Image provided by: Beaverton City Library; Beaverton, OR
About The Beaverton enterprise. (Beaverton, Or.) 1927-1951 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1948)
BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE CEDAR MILL Friday, January 23, 1948 PRE-SCHOOI. STUDY R 7 b T g 9 c SA L E ! ^ Shop OUR BIG 4-PAGE CIRCULAR for VALUES GALORE ^ 8 oi. Canvas Mrs. L. S. Uppinghouse was hostess for the preschool study cluh meeting held Monday eve ning, January 12. The article from a recent issue of the Parent S Teacher magazine “ A Fellow Needs a Friend” by Robert H ^ Dalton was reported on by Mrs. Robert Davis followed by a gen eral discussion from the group. Mrs. Uppinghouse will give th e report for (next month’s meeting which is scheduled for February 2 at the home ° f Mrs. | S WORK GLOVES ^ SPECIAL 29c j 1 ^ $ M e r iw e t h e r . CLARK ^ 5 - WHITESIDE 5 - 1 0 - 2 5 Store ON BROADW AY — IN BEAVERTON • FOR PROMPT DELIVERY . . . SH ELL H EATIN G OILS — C A LL — GEO. L. HENDERSON, DIST. ALOHA 6 2 8 1 . . . or Leave orders at Strickland's Shell Service Broadway at Bertha Beaverton Hwy , Beaverton $ TO SEATTLE Mrs. Clyde Moller and small children left last week for Se attle where they will Join Mr. Moller They have been guests of Mrs. Moller’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Stevens for some time. PTA SPONSORS SHOW The show sponsored by the P T. A. Friday evening offered lively entertainment for the crowd attending. Refreshments were sold during intermissions and following the show. Pro ceeds to go into the treasury will be $20 minus tax withheld. C e d a r Mill Club Camp Fire News Nudges Phone Co. WEST SLOPE M EETING The Odako Camp Fire Group To Speed Service held their regular Thursday Following opening ceremonies and the general order of old bus iness. new officers were installed Wednesday evening at the com munity club meeting. Mr. C. A. Sartatn of Portlaand, president of the Federation of Community clubs, was installing officer who in turn installed Mr Marvin Loin, president; Mr Ai N. French, vice president; Mrs. N. T. Stev ens, secretary, and Mr. R. N. Torbet, treasurer. Mr. Loin an nounced committee chairman to double as hpard members as fol lows: Mr. L. S. Uppinghouse, en tertainment; Mr. ¿’laude Cover, ways and means; Mr. Harry Mitchell, reception, membership and attendance; Frank Young, commissary and Mrs. T. C. Gal lagher, publicity. A renewal of prompting for extended telephone service in the area by letter In »Witlon form was recommended and agreed on to be sent to the telephone company. Co-operation of the club with the coming fath er and son Scout dinner, was urged by the scoutmaster, Harry Mitchell. Mrs. V C. Miner asked for donations of used clothing and rags for the PTA rummage sale, Monday, Jan. 26. Following the close of the business meet ing, a session of community singing was led by Mr. Breuchert with refreshments served later In the cafeteria. FROM SOUTH DAKOTA Mr. and Mrs Franklin Malm- sten have as their guest Mrs. Maimsten’s brother, Mr. Andrew Anderson of Timber Lake, S. D. MRS. A ITK EN PASSES Catherine Elizabeth Altken of route 2, Beaverton, passed away suddenly at her home Monday, January 12. She is survived by her husband, George Aitken here and two brothers and three sisters in England. Services were held Wednesday, Jan. 14 at 2:30 p m. at Edward Holman and Son, the House of Holman Interment was at Lin coln Memorial Park. meeting at the home of their guardian, Mrs. John Robinson, on Cashmur Lane at West Slope. The roll was called and these girls were present: Gretta Rob inson. I lene Boge Suzanne Bar nes, Caroline Popp. Caroline Hul- Ings, Dorothy Eddy, and Jean Cowie. The girls made plans for completing their ranks. One re quirement for the Fire Maker’s rank is to plan and give a party, and the girls completing that rank decided to give a skating party. It was planned for Feb. 14, Valentine's day. In keeping with the National Camp Fire project, the girls are going to honor a woman who has been « credit to the community on an other nation’s national holiday. After a general discussion the meeting was adjourned. 