AT LONG LAST! Friday, February 6, 1948 BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE i'he> did it! ciose-cnecaing, hopped-up troop o» eagers irom u n ii terminated a !•* game victory droum by virtue oi a 2 o to 2. verdict over tne rarest Grove Viaings, Friday, in the Bevo hangout. Beaverton s discouraging habit of fading in the final period al­ most cost them the ball game when the dauntless Grovers pull­ ed from a 18 to 9 halftime deficit to within one point wiith seconds to go. That was as far as the Vikings got as the whistle sound­ ed. Chuck Hulings sparked the lo­ cals by clicking for 9 points, while Bud Boyd, a sophomore who has been improving every con­ test, totaled 8. a BEAVERTON Carlson Garage ★ High Lights A Welding and Machine Shop by JOE RKsERT STATE FITNESS M a c h in e ry Built tn O rd .r GENERAL Oh! How my muscles do ache. This was the opinion voiced by practically everyone taking phys­ ical education at BH8. A state physical fitness test was the rea­ son for the sudden outburst of groans, with the exercises thor­ oughly dreaded (oops! enjoyed that is) by all. R E P A IR IN G for Can, Trucks and Tractors Tire» Standard O il Product* Phone 6 3 0 1 A LO H A , OREGON Moving to new location soon. REAL SCARE Not at all impressed by their record, the Beavers gave the New- berg Tigers one of their stiffest tests of the season, although los­ ing 44 to 34 at Newberg Jan. 27. Deadlocked at 34 points with three minutes to go, the Tigers, paced by Don Hoy, came to life and snatched the tilt from the fire. Again serving notice of his abil­ ity, Heaver Chuck Hulings tossed in 9 points, followed by Rasmus­ sen with 8. ★ ROY'S ★ RADIO SERVICE Aloha, Oregon BRING YO U R PRESCRIPTIONS to The Aloha ALO H A, ORE Phone Aloha 6334 I Aloha Sheet Metal W orks | Corner Alex, and Stacey ALOHA, OREGON j Hl-Y officers were elected at a recent meeting of the dub last week. The following fellows were the popular choices: President, Mark Cornils; vice president, Bob Jackson; secretary-treasurer, Bob Zahler, and chaplain, Jack God­ win. Also h - HEIL OIL FURNACES I I C. J. D A SH N EY YEARBOOK PLUGS U N IT S ) _ Add California to your roundtrip EAST -n o extra rail fare! The Tanda g ro u p met at the Church of the Nazarene last Thursday for their regular meet­ ing. Those present were Janet Blackburn, Darlene Burk, SyAia Kain. Marilyn Martin, Phyllis Mead, Lois Reavis, Ruth Rogers, Sunny Sanborn and Judith Hol­ mes. After a report by the guardian on the March of Dimes campaign, and a report on the skating party, the girls wrote let­ ters of introduction to their adopt­ ed grandmothers and grandfathers at the N orth w estern Christian home. The fifth g ra d e girls came to visit and the girls practiced some songs together. This group is sponsored by the American Le­ gion, Beaverton Post No. 124 and Mrs. Ruth McCue is guardian and Mrs. Helen Mead is assistant. H. S. HORIZONS Another group which also met on Thursday but not reported from at this writing was the high school Camp Fire group, the Horizon club, with Mrs. G. V. Palmrose of Menlo- Drive as guard ian. 9 Sticking in plugs for the year­ book en route, the annual staff conducted the assembly Friday with the various talents of the members brought to light. Spokes­ man for the staff was Elise Val­ entine, editor of the Annual. Pre­ sented was a humorous skit with a "heavy” plot, showing the char­ acteristics of the faculty members About the only bright spot In the picture of the local Varsity, was the scoring prowess of Fresh­ man Bill Bemhart, who tipped In 7 and 9 tallies as the B-men were losing to Newberg 31 to 25 and to Forest Grove by 46 to 20. "All good things must come to an end” , woefully remarked Den­ nis O’Donnell as he turned the student body meeting over to the new leader, Dick Hesselgesser at the installation Friday. Sworn into their newly acquired offices, the student's choices prom­ ised to do their best and hoped to do as well as their predeces­ sors. the aouthwent sun country. It won’t coat you a cant more rail fare than a direct trip to Chicago, Near York and moat eastern deatinations and return. .Stop off for a sun tan at Palm Springs, Phoenix, 'I'ucaon or other famous playgrounds in the winter raeort and guest ranch country o f California ami southern Arizona Fine Southern Pacific trains daily are at your service Aak your S. P. agent for more details on how you can go one way, return another, fur no extra rail fare. S*P T h e fr ie n d ly S o u t h e r n Pacific City Ticket Office: SW 6th & Yamhill Phone ATwater 8181, Union Station, or write J. A Ormandy, GPA, 622 Pacific Bldg , Portland 4, Oregon n BEAVER THEATER = III Hj ID Beaverton, Oregon = = Phone 2482 ______ .