who may be times, In dry seasons, destitute the picnic will be easily won, ev­ planning a cross-country Jaunt of of water, (which, however, can ery hour on the heur. Drawings a week or two will find real va­ never be the case with the latter, for attendance prizes will be made as almost the entire route is per­ and results given over the park’s cation thrills. But over approxi­ formed on the margins of large public address system. mately the same route, some hun­ and never-failing streams.) A large number of attractive and dred years ago. such a trip was But the crossing the great Sa­ a challenging experience, accord­ hara, or desert of Africa, with valuable tokens have been as­ ing to a reprint from the Oregon caravans of camels and mules, on sembled and will be distributed for attendance. Admission is free Spectator of that day. an old and constantly traveled and the only requirement to claim Issued as part of the official route, can have no comparison observance of Oregon’s centennial, with the long and tedious expedi­ a prize, if your lucky number is the 1948 version of the Spectator tion under consideration, perform­ announced, is to be able to un­ wind yourself from a hot dog gives the following views as print­ ed in wagons drawn by oxen, sandwich or a bottle of Pepsi-Cola ed in Vol. I, No. 28, of May 14, which required in some instances, and hotfoot it to the judge’s stand. 1846: over six months to perform It. Mr. Editor As this is the sea­ The prize schedule is only one Who will dispute the character- son of the year that the emigrat­ ' istic boldness of the Anglo-Saxon of the features of the big inter­ ing parties are preparing to leave race in America? It certainly can­ community affair. All from neigh­ the states, their friends, the home not be done in this age; but great boring communities are bid tp take o f their fathers, and all they had actions are often productive of part. Free ice cream and a pro­ learned to consider as dear to great ends. Who may dare to say gram of sports and entertainment them in the land which gave them that this little heroic party, direct- will be part of the big day. birth, to Journey across this vast r 1 , . ________ __________ ___ Eisner’s park can be reached plains, mountains ed ___ hlth“ r bV Providence, has ___ not ..U e0*4 « *• UftJL 23-oz R W allace Boyd $-01 COO fted Salmon ^ SardinesVo( VH* coo 15* - * 45* 49* ' C0P 25* pkg 30 Dog Food P L A Y F A IR 15-oz ^ 3 for for 2 9 cans C e n te r" .................. . on B road * ay in Bravrrtoti SAVI! u. 55* U 57* u 59* Skinless Wieners Fresh Bologna Sliced Boiled Ham u*1JS Crab M e a t Cooked Lb$l.25 Fresh SmeltCo,umt o Riv,r u 29* Halibut Steaks L* 48* Pork liver u. 45* Fryers E 3 1 il oa pk : «# I u 79* SOMMER VEGETABLE TREATS Camay Toilet Soap 9c The season’s finest awaits your selection at Safeway. Lifebuoy S; -p 7c Co/ovo Avocados lb.43c Ivory Soap p*rtoo° ' bo' 7c Arizona Grapefruit Lemons fot r'*rt+‘n* lb. 8c Sunbrite Cleanser Swan See? Cucumbers Dry Onions "***w ox Ripe Tomatoes 0onkr' lb. 19c lb.9ic lb. 29c Sweetheart Soap 3 25c Sierra Pine Soap 3 •»" 25c 7c a -p lc n ty ! • I R V I THEM OFTEN Pure Pork Sausage 53c 9c ^ 2 311 u scerattd Rtody for the Pan 9c A ll prices in this ad are effective through Saturday, June 19 PH O NE Fresh Ground Beef Lux Toilet Soap ./ S hopping Leaves no soap film u . 53c Supurb Soap <>onu.«t.d2V i 28c Trend Sudser 31* 2/32* Ivory Flakes 15-ox pkg 30c 20 4-01 3QC Duz Soap Grooulottd pfcg 12 4-ox pkg 30c Lux Flakes 48-ox 66c » - 28c Par Soap pkO WoOdwXHtl Spic & Span 16-01 25* “ 77i<* Prescription S to re " “ In the Heart o f the Flavorful-Lean Dreft Suds Smoked Picnics t rM I National White P O T A T O S A L E |b. 9 7c Valencia Oranges 7-lb. bag 65c Green Cabbage So“d h#o* |b. 8c Crispy Celery Poko: lb. 10c REMEMBER FATHER'S DAY—JUNE 20 SkoAo, wk¡t»v-U. S No. t Por Lb. 5 C SAFEW AY