CEDAR MILL Tax Assistance XMAS TABLEAUX Tableaux depicting the story of Chistmas were impressively presented by students of the Cedar Mill School for their program at the school house, Tuesday evening Dec. 23. The school chorus composed of 36 children accompanied the scen es. Following the program the 3rd and 4th grade room was used for light refreshments. At a table decorated with a Xmas centerpiece, Mrs. P. A. Thorne poured coffee and Mrs. A1 N. French served punch. Cookies were the accompanying food. School will be resumed Mon day, January 5. Make an appointment with Glamour today .. .. Call Aloha 6125 and arrange for the "head to finger tip" special. PA TS Beauty Shoppe G o ac( v Jb u a t o c it i 194A EXTENSION PROJECT Barbershop quartets end handlebar mus taches may be out of style, but hearty good fellowship never goes out of date. In this friendly, jovial spirif we wish you the best of luck the coming year. MONTANA GUESTS Among dinner guests at the S. F. Walters’ home on Xmas j day were Mr. and Mrs. Lee H. Scheels, of Drummond, Mon tana. The Scheels are visiting relatives here during the holi days. ALOHA, OREGON 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Tuesday Through Saturday, Closed Monday, Phone 6125 Classified Ads Bring Results XMAS GUESTS Guests over Christmas at the V. C. Miner home included Mr and Mrs. Leon W iliam s and two children of Seattle and th e , J . M. Keffers of Hillsboro. CHICK* A party Xmas night at the P. A. Thome home included members of the Kattermon fam ilies. o ^ S T f& IC HOLIDAY REUNION DIMMERS *V* 6 - Cu lU/(Ttr/yi'r.d 1 1 ___ > > " » N '• ' R V A T i O N S B r .O I U H U H D\> S 5-11 r is i . */■»..* ' ' f ■ ' OPEN SUNDAY 1 - 10 “Courtesy in public places,” is the subject to be covered by pro ject leaders at the home exten sion unit to be held Thursday. January 8 at 1 p. m. at the home of Mrs. W. J. Pollette. ALOHA THEATRE RICHARD'S Barber Shop Aloha PARTY NIGHT /fC L *n < « i f r . Deputy collectors from th Treasury department's internal revenue service, will visit Wash ington county at only two p’ace- to assist farmers in preparing and filing forms 1040-FS, Declar ation of estimated tax for calend ar year 1947 or f°r the prepara tion and filing of income tax returns for 1948. Other taxpayers will be as sisted by the department repre sentatives later. On January 2, the deputy col! ector will be at Forest Grove Then, from January 13 through 15, he will visit Hillsboro. Fridoy and Saturday January 2 - 3 Ç AU urte and a ll stirring! ¿•¿S3, Holiday guests of the Lloyd Woodell’s include Mrs. Wood- ell’s mother, Mrs. Maud Glore of Seattle; Mr. Woodell’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Miles Wood ell, of Summerville, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Nels Ostrom of Sea ttle, and Jack Evans of Red. ding, alif., Mrs. Ostrom is a sister to Mrs. Woodell and Mr. Evans a nephew. • mm m mt M M - SlunON » PFC Patrick J. Balfe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Balfe of Be averton, Oregon, has recently re turned from combat maneuvers at tiie Aebano Maneuver area in southern Honshu, Japan. He is serving with the 35th Infantry Regiment of the 25th Infantry (Tropic Lightning) Division com manded by Major General Chas L. Mullins, Jr. At Aebano, Balfe participated in field problems and tactics which approximated combat con ditions where possible. This phase of instruction helped ines timably in furthering the mili tary training of the 35th. Balfe entered the Army on Sept. 24, 1946, and received his basic training at Ft. Bliss, Texas He departed for overseas duty on Dec. 5, 1946, and upon his ar rival in Japan was assigned to the 25th Division. W m m , lO M HUmUS IM M « K M IIM U 1 1 — plus-- ■■I Smokey River Serenade" ★ ROY'S ★ RADIO SERVICE with Ruth Jerry, Paul Campbell Another New Year! Sunday and Monday January 4 - 5 There’s a lilt of the spirit, Aloha, Oregon a wanning of the heart! There’s laughter and youth . , . sixty joins hands with twenty, and on this day the BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS old grow young and youth to throws off the grasp of time. The Aloha r • r A Paromount Picture . ¿ ’ we wish for you the very ALO HA, ORE. Phone Aloha 6334 stürmt RAY MILLAND BARBARA STANWYCK BARRY FITZGERALD On this happy occasion Pharmacy best that life affords! FA Aloha Sheet Metal Works ALOHA SW EET SHOP Corner Alex, and Stacey