__________ s in ■ hi DOUBLE FEATURE 8 Hi = "BLACK GOLD.” in cine-color I = ,7¡ Catherine DeMille, Anthony Quinn I 1 "MAGNIFICENT ROGUE," comedy i Lynn Roberts ID ID •IS Cartoon — iii = ¡¡j _____ iji News The fifth grade girls met at the Church of Christ Thursday for their regular meetiing. The girls again talked of a name for their | C O M IN G ! Sun., Mon., Tues., February 8, , 10 group. They then wrote letters to "THE YEARLING." in technicolor their adopted grandmothers and grandfathers at the Northwestern jjj Gregory Peck, Jane Wyman Christian home. They then visit­ = Cartoon — News ed the Tanda group so that they could practice some songs togeth­ er, after which the meeting was adjourned. This group is sopn- Ti Wednesday and Thursday— February I I and 12 sored by the Beaverton junior chamber of commerce. Mrs. Vir­ “ LAST OF THE MOHICANS." Randolph Scott ginia Jenkins is guardian and Mrs. Nedra Johanningmier is as­ 'Treasure House" — News sistant. ft _______________________ _______ _________________ I ID Ü! I 01 ¡Ü _ ¡| Hot W ater HEATERS Weddings and Funerals Our Specialty ATwater 1089 6802 S. W. Canyon Road S T . C E C E L IA Y O U T H I I O W L IT U S M O N T H For Kingpins and Just rank ama­ teurs Journeyed to the Rose City bowling alleys January 28 as the St. Cecilia’s young peoples club had their monthly event. John Henick posted the day’s highest total with a creditable 172, while Gil Gallien marked up a 171. About 20 fellows and girls were present to participate. Basketball practice was held last Sunday with the boys grooming for possible games with nearby clubs. D e ò ie a t a ó to h e r o ic o P O îIC K CHURCH. PaMfaa County. Vo locafod noar Mr Vornon, fhi» orifico w bi dosigned by Goorgo Washington, who served o i vestryman horn October , 1762 to Februory'T784 Immédiat* Cook's Cleaners Delivery 375 Canyon Road BEAVERTON, 'O R E G O N P lu m b in g Su p plie s 6 Phone Beaverton 3 8 9 1 J Fairbanks-Morse I Shallow and Deep * Well Pumps Geo. C. Ludwig Building - Repairing Cement W ork When all seems darkest... our staff assumes the role of fnend. And that indeed they are . . ready and hopeful of relieving you of part of your burden, serving as friendly counsel to guide you in your selection. Free Estimates Phone Beaverton 2377 Rfe 3 , Box 388 S a rv ic . Clearwater Plumbing Co. ieaverton Phene 2 9 2 5 Beaverton It Pays To Read the Ads. Before You Varnish... W. M. Fleming Paints - Varnish Picture Framing B«*nvrrton. Ore» at Want T * Phone DELUXE C H A M P IO N 8 *4 1 Phone 3634 30 years practice in Portland 1 block So. ot Canyon Road on Howett Rood-West Slope Portland phone BEocon 9637 Open eves, by appointment ErncntNT - oovbtxocs HKAVEKTON SAMTAKT 8EBVICK ^ Canyon Road Seed and Floral Co. ^ ^ "EV ER Y T H IN G FOR TH E G A R D E N " ^ FULTZ TIRES The Safest, longer wearing tire ever built . . . • They are Stronger • More Non-Skid Angles 0 Longer Mileage Buy Them at Your BEAVERTON DR. H. A. P U T N A M C h iro p ra ctic P h ysicia n remove old varmsh# and scars with OUR FLOOR SAN DER T iH ItO n » GARBAGE SERVICE Canyon Road at Walker Road. A N Y T IM E PHONE SHOE REPAIR SHOP 3 031 * BR. 0051 ^ ANY WHERE BEAVERTON ALO HA, OREGON ALL W O R K GUARANTEED PROMPT SERVICE Special Attention Given Every lob Firestone Store We Give Liberal Tradein Allowance on Your Old Tire West End of " Y " in Beaverton PHONE 3961 n SEE US FOR THAT 'Well Groomed Appearance' UÌ M 2 2 n «U » O cc o «H » BO • 3 M ST U D IO BARBER SHOP H EM STITCH IN G — BUTTONHOLES