McKinley News WEST SLOPE PRISCILLA CLUB Priscilla club met at the home of Mrs. R. L. Kingsbury Jan. 22. A president for the club was elected, Mrs. William Parker. Mrs. George Foege is secretary-treas­ urer, and Mrs. John Irvin, Mrs Jesse Hansen and Mrs J. A. Wiseman constitute a committee to notify members in their vicin­ ity of special meetings or the Ill­ ness of any member. Mrs. Rich­ ard Seruggs will be thV hostess February 5. NEW MUSICIAN Mrs. Inez Johnson was Installed as musician for the Rebekah lodge in Hillsboro last week. SURGICAL PATIEN T Mrs. Adeline Gould returned home last week from Good Samar­ itan hospital in Portland where she had been a surgical patient. BUDGET MEETING Patrons of McKinley school are reminded of the dlctrict budget meeting Friday evening (to­ night) at 7:30 p. m. at the school house STAN LEY PARTY Mrs. Flo Ehlert on Lombard and 8th at., entertained at a Stanley party Jan. 27. proceeds to go to Rebekah Needle and Social club. QUILTING PARTY Thurlow Weed Runs For Office Of Beaverton J. P. W EST SLOPE HOME Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Dinnetz have moved into their new home in West Slope which has just Thurlow Weed, local practicing been completed. This home is of Cape Cod type add was designed attorney, has announced his in and built by Francis J. Branden- tention to seek the office of jus tice of the peace for the Beaver­ berg of Orenco. ton district should that office not be abolished by the county court. The Boy Scout Court of Honor In announcing his candidacy. was held Thursday evening, Jan 22, at the Sherwood Union high Weed states: “ I f elected justice school. Troop 281 of Bonny Slope of the peace. I pledge that I will won first place and received the resign the office upon the es tabllshment of a district court by blue ribbon. the legislature which will take The following boys advanced In rank: Allen McFarrin came up over the judicial duties of the for first class, Ray Robbins came justice of the peace courts, an ar­ up for life, Frank Head also for gument advanced for the abolish­ life and Jimmy Head came up for ment of justice of the peace court is that, the offices often are held by second class. The following boys came up for men untrained in the law. I am merit badges: Bob McFarrin. ath a graduate of Oregon State Col­ letics; Jim Hanson, plumbing, car- lege and of Northwestern College pentry and poultry raising; Ron of Law and have been a member aid Sheddy, finger printing, pub­ of the Oregon Bar since 1934." Weed's name will not be a new lic speaking and camping one on election ballots. In 1938, he sought the Republican nomination for short-term United States sen­ BETHEL OBSERVES ator. In that race he ran second, YOUTH WEEK RALLY losing by less than 5,000 votes to Youth Week is being observed Alex Barry, who was elected U. S in Bethel church by a Pilgrim senator in the following general placed Fellowship rally Wednesday eve­ election. In 1940. Weed ning, with the Teen-Timers being second in a field of candidates hosts to the young people of the for national Republican commit­ West Willamette association. The teeman for Oregon. Expense ac­ secretary of evening opened with a supper, fol counts filed with lowed by a fun and business per­ state disclosed that 25 times the iod, conducted by Mr. Ralph sum expended for and by Weed Shumm, state Pilgrim Fellowship had been expended by and for the advisor. The evening closed with elected committeeman. From June 12, 1942 to March a worship service conducted by 2, 1946, Weed served as an enlist-! the Bethel Teen-Timers. ed man and officer in the army| air force. Rebekah Needle and Social club will meet on Friday, Feb. 6, at an all day meeting, quilting to start at ten. Pot luck at noon. Mrs. A. V. FIRST LORD'S SUPPER Butts and Mrs. Jack Jones are The first Lord's Supper service hostesses. All Rebekahs are urged of the Canyon Road Baptist church to be present. will be held next Sunday, Febru­ ary 1, at 11 a. m.t in the regular LODGE INITIATION meeting place, the old Odd Fel­ Beaverton Rebeknh lodge No. lows hall, 53 N. Broadway, in Bea­ 248 will have initiation on Feb. 3 verton. Special participation of the at I. O. O. F. hall. young people in the conduct of the church service is being ar­ DINNER GUEST ranged in observation of Baptist Mr. Bill Shank of Portland was Youth Week. Sunday school will be held at a dinner guest Friday at the Har­ ry Depp home on Farmington 9:45, with Eugene Crosby as su­ road. perintendent. HAIR STYLING... * * ^ HAIR CU TTIN G M ANICURES GOOD OIL PERM ANENT WAVES, $7 50 and up HUBER, ORE THELM A RIGGS, Prop Phone Aloha 6434 TUALATIN VALLIY MARKET BASKE! TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE L. A. Period bedroom sets and Se&ly and Simmons mattresses and springs Sunset pillows. Heintz Furniture Ti­ gard 2961. 