BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE BEAVERTON ★ High Lights ★ Fr.doy, January 23, 1948 TABLES TURN Only One Form Needed For New State Game Licenses BARNES School Notes TO NORTH PORTLAND HOT FOOD BURNS Mr. and Mrs. Ben McCue and sons, Donnie, Dickie and Tommy, were Wednesday evening dinner guests at the home of Mr .and Mrs. M. E. McCue of North Portland. ____________ Ben McCue o f Allen avenue suffered burns this week, when a pan o f hot food was accidently spilled on him. He was burned on the face and neck and on» ear was pretty badly burned history Mr. George Bauder, teacher, had a mild surprise ■ * Now available at sporting license agents It w ill be neces- NEW PUPILS while back when A rt Moshofsky, to present the regular, There are two new pupils, Ron- by JOE RIGERT former student back from mili­ goods stores and hardware es­ sary tary service in Japan calmly sit­ tablishments, Oregon’s new 1948 hunting license or combination I al(j “ R0g,~r'g' ’5'ih 'grade,~*nd Den EBB TIDE ting at his desk, was directing game licenses are being issued license in order to secure a sep-l,ljs Spons, ller 3rd grade. They Beaverton's basketball fortunes the class. To top things off. Art In an entirely new form which deer tag both came Monday, January 19 Th e separate deer tag is be-1___________ sank to a still lower ebb last sent Mr. Bauder to the office requires but one form for both hunting and fishing week as they fell to the T illa ­ for a tardy slip. lng U3ed for one purpose: to l $L)RPR|SE Last legislature authorized is­ cure factual information regard­ mook five on home maple Janu­ Jeri Hanson was greatly sur­ ary 13, and journeyed to Hilhi. W HO HAS THE HUB CAPS? suance o f a deer tag separate ing the annual kill of deer on prised when she found a new from the hunting license and a statewide scale from which tt” B«*vel Siding, Hardwood Flooring F rid a y and took another lacing. .... , , , „ . , . the Game Commission there­ when supplemented with year- horse in her barn. It was a sur­ Bringing a poor record w ith 1 M i s s i n g * « * Plywood, Finish Lumber and Inside Trim car after the Tillamook game, upon devised a new type o f li­ round field data now being se­ prise gift from her parents. Its them the Cheesemakers took on were his entire set of Hollywood cense which is expected to save cured, the department can base name is Ponco and it is white. Cedar and John's Manville Comp. Shingles new spirit and overwhelmed the hubcaps. Jack would gladly wel­ both time and expense in hand sound management. Beavers by 38 to 26. Christian­ Beaverton 3951 BE 9823 come their return if the culprit ling. Oregon is one of the few BUILDING son and Noteboom for the Til-, , , Heretofore license agents have Our new school addition is states which has refrained from lies, played in faultless fashion. |u so 1M< noys’ angling, DELICIOUS MILK E V E R Y DAY! Hillsboro’s foothalj mastery of non-resident angling and vaca­ sources, it has become evident for the rafters. meeting in two weeks. the Bevos switched over to the Now only one that a more precise measure­ Reasons pro and con are nu tion angling. Bottled vitamin " D " gives you sturdier bones, more hoop sport when the Spartans, merous, and here are a few of the form o f license is being provid­ ment o f annual harvest is es­ ABSENCE OF TEACHER led hy I^ester Hershey with 19 agent w ill sential if we are to maintain energy for "knockout" work and play unfavorable factors. First a very er! on which the Mrs. Abbott, the primary teach tallies, took the Beavers In stride short time is available in which write in information as to type our deer herds in the face of er, is having a physical checkup hy 50 to 31. Bevo-men, I .alii license being issued, the an unprecedented