Immediate Service • • ONE D A Y SERVICE O N — SHORTEN OR LENGTHEN DRESSES— SH IR R IN G — H E M M IN G IN ST A LL ZIPPERS— SHORTEN TROUSERS TU RN COLLARS— PLAIN SEW IN G * ? // On Broadway — In Beaverton Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. all week 339 ! IVYIR ENOUGH IS i WHAT YOU'LL S A Y - * A N D YOU'LL BE G LA D ENOUGH PAV / • • H O M E M A D E GIFTS— See me about those "od d " sewing jobs that pop up in every home I FRANK J. MOORE. Prop, l’ at J. Moore, barber Jim U. Wooten, barber Joe Ralfe, shoe shine specialist REAVERT0N 3031 PARCELS - MESSENGER SERVICE - In an emergency call yonr druggist and we'll deliver yonr needs. ~ 1V" -* OH. LUCKY ME eR -M V SW EET- 1 HAVE A C O N F E S S IO N T O M A K E OM M V M O N E Y M O D O O N , W « THE C A O ISN’T N E W - A N D M A R B lE D T O A U rr j u s t l o o k s a n d a c t s h a n d s o m e m a n VMTH m N EW - T H A N K S TO T H E A 8 O U 4 HT A N O W O N D E R F U L S E R V IC E JO B S Of S H IN Y N E W T L .1 CAR ____ __ f* M \ CARR CHEVROLET CO. BUY YOUR NEW DOMESTIC SEW INC MACHINE — at — FLORENCE'S SEWING CENTER FLORENCE GARRISON D O R O T H Y SHOf, BEAVERTON, PHONE 3763 W E s t s l ü PE PU IMBINO S ouhac & Ô 8 0 I 5.W CANYON ROAD MACON 7542 m = m in Friday and Saturday— February 6 and 7 = HÏ STILL SEEK N A M E ■■■— — The Odako group met at the : Friday and Saturday— February 13 and 14 home of Mrs. John Robinson last Thursday for a general meeting. "LITTLE IODINE." Jo Ann Marlowe, Eve Whitney These girls answered roll call: H- ene Boge, Dorothy Eddy, Beverly “ Last Frontier Uprising," in Color. Monty Hale Dirdell, Gretta Robinson, Caro­ "Mexican Baseball" — News line Huilings, and Jean Cowie. A § . menu was decided upon for the ii=lll=lll=lll2lll=lll=lll=lll5lll=lll=lll21U=lll=lll2lll=MI=IU=lll=UI=lll=lll=lll=ill dinner to be given in honor of Mr .and Mrs. Norton Peck, Feb. 22. The girls worked on their Red Cross afghan squares, and then popped some popcorn for refresh­ ments. This group is sponsored by the West Slope Mothers club, and jxya a VTuerww ' Mrs. John Robinson is guardian ru M •« •*** . for the group. Gas and Electric V * u n . vati” L A B O R IN S P E C T O R S ay« “ P E R M IT S N E E D E D ! " By Lh. dictum ot Inspector Clift Atkins of the state bureau of la­ bor ,a permit from the state bu­ reau must be taken out before electrical contracting is done. He pointed up his ruling by haling into the justice court of Judge Thyng the business partners at Leonard and Ernest’e Beaverton repair shop. The two partners, Atkins claim­ ed, has taken a contract to install wiring for Lee Brant before they had received a permit from the state bureau. As the two well-known business men ran afoul of regulation, At­ kins thought it a good idea to pass the word around to other en­ terprises of the area, urging them to meet license requirements be­ fore getting themselves out upon a precarious limb. The two men pleaded guilty in Justice court. ,, III JUNIORS GO D O W N END OF LINE On your trip t a il this wintar, indude California and These groups of Bluebirds met last Thursday tor their regular weekly meetings: The second and third grade girls of the St. Ce­ cilia school, sponsored by the St. Cecilia Mothers club with Mrs. John Sweeney as guardian, the second and third grade girls of the Beaverton grade school, spon­ sored by the Kiwanis club, with Mrs. Carl Grandy, Mrs. Roy An­ derson, and Mrs. Harold Greg­ ory as guardians; the fourth grade girls at the Beaverton grade school, sponsored by the Parent- Teachers association, with Mrs. Virginia Cavens as guardian. O D A K O S POP CO RN Freshmen hoop fortunes looked no brighter when they were trip­ ped up twice by impressive mar­ gins Newberg’s frosh turned the trick by 28 to 21, while Forest drove slapped them 41 to 28. Tim Clark carried the brunt of the scoring load , getting 7 and 8 counters In the two battles, for the Bevo youngsters. Hl-Y BIG SHOTS General Sheet Metal Work (P A C K A G E TANL>/\ s i n g FROSH SLAPPED Pharmacy — C EC ILIA BLUEBIRDS Camp Fire News CARR CHEVROLET CB. --------- <3>/~¿3333 - BEAVERTON------- - he