1 FOR SA LE —Late model Norge FO R S A L E —Univ. elec. broiler electric range and General Elec­ and baker and roaster comb. 1 tric refrigerator 1300 cash. Shown cement bath tub. 1 porcelain fin­ by appointment Phone Tigard ish sink. Plumbing fittings, 3153 lp building paper rolls 1 upright drill press, excellent condition. FOR SA LE —Montag wood and 19-ft. house trailer, a bargain coal furnace. Tigard 2585. 1 at $350. Guaven Trading Post. Rt. 2, Box 47-B, Tigard, Ore. lp PLOW ING, discing, leveling, cus­ ed in T l tom tractor work. C. J. Bagne, MAR Rib gard, wife and 13 mo.-old child RL 2, Box 156, Tigard. Ore. Ph. need house or apartment in T i­ Tigard 3624. lt f gard. Do not have auto so re­ quire living accommodations in FOR SALE Poultry starting bat­ or near town. Can give referen tery, used one season, $40. T i­ ces. Phone Beaveiton 2321 2p gard 3283 1 FIRESTONE PRODUCTS Sunday In the Churches This is an economical buy for the first person to take advantage of it. __________________________ ________________ 6 AMMONIUM SULPHATE — CLEARANCE PRICE ----------------------------------------------- ' 7 ^ k J s We have odd size sash and frames that we will close out ^ at a liberal discount Also used doors ^ WEST SLOPE LUMBER YARD 9049 S W Canyon Road A d v r t ia im é ñ t Rom where I tit ... J ° e Marsh Are You "Hobby Happy?" Funny thing «bout hobbies... When Kd Carey started making a model of the “ Flying Cloud.” it » • * only to rest his eyes from reading. But now he spends every spare moment ship modelling! Some wives might have resented a husband suddenly shutting him­ self in the attic every night. But not Ed’s Prudence. When she found him working late, she brought him up some beer and crackers . . . showed a real interest in his hobby . . . until finally Ed had her helping with the rigging. l BRoadway 6122 & Wasn't long before they wera working side by side on Ed s bench, sharing a common interest. Instead of keeping them apart, Ed's hobby brought them more together. From where I sit, a husband’s hobby can often be a wife's as well. In fact, I've got the missus inter­ ested in tying trout flies — and, along with that mellow glass of beer, it makes the evenings go by mighty pleasantly. 6584 DAIRY M ATTH E W LE THICK AN C IIIR C H Canyon Road Near Sylvan WERNER J F R IT Z Pastor Sunday School 9:45 Divine Service. 11 a. m Every one welcome PIIONE CApitol IO!M ST. t • • ( STwi! F IR S T M ETHODIST 0111 RCII 4th and Watson Streets REV EVERETT L. BOWERS Pastor nes 1002 Watson St , TeleDhone 3405 j 2 45 a m Church School in session 11 a. m M orning worsnln • • • tS C i S W * ’ —. ■ .... ■'sïôL w -~v. > fS • CEDAR M ill. COM M UNITY ( 111 RCII N W Cornell at Barnes Road SIM ON E FORSBERO, Min Liter 3318 S W Canyon Road BE 8#»« Sunday Bible School. 9 45 a m Morning Worship. 11 00 a m Young People's Hour. 7 p m Evening Hour. 7:45 p m Wednesday. Bonny 81ope. 8 p m Thursday. Bible 8tudy. 8 p m. • • • • Ri:FD VH.I.i: C O M M U N IT Y PRESBYTERIAN ( HI R l II REV WM OEARHART. Pastor Sunday School 10.00 a. m Mrs. John Wheeler, Supt. Worship Service. 11 a. m Young People's C. E 7 p m • • • • PILGRIM LI THEBAN CHLRCH ’srmlngton at Menlo Beaverton. Ora. HR W IN A OERJCEN. Pastor Telephone 3441 Sunday School. 9:30 a ra Divine service, 10 30 a. m Lutheran Hour. KALE. 9 30 a. m A cordial welcome to all. Masses: tank which usually sells for $7.00, for no extra charge. ^ ALOHA ALOHA JERSEY CANYON l{0\l> ai SAIA \\ ___ ® H r 'hu* V e t- ST. CECEILA CHURCH 7 a. m —* 30 a m — 10 a. • s e e I \ v. r . --•'**•* - V.'W . linkers. lk ‘liratcH*4*n, l’o ileti’ip», M apizine*, I pp ( avant and (.am lir* in our ronveu iriit anil *trt‘am -liiiril Food C p ii I pp . M ini slop fo r a 41 nis*K lu ndi al our <;lt‘ani¡ii;¡ Ice-Cream Fountain. (N o *alp» to dealers) s w* ^ Fruit Cocktail, DelMonte, No. V /2 35c ^ crushed, No. 2 can Mc| jE L L 0 i ALL FLAVORS 2 c a n ......... 19c & E A C H 7c , N 0 . 2 V 2 can 19c J * SALMON, pink, tall No. 1 can . . . 45c 777 7“ 1 BLENDED JUICE, old South •}fftr A C d S Miracle § ORANGE JUICE, 46 oz. can j NUCOA, J 5 r r $ f f ee| S SUGAR7C &H , 10 lbs. . . 89c S I ------------------------------s m ALOHA COM M UNITY BAPTIST CHURCH ORAYDEN D LORRE. Pastor Church School.. 4 49 a. m Mias Mary Antrim. Supt Morning Worship. 11 o'clock Teens Club and Junior R T F I X Dm ■vsntng service. 7:30 > a VL SI i4 ij i lo r Meal*, (¿ngrripn, l*ro