demand. PHONE ALOHA 6584 terlence a good such manner that it cannot be on a herd-range basis, thus! ation that is tops on anyone's squad 'could t>e formed Having disturbed. The book with The ’ providing an opportunity to I for maitaining our deer re­ Complete with Pint Vacuum Bottle* menu, only the crackers at BHS two sports would put BHS on locked carbons is used by the maintain a continuous and ac-1 sources w ere safe crackers who lifted a an equal Itasis with the other auditor in checking out each curate picture o f each deer herd, j The new non-resident license Regular $2.98 agent’s account. pound of the yellow stuff from schools In the league. The year around field data gath- J fees passed by the last legisla- j S »he Home Kc room January 14, Deer tags w ill he issued in a ered by the department’s field ture become effective in 1948. More than one w ay Is possible after an unsuccessful attempt to for solving the issue. For In­ similar form to the general li­ agents plus us the information on Non-residents w ill have to pay 2 break into the school safe. stance the relatively short TY V cense and w ill cost residents o f annual harvest w ill provide $25 for a hunting license, $2.50 ^ Entry was made through the baseball league could extend Into the state fifty cents. These tags many o f the necessary points for a deer tag, $10 for an ang- 5 - 1 0 - 2 5 Store new building. This marked the the summer, or Junior Amori however w ill not l>e on sale un­ o f knowledge which w ill permit ling license, and $5 for a 10-day J ON BROADWAY — IN BEAVERTON second straight year that such can Legion baseball might start til after the first of July by the a sound management program angling license. a visit was paid, However, earlier and be on a bigger scale slim pickings were in store for Yes, Interest In the sport Is the law-breakers and all losses picking up, and when this hap­ suffered by the school were cov­ pens the caliber o f the squad ered hy insurance except the turnout rises too. cheese. HOMEBUILDERS SU P P LY CO. On Account of Your Health. . . ALOHA JERSEY DAIRY r j * * B I G 9 c S A L E ! * * Y s .... ...J LUNCH KITS $1.98 CLARK - WHITESIDE TALENT EXCHANGE An entourage of talented stu­ dents from Newberg put on an exchange assembly at BHS Fri­ day. Included in the program was: a cornet trio, three soloists singing popular numbers, three short skits and a side-splitting clown Master of ceremonies was the Newl>erg student prexy. HUMMER FLASH Brimming over with long awaited news, the “ Hummer" came out Wednesday, with the winners In the recent Student Body elections in the issue Deadline will not permit their identity in this column however SENIOR CLASS PLAY For the first time in eight years, the senior class play will 1 m ? held again, it was disclosed by I R, Metzler. Although a de­ finite date has not been set It will probably be held In March Director will he Miss Geraldine Sanford, senior English In­ structor. TUALATIN VALLEY M A R K E T BASKET TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY GARAGE 40x40 must he moved. Built in 1946. Good for dwell­ ing Flooring, doors and win­ dow's included $300 cash or trade for car Jersey cow 5 years, -3 gallons. $150. See Charles Moore, Rt. 2, Mux 9, on Cedar street, Beaverton 52p Why you’ll find all the Low Food Prices at S A F E W A Y , FROSH COLLIDE Freshmen hoopsters from BHS met head on with the Hilhi Frosh January 16 and were eked out In a thriller by 16-14. Jerome Olsen emerged' as Bevo high point man with 6. Our idea of the right price on each item we tell ia the loweat price in town. Under a long-established pricing policy, our first step is to give Safeway customers the benefit o f our efficient way o f doing busineaa by pricing everything at the