5 FATHER AND SON Plans for a father-son l>an- <iuet were discussed by the Boy Scout committee at their meet ing held Thursday evening. Jan. 15 at the schoolhouse. The eve ning of Friday, February 13. has lieen set for the occasion to he held in the school cafeteria. DELUXE CHAMPION TIRES The Safest, longer wearing tire ever built . . . 0 They are Stronger 0 More Non-Skid Angles • Longer Mileage Buy Them at Your BEAVERTON I 1 I COUGH and COLD PREPARATIONS CECELIA BLUEBIRDS BACTERIAL ANTIGEN — for protective immunization against organisms that are commonly associated with respiratory infection Vacagen Tablets or Oral $1.35 per treatment Vaccine The Tanda Group of Camp Fire Girls met for their weekly meeting last Thursday. After a program of games in the Beaver ton grade school play shed, which were planned by the pro gram committee, Darlene Burk and Sunny Sanborn, the business meeting was called to order at the Church of Nazarene. In the absence of the president. Phyllis Mead, the vice president. Mari lyn led the group. The secretary called the roll and these girls were present: Janet Blackburn. Darlene Burk. Sylvia Kain. Mari lyn Martin. Lois Reavis. Ruth Rogers and Sunny Sanborn. Phyllis Mead was absent due to a bad sore throat. The secretary, Ruth Rogers, read the minutes IÜ iñ jjj ¡Fi = = = in = « ui Beaverton Pharmacy W ILL KEEP NAME DEATH We Try To Make EVERY CUSTOMER A Satisfied Customer . , . . CHILDREN Given Special Attention Union Shop HOURS; 9 a m to 6 p.m. Firestone Store The Bluebirds of the St. Ce celia church held their regular weekly meeting last Thursday. Mrs. John Sweeney, guardian, called the roll and all seven members of the group were pres ent. Mrs. Sweeney read the group some short stories, and after a periixl of games, the meeting was adjourned. Friends of Mrs. S Maxwell will regret to learn of the sud den death of her father, James Whiteside in Ontario, Canada, on Thursday, Jan. 8. BARBER SHOP The fifth grade Camp Fire Girls of the Beavertoti grade TR 1246 school, met Thursday for their regular meeting. These girls were (Reverse charges present: Carol Van Winkle, Joyce on calls for service) Woodford, Nancy Kokich, Doro thy Cobb, Geraldine Reavis, Sandra Sanderberg. Carolyn Wyt- Coll G. I. "A L" For tenberg, and Joan Eastham. Peg gy Poppert, Diane Smith, and Patty Huddleston were absent. C O U R T E O U S We Give Liberal Tradein The girls elected officers as fol Allowance on Your Old Tire S E R V I C E lows: Dorothy Cobb, president; Wert End of " Y " In Joyce Woodford, vice president Blankets and Curtains Nancy Kokich, secretary: Carol Beaverton Van Winkle, treasurer; and San Our Specialty PHONE 3961 dra Sanderberg scribe Mrs John Huson, for the Hillsboro office of Camp Fire Girls, visited the ii= lll= m = lll= lll= lll= H I= lll= lll= lll= lll= lll5 M I= ! IIE ! M E III= lllH III= IIIH III= lll= IH 2 lll= IH = l(H group and brought the girls their 3 Camp Fire manuals. Mr. Donald .11 BROMO QUININE — Cold tablets containing Quinine ^ Jenkins also visited. Mrs Don if* Jenkins, guardian, told the girls are back again. 