Next door to Theatre S CONTINUOUS MATINEE General Sheet Metal Work Also - •• HEIL OIL FURNACES (PACKAGE UNITS) C. J. DASHNEY Phone Aloha 6397 BLINDS OP ENDURING Tailored to YOUR Wind««-« - Free Estimate« Torma R Karon 8875 6820 8. W. Canyon Road Eves. East 2423. Ml' 2967 Portland. Ore. GR.EEWIGS Alterations Hemstitching iC M I L A D Y ’ S A L O H A , a A P P A R E L O B f G O N NE.W Y E A R , to SEASON'S GREETINGS! To our Faithful old friends and our valued new ones we send these Former Clemens Station greetings oj the New Year GRAHAM TRANSFER ito H A 6614 177 E. Broadway Beaverton, Oregon I** H P R O S P E R O U S L u b rica tio n January 6 - 7 - 8 /a 1 $ pijj • MOTOR TUNE-LT Tue*., Wed., Thurs. Phones PORTLAND V E . 4139 feABRACKEN CASS DALEY ATTEND A FREE LECTURE West Hills Venetian Blind Flo. Y E A tu r i y' ATs Motor Service Christian Science teaches reliance on God alone BEAUTY cl the pasteboards Maralyn Boy- «•i drew out the following win- The lucky 6 customers arid ' ners: First, Mrs H K Knopp, a guests of Florence’s Sew mg Cen ter, Beaverton, were selected on cushion; second, Mr Willis Cady, schedule, Saturday. Decemiier 27 hand-painted pillow <N»ses: third. Mrs. W. H. Kent, pequot pillow 4 p. m. cases, fourth, Mrs. W. C. Wright, Fred Sylvtseer broke the s»a. tin the box containing the naim- apron, fifth, Mrs. A C. Barnett. Otis and, after a thorough shaking up $1.25 credit; sixth, Mrs. Thomas. $1 (V) credit. • MOTO-SWA^ EVERY SUNDAY starting at 2 p. m. ALOHA, OREGON Barnes PTA executive board met at the president’s home, Mrs. H. C. Walters. Itecembei 19 for a Xmas party and busi ness meeting. The treasurer’s book was aud ited before the meeting anti a report of approval was given the Ixtard by the auditing chair man. Mr. James Becker. At the general meeting December 12. it was voted that money remaining from the Xmas fund after pay ing bills should be used to buy bells to go with the rhythm band the school board ixuight for the primary room. Mr. Book er expressed our appreciation to Mrs. Charles Daniel for keep ing the cost low’ for the treats Mrs. Sadie Thompson volun teered and was accepted by the executive board to take charge of Summer Round-Up which as sists in complying with the state law for all pre-school children to have medical examination be fore entering school Letters are being mailed asking the parents’ opinion on the course of Bible study in Barnes school. Please reply as soon as possible. Mr. Becker played Santa Claus Our hostess, Mrs. Walters serv ed coffee and cake. There will he no business at the January 9 meeting. The program will be turned over to Dr. Adolph Weinzirl, represent ing the E. C. Brown Trust Fund He will present a technicolor movie film "Human Growth." BEAVERTON ENTERPRISE Fridoy, January 2, 1948 Florence Sewing Center Announce Lucky 6 Winners Patrick J . Balfe Returns To Base From Field Trip « ■ ( M l DOM eUMHINKT NAiKt DM KPW t M M V iU H M U M O X f Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Barnes Auditing Committee O K’s Board Treasurer plus entitled Three Stooges in “ Christian Seiesiee The Religion Which Teaches True Spirituality” "Half W its Holiday' .11 d u S u ttf /tie „ by G. l/s ATTEN TION IT'S A CINCH TO FLY WITH ’ED" BALL and "BUD" RALSTON W HETHER FOR BUSINESS OR PLEASURE G. I. Training Available First t ’hnrcli of Christ Scientist Portland. . . . PHONE 3060 HILLSBORO; SERVICE honored greeting. Special Attention Given Every Job ¡Carlson G arage I Welding and Machine Shop . GROCERIES & MEATS- M achinery Built to Order G E N E R \l. Ri r U R I N G « for C ars, Trucks ond Trn^tors ALL ARE HILLSBORO AIRPORT RESIDENCE 3424 ill CORDIALLY INVITED 71 a w ‘Ijsu a A . and here we are again repeating the time- Oregon S in ce 1929 (K a p p i^ ALL WORK GUARANTEED JANUARY 9 The City Auditorium. S. W. Third Ave. and Clay St. Full Maintenance and Repair BALL-RALSTON ALOHA, OREGON 8 P. M. In PIPER SALES and SERVICE we wished you a SHOE REPAIR SHOP PROMPT FRIDAY, Time flies! It seems but yesterday since __ F U L T Z Elisabeth F. Norwood. CSB of Brookline. Massachusetts Member of the Board of Lec tureship of The M o t h e r Church. The First Church of C hrist Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts. lir e * » Standard O il Products 1 Phone 6301 ALOHA, O^IGON j t n i A i , A m n / l No . 120 on T U A L A T IN H IG H W A Y r n O I 1 6 Z l U t Plenty of F R E E PARKING SPACE! i