loweat point which will yield a fair profit. But we go beyond this in that we also meet the prices o f every competitor, item by item, day by day, town by town. A l­ though we are continually checking to see that we have the lowest prices, we may miss some. Because we do not want to be undersold for even a short period o f time, we ask that you do this: WEST SLOPE News LITTLE D AVID ALLEN Mr. and Mrs. Karl Neupert of S W. Newton Place in Raleigh Hills are recelvijig ctgigratula- tions on the birth of a boy horn January 12. This Is their fourth child. The little boy has been named David Allen We reserve the right to limit— No sales to dealers GABEL SCHOOL PARTY On the evening of January 30 at 7:30, Galtel Country Day school w ill hold a card party at the sch(M>l. There will be bridge, plnoehle and bingo, or a game of your selection. Tickets entitle ,v°u to homemade dessert and to door prize drawings,— a ham. electric clock, basket o f groceries -and these are only a few. Please bring your own playing cards. Tickets are available at the school and tickets w ill also he sold at the door the night of the party. All community friends are invited 2ndSig. EN JO Y SA FEW A Y PRO D U CE! GRAPEFRUIT DESERT W HITI lb. 1 c holt « 39 full d% 69 2 bos ■ bo* “ 5 lb. 8 bo* A fu ll A9S box ■ Friends o f Mr. and Mrs. J. IV FOR R A LE — Six pur ehre« l IX» ber man puppies. Reasonable. R Meurer gave them a pot luck '> ;■ M. Cline 605 N E Center St . dinner on Saturday evening in K eep «orno handy to J 52 honor of their 29th wedding an­ co m b «* « o ld « L — Beaverton. niversary. A g ift certificate was FOR S A L E — 1 large Evanoll oil presented and the evening spent Per 1 3 C circulator with fan $75.00 1 with contract bridge and pinochle white enameled range $30. 1 l>a- F.ight were present. by basket on stand and pad, $3 00 Phone CH4022. Howard IS BUILDING V /2 Grapes ___ ____ 1 Foster, corner o f Borders and A liiert Collins has started con Sellers, Metzger, Ore. 52p atruction of a new home Cauliflower 1 FOR S A L E — N ew ly upholstered love seat and corner chair to SPECIAL CLUB MEET Parsnips ^ | match. Rte. 2. Box 363. Tigard The McKinley Community club 52 will hold a special meeting at the Rutabagas | home of Mrs. Jersen Mohr Tues­ B A S E M E N T A P T for rent Man employed days, or buss drivers day. Jan. 27 at 8 p m A ll ladies 3309 SW Falcon St.. Multno­ in the community are Invite«! to attend and help plan fo r the mah. Ore. success o f the tiazaar to be held 1 ROOM FOR R E N T — to business in March e*« 1 9 ‘ woman. 3309 SW Falcon S t . The Community club particu­ Multnomah. Ore 52 larly sponsors all Interests of the McKinley school Parents of G ENEROU S A W A R D for Great school children are urged to sup J Z ÏZ * Dane, fawn colored, answers |virt the club's activities in this to name o f Pilot. I.ast seen behalf Red Deliciou* 3 lb*. 25c, bo* 2.98 vicinity o f down tow’n Beaver ton, about 1 p. m Tu esdiv TWELVE GUESTS Red Rome Beoutle* lb 12c, bx 3.89 Please call Be 3364 *2p 3 lb*. 25c, bo* 2.98 Mr. and Mr* George Struger Wmesep* W A N T E D — Will pav cash for entertained 12 guests Saturday small house trailer Dallev’s evening in honor of their tenth 32p wedding anniversary Motel, Tigard. Ore LEMONS lb. lb. 1 lb. 13c lb. 5 M/2C b. 4c SPINACH 1 woth«d — APPLES — Fo o d s Leg of Lomb" it just on example O ther cuts, roasts, iteoks and chop« are always tnmmed 'he was'e-hee way before weighing al Safew ay this saves you money a« w ell os assures you of meal ready to c o a t BACON lb lb lb lb lb 49c 45 c 69c 49c 65c Wosio ff«« Sea Foods — SA LM O N STEAKS lb 69c HALIBUT STEAKS lb 59c FRESH OYSTERS . . . . Pint 59c — Evucora'od Poultry — Leon — Flavorful BY TH E PIECE Lb. 69c PICNICS Hockl#ss! Path Black H a w k