39c, 69c = that the Beaverton Junior Cham ber of Commerce is the group’s IÜ Nurse Brand Laxative COLD TABLETS and many others jjj new sponsor. She asked the girls Ask for' your favorite brand of cold or cough mixture in to think about Indian names for We have it. themselves and also for the group as the group does not Bert of all, go to your Doctor for a prescrip as yet have a name. With the hi = help of Mrs’. Wilbert Johanne- tion for us to fill . . . Your Doctor will prescribe in meier. assistant guardian. Mrs. the best for you. Jenkins led the group in a short ili session of games, after which the meeting adjourned. ili The birthdays of Mrs. Han nah Snider and Mrs. Rose Shel don were observed in connection with the Cornell club meeting Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. D. Sutton. A birth day t ake for each -had been made by the hostess. Next meeting of the club will he held at the home of Mrs. Rose Sheldon in Port land on tile afternoon of Jan. 28. Leedy Grange Home Economics cluh will hold its next meeting at the home of Mrs. L. D. Sutton on Wednesday afternoon, Feb. I The next card party will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Tischner on January 24. R IC H A R D S fir** ton* DAY SERVICE ST LEEDY HOME ECS some girls to attend the next meeting. The girls then signed their charter application. The meeting was then turned over to the refreshment committee, who served the group cookies. STATE LAUNDRY FIFTH GRADERS ELECT DOUBLE BIRTH D A Y SUDDEN and the treasurer, Lois ReavU, reported on the treasure funds. Mrs. Huson, local executive, brought manuals for the girl* who needed them. The g>rls re ported that they had finished, picking their Indian names. They also decided that they wanted to keep the name, Tanda, which means love, honor and respect, for their group name. The girls also decided that they wanted the boleros to wear with their service costume for their cere monial dress, instead of the traditional ceremonial Indian gown. They also talked about new members and decided to ask in — -»V III / GOOD HEALTH .P R I C E L E S S 'The Prescription Store' J WISH YOU I on Broadway ™E in the HEART of the Shopping Center Telephone 2311 =iii=iii=M!=!ii=iii=iii=m=iii=iii=iii=iii=m=Mi=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=iii=|||=,„= ANY TIME PHONE 3031 ANY WHERE BEAVERTON PTA SPEAKER Guest speaker for the P. T. A. meeting Thursday evening at 8 1>- m. at the schoolhouse will I k » Rev Warren of the Meth odist church In Hillsboro. Mary Evelyn S|>eakman will lie guest soloist. n SB ü» BACK FROM LOS ANGELES -4 M 90 M is s Lucille Torbet, daughter of Mr and Mrs. R. N. 'Torbet. Is enroute home after sinuiding two weeks with Mr and Mrs. Les Jones o f I, os Angeles. Mrs Jones and Mi's Torliet are sisters. 90 Before You Varnish. . . •H 2 55 remove old varnish and scars with OUR FLOOR SANDER OHIO GUESTS Guests of Mr. #E. S. May at the Clyde May home are Mr Elmer Mas and his daughter Virginia from Cinclnnattl, Ohio. Mr Elmer and Mr. E S May are brothers. W. M, Fleming Paints - Vornish Picture Framing Beaverton. Ore_ at W net " T ” Phone 3941 DALES BEAVERTON 3031 PARCELS • MESSENGER SERVICE - In an emergency call yonr druggist and w e'll deliver yonr needs. Sand and Gravel Crushed Rock Phone Beaverton 2463 r to u x e MV s p e e d o m e t e r S E T B A C K 16 M IL E S V p le a s e .— uOOK MA'AM I'O B E OUAD TO DO IT, B U T - BUT - , WHY? f YOU SA ID V O U Q S E L F I SHOULD H A VE MV C A R LU B R IC A T ED E V E R Y TH O U SA N D M IL E S — W E L L , I'M S IX T E E N M IL E S O V E R M Y _ ! Logan «X: Page r (»arage C o rn « , F r«« a n d Tucker f TOO DON'T HAVE TO B E S O ^ EXACT, MA'AM, B U T L E T T IN C i CARR CHEVROLET CO 1 LU B RIC A TE t o u r C A R P E O U L A B L Y IS T H E R Y jH T lO EA AS T W ILL CrlVE IT l L0N 6ER L E E AND B E T T E R S lrrtfi laavartan W IL D IN G — O t C o m p ie r « S o ic ia litt s and ALL A u fe m o t iv « Motor In K IN D S S e r v ic i R# Boring R e B uild in g Phone - Beaverton - 2981 C A R R CHEVROLET CO -------- ¿PL ,3 333 * B E A V E R T O N - jm j