FRYERS, reody for the pan lb 75c ROASTERS ready to roast . . . . lb 75c FOW L, ready to stew .............. lb 65c 25c 22c G rapefruit Juice **'N^**™/ 21c Blended Juice 25c Blended Ju ice r* l i e Orange Juice f,M ° sw* “* lie Orange Ju ice M ~ 25c V-8 Juice '•* l,~ 13c ^ - 32c Tomato Juice **** 4 4 27c Kadota Fig* s'*w#" **• ,0° **" 19c Fruit C o ck tail r/t 38c Fancy G rap efru it N® 1 |9 C Peaches Muhm 0 ** •*” 29c P re p a re d TEXAS PINKS c h a lf á ^ S O We’ll gladly adjust our price on any item of like grade and quality to meet the competitive price. Prune Juice MmH o»/.»** G rapefruit Juice u £ * " * .* 01 Pound for pound you got more tender meet when you buy it cut "Weste-free" et Safewey T-BONE BEEF STEAKS _ Jb. 79c; BEEF POT ROASTS, Blades . . FRESH GROUND BEEF CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS PORK SA U SA G E ■ BULK LEA N LA M B RIB CHOPS C a n n e d J u ic e s an d F r u it s Nob Hill Coffe® Mk *•* 45c Wk 89c Airway C o ffe e ,lk k*’ 43c ,,k * I." Hill* & M .J.B. C o ffe e ' * — 53c Tea Bags c#^w*wy «• w* 45c '*’• 17C Tea Bags ,k‘k** ^ 20c BUDGET STORY I f yo u on ¡tom o d » e rti» « d in th is to w n a t a p rico lo w e r th a n S a fe w a y «, p F a t o b rin g a co py of the a d lo o u r n e a re s t «tore. U)aa!c-t)VUdJoed Solo.! C o ffe e and T e a McKinley News Th e annual school budget m eeting w ill be held at M cKin­ ley school, Friday evening, Jan. 30 at 7:30 p. m. All taxpayers in the district are urged to at­ tend this meeting and become acquainted with the provisions of FOR S A LE — Berry wire, used J. the new county school board A. Lincoln, Rte. 1. Box 429, setup now In force. Beaverton. Phone 2713. Call mornings. 52 A N N I V E R S A R Y P O T L U C K m )////,- Fancy Peas Sugar Belle Plum Preserves Shody Oak M b. Ja r 15' «fl c c Pork & Beans Vm* c,mß N* 100 e** I 5c Pork & Bean* Cmm* N- «" 19c Gordenside Chicken Tamales c*" I Ic Standard Vegetable Ravioli *'”•'* **• 9c Fricassee Chicken lrW** n 'M- “ * 83c Beef Stew •** 55c No. 303 Vegetable Stew " • * r —*~* 37c Can* 3 * . , 2 5 c Veal Loaf - 25c Doz. 9 5 * Prem Lunch M eat s’ m 49c Lunch M eat l ,~m- 47c PEAS C a n n e d V e g e ta b le s Gordons'da Lima Beans ^ ! *** 10 c Sliced Beets " * * * "•> ‘ - ,0 c Diced Beets w r***r *• 1 *** 10 c Diced C arro ts £>*~w "■ 9c Cream C o rn 15c Kernel C o rn a* i • 2 1« White Hominy ^ ** Ak •• 16c Okra **• **•. t mm | 7 C Sweet Potatoes •“ I 5c Sweet Potetoes T0r*m “ * 23c Sweet Potetoe* Tmfim M « | Colum bia Sauerkraut ** lie Tomatoes • **»6 *••!*«» 23c Tomatoes 1 •“ 25« Baby Food* " ' ' r , . 2 *■■ 15« Baby Food« 2 — 15« Green Beans 2 „2 5 e DOZ. > 1 .4 5 Pork & Beans C o m 4 Swoyna No. 2 con Lb. 49c 12 COM 17' $ 1 .9 5 E d w a r d s C o f f e e " k 5 0 c Wk 9 9 c * * $ 1 .9 7 P o w d e re d and B ro w n S u g a r 11c •-•s 29c Fre sh R o a ste d P e a n u ts P itte d D a te s $•»' ktmm4 i a .«tu pk* 2 9 c G r e a t N o rth e rn B ea n s Su san n a P a n c a k e F lo u r S p e r r y P a n c a k e F lo u r P ea n u t B u tte r ]-lb -«II« ptg 32C IVl-iV pig 4-lk. pig 4 9 c 1-* i«r 5 5 c S tra in e d H o n e y S le e p y H o llo w S y ru p I2*«z battle A p r ic o t P r e s e r v e s 27c Tomatoes Gordensid®— Sfonda rd T o m a to S a u c e G r a p e f r u it «—*— »««»—» — $ 1.29 2 4c 2 ,b 4 5 c 19' No. 2«/i can *»*•* **• 5 c n *. > «• ] 7 ^ G r a p e f r u it J u ic e r*** H**m * * ,w T o m ato J u ic e *• n 10 c **■** Crm Fancy C o ra » "*■ r* a* » « • Faacy C o ra c" * f Mo }V| » • F a a c y S p in a c h mo . i « * C o rn e d B e e f H a sh ( Mo. V« S a r d ia e s , c**'*'* *— K itch e a C r a f t F lo a r 20 c 10 c 23c 17c 19c ] 7c 29c J 4g $ 2 .3 9 Applesauce Alton » O4d-fofhton«d 3 — 29* < j£ c •» f • « I I V • t h r o n g * I M. Be s u r e . . . shop S A F E W A Y